Return list of pixels in a ring or ring section
pixList = inRing(nSide, nRing, phi0, dPhi, 'Param1', Value1, ...);
Input Arguments
nSide HEALPix resolution parameter nRing Ring number (1 <= nRing <= 4*nSide-1) phi0, dPhi (optional) Ring section longitudes [phi-dPhi,phi+dPhi]
Param Value 'nest' return pixels with nested indexing (true | {false}) 'strict' return only pixels whose center is in longitude range (true | {false})
Return Arguments
pixList size(nRing) cell array of pixels in ring defined by nRing, phi0, dPhi
nRing may be a numeric array, in which case phi0, dPhi and nest may each be either scalar or a size(nRing) array. If strict is false (default) then all pixels intersected by longitude range are included in pixList.
% All pixels in ring 2 of nSide = 4 pixelization (ring indexed) pix = inRing(4,2); pix{:} % Same, but nested indexing pix = inRing(4,2,'nest',true); pix{:} nest2ring(4,pix{:}) % Pixels in rings [2,4;8,10;12,14] and the longitude band % [7*pi/4,9*pi/4] nRing = [2,3;5,12;13,14]; pix = inRing(4,nRing,2*pi,pi/4); pix{1} pix{end} % Same, with strict selection pix = inRing(4,nRing,2*pi,pi/4,'strict',true); pix{1} pix{end}
ans = 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ans = 65 16 15 32 31 48 47 64 ans = 137 1 5 2 7 3 9 4 ans = 12 5 6 ans = 188 181 182 ans = 12 5 ans = 188 181
See also
ring2z, pix2vec
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