1 | 7/15/09:
2 |
3 | [jschierm@astrid chaco]$ diff Makefile_old Makefile
4 | 27c27,28
5 | < MATLAB = /usr/local/libexec/matlab
6 | ---
7 | > #MATLAB = /usr/local/libexec/matlab
8 | > MATLAB = /usr/local/matlab780
9 | 30c31,32
10 | < CHACO = ../../Chaco-2.0/code
11 | ---
12 | > #CHACO = ../../Chaco-2.0/code
13 | > CHACO = ../../Chaco-2.2/code
14 | 34,35c36,37
15 | < #CC = gcc
16 | < CC = cc
17 | ---
18 | > CC = gcc
19 | > #CC = cc
20 | 39,40c41,44
21 | < AR = /usr/ccs/bin/ar rcv # for solaris 2
22 | < RANLIB = /usr/ccs/bin/ranlib # for solaris 2
23 | ---
24 | > #AR = /usr/ccs/bin/ar rcv # for solaris 2
25 | > AR = /usr/bin/ar rcv # for solaris 2
26 | > #RANLIB = /usr/ccs/bin/ranlib # for solaris 2
27 | > RANLIB = /usr/bin/ranlib # for solaris 2
28 | 91a96,97 [missing symbols]
29 | > ${CHACO}/klvspiff/flatten.c \
30 | > ${CHACO}/klvspiff/flow.c \
31 | 99a106 [missing symbols]
32 | > ${CHACO}/coarsen/makeccoords.c \
33 | 102a110 [missing symbols]
34 | > ${CHACO}/coarsen/makefgraph.c \
35 | 108a117 [missing symbols]
36 | > ${CHACO}/coarsen/maxmatch5.c \
37 | 254a264,267
38 | > #mlchaco: ${MLFILES.c} chaco.a Makefile
39 | > # mex -V4 -output mlchaco ${MLFILES.c} chaco.a -I${CHACO}/main
40 | > # mv mlchaco.mex* ${DEST_DIR}
41 | >
42 | 256c269
43 | < mex -V4 -output mlchaco ${MLFILES.c} chaco.a -I${CHACO}/main
44 | ---
45 | > mex -output mlchaco -largeArrayDims ${MLFILES.c} chaco.a -I${CHACO}/main
46 |
47 | [jschierm@astrid chaco]$ diff mlchaco_old.c mlchaco.c
48 | 34a35
49 | > #include <time.h> /* CLOCKS_PER_SEC */
50 | 56,61c57,62
51 | < void mexFunction(
52 | < int nlhs, /* number of expected outputs */
53 | < Matrix *plhs[], /* matrix pointer array returning outputs */
54 | < int nrhs, /* number of inputs */
55 | < Matrix *prhs[] /* matrix pointer array for inputs */
56 | < )
57 | ---
58 | > void mexFunction(
59 | > int nlhs, /* number of expected outputs */
60 | > mxArray *plhs[], /* array of pointers to output arguments
61 | > */
62 | > int nrhs, /* number of inputs */
63 | > const mxArray *prhs[] /* array of pointers to input arguments */
64 | > )
65 | 87a89
66 | > mwIndex *mwstart,*mwadjacency;
67 | 104c106,110
68 | < start = mxGetJc(A_in);
69 | ---
70 | > /* start = mxGetJc(A_in);*/
71 | > mwstart = mxGetJc(A_in);
72 | > start = mxMalloc((mxGetN(A_in)+1)*sizeof(int));
73 | > for (i=0; i<(mxGetN(A_in)+1); i++)
74 | > start[i]= (int)mwstart[i];
75 | 106c112,116
76 | < adjacency = mxGetIr(A_in);
77 | ---
78 | > /* adjacency = mxGetIr(A_in);*/
79 | > mwadjacency = mxGetIr(A_in);
80 | > adjacency = mxMalloc(mxGetNzmax(A_in)*sizeof(int));
81 | > for (i=0; i<mxGetNzmax(A_in); i++)
82 | > adjacency[i]= (int)mwadjacency[i];
83 | 169c181
84 | < plhs [1] = mxCreateFull (1, 1, REAL) ;
85 | ---
86 | > plhs [1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, 1, mxREAL) ;
87 | 173c185
88 | < ((double) CLK_TCK) ;
89 | ---
90 | > ((double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ;
91 | 179c191
