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65 | </style></head><body><div class="content"><h1>Function Alphabetical List</h1><!--introduction--><div><ul><li><a href="alm2pix_help.html">alm2pix</a> - Evaluate spherical harmonic function expansion on HEALPix pixels</li><li><a href="alm2spec_help.html">alm2spec</a> - valuate angular power spectral density</li><li><a href="ang2pix_help.html">ang2pix</a> - Convert spherical coordinate location to HEALPix pixel number</li><li><a href="ang2vec_help.html">ang2vec</a> - Convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates</li><li><a href="angDist_help.html">angDist</a> - Computes angular distance on the unit sphere</li><li><a href="corners_help.html">corners</a> - Find pixel corners</li><li><a href="hp3d_help.html">hp3d</a> - Plots a HEALPix dataset on a 3D sphere</li><li><a href="hpStat_help.html">hpStat</a> - Compute descriptive statistics of a pixel value list</li><li><a href="inRing_help.html">inRing</a> - return pixels in ring or ring section</li><li><a href="nPix2nSide_help.html">nPix2nSide</a> - Convert number of pixels to number of facet side subdivisions</li><li><a href="nSide2nPix_help.html">nSide2nPix</a> - Convert resolution parameter to number of pixels</li><li><a href="nSide2res_help.html">nSide2res</a> - Calculates angular resolution of a HEALPix map in arcsec</li><li><a href="nest2ring_help.html">nest2ring</a> - Convert MEALPix pixel numbers from nest to ring indexing</li><li><a href="pix2alm_help.html">pix2alm</a> - Find spherical harmonic decomposition of function on sphere</li><li><a href="pix2ang_help.html">pix2ang</a> - Find spherical coordinate location of HEALPix pixels</li><li><a href="pix2vec_help.html">pix2vec</a> - convert HEALPix pixel numbers to (x,y,z) unit vector</li><li><a href="pix2xy_help.html">pix2xy</a> - Find pixel cartesian face coordinates</li><li><a href="queryDisc_help.html">queryDisc</a> - Find all pixels whose centers are within a specified disc</li><li><a href="res2nSide_help.html">res2nSide</a> - Finds minimum base pixel sub-division for required resolution</li><li><a href="ring2nest_help.html">ring2nest</a> - Convert MEALPix pixel numbers from ring to nest indexing</li><li><a href="ring2z_help.html">ring2z</a> - Find HEALPix ring number corresponding to a given z coordinate</li><li><a href="vec2ang_help.html">vec2ang</a> - Convert cartesian direction vector to position angle on sphere</li><li><a href="vec2pix_help.html">vec2pix</a> - Convert cartesian direction vectors to MEALPix pixel numbers</li><li><a href="xy2pix_help.html">xy2pix</a> - Find pixel number from face and coordinates in face</li><li><a href="ylm_help.html">ylm</a> - Return spherical harmonic basis function <img src="helpfuncalpha_eq71008.png" alt="$Y_L^M$"> on the HEALPix sphere</li><li><a href="z2ring_help.html">z2ring</a> - Find HEALPix ring numbers from direction vector z coordinate</li></ul></div><!--/introduction--><p>Copyright 2010-2011 Lee Samuel Finn. <a href="mealpix_notices.html">Terms of Use</a>.</p><p class="footer"><br>
66 | Published with MATLAB® 7.12<br></p></div><!--
67 | ##### SOURCE BEGIN #####
68 | %% Function Alphabetical List
69 | % * <alm2pix_help.html alm2pix> - Evaluate spherical harmonic function expansion on HEALPix pixels
70 | % * <alm2spec_help.html alm2spec> - valuate angular power spectral density
71 | % * <ang2pix_help.html ang2pix> - Convert spherical coordinate location to HEALPix pixel number
72 | % * <ang2vec_help.html ang2vec> - Convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates
73 | % * <angDist_help.html angDist> - Computes angular distance on the unit sphere
74 | % * <corners_help.html corners> - Find pixel corners
75 | % * <hp3d_help.html hp3d> - Plots a HEALPix dataset on a 3D sphere
76 | % * <hpStat_help.html hpStat> - Compute descriptive statistics of a pixel value list
77 | % * <inRing_help.html inRing> - return pixels in ring or ring section
78 | % * <nPix2nSide_help.html nPix2nSide> - Convert number of pixels to number of facet side subdivisions
79 | % * <nSide2nPix_help.html nSide2nPix> - Convert resolution parameter to number of pixels
80 | % * <nSide2res_help.html nSide2res> - Calculates angular resolution of a HEALPix map in arcsec
81 | % * <nest2ring_help.html nest2ring> - Convert MEALPix pixel numbers from nest to ring indexing
82 | % * <pix2alm_help.html pix2alm> - Find spherical harmonic decomposition of function on sphere
83 | % * <pix2ang_help.html pix2ang> - Find spherical coordinate location of HEALPix pixels
84 | % * <pix2vec_help.html pix2vec> - convert HEALPix pixel numbers to (x,y,z) unit vector
85 | % * <pix2xy_help.html pix2xy> - Find pixel cartesian face coordinates
86 | % * <queryDisc_help.html queryDisc> - Find all pixels whose centers are within a specified disc
87 | % * <res2nSide_help.html res2nSide> - Finds minimum base pixel sub-division for required resolution
88 | % * <ring2nest_help.html ring2nest> - Convert MEALPix pixel numbers from ring to nest indexing
89 | % * <ring2z_help.html ring2z> - Find HEALPix ring number corresponding to a given z coordinate
90 | % * <vec2ang_help.html vec2ang> - Convert cartesian direction vector to position angle on sphere
91 | % * <vec2pix_help.html vec2pix> - Convert cartesian direction vectors to MEALPix pixel numbers
92 | % * <xy2pix_help.html xy2pix> - Find pixel number from face and coordinates in face
93 | % * <ylm_help.html ylm> - Return spherical harmonic basis function $Y_L^M$ on the HEALPix sphere
94 | % * <z2ring_help.html z2ring> - Find HEALPix ring numbers from direction vector z coordinate
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96 | %%
97 | % Copyright 2010-2011 Lee Samuel Finn. <mealpix_notices.html Terms of Use>.
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99 | ##### SOURCE END #####
100 | --></body></html> |