Last change on this file since 27032 was 27032, checked in by , 3 years ago | |
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1 #!/bin/bash2 3 ################################################################################4 # This script is intended to test ISSM macOS MATLAB binaries on an end-user5 # machine after successful packaging and signing.6 #7 # NOTE: Tarball must already exist in INSTALL_DIR8 ################################################################################9 10 ## Constants11 #12 INSTALL_DIR=.13 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python"14 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark all --exclude 125 126 234 235 418 420 435 444 445 701 702 703 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1301 1302 1303 1304 1401 1402 1601 1602 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2021 2051 2052 2053 2084 2085 2090 2101 2424 2425 3001:3200 3201 3202 3300 3480 3481 4001 4002 4003" # NOTE: Combination of test suites from basic, Dakota, and Solid Earth builds, with tests that require a restart and those that require the JVM excluded15 16 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip"17 18 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PKG}"19 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts"20 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/scripts"21 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/"22 export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # We don't want Python to buffer output, otherwise issm.exe output is not captured23 24 cd ${INSTALL_DIR}25 rm -rf ${PKG}26 ditto -xk ${COMPRESSED_PKG} .27 cd ${PKG}/test/NightlyRun28 29 # Run tests, redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console30 echo "Running tests"31 rm python.log 2> /dev/null32 ./ ${PYTHON_NROPTIONS} &> python.log 2>&133 34 # Check that Python did not exit in error35 pythonExitCode=`echo $?`36 pythonExitedInError=`grep -E " error" python.log | wc -l`37 38 if [[ ${pythonExitCode} -ne 0 || ${pythonExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then39 echo "----------Python exited in error!----------"40 cat python.log41 echo "-----------End of python.log-----------"42 exit 143 fi44 45 # Check that all tests passed46 numTestsFailed=`cat python.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"`47 48 if [[ ${numTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]]; then49 echo "One or more tests FAILED"50 exit 151 else52 echo "All tests PASSED"53 fi -
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1 #!/bin/bash2 3 ################################################################################4 # Wrapper script to build, package, send for signing, and transfer to ISSM Web5 # site ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python API.6 #7 # Normally, we would put this directly into the project configuration under8 # 'Build' -> 'Excute shell', but becasue it is a bit more involved, it is a9 # good idea to version it.10 #11 # When no failures/errors occur, performs the following:12 # - Builds ISSM according to configuration.13 # - Packages executables and libraries.14 # - Runs test suite against package.15 # - Commits compressed package to repository to be signed by JPL Cybersecurity.16 # - Retrieves signed package and transmits it to ISSM Web site for17 # distribution.18 #19 # Options:20 # -b/--skipbuild Skip ISSM compilation.21 # -r/--resign Skip ISSM compilation and packaging. Use to retrigger22 # signing/notarization if it fails but build and package23 # are valid.24 # -s/--skiptests Skip ISSM compilation and testing during packaging25 # step. Use if packaging fails for some reason but build26 # is valid.27 # -t/--transferonly Transfer package to ISSM Web site only. Use if transfer28 # fails for some reason to skip building, packaging, and29 # signing.30 # -u/--unlock Remove lock file from signed package repository. Use if31 # build is aborted to allow for subsequent fresh build.32 #33 # Debugging:34 # - Relies on a very tight handshake with project on remote JPL Cybersecurity35 # Jenkins server. Debugging may be perfomed locally by running,36 #37 # packagers/mac/sign-issm-mac-binaries-python.sh38 #39 # with "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" hardcoded to Apple40 # Developer credentials.41 # - Removing stdout/stderr redirections to null device (> /dev/null 2>&1) can42 # help debug potential SVN issues.43 #44 # NOTE:45 # - Use only *one* of the above options at a time, and make sure it is removed46 # again after a single run.47 # - Builds will fail when any of the above options are used on a clean48 # workspace. For example, if 'Source Code Management' -> 'Check-out Strategy'49 # select menu is set to "Always check out a fresh copy".50 # - Assumes that "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" are set up in51 # the 'Bindings' section under a 'Username and password (separated)' binding52 # (requires 'Credentials Binding Plugin') with 'Credentials' select menu set53 # to "jenkins/****** (SVN repository for ISSM binaries)".54 ################################################################################55 56 ## Constants57 #58 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to59 SIGNED_REPO_COPY="./signed"60 SIGNED_REPO_URL=""61 62 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip"63 64 ## Environment65 #66 export COMPRESSED_PKG67 export PKG68 export SIGNED_REPO_COPY69 export SIGNED_REPO_URL70 71 ## Parse options72 #73 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then74 echo "Can