function varargout = pdftops(cmd) %PDFTOPS Calls a local pdftops executable with the input command % % Example: % [status result] = pdftops(cmd) % % Attempts to locate a pdftops executable, finally asking the user to % specify the directory pdftops was installed into. The resulting path is % stored for future reference. % % Once found, the executable is called with the input command string. % % This function requires that you have pdftops (from the Xpdf package) % installed on your system. You can download this from: % % % IN: % cmd - Command string to be passed into pdftops. % % OUT: % status - 0 iff command ran without problem. % result - Output from pdftops. % Copyright: Oliver Woodford, 2009-2010 % Thanks to Jonas Dorn for the fix for the title of the uigetdir window on % Mac OS. % Thanks to Christoph Hertel for pointing out a bug in check_xpdf_path % under linux. % 23/01/2014 - Add full path to pdftops.txt in warning. % Call pdftops [varargout{1:nargout}] = system(sprintf('"%s" %s', xpdf_path, cmd)); end function path_ = xpdf_path % Return a valid path % Start with the currently set path path_ = user_string('pdftops'); % Check the path works if check_xpdf_path(path_) return end % Check whether the binary is on the path if ispc bin = 'pdftops.exe'; else bin = 'pdftops'; end if check_store_xpdf_path(bin) path_ = bin; return end % Search the obvious places if ispc path_ = 'C:\Program Files\xpdf\pdftops.exe'; else path_ = '/usr/local/bin/pdftops'; end if check_store_xpdf_path(path_) return end % Ask the user to enter the path while 1 if strncmp(computer,'MAC',3) % Is a Mac % Give separate warning as the uigetdir dialogue box doesn't have a % title uiwait(warndlg('Pdftops not found. Please locate the program, or install xpdf-tools from')) end base = uigetdir('/', 'Pdftops not found. Please locate the program.'); if isequal(base, 0) % User hit cancel or closed window break; end base = [base filesep]; bin_dir = {'', ['bin' filesep], ['lib' filesep]}; for a = 1:numel(bin_dir) path_ = [base bin_dir{a} bin]; if exist(path_, 'file') == 2 break; end end if check_store_xpdf_path(path_) return end end error('pdftops executable not found.'); end function good = check_store_xpdf_path(path_) % Check the path is valid good = check_xpdf_path(path_); if ~good return end % Update the current default path to the path found if ~user_string('pdftops', path_) warning('Path to pdftops executable could not be saved. Enter it manually in %s.', fullfile(fileparts(which('user_string.m')), '.ignore', 'pdftops.txt')); return end end function good = check_xpdf_path(path_) % Check the path is valid [good, message] = system(sprintf('"%s" -h', path_)); % system returns good = 1 even when the command runs % Look for something distinct in the help text good = ~isempty(strfind(message, 'PostScript')); end