1 | %EXPORT_FIG Exports figures suitable for publication
2 | %
3 | % Examples:
4 | % im = export_fig
5 | % [im alpha] = export_fig
6 | % export_fig filename
7 | % export_fig filename -format1 -format2
8 | % export_fig ... -nocrop
9 | % export_fig ... -transparent
10 | % export_fig ... -native
11 | % export_fig ... -m<val>
12 | % export_fig ... -r<val>
13 | % export_fig ... -a<val>
14 | % export_fig ... -q<val>
15 | % export_fig ... -p<val>
16 | % export_fig ... -<renderer>
17 | % export_fig ... -<colorspace>
18 | % export_fig ... -append
19 | % export_fig ... -bookmark
20 | % export_fig(..., handle)
21 | %
22 | % This function saves a figure or single axes to one or more vector and/or
23 | % bitmap file formats, and/or outputs a rasterized version to the
24 | % workspace, with the following properties:
25 | % - Figure/axes reproduced as it appears on screen
26 | % - Cropped borders (optional)
27 | % - Embedded fonts (vector formats)
28 | % - Improved line and grid line styles
29 | % - Anti-aliased graphics (bitmap formats)
30 | % - Render images at native resolution (optional for bitmap formats)
31 | % - Transparent background supported (pdf, eps, png)
32 | % - Semi-transparent patch objects supported (png only)
33 | % - RGB, CMYK or grayscale output (CMYK only with pdf, eps, tiff)
34 | % - Variable image compression, including lossless (pdf, eps, jpg)
35 | % - Optionally append to file (pdf, tiff)
36 | % - Vector formats: pdf, eps
37 | % - Bitmap formats: png, tiff, jpg, bmp, export to workspace
38 | %
39 | % This function is especially suited to exporting figures for use in
40 | % publications and presentations, because of the high quality and
41 | % portability of media produced.
42 | %
43 | % Note that the background color and figure dimensions are reproduced
44 | % (the latter approximately, and ignoring cropping & magnification) in the
45 | % output file. For transparent background (and semi-transparent patch
46 | % objects), use the -transparent option or set the figure 'Color' property
47 | % to 'none'. To make axes transparent set the axes 'Color' property to
48 | % 'none'. Pdf, eps and png are the only file formats to support a
49 | % transparent background, whilst the png format alone supports transparency
50 | % of patch objects.
51 | %
52 | % The choice of renderer (opengl, zbuffer or painters) has a large impact
53 | % on the quality of output. Whilst the default value (opengl for bitmaps,
54 | % painters for vector formats) generally gives good results, if you aren't
55 | % satisfied then try another renderer. Notes: 1) For vector formats (eps,
56 | % pdf), only painters generates vector graphics. 2) For bitmaps, only
57 | % opengl can render transparent patch objects correctly. 3) For bitmaps,
58 | % only painters will correctly scale line dash and dot lengths when
59 | % magnifying or anti-aliasing. 4) Fonts may be substitued with Courier when
60 | % using painters.
61 | %
62 | % When exporting to vector format (pdf & eps) and bitmap format using the
63 | % painters renderer, this function requires that ghostscript is installed
64 | % on your system. You can download this from:
65 | % http://www.ghostscript.com
66 | % When exporting to eps it additionally requires pdftops, from the Xpdf
67 | % suite of functions. You can download this from:
68 | % http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf
69 | %
70 | %IN:
71 | % filename - string containing the name (optionally including full or
72 | % relative path) of the file the figure is to be saved as. If
73 | % a path is not specified, the figure is saved in the current
74 | % directory. If no name and no output arguments are specified,
75 | % the default name, 'export_fig_out', is used. If neither a
76 | % file extension nor a format are specified, a ".png" is added
77 | % and the figure saved in that format.
78 | % -format1, -format2, etc. - strings containing the extensions of the
79 | % file formats the figure is to be saved as.
80 | % Valid options are: '-pdf', '-eps', '-png',
81 | % '-tif', '-jpg' and '-bmp'. All combinations
82 | % of formats are valid.
83 | % -nocrop - option indicating that the borders of the output are not to
84 | % be cropped.
85 | % -transparent - option indicating that the figure background is to be
86 | % made transparent (png, pdf and eps output only).
