#!/bin/bash set -eu ## TODO # - May want to supply path to Python instead of, effectively, using result of `which python` # ## Constants # VER="3.1.1" ## Environment # export CC=mpicc export CXX=mpicxx export LDFLAGS="-L${HDF5_ROOT}/lib" # Need to do this so HDF5 symbols referenced in NETCDF library are found at link time export LIBS="-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5" # Need to do this so HDF5 symbols referenced in NETCDF library are found at link time export PREFIX="${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install" # NOTE: Need to export this to properly set destination root for Python libraries on macOS (should not affect Linux build). Set to location where external package should be installed. # Cleanup rm -rf ${PREFIX} src mkdir -p ${PREFIX} src # Download source $ISSM_DIR/scripts/DownloadExternalPackage.sh "https://issm.ess.uci.edu/files/externalpackages/gdal-${VER}.tar.gz" "gdal-${VER}.tar.gz" # Unpack source tar -zxvf gdal-${VER}.tar.gz # Move source into 'src' directory mv gdal-${VER}/* src rm -rf gdal-${VER} # Configure cd src ./configure \ --prefix="${PREFIX}" \ --enable-fast-install \ --disable-shared \ --without-ld-shared \ --enable-static \ --with-pic \ --with-curl="${CURL_ROOT}/bin/curl-config" \ --with-hdf5="${HDF5_ROOT}" \ --with-jpeg=internal \ --with-libz="${ZLIB_ROOT}" \ --with-netcdf="${NETCDF_ROOT}" \ --with-pcre=no \ --with-pg=no \ --with-png=internal \ --with-proj="${PROJ_ROOT}" \ --with-zstd=no # Compile and install if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then make make install else make -j $1 make -j $1 install fi