use only one option at a time"75 exit 176 fi77 78 # NOTE: We could do this with binary switching (i.e. 0011 to sign and transfer,79 # but the following is self-documenting).80 #81 build=182 package=183 sign=184 transfer=185 86 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then87 case $1 in88 -b|--skipbuild) build=0; shift ;;89 -r|--resign) build=0; package=0; ;;90 -s|--skiptests) build=0; ;;91 -t|--transferonly) build=0; package=0; sign=0; ;;92 -u|--unlock) build=0; package=0; transfer=0; ;;93 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;;94 esac95 fi96 97 # Build98 if [ ${build} -eq 1 ]; then99 ./jenkins/ ./jenkins/pine_island-mac-binaries-python100 101 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then102 exit 1103 fi104 fi105 106 # Package107 if [ ${package} -eq 1 ]; then108 ./packagers/mac/ $1109 110 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then111 exit 1112 fi113 114 shift # Clear $1 so that it is not passed to commit_for_signing script115 fi116 117 # Commit for signing118 if [ ${sign} -eq 1 ]; then119 ./packagers/mac/ $1120 121 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then122 exit 1123 fi124 fi125 126 # Transfer distributable package to ISSM Web site127 if [ ${transfer} -eq 1 ]; then128 ./packagers/mac/transfer-issm-mac-binaries.sh129 130 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then131 exit 1132 fi133 fi134 -
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1 #!/bin/bash2 3 ################################################################################4 # Packages and tests ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python API.5 #6 # Options:7 # -s/--skiptests Skip testing during packaging Use if packaging fails8 # for some reason but build is valid.9 #10 # NOTE:11 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined,12 #13 # COMPRESSED_PKG14 # ISSM_DIR15 # PKG16 #17 # See also:18 # - packagers/mac/complete-issm-mac-binaries-python.sh19 # - packagers/mac/sign-issm-mac-binaries-python.sh20 ################################################################################21 22 # Expand aliases within the context of this script23 shopt -s expand_aliases24 25 # From,26 #27 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and28 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910)29 #30 # which results in,31 #32 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by33 # Xcode.34 #35 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path36 # is available in PATH.37 #38 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS.39 #40 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn'41 42 ## Override certain other aliases43 #44 alias grep=$(which grep)45 46 ## Constants47 #48 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark all --exclude 125 126 234 235 418 420 435 444 445 701 702 703 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1301 1302 1303 1304 1401 1402 1601 1602 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2021 2051 2052 2053 2084 2085 2090 2101 2424 2425 3001:3200 3201 3202 3300 3480 3481 4001 4002 4003" # NOTE: Combination of test suites from basic, Dakota, and Solid Earth builds, with tests that require a restart and those that require the JVM excluded49 50 ## Environment51 #52 export PATH="${ISSM_DIR}/bin:$(getconf PATH)" # Ensure that we pick up binaries from 'bin' directory rather than 'externalpackages'53 54 ## Parse options55 #56 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then57 echo "Can use only one option at a time"58 exit 159 fi60 61 skip_tests=062 63 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then64 case $1 in65 -s|--skiptests) skip_tests=1; ;;66 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;;67 esac68 fi69 70 # Clean up from previous packaging71 echo "Cleaning up existing assets"72 cd ${ISSM_DIR}73 rm -rf ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG}74 mkdir ${PKG}75 76 # Add required binaries and libraries to package and modify them where needed77 cd ${ISSM_DIR}/bin78 79 echo "Modify generic"80 cat | sed -e "s/generic_static/generic/g" > generic.py81 82 echo "Moving MPICH binaries to bin/"83 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then84 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec .85 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy .86 elif [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then87 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/mpiexec .88 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy .89 else90 echo "MPICH not found"91 exit 192 fi93 94 echo "Moving GDAL binaries to bin/"95 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdal-config ]; then96 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdalsrsinfo .97 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdaltransform .98 else99 echo "GDAL not found"100 exit 1101 fi102 103 echo "Moving GMT binaries to bin/"104 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt-config ]; then105 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt .106 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmtselect .107 else108 echo "GMT not found"109 exit 1110 fi111 112 echo "Moving Gmsh binaries to bin/"113 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmsh/install/bin/gmsh ]; then114 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmsh/install/bin/gmsh .115 else116 echo "Gmsh not found"117 exit 1118 fi119 120 # Run tests121 if [ ${skip_tests} -eq 0 ]; then122 echo "Running tests"123 cd ${ISSM_DIR}/test/NightlyRun124 rm python.log 2> /dev/null125 126 # Set Python environment127 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/dev"128 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/"129 export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # We don't want Python to buffer output, otherwise issm.exe output is not captured130 131 # Run tests, redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console132 ./ ${PYTHON_NROPTIONS} &> python.log 2>&1133 134 # Check that Python did not exit in error135 pythonExitCode=`echo $?