87 | % -m<val> - option where val indicates the factor to magnify the
88 | % on-screen figure pixel dimensions by when generating bitmap
89 | % outputs. Default: '-m1'.
90 | % -r<val> - option val indicates the resolution (in pixels per inch) to
91 | % export bitmap and vector outputs at, keeping the dimensions
92 | % of the on-screen figure. Default: '-r864' (for vector output
93 | % only). Note that the -m option overides the -r option for
94 | % bitmap outputs only.
95 | % -native - option indicating that the output resolution (when outputting
96 | % a bitmap format) should be such that the vertical resolution
97 | % of the first suitable image found in the figure is at the
98 | % native resolution of that image. To specify a particular
99 | % image to use, give it the tag 'export_fig_native'. Notes:
100 | % This overrides any value set with the -m and -r options. It
101 | % also assumes that the image is displayed front-to-parallel
102 | % with the screen. The output resolution is approximate and
103 | % should not be relied upon. Anti-aliasing can have adverse
104 | % effects on image quality (disable with the -a1 option).
105 | % -a1, -a2, -a3, -a4 - option indicating the amount of anti-aliasing to
106 | % use for bitmap outputs. '-a1' means no anti-
107 | % aliasing; '-a4' is the maximum amount (default).
108 | % -<renderer> - option to force a particular renderer (painters, opengl
109 | % or zbuffer) to be used over the default: opengl for
110 | % bitmaps; painters for vector formats.
111 | % -<colorspace> - option indicating which colorspace color figures should
112 | % be saved in: RGB (default), CMYK or gray. CMYK is only
113 | % supported in pdf, eps and tiff output.
114 | % -q<val> - option to vary bitmap image quality (in pdf, eps and jpg
115 | % files only). Larger val, in the range 0-100, gives higher
116 | % quality/lower compression. val > 100 gives lossless
117 | % compression. Default: '-q95' for jpg, ghostscript prepress
118 | % default for pdf & eps. Note: lossless compression can
119 | % sometimes give a smaller file size than the default lossy
120 | % compression, depending on the type of images.
121 | % -p<val> - option to add a border of width val to eps and pdf files,
122 | % where val is in units of the intermediate eps file. Default:
123 | % 0 (i.e. no padding).
124 | % -append - option indicating that if the file (pdfs only) already
125 | % exists, the figure is to be appended as a new page, instead
126 | % of being overwritten (default).
127 | % -bookmark - option to indicate that a bookmark with the name of the
128 | % figure is to be created in the output file (pdf only).
129 | % handle - The handle of the figure, axes or uipanels (can be an array of
130 | % handles, but the objects must be in the same figure) to be
131 | % saved. Default: gcf.
132 | %
133 | %OUT:
134 | % im - MxNxC uint8 image array of the figure.
135 | % alpha - MxN single array of alphamatte values in range [0,1], for the
136 | % case when the background is transparent.
137 | %
138 | % Some helpful examples and tips can be found at:
139 | % https://github.com/ojwoodford/export_fig
140 | %
141 | % See also PRINT, SAVEAS.
142 |
143 | % Copyright (C) Oliver Woodford 2008-2014
144 |
145 | % The idea of using ghostscript is inspired by Peder Axensten's SAVEFIG
146 | % (fex id: 10889) which is itself inspired by EPS2PDF (fex id: 5782).
147 | % The idea for using pdftops came from the MATLAB newsgroup (id: 168171).
148 | % The idea of editing the EPS file to change line styles comes from Jiro
149 | % Doke's FIXPSLINESTYLE (fex id: 17928).
150 | % The idea of changing dash length with line width came from comments on
151 | % fex id: 5743, but the implementation is mine :)
152 | % The idea of anti-aliasing bitmaps came from Anders Brun's MYAA (fex id:
153 | % 20979).
154 | % The idea of appending figures in pdfs came from Matt C in comments on the
155 | % FEX (id: 23629)
156 |
157 | % Thanks to Roland Martin for pointing out the colour MATLAB
158 | % bug/feature with colorbar axes and transparent backgrounds.
