1 | if 7 in steps:
2 | # Step 7: Historical Relaxation run {{{
3 | print(' Step 7: Historical Relaxation run')
4 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.Control_drag.nc')
5 |
6 | with open('./smbbox.npz', "rb") as smbFile:
7 | SMB = np.load(smbFile)
8 | x1 = np.squeeze(SMB['x1'])
9 | y1 = np.squeeze(SMB['y1'])
10 | smbmean = np.squeeze(SMB['smbmean'])
11 |
12 | #convert mesh x, y into the Box projection
13 | [md.mesh.lat, md.mesh.long] = xy2ll(md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, + 1, 39, 71)
14 | [xi, yi] = ll2xy(md.mesh.lat, md.mesh.long, + 1, 45, 70)
15 |
16 | #Interpolate and set surface mass balance
17 | x1 = x1.flatten()
18 | y1 = y1.flatten()
19 | smbmean = smbmean.flatten()
20 | index = BamgTriangulate(x1, y1)
21 | smb_mo = InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index, x1, y1, smbmean, xi, yi)
22 | smb = smb_mo * 12 / 1000 * md.materials.rho_freshwater / md.materials.rho_ice
23 | md.smb.mass_balance = np.append(smb, 1)
24 |
25 | #Set transient options, run for 20 years, saving every timestep
26 | md.timestepping.time_step = 0.2
27 | md.timestepping.final_time = 200
28 | md.settings.output_frequency = 5
29 |
30 | #Additional options
31 | md.inversion.iscontrol = 0
32 | md.transient.requested_outputs = ['IceVolume', 'TotalSmb', 'SmbMassBalance']
33 | md.verbose = verbose('solution', True, 'module', True)
34 |
35 | #Go solve
36 | md.cluster = generic('name', gethostname(), 'np', 2)
37 | md = solve(md, 'Transient')
38 |
39 | export_netCDF(md, './Models/Greenland.HistoricTransient_200yr.nc')
40 | # }}}
41 |
42 | if 8 in steps:
43 | # Step 8: Plotting exercise {{{
44 | print(' Step 8: Plotting exercise')
45 | md = loadmodel('./Models/Greenland.HistoricTransient_200yr.nc')
46 |
47 | #Create Line Plots of relaxation run. Create a figure.
48 | fig = plt.figure(tight_layout=True)
49 |
50 | #Save surface mass balance, by looping through 200 years (1000 steps)
51 | #Note, the first output will always contain output from time step 1
52 |
53 | Timer = np.arange(0.2, 200.2)
54 | surfmb = []
55 | for i in range(0, 200):
56 | surfmb.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].SmbMassBalance)
57 |
58 | #Plot surface mass balance time series in first subplot
59 | ax = fig.add_subplot(311)
60 | ax.plot(Timer, np.nanmean(surfmb, axis=1))
61 |
62 | #Title this plot Mean surface mass balance
63 | ax.set_title('Mean Surface mass balance')
64 |
65 | #Save velocity by looping through 200 years
66 | vel = []
67 | for i in range(0, 200):
68 | vel.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].Vel)
69 |
70 | #Plot velocity time series in second subplot
71 | ay = fig.add_subplot(312)
72 | ay.plot(Timer, np.nanmean(vel, axis=1))
73 |
74 | #Title this plot Mean Velocity
75 | ay.set_title('Mean Velocity')
76 |
77 | #Save Ice Volume by looping through 200 years
78 | volume = []
79 | for i in range(0, 200):
80 | volume.append(md.results.TransientSolution[i].IceVolume)
81 |
82 | #Plot volume time series in third subplot
83 | az = fig.add_subplot(313)
84 | az.plot(Timer, volume)
85 |
86 | #Title this plot Mean Velocity and add an x label of years
87 | az.set_title('Ice Volume')
88 | az.set_xlabel('years')
89 | # }}}