`136 pythonExitedInError=`grep -E "Error|Standard exception|Traceback|bad interpreter" python.log | wc -l`137 138 if [[ ${pythonExitCode} -ne 0 || ${pythonExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then139 echo "----------Python exited in error!----------"140 cat python.log141 echo "-----------End of python.log-----------"142 143 # Clean up execution directory144 rm -rf ${ISSM_DIR}/execution/*145 146 exit 1147 fi148 149 # Check that all tests passed150 numTestsFailed=`cat python.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"`151 152 if [ ${numTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]; then153 echo "One or more tests FAILED"154 exit 1155 else156 echo "All tests PASSED"157 fi158 else159 echo "Skipping tests"160 fi161 162 # Create package163 cd ${ISSM_DIR}164 svn cleanup --remove-ignored --remove-unversioned test # Clean up test directory (before copying to package)165 echo "Copying assets to package: ${PKG}"166 cp -rf bin examples lib scripts test ${PKG}167 mkdir ${PKG}/execution168 cp packagers/mac/issm-executable_entitlements.plist ${PKG}/bin/entitlements.plist169 ${ISSM_DIR}/scripts/ ${PKG}/bin # Compile Python source files170 echo "Cleaning up unneeded/unwanted files"171 rm -f ${PKG}/bin/*.py # Remove all Python scripts172 rm -f ${PKG}/bin/generic_static.* # Remove static versions of generic cluster classes173 rm -f ${PKG}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package174 rm -f ${PKG}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package175 rm -rf ${PKG}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package176 177 # Compress package178 echo "Compressing package"179 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} -
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1 #!/bin/bash2 3 ################################################################################4 # Intended to be run in the context of a Jenkins project on a JPL5 # Cybersecurity server for signing macOS applications. Polls SCM of the6 # Subversion repository hosted at7 # to trigger new8 # builds.9 #10 # In order to replicate the requried Jenkins project configuration:11 # - First, navigate to 'Manage Jenkins' -> 'Manage Plugins' and install the12 # 'Credentials Bindings Plugin' if it is not already installed.13 # - Contact one of the members of the ISSM development team for crendentials14 # for the ISSM binaries repository (mention that the credentials are stored15 # in ISSM-Infrastructure.pdf).16 # - Navigate to 'Manage Jenkins' -> 'Manage Credentials' -> <domain> ->17 # 'Add Credentials' and enter the crendentials from above.18 # - From the 'Dashboard', select 'New Item' -> 'Freestyle project'.19 # - Under 'Source Code Management', select 'Subversion'.20 # - The 'Repository URL' text field should be set to21 # "".22 # - The 'Credentials' select menu should be set to the new credentials23 # created previously.24 # - The 'Local module directory' text field should be set to the same25 # value as the constant UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY (set below to './unsigned').26 # - Under 'Build Trigggers', check the box for 'Poll SCM' and set the27 # 'Schedule' text area to "H/5 * * * *".28 # - Under 'Build Environment', check the box for 'Use secret text(s) or29 # file(s)', then under 'Bindings' click the 'Add...' button and select30 # 'Username and password (separated)'.31 # - Set 'Username Variable' to "ISSM_BINARIES_USER".32 # - Set 'Password Variable' to "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS".33 # - Under 'Credentials', select the same, new credentials that created34 # previously.35 # - The contents of this script can be copied/pasted directly into the ‘Build'36 # -> 'Execute Shell' -> ‘Command' textarea of the project configuration (or37 # you can simply store the script on disk and call it from there).38 # - Make sure to click the 'Save' button.39 #40 # Current point of contact at JPL Cybersecurity:41 # Alex Coward, alexander.g.coward@jpl.nasa.gov42 #43 # NOTE:44 # - Assumes that "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" are set up in45 # the 'Bindings' section under a 'Username and password (separated)' binding46 # (requires 'Credentials Binding Plugin').47 # - For local debugging, the aformentioned credentials can be hardcoded into48 # the 'USERNAME' and 'PASSWORD' constants below.49 ################################################################################50 51 # Expand aliases within the context of this script52 shopt -s expand_aliases53 54 # From,55 #56 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and57 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910)58 #59 # which results in,60 #61 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by62 # Xcode.63 #64 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path65 # is available in PATH.66 #67 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS.68 #69 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn'70 71 ## Override certain other aliases72 #73 alias cp=$(which cp)74 alias grep=$(which grep)75 76 ## Constants77 #78 AD_IDENTITY="**********" # Apple Developer identity79 AD_USERNAME="**********" # Apple Developer username80 ALTOOL_PASSWORD="@keychain:**********" # altool password (assumed to be stored in keychain)81 ASC_PROVIDER="**********"82 MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS=1083 NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS=2084 NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD=6085 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE="notarization.log"86 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH="."87 PASSWORD=${ISSM_BINARIES_PASS}88 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python"89 PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID="gov.nasa.jpl.issm.python"90 SIGNED_REPO_COPY="./signed"91 SIGNED_REPO_URL=""92 SIGNING_LOCK_FILE="signing.lock"93 SUCCESS_LOGFILE="${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/success.log"94 UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY="./unsigned"95 UNSIGNED_REPO_URL=""96 USERNAME=${ISSM_BINARIES_USER}97 98 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip"99 EXE_ENTITLEMENTS_PLIST="${PKG}/bin/entitlements.plist"100 101 # NOTE: Uncomment the following for local testing (Jenkins checks out copy of102 # repository for unsigned packages to working directory)103 #104 105 # # Clean up from previous packaging (not necessary for single builds on Jenkins,106 # # but useful when testing packaging locally)107 # echo "Cleaning up existing assets"108 # rm -rf ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}109 110 # # Check out copy of repository for unsigned packages111 # echo "Checking out copy of respository for unsigned packages"112 # svn checkout \113 # --trust-server-cert \114 # --non-interactive \115 # --username ${USERNAME} \116 # --password ${PASSWORD} \117 # ${UNSIGNED_REPO_URL} \118 # ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}119 120 rm -rf ${PKG} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}121 122 123 # Extract package contents124 echo "Extracting package contents"125 ditto -xk ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} .126 127 # Clear extended attributes on all files128 xattr -cr ${PKG}129 130 # Build list of ISSM executables131 ISSM_BINS=$(\132 find ${PKG}/bin -type f -name *.exe; \133 find ${PKG}/bin -type f -name *.pyc; \134 )135 136 # Build list of third party executables137 THIRD_PARTY_BINS=$(\138 echo ${PKG}/bin/mpiexec; \139 echo ${PKG}/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy; \140 echo ${PKG}/bin/gdalsrsinfo; \141 echo ${PKG}/bin/gdaltransform; \142 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmt; \143 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmtselect; \144 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmsh; \145 )146 147 # Sign all executables in package148 echo "Signing all executables in package"149 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime --entitlements ${EXE_ENTITLEMENTS_PLIST} ${ISSM_BINS}150 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS}151 152 # Build list of ISSM libraries153 ISSM_LIBS=$(\154 find ${PKG}/lib -type f -name *.so; \155 )156 157 # Sign all libraries in package158 echo "Signing all libraries in package"159 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime ${ISSM_LIBS}160 161 # NOTE: Skipping signature validation because this is not a true package nor app162 163 # Compress signed package164 echo "Compressing signed package"165 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG}166 167 # Submit compressed package for notarization168 echo "Submitting signed package to Apple for notarization"169 xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id ${PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID} --username ${AD_USERNAME} --password ${ALTOOL_PASSWORD} --asc-provider ${ASC_PROVIDER} --file ${COMPRESSED_PKG} &> ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}170 171 # Sleep until notarization request response is received172 echo "Waiting for notarizaion request response"173 while [[ ! -f ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} || ! -z $(find ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH} -empty -name ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) ]]; do174 sleep 30175 done176 177 echo "Notarizaion request response received"178 179 # Check if UUID exists in response180 HAS_UUID=$(grep 'RequestUUID = ' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) # NOTE: Checking for "RequestUUID = " because "RequestUUID" shows up in some error messages181 if [ -z "${HAS_UUID}" ]; then182 echo "Notarization failed!"183 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------"184 cat ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}185 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"186 187 # Clean up188 rm -rf ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG}189 190 exit 1191 fi192 193 # Get UUID from notarization request response194 UUID=$(echo ${HAS_UUID} | sed 's/[[:space:]]*RequestUUID = //')195 echo "UUID: ${UUID}"196 197 # Check notarization status198 #199 # NOTE: Currently, this checks if notarization was successful, but we are not200 # able to staple notarization as this is not a true package nor app and,201 # at the very least, MATLAB Mex files cannot be stapled. As such, clients202 # will not be able to clear Gatekeeper if they are offline.203 #204 echo "Checking notarization status"205 SUCCESS=0206 for ATTEMPT in $(seq 1 ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS}); do207 echo " Attempt #${ATTEMPT}..."208 xcrun altool --notarization-info ${UUID} --username ${AD_USERNAME} --password ${ALTOOL_PASSWORD} &> ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}209 if [[ -f ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} && -z $(find ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH} -empty -name ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) ]]; then210 211 # First, check if there is an error212 ERROR_CHECK=$(grep 'Error' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE})213 if [ ! -z "${ERROR_CHECK}" ]; then214 break215 fi216 217 # No error, so check status218 STATUS=$(grep 'Status:' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*Status: //')219 if [[ "${STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then220 # Staple notarization to all elements of package that were previously signed221 #xcrun stapler staple ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} # NOTE: Fails with "Stapler is incapable of working with MATLAB Mex files."222 223 # Validate stapling of notarization224 #xcrun stapler validation ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} # NOTE: Skipping notarization stapling validation because this is not a true package nor app225 226 # Compress signed and notarized package227 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG}228 229 # Set flag indicating notarization was successful230 SUCCESS=1231 232 break233 elif [[ "${STATUS}" == "in progress" ]]; then234 echo " progress still; checking again in ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds."235 sleep ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD}236 elif [[ "${STATUS}" == "invalid" ]]; then237 break238 fi239 else240 if [ ${ATTEMPT} -lt ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS} ]; then241 echo " ...not ready yet; checking again in ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds"242 sleep ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD}243 else244 echo " ...maximum attempts reached, but no response, or something else went wrong"245 echo " If contents of notarization status check logfile appear to be valid, increase NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS and run again"246 break247 fi248 fi249 done250 251 if [ ${SUCCESS} -eq 1 ]; then252 echo "Notarization successful!"253 else254 echo "Notarization failed!"255 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------"256 cat ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}257 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"258 fi259 260 # Check out copy of repository for signed packages261 echo "Checking out copy of respository for signed packages"262 SVN_ATTEMPT=0263 SVN_SUCCESS=0264 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do265 rm -rf ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}266 svn checkout \267 --trust-server-cert \268 --non-interactive \269 --username ${USERNAME} \270 --password ${PASSWORD} \271 ${SIGNED_REPO_URL} \272 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1273 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then274 SVN_SUCCESS=1275 break276 else277 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT))278 sleep 5279 fi280 done281 282 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then283 echo "Checkout of respository for signed packages failed"284 exit 1285 fi286 287 # Copy notarization file to repository for signed packages288 cp ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}289 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} > /dev/null 2>&1290 291 # Remove lock file from repository for signed packages292 svn delete ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE}293 294 SVN_ATTEMPT=0295 SVN_SUCCESS=0296 if [ ${SUCCESS} -eq 1 ]; then297 # Copy signed package to repository for signed packages298 cp ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}299 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1300 301 # Commit changes302 echo "Committing changes to repository for signed packages"303 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do304 svn commit \305 --trust-server-cert \306 --non-interactive \307 --username ${USERNAME} \308 --password ${PASSWORD} \309 --message "CHG: New signed package (success)" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1310 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then311 SVN_SUCCESS=1312 break313 else314 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT))315 sleep 5316 fi317 done318 319 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then320 echo "Commit to respository for signed packages failed"321 exit 1322 fi323 else324 # Commit changes325 echo "Committing changes to repository for signed packages"326 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do327 svn commit \328 --trust-server-cert \329 --non-interactive \330 --username ${USERNAME} \331 --password ${PASSWORD} \332 --message "CHG: New signed package (failure)" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1333 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then334 SVN_SUCCESS=1335 break336 else337 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT))338 sleep 5339 fi340 done341 342 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then343 echo "Commit to respository for signed packages failed"344 exit 1345 fi346 347 exit 1348 fi -