159 | % Thanks also to Andrew Matthews for describing a bug to do with the figure
160 | % size changing in -nodisplay mode. I couldn't reproduce it, but included a
161 | % fix anyway.
162 | % Thanks to Tammy Threadgill for reporting a bug where an axes is not
163 | % isolated from gui objects.
164 |
165 | % 23/02/12: Ensure that axes limits don't change during printing
166 | % 14/03/12: Fix bug in fixing the axes limits (thanks to Tobias Lamour for
167 | % reporting it).
168 | % 02/05/12: Incorporate patch of Petr Nechaev (many thanks), enabling
169 | % bookmarking of figures in pdf files.
170 | % 09/05/12: Incorporate patch of Arcelia Arrieta (many thanks), to keep
171 | % tick marks fixed.
172 | % 12/12/12: Add support for isolating uipanels. Thanks to michael for
173 | % suggesting it.
174 | % 25/09/13: Add support for changing resolution in vector formats. Thanks
175 | % to Jan Jaap Meijer for suggesting it.
176 | % 07/05/14: Add support for '~' at start of path. Thanks to Sally Warner
177 | % for suggesting it.
178 |
179 | function [im, alpha] = export_fig(varargin)
180 | % Make sure the figure is rendered correctly _now_ so that properties like
181 | % axes limits are up-to-date.
182 | drawnow;
183 | % Parse the input arguments
184 | [fig, options] = parse_args(nargout, varargin{:});
185 | % Isolate the subplot, if it is one
186 | cls = all(ismember(get(fig, 'Type'), {'axes', 'uipanel'}));
187 | if cls
188 | % Given handles of one or more axes, so isolate them from the rest
189 | fig = isolate_axes(fig);
190 | else
191 | % Check we have a figure
192 | if ~isequal(get(fig, 'Type'), 'figure');
193 | error('Handle must be that of a figure, axes or uipanel');
194 | end
195 | % Get the old InvertHardcopy mode
196 | old_mode = get(fig, 'InvertHardcopy');
197 | end
198 | % Hack the font units where necessary (due to a font rendering bug in
199 | % print?). This may not work perfectly in all cases. Also it can change the
200 | % figure layout if reverted, so use a copy.
201 | magnify = options.magnify * options.aa_factor;
202 | if isbitmap(options) && magnify ~= 1
203 | fontu = findobj(fig, 'FontUnits', 'normalized');
204 | if ~isempty(fontu)
205 | % Some normalized font units found
206 | if ~cls
207 | fig = copyfig(fig);
208 | set(fig, 'Visible', 'off');
209 | fontu = findobj(fig, 'FontUnits', 'normalized');
210 | cls = true;
211 | end
212 | set(fontu, 'FontUnits', 'points');
213 | end
214 | end
215 | % MATLAB "feature": axes limits and tick marks can change when printing
216 | Hlims = findall(fig, 'Type', 'axes');
217 | if ~cls
218 | % Record the old axes limit and tick modes
219 | Xlims = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'XLimMode'));
220 | Ylims = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'YLimMode'));
221 | Zlims = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'ZLimMode'));
222 | Xtick = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'XTickMode'));
223 | Ytick = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'YTickMode'));
224 | Ztick = make_cell(get(Hlims, 'ZTickMode'));
225 | end
226 | % Set all axes limit and tick modes to manual, so the limits and ticks can't change
227 | set(Hlims, 'XLimMode', 'manual', 'YLimMode', 'manual', 'ZLimMode', 'manual');
228 | set_tick_mode(Hlims, 'X');
229 | set_tick_mode(Hlims, 'Y');
230 | set_tick_mode(Hlims, 'Z');
231 | % Set to print exactly what is there
232 | set(fig, 'InvertHardcopy', 'off');
233 | % Set the renderer
234 | switch options.renderer
235 | case 1
236 | renderer = '-opengl';
237 | case 2
238 | renderer = '-zbuffer';
239 | case 3
240 | renderer = '-painters';
241 | otherwise
242 | renderer = '-opengl'; % Default for bitmaps
243 | end
244 | % Do the bitmap formats first
245 | if isbitmap(options)
246 | % Get the background colour
247 | if options.transparent && (options.png || options.alpha)
248 | % Get out an alpha channel
249 | % MATLAB "feature": black colorbar axes can change to white and vice versa!
