1 | steps=[1];
2 |
3 | if any(steps==1) %Mesh Generation #1
4 | %Mesh parameters
5 | domain =['./DomainOutline.exp'];
6 | hinit=10000; % element size for the initial mesh
7 | hmax=40000; % maximum element size of the final mesh
8 | hmin=5000; % minimum element size of the final mesh
9 | gradation=1.7; % maximum size ratio between two neighboring elements
10 | err=8; % maximum error between interpolated and control field
11 |
12 | % Generate an initial uniform mesh (resolution = hinit m)
13 | md=bamg(model,'domain',domain,'hmax',hinit);
14 |
15 | % Load Velocities
16 | nsidc_vel='../Data/Antarctica_ice_velocity.nc';
17 |
18 | % Get necessary data to build up the velocity grid
19 | xmin = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','xmin');
20 | ymax = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','ymax');
21 | spacing = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','spacing');
22 | nx = double(ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','nx'));
23 | ny = double(ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','ny'));
24 | vx = double(ncread(nsidc_vel,'vx'));
25 | vy = double(ncread(nsidc_vel,'vy'));
26 |
27 | % Read coordinates
28 | xmin = strtrim(xmin);
29 | xmin = str2num(xmin(1:end-2));
30 | ymax = strtrim(ymax);
31 | ymax = str2num(ymax(1:end-2));
32 | spacing = strtrim(spacing);
33 | spacing = str2num(spacing(1:end-2));
34 |
35 | % Build the coordinates
36 | x=xmin+(0:1:nx)'*spacing;
37 | y=(ymax-ny*spacing)+(0:1:ny)'*spacing;
38 |
39 | % Interpolate velocities onto coarse mesh
40 | vx_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,flipud(vx'),md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0);
41 | vy_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,flipud(vy'),md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0);
42 | vel_obs=sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2);
43 | clear vx vy x y;
44 |
45 | % Adapt the mesh to minimize error in velocity interpolation
46 | md=bamg(md,'hmax',hmax,'hmin',hmin,'gradation',gradation,'field',vel_obs,'err',err);
47 |
48 | %ploting
49 | plotmodel(md,'data','mesh')
50 |
51 | % Save model
52 | save ./Models/PIG_Mesh_generation md;
53 | end
54 |
55 | if any(steps==2) %Masks #2
56 |
57 | md = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_Mesh_generation');
58 |
59 | % Load SeaRISe dataset for Antarctica
60 | % http://websrv.cs.umt.edu/isis/index.php/Present_Day_Antarctica
61 | searise='../Data/Antarctica_5km_withshelves_v0.75.nc';
62 |
63 | %read thickness mask from SeaRISE
64 | x1=double(ncread(searise,'x1'));
65 | y1=double(ncread(searise,'y1'));
66 | thkmask=double(ncread(searise,'thkmask'));
67 |
68 | %interpolate onto our mesh vertices
69 | groundedice=double(InterpFromGridToMesh(x1,y1,thkmask',md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0));
70 | groundedice(groundedice<=0)=-1;
71 | clear thkmask;
72 |
73 | %fill in the md.mask structure
74 | md.mask.ocean_levelset=groundedice; %ice is grounded for mask equal one
75 | md.mask.ice_levelset=-1*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);%ice is present when negatvie
76 |
77 | %ploting
78 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.mask.ocean_levelset,'title','grounded/floating','data',md.mask.ice_levelset,'title','ice/no-ice')
79 |
80 | % Save model
81 | save ./Models/PIG_SetMask md;
82 | end
83 |
84 | if any(steps==3) %Parameterization #3
85 |
86 | md = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_SetMask');
87 | md = parameterize(md,'./Pig.par');
88 |
89 | % Use a MacAyeal flow model
90 | md = setflowequation(md,'SSA','all');
91 |
92 | % Save model
93 | save ./Models/PIG_Parameterization md;
94 | end
95 |
96 | if any(steps==4) %Control Method #4
97 |
98 | md = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_Parameterization');
99 |
100 | % Control general
101 | md.inversion.iscontrol=1;
102 | md.inversion.maxsteps=20;
103 | md.inversion.maxiter=40;
104 | md.inversion.dxmin=0.1;
105 | md.inversion.gttol=1.0e-4;
106 | md.verbose=verbose('control',true);
107 |
108 | % Cost functions
109 | md.inversion.cost_functions=[101 103 501];
110 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients=ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,3);
111 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,1)=1;
112 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,2)=1;
113 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,3)=8e-15;
114 |
115 | % Controls
116 | md.inversion.control_parameters={'FrictionCoefficient'};
117 | md.inversion.min_parameters=1*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
118 | md.inversion.max_parameters=200*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
119 |
120 | % Additional parameters
121 | md.stressbalance.restol=0.01;
122 | md.stressbalance.reltol=0.1;
123 | md.stressbalance.abstol=NaN;
124 |
125 | % Solve
126 | md.toolkits=toolkits;
127 | md.cluster=generic('name',oshostname,'np',2);
128 | md=solve(md,'Stressbalance');
129 |
130 | % Update model friction fields accordingly
131 | md.friction.coefficient=md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient;
132 |
133 | plotmodel(md,'data',md.friction.coefficient)
134 |
135 | % Save model
136 | save ./Models/PIG_Control_drag md;
137 | end
138 |
139 | if any(steps==5) %Plot #5
140 |
141 | md = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_Control_drag');
142 |
143 | plotmodel(md,...
144 | 'data',md.initialization.vel,'title','Observed velocity',...
145 | 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','Modeled Velocity',...
146 | 'data',md.geometry.base,'title','Bed elevation',...
147 | 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient,'title','Friction Coefficient',...
148 | 'colorbar#all','on','colorbartitle#1-2','(m/yr)',...
149 | 'caxis#1-2',([1.5,4000]),...
150 | 'colorbartitle#3','(m)', 'log#1-2',10);
151 | end
152 |
153 | if any(steps==6) %Higher-Order #6
154 |
155 | % Load Model
156 |
157 | % Disable inversion
158 |
159 | % Extrude Mesh
160 |
161 | % Set Flowequation
162 |
163 | % Solve
164 |
165 | % Save Model
166 |
167 | end
168 |
169 | if any(steps==7) %Plot #7
170 |
171 | mdHO = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_ModelHO');
172 | mdSSA = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_Control_drag');
173 |
174 | basal=find(mdHO.mesh.vertexonbase);
175 | surf=find(mdHO.mesh.vertexonsurface);
176 |
177 | plotmodel(mdHO,'nlines',3,'ncols',2,'axis#all','equal',...
178 | 'data',mdHO.initialization.vel,'title','Observed velocity',...
179 | 'data',(mdHO.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel(surf)-mdHO.initialization.vel(surf)),'title','(HO-observed) velocities',...
180 | 'data',mdSSA.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','Modeled SSA Velocity',...
181 | 'data',(mdHO.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel(surf)-mdSSA.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel),'title','(HO-SSA) velocities',...
182 | 'data',mdHO.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','Modeled HO surface Velocities',...
183 | 'data',(mdHO.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel(surf)-mdHO.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel(basal)),'title','(HOsurf-HO base) velocities',...
184 | 'caxis#1',([1.5,4000]),'caxis#3',([1.5,4000]),'caxis#5',([1.5,4000]),...
185 | 'colorbar#all','on','view#all',2,...
186 | 'colorbartitle#all','(m/yr)',...
187 | 'layer#5',1, 'log#1', 10,'log#3', 10,'log#5', 10);
188 | end