[20146] | 1 | #
| 2 | # $Id: ConfigUserTemplate.cmake 12904 2014-02-17 20:52:35Z fwobbe $
| 3 | #
| 4 | # Copyright (c) 1991-2014 by P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis and F. Wobbe
| 5 | # See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
| 6 | #
| 7 | # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
| 8 | # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
| 9 | # Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
| 10 | #
| 11 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 12 | # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
| 13 | # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
| 14 | # for more details.
| 15 | #
| 16 | # Contact info: gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
| 17 | # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 18 |
| 19 | # Use this file to override variables in 'ConfigDefault.cmake' on a per-user
| 20 | # basis. First copy 'ConfigUserTemplate.cmake' to 'ConfigUser.cmake', then
| 21 | # edit 'ConfigUser.cmake'. 'ConfigUser.cmake' is not version controlled
| 22 | # (currently listed in svn:ignore property)
| 23 | #
| 24 | # Note: CMake considers an empty string, "FALSE", "OFF", "NO", or any string
| 25 | # ending in "-NOTFOUND" to be false (this happens to be case-insensitive, so
| 26 | # "False", "off", "no", and "something-NotFound" are all false). Other values
| 27 | # are true. Thus it does not matter whether you use TRUE and FALSE, ON and
| 28 | # OFF, or YES and NO for your booleans.
| 29 |
| 30 | ##
| 31 | ## Section 1: Installation paths
| 32 | ##
| 33 |
| 34 | # ============================================================================
| 35 | # Basic setup begins here. All settings are optional. In most cases, setting
| 36 | # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should be all you need to do in order to build GMT with
| 37 | # reasonable defaults enabled.
| 38 | # ============================================================================
| 39 |
| 40 | # Installation path (usually defaults to /usr/local) [auto]:
| 41 | set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "$ENV{ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install")
| 42 |
| 43 | # Set install name suffix used for directories and gmt executables
| 44 | # [undefined]:
| 45 | #set (GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX "suffix")
| 46 |
| 47 | # Install into traditional directory structure. Disable to install a
| 48 | # distribution type directory structure (doc and share separated) [on]:
| 50 |
| 51 | # Install convenience links for GMT modules. Disable to install only the main
| 52 | # gmt program and access modules as "gmt modulename options" [TRUE]:
| 54 |
| 55 | # Make executables relocatable on supported platforms (relative RPATH) [TRUE]:
| 57 |
| 58 | # ============================================================================
| 59 | # Advanced configuration begins here. Usually it is not necessary to edit any
| 60 | # settings below. You should know what you are doing if you do though. Note:
| 61 | # installation paths are relative to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} unless absolute
| 62 | # path is given.
| 63 | # ============================================================================
| 64 |
| 65 | # Set binary installation path [bin]:
| 66 | #set (GMT_BINDIR "bin")
| 67 |
| 68 | # Set library installation path [lib or lib64]:
| 69 | #set (GMT_LIBDIR "lib")
| 70 |
| 71 | # Set include installation path [include/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}]:
| 72 | #set (GMT_INCLUDEDIR "include/gmt")
| 73 |
| 74 | # Set share installation path [share or share/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}]:
| 75 | #set (GMT_DATADIR "share/gmt")
| 76 |
| 77 | # Set doc installation path [share/doc or
| 78 | # share/doc/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}]:
| 79 | #set (GMT_DOCDIR "share/doc/gmt")
| 80 |
| 81 | # Set manpage installation path [share/man or
| 82 | # share/doc/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}/man]:
| 83 | #set (GMT_MANDIR "share/doc/gmt/man")
| 84 |
| 85 | # Install documentation files from this external location instead of creating
| 86 | # new PDF and HTML documents from scratch [${GMT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc_release]:
| 88 |
| 89 | # Install manual pages from this external location instead of creating the
| 90 | # manpages from scratch [${GMT_SOURCE_DIR}/man_release]:
| 92 |
| 93 | ##
| 94 | ## Section 2: Build dependencies (should only be needed if CMake cannot
| 95 | ## automatically detect the rights version or path.)
