1 | function RGB = cmapping(varargin)
2 | %CMAPPING Colormap linear mapping/interpolation.
3 | %
4 | % SYNTAX:
5 | % cmapping
6 | % cmapping(U)
7 | % cmapping(U,CMAP)
8 | % cmapping(U,CMAP,...,CNAN)
9 | % cmapping(U,CMAP,...,TYPE)
10 | % cmapping(U,CMAP,...,MODE)
11 | % cmapping(U,CMAP,...,MAPS)
12 | % cmapping(U,CMAP,...,CLIM)
13 | % cmapping(AX,...)
14 | % RGB = cmapping(...);
15 | %
16 | % INPUT:
17 | % U - May be one of the following options:
18 | % a) An scalar specifying the output M number of colors.
19 | % b) A vector of length M specifying the values at which
20 | % the function CMAP(IMAP) will be mapped.
21 | % c) A matrix of size M-by-N specifying intensities to be
22 | % mapped to an RGB (3-dim) image. May have NaNs elements.
23 | % DEFAULT: Current colormap length.
24 | % CMAP - A COLORMAP defined by its name or handle-function or RGB
25 | % matrix (with 3 columns) or by a combination of colors chars
26 | % specifiers ('kbcw', for example) to be mapped. See NOTE below
27 | % for more options.
28 | % DEFAULT: Current colormap
29 | % CNAN - Color for NaNs values on U, specified by a 1-by-3 RGB color
30 | % or a char specifier.
31 | % DEFAULT: Current axes background (white color: [1 1 1])
32 | % TYPE - String specifying the result type. One of:
33 | % 'colormap' Forces a RGB colormap matrix result (3 columns)
34 | % 'image' Forces a RGB image result (3 dimensions)
35 | % DEFAULT: 'image' if U is a matrix, otherwise is 'colormap'
36 | % MODE - Defines the mapping way. One of:
37 | % 'discrete' For discrete colors
38 | % 'continuous' For continuous color (interpolates)
39 | % DEFAULT: 'continuous' (interpolates between colors)
40 | % MAPS - Specifies the mapping type. One of (see NOTES below):
41 | % 'scaled' Scales mapping, also by using CLIM (as IMAGESC).
42 | % 'direct' Do not scales the mapping (as IMAGE).
43 | % DEFAULT: 'scaled' (uses CLIM)
44 | % CLIM - Two element vector that, if given, scales the mapping within
45 | % this color limits. Ignored if 'direct' is specified.
46 | % DEFAULT: [0 size(CMAP,1)] or [0 1].
47 | % AX - Uses specified axes or figure handle to set/get the colormap.
48 | % If used, must be the first input.
49 | % DEFAULT: gca
50 | %
51 | % OUTPUT (all optional):
52 | % RGB - If U is not a matrix, this is an M-by-3 colormap matrix with
53 | % RGB colors in its rows, otherwise is an RGB image: M-by-N-by-3,
54 | % with the color red intensities defined by RGB(:,:,1), the green
55 | % ones by RGB(:,:,2) and the blue ones by RGB(:,:,3).
56 | %
58 | % This functions has various functionalities like: colormap generator,
59 | % colormap expansion/contraction, color mapping/interpolation, matrix
60 | % intensities convertion to RGB image, etc.
61 | %
62 | % The basic idea is a linear mapping between the CMAP columns
63 | % [red green blue] and the U data, ignoring its NaNs.
64 | %
65 | % NOTE:
66 | % * Optional inputs use its DEFAULT value when not given or [].
67 | % * Optional outputs may or not be called.
68 | % * If a single value of U is required for interpolation, use [U U].
69 | % * If the char '-' is used before the CMAP name, the colors will be
70 | % flipped. The same occurs if U is a negative integer.