250 | hCB = findobj(fig, 'Type', 'axes', 'Tag', 'Colorbar');
251 | if isempty(hCB)
252 | yCol = [];
253 | xCol = [];
254 | else
255 | yCol = get(hCB, 'YColor');
256 | xCol = get(hCB, 'XColor');
257 | if iscell(yCol)
258 | yCol = cell2mat(yCol);
259 | xCol = cell2mat(xCol);
260 | end
261 | yCol = sum(yCol, 2);
262 | xCol = sum(xCol, 2);
263 | end
264 | % MATLAB "feature": apparently figure size can change when changing
265 | % colour in -nodisplay mode
266 | pos = get(fig, 'Position');
267 | % Set the background colour to black, and set size in case it was
268 | % changed internally
269 | tcol = get(fig, 'Color');
270 | set(fig, 'Color', 'k', 'Position', pos);
271 | % Correct the colorbar axes colours
272 | set(hCB(yCol==0), 'YColor', [0 0 0]);
273 | set(hCB(xCol==0), 'XColor', [0 0 0]);
274 | % Print large version to array
275 | B = print2array(fig, magnify, renderer);
276 | % Downscale the image
277 | B = downsize(single(B), options.aa_factor);
278 | % Set background to white (and set size)
279 | set(fig, 'Color', 'w', 'Position', pos);
280 | % Correct the colorbar axes colours
281 | set(hCB(yCol==3), 'YColor', [1 1 1]);
282 | set(hCB(xCol==3), 'XColor', [1 1 1]);
283 | % Print large version to array
284 | A = print2array(fig, magnify, renderer);
285 | % Downscale the image
286 | A = downsize(single(A), options.aa_factor);
287 | % Set the background colour (and size) back to normal
288 | set(fig, 'Color', tcol, 'Position', pos);
289 | % Compute the alpha map
290 | alpha = round(sum(B - A, 3)) / (255 * 3) + 1;
291 | A = alpha;
292 | A(A==0) = 1;
293 | A = B ./ A(:,:,[1 1 1]);
294 | clear B
295 | % Convert to greyscale
296 | if options.colourspace == 2
297 | A = rgb2grey(A);
298 | end
299 | A = uint8(A);
300 | % Crop the background
301 | if options.crop
302 | [alpha, v] = crop_borders(alpha, 0, 1);
303 | A = A(v(1):v(2),v(3):v(4),:);
304 | end
305 | if options.png
306 | % Compute the resolution
307 | res = options.magnify * get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch') / 25.4e-3;
308 | % Save the png
309 | imwrite(A, [options.name '.png'], 'Alpha', double(alpha), 'ResolutionUnit', 'meter', 'XResolution', res, 'YResolution', res);
310 | % Clear the png bit
311 | options.png = false;
312 | end
313 | % Return only one channel for greyscale
314 | if isbitmap(options)
315 | A = check_greyscale(A);
316 | end
317 | if options.alpha
318 | % Store the image
319 | im = A;
320 | % Clear the alpha bit
321 | options.alpha = false;
322 | end
323 | % Get the non-alpha image
324 | if isbitmap(options)
325 | alph = alpha(:,:,ones(1, size(A, 3)));
326 | A = uint8(single(A) .* alph + 255 * (1 - alph));
327 | clear alph
328 | end
329 | if options.im
330 | % Store the new image
331 | im = A;
332 | end
333 | else
334 | % Print large version to array
335 | if options.transparent
336 | % MATLAB "feature": apparently figure size can change when changing
337 | % colour in -nodisplay mode
338 | pos = get(fig, 'Position');
339 | tcol = get(fig, 'Color');
340 | set(fig, 'Color', 'w', 'Position', pos);
341 | A = print2array(fig, magnify, renderer);
342 | set(fig, 'Color', tcol, 'Position', pos);
343 | tcol = 255;
344 | else
345 | [A, tcol] = print2array(fig, magnify, renderer);
346 | end
347 | % Crop the background
348 | if options.crop
349 | A = crop_borders(A, tcol, 1);
350 | end
351 | % Downscale the image
352 | A = downsize(A, options.aa_factor);
353 | if options.colourspace == 2
354 | % Convert to greyscale
355 | A = rgb2grey(A);
356 | else
357 | % Return only one channel for greyscale
358 | A = check_greyscale(A);
359 | end
360 | % Outputs
361 | if options.im
362 | im = A;
363 | end
364 | if options.alpha
365 | im = A;
366 | alpha = zeros(size(A, 1), size(A, 2), 'single');