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Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:executable ## -1 +0,0 ## -* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash2 3 ################################################################################4 # Commits ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python API to repository5 # for signing. This repository is polled by a project running on a JPL6 # Cybersecurity Jenkins server and performs the actual signing and7 # notarization.8 #9 # Options:10 # -r/--resign Skip ISSM compilation and packaging. Use to retrigger11 # signing/notarization if it fails but build and package12 # are valid.13 # -u/--unlock Remove lock file from signed package repository. Use if14 # build is aborted to allow for subsequent fresh build.15 #16 # NOTE:17 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined,18 #19 # COMPRESSED_PKG20 # ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS21 # ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER22 # SIGNED_REPO_COPY23 # SIGNED_REPO_URL24 #25 # See also:26 # - packagers/mac/complete-issm-mac-binaries-python.sh27 # - packagers/mac/sign-issm-mac-binaries-python.sh28 #29 # TODO:30 # - Generalize checkout_*_repo_copy and validate_*_repo_copy functions (e.g.31 # pass 'signed' or 'unsigned' as argument)32 ################################################################################33 34 # Expand aliases within the context of this script35 shopt -s expand_aliases36 37 # From,38 #39 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and40 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910)41 #42 # which results in,43 #44 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by45 # Xcode.46 #47 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path48 # is available in PATH.49 #50 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS.51 #52 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn'53 54 ## Override certain other aliases55 #56 alias cp=$(which cp)57 alias grep=$(which grep)58 59 ## Constants60 #61 MAX_SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPTS=3062 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE="notarization.log"63 RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE="retrigger.txt"64 SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD=60 # in seconds65 SIGNING_LOCK_FILE="signing.lock"66 UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY="./unsigned"67 UNSIGNED_REPO_URL=""68 69 ## Functions70 #71 checkout_signed_repo_copy(){72 echo "Checking out copy of repository for signed packages"73 74 # NOTE: Get empty copy because we do not want to have to check out package75 # from previous signing.76 #77 svn checkout \78 --trust-server-cert \79 --non-interactive \80 --depth empty \81 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \82 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \83 ${SIGNED_REPO_URL} \84 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&185 }86 checkout_unsigned_repo_copy(){87 echo "Checking out copy of repository for unsigned packages"88 svn checkout \89 --trust-server-cert \90 --non-interactive \91 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \92 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \93 ${UNSIGNED_REPO_URL} \94 ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&195 }96 validate_signed_repo_copy(){97 # Validate copy of repository for signed binaries (e.g.98 # 'Check-out Strategy' was set to 'Use 'svn update' as much as possible';99 # initial checkout failed)100 if [[ ! -d ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} || ! -d ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/.svn ]]; then101 rm -rf ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}102 checkout_signed_repo_copy103 fi104 }105 validate_unsigned_repo_copy(){106 # Validate copy of repository for unsigned binaries (e.g.107 # 'Check-out Strategy' was set to 'Use 'svn update' as much as possible';108 # initial checkout failed)109 if [[ ! -d ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} || ! -d ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/.svn ]]; then110 rm -rf ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}111 checkout_unsigned_repo_copy112 fi113 }114 115 ## Parse options116 #117 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then118 echo "Can use only one option at a time"119 exit 1120 fi121 122 retrigger_signing=0123 unlock=0124 125 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then126 case $1 in127 -r|--resign) retrigger_signing=1; ;;128 -u|--unlock) unlock=1; ;;129 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;;130 esac131 fi132 133 validate_signed_repo_copy134 135 if [ ${unlock} -eq 1 ]; then136 # Remove signing lock file from signed package repository so that a new137 # build can run138 echo "Removing lock file from repository for signed packages"139 svn update \140 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \141 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \142 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1143 svn delete ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1144 svn commit \145 --trust-server-cert \146 --non-interactive \147 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \148 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \149 --message "DEL: Removing lock file after failed build" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1150 svn cleanup ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1151 152 echo "Remove -u/--unlock option from configuration and run again"153 exit 1154 fi155 156 # If lock file exists, a signing build is still in process by JPL Cybersecurity157 svn update \158 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \159 