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158 158 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&numoutputs,TransientNumRequestedOutputsEnum); 159 159 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isstochasticforcing,StochasticForcingIsStochasticForcingEnum); 160 160 161 #if defined(_HAVE_OCEAN_ 161 #if defined(_HAVE_OCEAN_) 162 162 if(isoceancoupling) OceanExchangeDatax(femmodel,false); 163 163 #endif 164 164 165 if(isstochasticforcing){ 166 StochasticForcingx(femmodel); 167 } 165 if(isstochasticforcing) StochasticForcingx(femmodel); 168 166 169 167 if(isthermal && domaintype==Domain3DEnum){ 170 168 if(issmb){ … … 189 187 } 190 188 191 189 /* Using Hydrology dc coupled we need to compute smb in the hydrology inner time loop*/ 192 if(issmb) { 193 smb_core(femmodel); 194 } 190 if(issmb) smb_core(femmodel); 195 191 196 if(ishydrology){ 197 hydrology_core(femmodel); 198 } 192 if(ishydrology) hydrology_core(femmodel); 199 193 200 if(isstressbalance && (step%sb_coupling_frequency==0 || step==1) ) { 201 stressbalance_core(femmodel); 202 } 194 if(isstressbalance && (step%sb_coupling_frequency==0 || step==1)) stressbalance_core(femmodel); 203 195 204 if(isdamageevolution) { 205 damage_core(femmodel); 206 } 196 if(isdamageevolution) damage_core(femmodel); 207 197 208 if(ismovingfront) { 209 movingfront_core(femmodel); 210 } 198 if(ismovingfront) movingfront_core(femmodel); 211 199 212 if(isdebris){ 213 debris_core(femmodel); 214 } 200 if(isdebris) debris_core(femmodel); 215 201 216 202 /* from here on, prepare geometry for next time step*/ 217 203 … … 218 204 if(ismasstransport){ 219 205 bmb_core(femmodel); 220 206 masstransport_core(femmodel); 221 femmodel->UpdateVertexPositionsx();222 207 } 223 208 224 if(isoceantransport){ 225 oceantransport_core(femmodel); 226 } 209 if(isoceantransport) oceantransport_core(femmodel); 227 210 228 if(isgroundingline){ 229 groundingline_core(femmodel); 230 } 211 if(isgroundingline) groundingline_core(femmodel); 231 212 232 /*esa: */ 213 /*Update mesh vertices now that we have changed the geometry*/ 214 if(ismasstransport || isgroundingline) femmodel->UpdateVertexPositionsx(); 215 233 216 if(isesa) esa_core(femmodel); 234 217 235 218 /*Sea level change: */ … … 242 225 } 243 226 244 227 /*Sampling: */ 245 if(issampling){ 246 if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" computing Gaussian random field\n"); 247 sampling_core(femmodel); 248 } 228 if(issampling) sampling_core(femmodel); 249 229 250 230 /*Any requested output that needs to be saved?*/ 251 231 if(numoutputs){
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