367 | end
368 | end
369 | % Save the images
370 | if options.png
371 | res = options.magnify * get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch') / 25.4e-3;
372 | imwrite(A, [options.name '.png'], 'ResolutionUnit', 'meter', 'XResolution', res, 'YResolution', res);
373 | end
374 | if options.bmp
375 | imwrite(A, [options.name '.bmp']);
376 | end
377 | % Save jpeg with given quality
378 | if options.jpg
379 | quality = options.quality;
380 | if isempty(quality)
381 | quality = 95;
382 | end
383 | if quality > 100
384 | imwrite(A, [options.name '.jpg'], 'Mode', 'lossless');
385 | else
386 | imwrite(A, [options.name '.jpg'], 'Quality', quality);
387 | end
388 | end
389 | % Save tif images in cmyk if wanted (and possible)
390 | if options.tif
391 | if options.colourspace == 1 && size(A, 3) == 3
392 | A = double(255 - A);
393 | K = min(A, [], 3);
394 | K_ = 255 ./ max(255 - K, 1);
395 | C = (A(:,:,1) - K) .* K_;
396 | M = (A(:,:,2) - K) .* K_;
397 | Y = (A(:,:,3) - K) .* K_;
398 | A = uint8(cat(3, C, M, Y, K));
399 | clear C M Y K K_
400 | end
401 | append_mode = {'overwrite', 'append'};
402 | imwrite(A, [options.name '.tif'], 'Resolution', options.magnify*get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'), 'WriteMode', append_mode{options.append+1});
403 | end
404 | end
405 | % Now do the vector formats
406 | if isvector(options)
407 | % Set the default renderer to painters
408 | if ~options.renderer
409 | renderer = '-painters';
410 | end
411 | % Generate some filenames
412 | tmp_nam = [tempname '.eps'];
413 | if options.pdf
414 | pdf_nam = [options.name '.pdf'];
415 | else
416 | pdf_nam = [tempname '.pdf'];
417 | end
418 | % Generate the options for print
419 | p2eArgs = {renderer, sprintf('-r%d', options.resolution)};
420 | if options.colourspace == 1
421 | p2eArgs = [p2eArgs {'-cmyk'}];
422 | end
423 | if ~options.crop
424 | p2eArgs = [p2eArgs {'-loose'}];
425 | end
426 | try
427 | % Generate an eps
428 | print2eps(tmp_nam, fig, options.bb_padding, p2eArgs{:});
429 | % Remove the background, if desired
430 | if options.transparent && ~isequal(get(fig, 'Color'), 'none')
431 | eps_remove_background(tmp_nam, 1 + using_hg2(fig));
432 | end
433 | % Add a bookmark to the PDF if desired
434 | if options.bookmark
435 | fig_nam = get(fig, 'Name');
436 | if isempty(fig_nam)
437 | warning('export_fig:EmptyBookmark', 'Bookmark requested for figure with no name. Bookmark will be empty.');
438 | end
439 | add_bookmark(tmp_nam, fig_nam);
440 | end
441 | % Generate a pdf
442 | eps2pdf(tmp_nam, pdf_nam, 1, options.append, options.colourspace==2, options.quality);
443 | catch ex
444 | % Delete the eps
445 | delete(tmp_nam);
446 | rethrow(ex);
447 | end
448 | % Delete the eps
449 | delete(tmp_nam);
450 | if options.eps
451 | try
452 | % Generate an eps from the pdf
453 | pdf2eps(pdf_nam, [options.name '.eps']);
454 | catch ex
455 | if ~options.pdf
456 | % Delete the pdf
457 | delete(pdf_nam);
458 | end
459 | rethrow(ex);
460 | end
461 | if ~options.pdf
462 | % Delete the pdf
463 | delete(pdf_nam);
464 | end
465 | end
466 | end
467 | if cls
468 | % Close the created figure
469 | close(fig);
470 | else
471 | % Reset the hardcopy mode
472 | set(fig, 'InvertHardcopy', old_mode);
473 | % Reset the axes limit and tick modes
474 | for a = 1:numel(Hlims)
475 | set(Hlims(a), 'XLimMode', Xlims{a}, 'YLimMode', Ylims{a}, 'ZLimMode', Zlims{a}, 'XTickMode', Xtick{a}, 'YTickMode', Ytick{a}, 'ZTickMode', Ztick{a});
476 | end
477 | end
478 | end
479 |
480 | function [fig, options] = parse_args(nout, varargin)
481 | % Parse the input arguments
482 | % Set the defaults
483 | fig = get(0, 'CurrentFigure');
484 | options = struct('name', 'export_fig_out', ...