| 96 | ##
| 97 |
| 98 | # Set path to GSHHG Shoreline Database [auto]:
| 99 | set (GSHHG_ROOT "$ENV{ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install")
| 100 |
| 101 | # Copy GSHHG files to $/coast [FALSE]:
| 102 | #set (COPY_GSHHG TRUE)
| 103 |
| 104 | # Set path to DCW Digital Chart of the World for GMT [auto]:
| 105 | #set (DCW_ROOT "dcw-gmt_path")
| 106 |
| 107 | # Copy DCW files to $/dcw [FALSE]:
| 108 | #set (COPY_DCW TRUE)
| 109 |
| 110 | # Set location of NetCDF (can be root directory, path to header file or path
| 111 | # to nc-config) [auto]:
| 112 | set (NETCDF_ROOT "/")
| 113 |
| 114 | # Set location of GDAL (can be root directory, path to header file or path to
| 115 | # gdal-config) [auto]:
| 116 | set (GDAL_ROOT "$ENV{ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install")
| 117 |
| 118 | # Set location of PCRE (can be root directory, path to header file or path to
| 119 | # pcre-config) [auto]:
| 120 | #set (PCRE_ROOT "pcre_install_prefix")
| 121 |
| 122 | # Set location of single precision FFTW (can be root directory or path to
| 123 | # header file) [auto]:
| 124 | #set (FFTW3_ROOT "fftw_install_prefix")
| 125 |
| 126 | # Set location of ZLIB (can be root directory or path to header file) [auto]:
| 127 | #set (ZLIB_ROOT "zlib_install_prefix")
| 128 |
| 129 | ##
| 130 | ## Section 3: GMT features
| 131 | ##
| 132 |
| 133 | # Enforce GPL or LGPL conformity. Use this to disable routines that cannot be
| 134 | # redistributed under the terms of the GPL or LGPL such as Shewchuk's
| 135 | # triangulation (valid values are GPL, LGPL and off) [off]:
| 137 |
| 138 | # Configure default units (possible values are SI and US) [SI]:
| 139 | #set (UNITS "US")
| 140 |
| 141 | # Enable building of shared libraries [TRUE] (disable to use static libraries;
| 142 | # not recommended):
| 144 |
| 145 | # Build GMT shared lib with supplemental modules [TRUE]:
| 147 |
| 148 | ##
| 149 | ## Section 4: Advanced tweaking
| 150 | ##
| 151 |
| 152 | #
| 153 | # Testing and development
| 154 | #
| 155 |
| 156 | # Enable running examples/tests with "ctest" or "make check" (out-of-source).
| 157 | # Need to set either DO_EXAMPLES, DO_TESTS or both and uncomment the following
| 158 | # line.
| 159 | #enable_testing()
| 160 | #set (DO_EXAMPLES TRUE)
| 161 | #set (DO_TESTS TRUE)
| 162 | # Number of parallel test jobs with "make check":
| 163 | #set (N_TEST_JOBS 4)
| 164 |
| 165 | # Enable this option to run GMT programs from within ${GMT_BINARY_DIR} without
| 166 | # installing or setting GMT_SHAREDIR and GMT_USERDIR first. This is required
| 167 | # for testing [OFF]:
| 169 |
| 170 | # List extra sub-dirs of 'src' with a CMakeList.txt to build non-module codes
| 171 | # that link against the full gmt libs (not just the API; for building codes
| 172 | # that only need the GMT API, see the gmtextension project).
| 173 | #set (EXTRA_BUILD_DIRS apidemo)
| 174 |
| 175 | # Directory in which to install the release sources per default
| 177 | #set (GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX "release-src-prefix")
| 178 |
| 179 | # If set to false, image conversion from PS images to PNG and PDF does
| 180 | # not depend on the gmt binary target. Note: "make gmt" is then required
| 181 | # before docs_depends [TRUE].
| 183 |
| 184 | #
| 185 | # Debugging
| 186 | #
| 187 |
| 188 | # Set build type can be: empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel
| 189 | # [Release]:
| 190 | #set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug)
| 191 |
| 192 | # Extra debugging for developers:
| 193 | #add_definitions(-DDEBUG)
| 194 | #add_definitions(-DMEMDEBUG) # Turn on memory tracking see gmt_support.c for extra info
| 195 | #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement") # recommended even for release build
| 196 | #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wextra ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") # extra warnings
| 197 | #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG -ggdb3) # gdb debugging symbols
| 198 | #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized") # check uninitialized variables
| 199 | #set (CMAKE_LINK_DEPENDS_DEBUG_MODE TRUE) # debug link dependencies
| 200 |
| 201 | #
| 202 | # System specific tweaks
| 203 | #
| 204 |
| 205 | # This is for GCC on Solaris to avoid "relocations remain against allocatable
| 206 | # but non-writable sections" problems:
| 207 | #set (USER_GMTLIB_LINK_FLAGS -mimpure-text)
| 208 |
| 209 | # This may be needed to enable strdup and extended math functions with GCC and
| 210 | # Suncc on Solaris:
| 212 |
| 213 | # Do not warn when building with Windows SDK or Visual Studio Express:
| 215 |
| 216 | # Manually select runtime library when compiling with Windows SDK or Visual
| 217 | # Studio Express:
| 218 | #set (CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_LIBS c:/Windows/System32/msvcr100.dll)
| 219 |
| 220 | # If your NetCDF library is static (not recommended, applies to Windows only)
| 221 | #set (NETCDF_STATIC TRUE)
| 222 |
| 223 | # If want to rename the DLLs to something else than the default (e.g. to
| 224 | # append the bitness - Windows only)
| 225 | #if (WIN32)
| 226 | # set (BITAGE 32)
| 227 | # # Detect if we are building a 32 or 64 bits version
| 228 | # if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8)
| 229 | # set (BITAGE 64)
| 230 | # endif ()
| 231 | # set (GMT_DLL_RENAME gmt_w${BITAGE})
| 232 | # set (PSL_DLL_RENAME psl_w${BITAGE})
| 233 | #endif(WIN32)
| 234 |
| 235 | # On Windows Visual C 2012 needs _ALLOW_KEYWORD_MACROS to build
| 236 | #if(MSVC11)
| 237 | # add_definitions(/D_ALLOW_KEYWORD_MACROS)
| 238 | #endif(MSVC11)
| 239 |
| 240 | # vim: textwidth=78 noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2