92 | < map_out = mxCreateFull(1,nvtxs,REAL);
93 | ---
94 | > map_out = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,nvtxs,mxREAL);
95 | 185a198,199
96 | > if (start != NULL) mxFree((char *) start);
97 | > if (adjacency != NULL) mxFree((char *) adjacency);
98 |
99 |
100 | 7/29/09:
101 |
102 | [jschierm@astrid chaco]$ diff mlchaco_old.c mlchaco.c
103 | 131,132c141,144
104 | < outassignname = NULL;
105 | < outfilename = NULL;
106 | ---
107 | > /* outassignname = NULL;
108 | > outfilename = NULL;*/
109 | > outassignname = "chaco_assign.txt";
110 | > outfilename = "chaco_out.txt";
111 |
112 | 7/30/09:
113 |
114 | [jschierm@astrid chaco]$ diff Makefile_old Makefile
115 | 27c27,28
116 | < MATLAB = /usr/local/libexec/matlab
117 | ---
118 | > #MATLAB = /usr/local/libexec/matlab
119 | > MATLAB = /usr/local/pkgs/matlab-7.6
120 | 37c39,40
121 | < CFLAGS = -Xa -G -xO4 -xcg92
122 | ---
123 | > #CFLAGS = -Xa -G -xO4 -xcg92
124 | > CFLAGS = -Xa -G -xO4 -xcg92 -DMATLAB
125 | 45,47d49 [using Chaco versions with MATLAB switch]
126 | < ${MLCHACO}/chaco_check_graph.c \
127 | < ${MLCHACO}/check_input.c \
128 | < ${MLCHACO}/smalloc.c \
129 | 48a51,53
130 | > # ${MLCHACO}/chaco_check_graph.c \
131 | > # ${MLCHACO}/check_input.c \
132 | > # ${MLCHACO}/smalloc.c \
133 | 55a61
134 | > ${CHACO}/input/check_input.c \
135 | 61a68
136 | > ${CHACO}/graph/check_graph.c \
137 | 91a99 [compared CHFILES with Chaco Makefile CHFILES]
138 | > ${CHACO}/klvspiff/flow.c \
139 | 97a106 [compared CHFILES with Chaco Makefile CHFILES]
140 | > ${CHACO}/klvspiff/flatten.c \
141 | 100c109,110 [compared CHFILES with Chaco Makefile CHFILES]
142 | < ${CHACO}/coarsen/makecgraph.c \
143 | ---
144 | > ${CHACO}/coarsen/makefgraph.c \
145 | > ${CHACO}/coarsen/makeccoords.c \
146 | 102d111 [compared CHFILES with Chaco Makefile CHFILES]
147 | < ${CHACO}/coarsen/countcedges.c \
148 | 108a118 [compared CHFILES with Chaco Makefile CHFILES]
149 | > ${CHACO}/coarsen/maxmatch5.c \
150 | 234a245
151 | > ${CHACO}/util/smalloc.c \
152 | 245a257,258
153 | > # ${CHACO}/main/user_params.c \
154 | > # ${CHACO}/util/bail.c \
155 | 254a268,271
156 | > #mlchaco: ${MLFILES.c} chaco.a Makefile
157 | > # mex -V4 -output mlchaco ${MLFILES.c} chaco.a -I${CHACO}/main
158 | > # mv mlchaco.mex* ${DEST_DIR}
159 | >
160 | 256c273
161 | < mex -V4 -output mlchaco ${MLFILES.c} chaco.a -I${CHACO}/main
162 | ---
163 | > mex -output mlchaco -largeArrayDims -DMATLAB ${MLFILES.c}
164 | > chaco.a -I${CHACO}/main
165 |
166 | 5/25/10:
167 |
168 | - reorganized chaco.m and mlchaco.c drivers into Chaco.c matlab-layer (independent of chaco) and Chacox.c x-layer (independent of matlab).
169 |
170 | 5/26/10:
171 |
172 | - added mexchaco target to Makefile (and related changes).
173 |
174 | 5/27/10
175 |
176 | - added define for exit(status) to ${CHACO}/main/defs.h so that local bail.c is
177 | unnecessary.
178 |
179 | 6/15/10:
180 |
181 | - separated chaco x-layer from meshpart build.
182 |