485 | 'crop', true, ...
486 | 'transparent', false, ...
487 | 'renderer', 0, ... % 0: default, 1: OpenGL, 2: ZBuffer, 3: Painters
488 | 'pdf', false, ...
489 | 'eps', false, ...
490 | 'png', false, ...
491 | 'tif', false, ...
492 | 'jpg', false, ...
493 | 'bmp', false, ...
494 | 'colourspace', 0, ... % 0: RGB/gray, 1: CMYK, 2: gray
495 | 'append', false, ...
496 | 'im', nout == 1, ...
497 | 'alpha', nout == 2, ...
498 | 'aa_factor', 0, ...
499 | 'bb_padding', 0, ...
500 | 'magnify', [], ...
501 | 'resolution', [], ...
502 | 'bookmark', false, ...
503 | 'quality', []);
504 | native = false; % Set resolution to native of an image
505 |
506 | % Go through the other arguments
507 | for a = 1:nargin-1
508 | if all(ishandle(varargin{a}))
509 | fig = varargin{a};
510 | elseif ischar(varargin{a}) && ~isempty(varargin{a})
511 | if varargin{a}(1) == '-'
512 | switch lower(varargin{a}(2:end))
513 | case 'nocrop'
514 | options.crop = false;
515 | case {'trans', 'transparent'}
516 | options.transparent = true;
517 | case 'opengl'
518 | options.renderer = 1;
519 | case 'zbuffer'
520 | options.renderer = 2;
521 | case 'painters'
522 | options.renderer = 3;
523 | case 'pdf'
524 | options.pdf = true;
525 | case 'eps'
526 | options.eps = true;
527 | case 'png'
528 | options.png = true;
529 | case {'tif', 'tiff'}
530 | options.tif = true;
531 | case {'jpg', 'jpeg'}
532 | options.jpg = true;
533 | case 'bmp'
534 | options.bmp = true;
535 | case 'rgb'
536 | options.colourspace = 0;
537 | case 'cmyk'
538 | options.colourspace = 1;
539 | case {'gray', 'grey'}
540 | options.colourspace = 2;
541 | case {'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4'}
542 | options.aa_factor = str2double(varargin{a}(3));
543 | case 'append'
544 | options.append = true;
545 | case 'bookmark'
546 | options.bookmark = true;
547 | case 'native'
548 | native = true;
549 | otherwise
550 | val = str2double(regexp(varargin{a}, '(?<=-(m|M|r|R|q|Q|p|P))-?\d*.?\d+', 'match'));
551 | if ~isscalar(val)
552 | error('option %s not recognised', varargin{a});
553 | end
554 | switch lower(varargin{a}(2))
555 | case 'm'
556 | options.magnify = val;
557 | case 'r'
558 | options.resolution = val;
559 | case 'q'
560 | options.quality = max(val, 0);
561 | case 'p'
562 | options.bb_padding = val;
563 | end
564 | end
565 | else
566 | [p, options.name, ext] = fileparts(varargin{a});
567 | if ~isempty(p)
568 | options.name = [p filesep options.name];
569 | end
570 | switch lower(ext)
571 | case {'.tif', '.tiff'}
572 | options.tif = true;
573 | case {'.jpg', '.jpeg'}
574 | options.jpg = true;
575 | case '.png'
576 | options.png = true;
577 | case '.bmp'
578 | options.bmp = true;
579 | case '.eps'
580 | options.eps = true;
581 | case '.pdf'
582 | options.pdf = true;
583 | otherwise
584 | options.name = varargin{a};
585 | end
586 | end
587 | end
588 | end
589 |
590 | % Set default anti-aliasing now we know the renderer
591 | if options.aa_factor == 0
592 | options.aa_factor = 1 + 2 * (~(using_hg2(fig) && strcmp(get(ancestor(fig, 'figure'), 'GraphicsSmoothing'), 'on')) | (options.renderer == 3));
593 | end
594 |
595 | % Convert user dir '~' to full path
596 | if numel(options.name) > 2 && options.name(1) == '~' && (options.name(2) == '/' || options.name(2) == '\')
597 | options.name = fullfile(char(java.lang.System.getProperty('user.home')), options.name(2:end));
598 | end
599 |
600 | % Compute the magnification and resolution