71 | %
72 | % EXAMPLE:
73 | % % Colormaps:
74 | % figure, cmapping( 256,'krgby') , colorbar
75 | % figure, cmapping(-256,'krgby' ,'discrete'), colorbar
76 | % figure, cmapping(log(1:100),[],'discrete'), colorbar
77 | % % Images:
78 | % u = random('chi2',2,20,30); u(15:16,7:9) = NaN;
79 | % u = peaks(30); u(15:16,7:9) = NaN;
80 | % v = cmapping(u,jet(64),'discrete','k');
81 | % w = cmapping(u,cmapping(log(0:63),'jet','discrete'),'discrete');
82 | % figure, imagesc(u), cmapping(64,'jet'), colorbar
83 | % title('u')
84 | % figure, imagesc(v), cmapping(64,'jet'), colorbar
85 | % title('u transformed to RGB (look the colored NaNs)')
86 | % figure, imagesc(w) ,cmapping(64,'jet'), colorbar
87 | % title('u mapped with log(colormap)')
88 | % figure, imagesc(u), cmapping(log(0:63),'jet','discrete'), colorbar
89 | % title('u with log(colormap)')
90 | %
91 | % SEE ALSO:
93 | % and
94 | % CMJOIN by Carlos Vargas
95 | % at http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange
96 | %
97 | %
98 | % ---
99 | % MFILE: cmapping.m
100 | % VERSION: 1.1 (Sep 02, 2009) (<a href="matlab:web('http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/authors/11258')">download</a>)
101 | % MATLAB: (R2008b)
102 | % AUTHOR: Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera (MEXICO)
103 | % CONTACT: nubeobscura@hotmail.com
104 |
105 | % REVISIONS:
106 | % 1.0 Released. (Jun 08, 2009)
107 | % 1.0.1 Fixed little bug with 'm' magenta color. (Jun 30, 2009)
108 | % 1.1 Fixed BUG with empty CMAP, thanks to Andrea Rumazza. (Sep 02,
109 | % 2009)
110 |
112 | % cmapping.m is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, under the
113 | % revised BSD license.
114 |
115 | % Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera
116 |
117 |
119 | % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 |
121 | % Sets defaults:
122 | AX = {}; % Calculated inside.
123 | U = []; % Calculated inside.
124 | CMAP = []; % Calculated inside.
125 | TYPE = 'colormap'; % Changes to 'image' if U is a matrix.
126 | CLIM = []; % To use in scaling
127 | CNAN = [1 1 1]; % White 'w'
128 | MODE = 'continuous'; % Scaling to CLIM
129 | MAPS = 'scaled'; % Scaled mapping
130 | method = 'linear'; % Interpolation method
131 | mflip = false; % Flip the colormap
132 |
133 | % Gets figure handle and axes handle (just in case the default colormap or
134 | % background color axes will be used.
135 | HF = get(0,'CurrentFigure');
136 | HA = [];
137 | if ~isempty(HF)
138 | HA = get(HF,'CurrentAxes');
139 | if ~isempty(HA)
140 | CNAN = get(HA,'Color'); % NaNs colors
141 | end
142 | end
143 |
144 | % Checks inputs:
145 | if nargin>8
146 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:tooManyInputs', ...
147 | 'At most 8 inputs are allowed.')
148 | elseif nargout>1
149 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:tooManyOutputs', ...
150 | 'At most 1 output is allowed.')
151 | end
152 |
153 | % Checks AX:
154 | if (~isempty(varargin)) && ~isempty(varargin{1}) && ...
155 | (numel(varargin{1})==1) && ishandle(varargin{1}) && ...
156 | strcmp(get(varargin{1},'Type'),'axes')
157 | % Gets AX and moves all other inputs to the left:
158 | AX = varargin(1);
159 | HA = AX{1};
160 | CNAN = get(HA,'Color');
161 | varargin(1) = [];
162 | end
163 |
164 | % Checks U:
165 | Nargin = length(varargin);
166 | if ~isempty(varargin)
167 | U = varargin{1};
168 | varargin(1) = [];
169 | end
170 |
171 | % Checks CMAP:
172 | if ~isempty(varargin)
173 | CMAP = varargin{1};
174 | varargin(1) = [];
175 | end
176 |
177 | % Checks input U, if not given uses as default colormap length:
178 | % Note: it is not converted to a vector in case CMAP is a function and IMAP
179 | % was not given.
