# Configuration options. gdb = not-set assert = not-set assert2 = not-set debug = not-set openmp = not-set prefix = not-set gklib_path = not-set metis_path = not-set msmpi_root = not-set shared = not-set cc = mpicc cxx = mpicxx ar = not-set gcc-ar = not-set ranlib = not-set gcc-ranlib = not-set linker = not-set nm = not-set objcopy = not-set objdump = not-set rc = not-set strip = not-set # Basically proxies everything to the builddir cmake. PKGNAME = parmetis-4.0.3 cputype = $(shell uname -m | sed "s/\\ /_/g") systype = $(shell uname -s) BUILDDIR = build/$(systype)-$(cputype) # Process configuration options. CONFIG_FLAGS = -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=1 ifeq ($(gklib_path), not-set) gklib_path = metis/GKlib endif ifeq ($(metis_path), not-set) metis_path = metis endif CONFIG_FLAGS += -DGKLIB_PATH=$(abspath $(gklib_path)) -DMETIS_PATH=$(abspath $(metis_path)) ifneq ($(local_msmpi), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DLOCAL_MSMPI=1 -DMSMPI_ROOT=$(abspath $(msmpi_root)) endif ifneq ($(gdb), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DGDB=$(gdb) endif ifneq ($(assert), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DASSERT=$(assert) endif ifneq ($(assert2), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DASSERT2=$(assert2) endif ifneq ($(debug), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DDEBUG=$(debug) endif ifneq ($(openmp), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DOPENMP=$(openmp) endif ifneq ($(prefix), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(prefix) endif ifneq ($(shared), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DSHARED=1 endif ifneq ($(cc), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(cc) endif ifneq ($(cxx), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(cxx) endif ifneq ($(ar), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_AR=$(ar) endif ifneq ($(gcc-ar), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_AR=$(gcc-ar) -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_AR=$(gcc-ar) endif ifneq ($(ranlib), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_RANLIB=$(ranlib) endif ifneq ($(gcc-ranlib), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_RANLIB=$(gcc-ranlib) -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_RANLIB=$(gcc-ranlib) endif ifneq ($(linker), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_LINKER=$(linker) endif ifneq ($(nm), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_NM=$(nm) endif ifneq ($(objcopy), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_OBJCOPY=$(objcopy) endif ifneq ($(objdump), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_OBJDUMP=$(objdump) endif ifneq ($(rc), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_RC_COMPILER=$(rc) endif ifneq ($(strip), not-set) CONFIG_FLAGS += -DCMAKE_STRIP=$(strip) endif define run-config mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR) cd $(BUILDDIR) && cmake $(CURDIR) $(CONFIG_FLAGS) endef all clean install: @if [ ! -f $(BUILDDIR)/Makefile ]; then \ more BUILD.txt; \ else \ make -C $(BUILDDIR) $@ $(MAKEFLAGS); \ fi uninstall: xargs rm < $(BUILDDIR)/install_manifest.txt config: distclean $(run-config) distclean: rm -rf $(BUILDDIR) remake: find . -name CMakeLists.txt -exec touch {} ';' dist: util/mkdist.sh $(PKGNAME) .PHONY: config distclean dist all clean install uninstall remake