1 | % [SVD1,SVD2,PC1,PC2,EXPVAR,Lambda] = CALSVD2(A,B,N) Compute SVDs
2 | %
3 | % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD -
4 | % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997
5 | %================================================================
6 | %
7 | % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004
8 | % gmaze@univ-brest.fr
9 |
10 |
11 | function [e1,e2,pc1,pc2,expvar,Lambda,dsumCF] = calsvd2(A,B,N);
12 |
13 |
14 | %================================================================
15 | % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD -
16 | % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997 => p18
17 |
18 | % Assume that A is (time*map) matrix
19 | [n p]=size(A);
20 |
21 | % Remove the mean of each column (ie the time mean in each station records)
22 | S=detrend(A,'constant');
23 | P=detrend(B,'constant');
24 |
25 | % Form the covariance matrix:
26 | C=S'*P;
27 |
28 | % Find eigenvectors and singular values
29 | [U,Lambda,V] = svds(C,N);
30 |
31 | % PC
32 | a=S*U;
33 | b=P*V;
34 |
35 | % Make them clear for output
36 | for iN=1:N
37 | e1(iN,:) = squeeze( U(:,iN) )';
38 | pc1(iN,:) = squeeze( a(:,iN) )';
39 | e2(iN,:) = squeeze( V(:,iN) )';
40 | pc2(iN,:) = squeeze( b(:,iN) )';
41 | end
42 |
43 | % Amount of variance explained a 0.1 pres et en %
44 | L2=Lambda.^2;
45 | dsum=diag(L2)/trace(L2);
46 | for iN=1:N
47 | expvar(iN)=fix( ( dsum(iN)*100/sum(dsum) )*10 ) /10;
48 | end
49 |