[23752] | 1 | step=[1];
| 2 | if any(step==1)
| 3 | % Generate observations
| 4 | md = model;
| 5 | md = triangle(md,'DomainOutline.exp',100000);
| 6 | md = setmask(md,'all','');
| 7 | md = parameterize(md,'Square.par');
| 8 | md = setflowequation(md,'SSA','all');
| 9 | md.cluster = generic('np',2);
| 10 | md = solve(md,'Stressbalance');
| 11 | plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.materials.rheology_B,'caxis',[ 1.3 1.9]*10^8,'title','"True" B',...
| 12 | 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','"observed velocities"')
| 13 | save model1 md
| 14 | end
| 15 | if any(step==2)
| 16 | % Modify rheology, now constant
| 17 | loadmodel('model1.mat');
| 18 | md.materials.rheology_B(:) = 1.8*10^8;
| 19 |
| 20 | %results of previous run are taken as observations
| 21 | md.inversion=m1qn3inversion();
| 22 | md.inversion.vx_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vx;
| 23 | md.inversion.vy_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vy;
| 24 | md.inversion.vel_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel;
| 25 |
| 26 | md = solve(md,'Stressbalance');
| 27 | plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.materials.rheology_B,'caxis',[ 1.3 1.9]*10^8,'title','B first guess',...
| 28 | 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','modeled velocities')
| 29 | save model2 md
| 30 | end
| 31 | if any(step==3)
| 32 | % Perform L-curve analysis for ice rigidity inversion
| 33 | loadmodel('model2.mat');
| 34 |
| 35 | % Set up inversion parameters
| 36 | maxsteps = 20;
| 37 | md.inversion.iscontrol = 1;
| 38 | md.inversion.control_parameters = {'MaterialsRheologyBbar'};
| 39 | md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps;
| 40 | md.inversion.cost_functions = [101 502];
| 41 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,length(md.inversion.cost_functions));
| 42 | md.inversion.min_parameters = cuffey(273)*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 43 | md.inversion.max_parameters = cuffey(200)*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 44 | md.verbose = verbose('solution',false,'control',true);
| 45 |
| 46 | % Starting L-curve analysis:
| 47 | %
| 48 | % J = Jo + alpha*R.
| 49 | % J: total cost function to be minimized.
| 50 | % Jo: sum of the objective cost function(s) (ex.: 101, or 101+102, or 101+102+103).
| 51 | % R: regularization term (ex.: 502).
| 52 | % alpha: weight of the regularization term.
| 53 | %
| 54 | % L-curve analysis is a method to find the best value for alpha.
| 55 | % Basicaly, it loops over different values of alpha. A plot can be generated for each
| 56 | % respective value of Jo and R (R versus Jo).
| 57 | %
| 58 | min_alpha = 1.e-20;
| 59 | max_alpha = 1.e-11;
| 60 | nstep_alpha = 30;
| 61 | log_step = (log10(max_alpha)-log10(min_alpha))/nstep_alpha;
| 62 | log_alphas = [log10(min_alpha):log_step:log10(max_alpha)];
| 63 | alphas = 10.^log_alphas;
| 64 | J = zeros(length(alphas),length(md.inversion.cost_functions)+1);
| 65 | % Loop over the alphas
| 66 | for i=1:length(alphas),
| 67 | disp('------------------------------------------------------------');
| 68 | disp([' alpha iteration: ' int2str(i) '/' int2str(length(alphas)) ', alpha value: ' num2str(alphas(i))]);
| 69 | disp('------------------------------------------------------------');
| 70 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,end) = alphas(i);
| 71 | md = solve(md,'Stressbalance');
| 72 | J(i,:) = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.J(end,:); % J comes in [Jo, alphaR, J]. In this example: [101, alpha*502, 101+alpha*502]
| 73 | end
| 74 |
| 75 | % Plot the L-curve (log-log)
| 76 | Jo = zeros(length(alphas),1);
| 77 | for i=1:size(J,2)-2,
| 78 | Jo = Jo + J(:,i); % sum of the cost functions (no regularization term). In this example, only 101
| 79 | end
| 80 | R = J(:,end-1)./alphas(:); % only the regularization term
| 81 |
| 82 | % Tip:
| 83 | % A rescale in the axes may be useful to visualize the L-curve.
| 84 | %
| 85 | % Remember: J = Jo + alpha*R
| 86 | %
| 87 | % Apply a linear transformation on the original axis (Jo, R):
| 88 | %
| 89 | % | 1 alpha | | Jo | | Jo + alpha*R | | J |
| 90 | % | | | | = | | = | |
| 91 | % | 1/alpha 1 | | R | | Jo/alpha + R | | J/alpha |
| 92 | %
| 93 | % Then, use:
| 94 | % Jo2 = J(:,end);
| 95 | % R2 = J(:,end)./alphas(:);
| 96 | % loglog(Jo2,R2,...
| 97 | %
| 98 | loglog(Jo,R,'-s','Color',[.3 .8 .4],'MarkerSize',6,'MarkerFaceColor','m','MarkerEdgeColor','k','LineWidth',2)
| 99 | voffset=0.1*R;
| 100 | hoffset=0.1*Jo;
| 101 | text(Jo+hoffset,R+voffset,[repmat('\alpha = ',length(alphas),1) num2str(alphas(:),'%2.0e')],...
| 102 | 'FontSize',10,'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','Middle')
| 103 | xlabel('$\mathrm{log}(\mathcal{J}_0$)','Interpreter','latex')
| 104 | ylabel('$\mathrm{log}(\mathcal{R})$','Interpreter','latex')
| 105 | end
| 106 | if any(step==4)
| 107 | %invert for ice rigidity
| 108 | loadmodel('model2.mat');
| 109 |
| 110 | %Set up inversion parameters
| 111 | maxsteps = 20;
| 112 | md.inversion.iscontrol = 1;
| 113 | md.inversion.control_parameters = {'MaterialsRheologyBbar'};
| 114 | md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps;
| 115 | md.inversion.cost_functions = [101 502];
| 116 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 117 | md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,2) = 4.e-17*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); % here you can use the best value found for alpha
| 118 | md.inversion.min_parameters = cuffey(273)*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 119 | md.inversion.max_parameters = cuffey(200)*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 120 |
| 121 | %Go solve!
| 122 | md.verbose=verbose(0);
| 123 | md=solve(md,'Stressbalance');
| 124 | plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.MaterialsRheologyBbar,'caxis',[ 1.3 1.9]*10^8,'title','inferred B',...
| 125 | 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','modeled velocities')
| 126 | end