1 | md=model();
2 |
3 | %Create mesh with roundmesh
4 | md=roundmesh(md,750000,30000);
5 |
6 | %Set mask
7 | md=setmask(md,'','');
8 |
9 | %Parameterize model
10 | md=parameterize(md,'EISMINT.par');
11 |
12 | %We extrude the model to have a 3d model
13 | md=extrude(md,10,1.);
14 |
15 | %Set ice flow approximation
16 | md=setflowequation(md,'SSA','all');
17 |
18 | %Create boundary conditions: zero velocity on the bed
19 | pos=find(md.mesh.vertexonbase);
20 | md.stressbalance.spcvx(pos)=0;
21 | md.stressbalance.spcvy(pos)=0;
22 | md.stressbalance.spcvz(pos)=0;
23 |
24 | %Go Solve
25 | md.cluster=generic('np',2);
26 | md.verbose.convergence=1;
27 | md=solve(md,StressbalanceSolutionEnum());
28 | vel=DepthAverage(md,sqrt(md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vx.^2+md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vy.^2));
29 |
30 | %Calculate analytical velocity
31 | constant=0.3;
32 | vx_obs=constant/2*md.mesh.x.*(md.geometry.thickness).^-1;
33 | vy_obs=constant/2*md.mesh.y.*(md.geometry.thickness).^-1;
34 | vel_obs=sqrt(vx_obs.^2+vy_obs.^2);
35 | vel_obs=project2d(md,vel_obs,1);
36 |
37 | plotmodel(md,...
38 | 'data',vel ,'view',2,'caxis',[0 200],'title','Modelled velocity',...
39 | 'data',vel_obs,'view',2,'caxis',[0 200],'title','Analytical velocity',...
40 | 'data',abs(vel-vel_obs)./(vel_obs+eps)*100,'caxis',[0 30],'view',2,'title','Relative misfit (%)');
41 |
42 | subplot(2,2,4)
43 | hold on;
44 | plot(sqrt((md.mesh.x2d).^2+(md.mesh.y2d).^2),vel,'r.');
45 | plot(sqrt((md.mesh.x2d).^2+(md.mesh.y2d).^2),vel_obs,'b.');
46 | title('Analytical vs calculated velocity');
47 | xlabel('distance to the center of the ice sheet (m)');
48 | ylabel('velocity (m/yr)');
49 | legend('calculated velocity','exact velocity');
50 | axis([0 750000 0 200]);
51 | hold off;