180 | if isempty(U)
181 | % Gets default COLORMAP length:
182 | if ~isempty(HA)
183 | U = size(colormap(HA),1);
184 | else
185 | U = size(get(0,'DefaultFigureColormap'),1);
186 | end
187 | elseif ndims(U)>2
188 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectXInput', ...
189 | 'U must be an scalar, a vector or a 2-dimensional matrix.')
190 | end
191 |
192 | % Checks input CMAP:
193 | if isempty(CMAP)
194 | % CMAP empty, then uses default:
195 | if ~isempty(HA)
196 | CMAP = colormap(HA);
197 | if isempty(CMAP) % Fixed BUG, Sep 2009.
198 | CMAP = get(0,'DefaultFigureColormap');
199 | if isempty(CMAP)
200 | CMAP = jet(64);
201 | end
202 | end
203 | else
204 | CMAP = get(0,'DefaultFigureColormap');
205 | if isempty(CMAP)
206 | CMAP = jet(64);
207 | end
208 | end
209 | Ncmap = size(CMAP,1);
210 | elseif isnumeric(CMAP)
211 | % CMAP as an [R G B] colormap:
212 | Ncmap = size(CMAP,1);
213 | if (size(CMAP,2)~=3) || ...
214 | ((min(CMAP(:))<0) || (max(CMAP(:))>1)) || any(~isfinite(CMAP(:)))
215 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectCmapInput', ...
216 | 'CMAP is an incorrect 3 columns RGB colors.')
217 | end
218 | elseif ischar(CMAP)
219 | % String CMAP
220 | % Checks first character:
221 | switch CMAP(1)
222 | case '-'
223 | mflip = ~mflip;
224 | CMAP(1) = [];
225 | if isempty(CMAP)
226 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:emptyCmapInput',...
227 | 'CMAP function is empty.')
228 | end
229 | end
230 | if ~((exist(CMAP,'file')==2) || (exist(CMAP,'builtin')==5))
231 | % CMAP as a combination of color char specifiers:
232 | CMAP = lower(CMAP);
233 | iy = (CMAP=='y');
234 | im = (CMAP=='m');
235 | ic = (CMAP=='c');
236 | ir = (CMAP=='r');
237 | ig = (CMAP=='g');
238 | ib = (CMAP=='b');
239 | iw = (CMAP=='w');
240 | ik = (CMAP=='k');
241 | Ncmap = length(CMAP);
242 | if (sum([iy im ic ir ig ib iw ik])~=Ncmap)
243 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectCmapStringInput', ...
244 | ['String CMAP must be a valid colormap name or a combination of '...
245 | '''ymcrgbwk''.'])
246 | end
247 | % Convertion to [R G B]:
248 | CMAP = zeros(Ncmap,3);
249 | CMAP(iy,:) = repmat([1 1 0],sum(iy),1);
250 | CMAP(im,:) = repmat([1 0 1],sum(im),1); % BUG fixed Jun 2009
251 | CMAP(ic,:) = repmat([0 1 1],sum(ic),1);
252 | CMAP(ir,:) = repmat([1 0 0],sum(ir),1);
253 | CMAP(ig,:) = repmat([0 1 0],sum(ig),1);
254 | CMAP(ib,:) = repmat([0 0 1],sum(ib),1);
255 | CMAP(iw,:) = repmat([1 1 1],sum(iw),1);
256 | CMAP(ik,:) = repmat([0 0 0],sum(ik),1);
257 | else
258 | % CMAP as a function name
259 | % Changes function name to handle:
260 | CMAP = str2func(CMAP);
261 | Ncmap = []; % This indicates a CMAP function input
262 | end
263 | elseif isa(CMAP,'function_handle')
264 | Ncmap = []; % This indicates a CMAP function input
265 | else
266 | % CMAP input unrecognized:
267 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectCmapInput', ...
268 | 'Not recognized CMAP input.')
269 | end
270 |
271 | % Checks CMAP function handle:
272 | if isempty(Ncmap)
273 | % Generates the COLORMAP from function:
274 | try
275 | temp = CMAP(2);
276 | if ~all(size(temp)==[2 3]) || any(~isfinite(temp(:))), error(''), end
277 | clear temp
278 | catch
279 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectCmapFunction', ...
