%Getting the velocity in PIG vicinity for the ExpDraw % Load Velocities % http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0484.html nsidc_vel='../Data/Antarctica_ice_velocity.nc'; % Get necessary data to build up the velocity grid xmin = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','xmin'); xmin = strtrim(xmin); % this is a string, and we need to recover the double value xmin = xmin(1:end-2); % get rid of the unit xmin = str2num(xmin); % convert to double ymax = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','ymax'); ymax = strtrim(ymax); ymax = ymax(1:end-2); ymax = str2num(ymax); nx = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','nx'); ny = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','ny'); spacing = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','spacing'); spacing = strtrim(spacing); spacing = spacing(1:end-2); spacing = str2num(spacing); x=xmin+(0:1:nx-1)'*spacing; x=double(x); y=(ymax)-(0:1:ny-1)'*spacing; y=double(y); posx=find(x<=-12.0e5); id1x=find(x>=-18.0e5,1); id2x=posx(end); posy=find(y>=-4.0e5); id1y=find(y<=1.0e5,1); id2y=posy(end); %Get velocity subset vx = double(ncread(nsidc_vel,'vx')); vx_obs = vx(id1x:id2x,id1y:id2y); vx_obs = flipud(vx_obs'); vy = double(ncread(nsidc_vel,'vy')); vy_obs = vy (id1x:id2x,id1y:id2y); vy_obs = flipud(vy_obs'); xred=x(id1x:id2x); yred=y(id1y:id2y); vel_obs=sqrt(vx_obs.^2.+vy_obs.^2.); imagesc(xred,yred,vel_obs)