601 | if isempty(options.magnify)
602 | if isempty(options.resolution)
603 | options.magnify = 1;
604 | options.resolution = 864;
605 | else
606 | options.magnify = options.resolution ./ get(0, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch');
607 | end
608 | elseif isempty(options.resolution)
609 | options.resolution = 864;
610 | end
611 |
612 | % Check we have a figure handle
613 | if isempty(fig)
614 | error('No figure found');
615 | end
616 |
617 | % Set the default format
618 | if ~isvector(options) && ~isbitmap(options)
619 | options.png = true;
620 | end
621 |
622 | % Check whether transparent background is wanted (old way)
623 | if isequal(get(ancestor(fig(1), 'figure'), 'Color'), 'none')
624 | options.transparent = true;
625 | end
626 |
627 | % If requested, set the resolution to the native vertical resolution of the
628 | % first suitable image found
629 | if native && isbitmap(options)
630 | % Find a suitable image
631 | list = findobj(fig, 'Type', 'image', 'Tag', 'export_fig_native');
632 | if isempty(list)
633 | list = findobj(fig, 'Type', 'image', 'Visible', 'on');
634 | end
635 | for hIm = list(:)'
636 | % Check height is >= 2
637 | height = size(get(hIm, 'CData'), 1);
638 | if height < 2
639 | continue
640 | end
641 | % Account for the image filling only part of the axes, or vice
642 | % versa
643 | yl = get(hIm, 'YData');
644 | if isscalar(yl)
645 | yl = [yl(1)-0.5 yl(1)+height+0.5];
646 | else
647 | if ~diff(yl)
648 | continue
649 | end
650 | yl = yl + [-0.5 0.5] * (diff(yl) / (height - 1));
651 | end
652 | hAx = get(hIm, 'Parent');
653 | yl2 = get(hAx, 'YLim');
654 | % Find the pixel height of the axes
655 | oldUnits = get(hAx, 'Units');
656 | set(hAx, 'Units', 'pixels');
657 | pos = get(hAx, 'Position');
658 | set(hAx, 'Units', oldUnits);
659 | if ~pos(4)
660 | continue
661 | end
662 | % Found a suitable image
663 | % Account for stretch-to-fill being disabled
664 | pbar = get(hAx, 'PlotBoxAspectRatio');
665 | pos = min(pos(4), pbar(2)*pos(3)/pbar(1));
666 | % Set the magnification to give native resolution
667 | options.magnify = (height * diff(yl2)) / (pos * diff(yl));
668 | break
669 | end
670 | end
671 | end
672 |
673 | function A = downsize(A, factor)
674 | % Downsample an image
675 | if factor == 1
676 | % Nothing to do
677 | return
678 | end
679 | try
680 | % Faster, but requires image processing toolbox
681 | A = imresize(A, 1/factor, 'bilinear');
682 | catch
683 | % No image processing toolbox - resize manually
684 | % Lowpass filter - use Gaussian as is separable, so faster
685 | % Compute the 1d Gaussian filter
686 | filt = (-factor-1:factor+1) / (factor * 0.6);
687 | filt = exp(-filt .* filt);
688 | % Normalize the filter
689 | filt = single(filt / sum(filt));
690 | % Filter the image
691 | padding = floor(numel(filt) / 2);
692 | for a = 1:size(A, 3)
693 | A(:,:,a) = conv2(filt, filt', single(A([ones(1, padding) 1:end repmat(end, 1, padding)],[ones(1, padding) 1:end repmat(end, 1, padding)],a)), 'valid');
694 | end
695 | % Subsample
696 | A = A(1+floor(mod(end-1, factor)/2):factor:end,1+floor(mod(end-1, factor)/2):factor:end,:);
697 | end
698 | end
699 |
700 | function A = rgb2grey(A)
701 | A = cast(reshape(reshape(single(A), [], 3) * single([0.299; 0.587; 0.114]), size(A, 1), size(A, 2)), class(A));
702 | end
703 |
704 | function A = check_greyscale(A)
705 | % Check if the image is greyscale
706 | if size(A, 3) == 3 && ...