280 | ['CMAP function ''' func2str(CMAP) ''' must result in RGB colors.'])
281 | end
282 | end
283 |
284 | % Checks varargin:
285 | while ~isempty(varargin)
286 | if isempty(varargin{1})
287 | % continue
288 | elseif ischar(varargin{1})
289 | % string input
290 | switch lower(varargin{1})
291 | % CNAN:
292 | case 'y' , CNAN = [1 1 0];
293 | case 'm' , CNAN = [1 0 0];
294 | case 'c' , CNAN = [0 1 1];
295 | case 'r' , CNAN = [1 0 0];
296 | case 'g' , CNAN = [0 1 0];
297 | case 'b' , CNAN = [0 0 1];
298 | case 'w' , CNAN = [1 1 1];
299 | case 'k' , CNAN = [0 0 0];
300 | % MODE:
301 | case 'discrete' , MODE = 'discrete';
302 | case 'continuous', MODE = 'continuous';
303 | % TYPE:
304 | case 'colormap' , TYPE = 'colormap';
305 | case 'image' , TYPE = 'image';
306 | % MAPS:
307 | case 'direct' , MAPS = 'direct';
308 | case 'scaled' , MAPS = 'scaled';
309 | % Incorrect input:
310 | otherwise
311 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectStringInput',...
312 | ['Not recognized optional string input: ''' varargin{1} '''.'])
313 | end
314 | elseif isnumeric(varargin{1}) && all(isfinite(varargin{1}(:)))
315 | % numeric input
316 | nv = numel(varargin{1});
317 | if (nv==3) && (size(varargin{1},1)==1)
318 | % CNAN:
319 | CNAN = varargin{1}(:)';
320 | if (max(CNAN)>1) || (min(CNAN)<0)
321 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectCnanInput',...
322 | 'CNAN elements must be between 0 and 1.')
323 | end
324 | elseif (nv==2) && (size(varargin{1},1)==1)
325 | % CLIM:
326 | CLIM = sort(varargin{1},'ascend');
327 | if (diff(CLIM)==0)
328 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectClimValues',...
329 | 'CLIM must have 2 distint elements.')
330 | end
331 | else
332 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectNumericInput',...
333 | 'Not recognized numeric input.')
334 | end
335 | else
336 | error('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectInput',...
337 | 'Not recognized input.')
338 | end
339 | % Clears current optional input:
340 | varargin(1) = [];
341 | end % while
342 |
343 |
344 | % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 | % MAIN
346 | % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
347 |
348 | % U size:
349 | [m,n] = size(U);
350 | mn = m*n;
351 |
352 | % Checks TYPE:
353 | if ~any([m n]==1)
354 | % Forces image TYPE if U is a matrix:
355 | TYPE = 'image';
356 | elseif strcmp(TYPE,'colormap') && ~nargout && isempty(AX)
357 | % Changes the colormap on the specified or current axes if no output
358 | % argument:
359 | AX = {gca};
360 | end
361 |
362 | % Forces positive integer if U is an scalar, and flips CMAP if is negative:
363 | if (mn==1)
364 | U = round(U);
365 | if (U==0)
366 | if ~nargout && strcmp(TYPE,'colormap')
367 | warning('CVARGAS:cmapping:incorrectUInput',...
