[19043] | 1 | %Getting the velocity in PIG vicinity for the ExpDraw
[18198] | 2 |
| 3 | % Load Velocities
| 4 | % http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0484.html
| 5 | nsidc_vel='../Data/Antarctica_ice_velocity.nc';
| 6 |
| 7 | % Get necessary data to build up the velocity grid
[20730] | 8 | xmin = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','xmin');
| 9 | ymax = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','ymax');
[20795] | 10 | spacing = ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','spacing');ls
| 11 |
[20730] | 12 | nx = double(ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','nx'));
| 13 | ny = double(ncreadatt(nsidc_vel,'/','ny'));
| 14 | vx = double(ncread(nsidc_vel,'vx'));
| 15 | vy = double(ncread(nsidc_vel,'vy'));
| 16 |
[18198] | 17 | xmin = strtrim(xmin); % this is a string, and we need to recover the double value
[20730] | 18 | xmin = str2num(xmin(1:end-2)); % get rid of the unit and convert to double
[18198] | 19 |
| 20 | ymax = strtrim(ymax);
[20730] | 21 | ymax = str2num(ymax(1:end-2));
[18198] | 22 |
| 23 | spacing = strtrim(spacing);
[20730] | 24 | spacing = str2num(spacing(1:end-2));
[18198] | 25 |
[20730] | 26 | % Build the coordinates
| 27 | x=xmin+(0:1:nx)'*spacing;
| 28 | y=(ymax)-(0:1:ny)'*spacing;
[18198] | 29 |
[20730] | 30 | %Limit the region to Pine Island
| 31 | posx=find(x<=-12.0e5 & x>=-18.0e5);
| 32 | x_pig=x(posx);
| 33 | posy=find(y<=1.0e5 & y>-4.0e5);
[20795] | 34 | y_pig=flipud(y(posy));
[18198] | 35 |
[20730] | 36 | vx_pig=flipud(vx(posx,posy)');
| 37 | vy_pig=flipud(vy(posx,posy)');
| 38 | vel_pig=sqrt(vx_pig.^2+vy_pig.^2);
[18198] | 39 |
[20795] | 40 | imagesc(x_pig,y_pig,log(vel_pig+1))
| 41 | axis xy equal