707 | all(reshape(A(:,:,1) == A(:,:,2), [], 1)) && ...
708 | all(reshape(A(:,:,2) == A(:,:,3), [], 1))
709 | A = A(:,:,1); % Save only one channel for 8-bit output
710 | end
711 | end
712 |
713 | function eps_remove_background(fname, count)
714 | % Remove the background of an eps file
715 | % Open the file
716 | fh = fopen(fname, 'r+');
717 | if fh == -1
718 | error('Not able to open file %s.', fname);
719 | end
720 | % Read the file line by line
721 | while count
722 | % Get the next line
723 | l = fgets(fh);
724 | if isequal(l, -1)
725 | break; % Quit, no rectangle found
726 | end
727 | % Check if the line contains the background rectangle
728 | if isequal(regexp(l, ' *0 +0 +\d+ +\d+ +r[fe] *[\n\r]+', 'start'), 1)
729 | % Set the line to whitespace and quit
730 | l(1:regexp(l, '[\n\r]', 'start', 'once')-1) = ' ';
731 | fseek(fh, -numel(l), 0);
732 | fprintf(fh, l);
733 | % Reduce the count
734 | count = count - 1;
735 | end
736 | end
737 | % Close the file
738 | fclose(fh);
739 | end
740 |
741 | function b = isvector(options)
742 | b = options.pdf || options.eps;
743 | end
744 |
745 | function b = isbitmap(options)
746 | b = options.png || options.tif || options.jpg || options.bmp || options.im || options.alpha;
747 | end
748 |
749 | % Helper function
750 | function A = make_cell(A)
751 | if ~iscell(A)
752 | A = {A};
753 | end
754 | end
755 |
756 | function add_bookmark(fname, bookmark_text)
757 | % Adds a bookmark to the temporary EPS file after %%EndPageSetup
758 | % Read in the file
759 | fh = fopen(fname, 'r');
760 | if fh == -1
761 | error('File %s not found.', fname);
762 | end
763 | try
764 | fstrm = fread(fh, '*char')';
765 | catch ex
766 | fclose(fh);
767 | rethrow(ex);
768 | end
769 | fclose(fh);
770 |
771 | % Include standard pdfmark prolog to maximize compatibility
772 | fstrm = strrep(fstrm, '%%BeginProlog', sprintf('%%%%BeginProlog\n/pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse'));
773 | % Add page bookmark
774 | fstrm = strrep(fstrm, '%%EndPageSetup', sprintf('%%%%EndPageSetup\n[ /Title (%s) /OUT pdfmark',bookmark_text));
775 |
776 | % Write out the updated file
777 | fh = fopen(fname, 'w');
778 | if fh == -1
779 | error('Unable to open %s for writing.', fname);
780 | end
781 | try
782 | fwrite(fh, fstrm, 'char*1');
783 | catch ex
784 | fclose(fh);
785 | rethrow(ex);
786 | end
787 | fclose(fh);
788 | end
789 |
790 | function set_tick_mode(Hlims, ax)
791 | % Set the tick mode of linear axes to manual
792 | % Leave log axes alone as these are tricky
793 | M = get(Hlims, [ax 'Scale']);
794 | if ~iscell(M)
795 | M = {M};
796 | end
797 | M = cellfun(@(c) strcmp(c, 'linear'), M);
798 | set(Hlims(M), [ax 'TickMode'], 'manual');
799 | end