368 | 'U was zero and produces no colormap')
369 | else
370 | RGB = [];
371 | end
372 | return
373 | elseif (U<0)
374 | mflip = ~mflip;
375 | U = abs(U);
376 | end
377 | end
378 |
379 | % Gets CMAP from function handle:
380 | if isempty(Ncmap)
381 | if (mn==1)
382 | % From U:
383 | Ncmap = U(1);
384 | else
385 | % From default colormap:
386 | if ~isempty(HA)
387 | Ncmap = size(colormap(HA),1);
388 | else
389 | Ncmap = size(get(0,'DefaultFigureColormap'),1);
390 | end
391 | end
392 | CMAP = CMAP(Ncmap);
393 | end
394 |
395 | % Flips the colormap
396 | if mflip
397 | CMAP = flipud(CMAP);
398 | end
399 |
400 | % Check CMAP when U is an scalar::
401 | if (mn==1) && (U==Ncmap)
402 | % Finishes:
403 | if ~nargout && strcmp(TYPE,'colormap')
404 | if Nargin==0
405 | RGB = colormap(AX{:},CMAP);
406 | else
407 | colormap(AX{:},CMAP)
408 | end
409 | else
410 | RGB = CMAP;
411 | if strcmp(TYPE,'image')
412 | RGB = reshape(RGB,Ncmap,1,3);
413 | end
414 | end
415 | return
416 | end
417 |
418 | % Sets scales:
419 | if strcmp(MAPS,'scaled')
420 | % Scaled mapping:
421 | if ~isempty(CLIM)
422 | if (mn==1)
423 | mn = U;
424 | U = linspace(CLIM(1),CLIM(2),mn)';
425 | else
426 | % Continue
427 | end
428 | else
429 | CLIM = [0 1];
430 | if (mn==1)
431 | mn = U;
432 | U = linspace(CLIM(1),CLIM(2),mn)';
433 | else
434 | % Scales U to [0 1]:
435 | U = U-min(U(isfinite(U(:))));
436 | U = U/max(U(isfinite(U(:))));
437 | % Scales U to CLIM:
438 | U = U*diff(CLIM)+CLIM(1);
439 | end
440 | end
441 | else
442 | % Direct mapping:
443 | CLIM = [1 Ncmap];
444 | end
445 |
446 | % Do not extrapolates:
447 | U(U<CLIM(1)) = CLIM(1);
448 | U(U>CLIM(2)) = CLIM(2);
449 |
450 | % Sets CMAP argument:
451 | umap = linspace(CLIM(1),CLIM(2),Ncmap)';
452 |
453 | % Sets U:
454 | if (mn==2) && (U(1)==U(2))
455 | % U = [Uo Uo] implicates U = Uo:
456 | U(2) = [];
457 | mn = 1;
458 | m = 1;
459 | n = 1;
460 | end
461 |
462 | % Sets discretization:
463 | if strcmp(MODE,'discrete')
464 | umap2 = linspace(umap(1),umap(end),Ncmap+1)';
465 | for k = 1:Ncmap
466 | U((U>umap2(k)) & (U<=umap2(k+1))) = umap(k);
467 | end
468 | clear umap2
469 | end
470 |
471 | % Forces column vector:
472 | U = U(:);
473 |
474 | % Gets finite data:
475 | inan = ~isfinite(U);
476 |
477 | % Initializes:
478 | RGB = repmat(reshape(CNAN,[1 1 3]),[mn 1 1]);
479 |
480 | % Interpolates:
481 | if (Ncmap>1) && (sum(~inan)>1)
482 | [Utemp,a,b] = unique(U(~inan));
483 | RGBtemp = [...
484 | interp1(umap,CMAP(:,1),Utemp,method) ...
485 | interp1(umap,CMAP(:,2),Utemp,method) ...
486 | interp1(umap,CMAP(:,3),Utemp,method) ...
487 | ];
488 | RGB(~inan,:) = RGBtemp(b,:);
489 | else
490 | % single color:
491 | RGB(~inan,1,:) = repmat(reshape(CMAP,[1 1 3]),[sum(~inan) 1 1]);
492 | end
493 |
494 | % Just in case
495 | RGB(RGB>1) = 1;
496 | RGB(RGB<0) = 0;
497 |
499 | % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 |
501 | % Output type:
502 | if strcmp(TYPE,'colormap')
503 | RGB = reshape(RGB,mn,3);
504 | if ~isempty(AX)
505 | colormap(AX{:},RGB)
506 | if ~nargout
507 | clear RGB
508 | end
509 | end
510 | else
511 | RGB = reshape(RGB,[m n 3]);
512 | end
513 |
514 |
515 | % [EOF] cmapping.m |