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \160 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1161 162 if [ -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} ]; then163 echo "Previous signing job still in process by JPL Cybersecurity. Please try again later."164 exit 1165 fi166 167 # Commit lock file to repository for signed packages168 echo "Committing lock file to repository for signed packages"169 touch ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE}170 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1171 svn commit \172 --trust-server-cert \173 --non-interactive \174 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \175 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \176 --message "ADD: New lock file" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1177 178 # Check out copy of repository for unsigned packages179 validate_unsigned_repo_copy180 181 if [ ${retrigger_signing} -eq 0 ]; then182 # Commit new compressed package to repository for unsigned binaries183 echo "Committing package to repository for unsigned packages"184 cp ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}185 svn add ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1186 svn commit \187 --trust-server-cert \188 --non-interactive \189 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \190 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \191 --message "CHG: New unsigned package" ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1192 else193 # NOTE: If notarize_only == 1, we commit a dummy file as we do not want to194 # have to commit the entire compressed package again simply to195 # retrigger the signing build on the remote JPL Cybersecurity Jenkins196 # server.197 #198 echo "Attempting to sign existing package again"199 echo $(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') > ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE} # Write datetime stamp to file to ensure modification is made200 svn add ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1201 svn commit \202 --trust-server-cert \203 --non-interactive \204 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \205 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \206 --message "ADD: Retriggering signing with same package (previous attempt failed)" ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1207 fi208 209 # Check status of signing210 echo "Checking progress of signing..."211 SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT=0212 while [ ${SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPTS} ]; do213 echo " progress still; checking again in ${SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds"214 sleep ${SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD}215 svn update \216 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \217 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \218 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1219 220 if [ ! -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} ]; then221 # Retrieve notarization lock file222 svn update \223 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \224 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \225 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}226 227 # Check status228 STATUS=$(grep 'Status:' ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*Status: //')229 if [[ "${STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then230 echo "Notarization successful!"231 break232 else233 echo "Notarization failed!"234 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------"235 cat ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}236 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"237 238 exit 1239 fi240 else241 ((++SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT))242 fi243 done244 245 if [ ! -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ]; then246 echo "Signing timed out!"247 exit 1248 fi -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/linux/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Deleted: svn:executable ## -1 +0,0 ## -* \ No newline at end of property
1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 2 3 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Transfers ISSM distributable package for Linux with MATLAB API to ISSM Web 5 # site. 4 # Transfers ISSM distributable package for Linux to ISSM website. 6 5 # 7 6 # NOTE: 8 7 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined, … … 11 10 # 12 11 # See also: 13 12 # - packagers/linux/ 14 # - packagers/linux/ 13 # - packagers/linux/ 14 # - packagers/linux/ 15 15 ################################################################################ 16 16 17 17 # Transfer package to ISSM Web site -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Commits ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python 2 API to repository 5 # for signing. This repository is polled by a project running on a JPL 6 # Cybersecurity Jenkins server and performs the actual signing and 7 # notarization. 8 # 9 # Options: 10 # -r/--resign Skip ISSM compilation and packaging. Use to retrigger 11 # signing/notarization if it fails but build and package 12 # are valid. 13 # -u/--unlock Remove lock file from signed package repository. Use if 14 # build is aborted to allow for subsequent fresh build. 15 # 16 # NOTE: 17 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined, 18 # 19 # COMPRESSED_PKG 20 # ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS 21 # ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER 22 # SIGNED_REPO_COPY 23 # SIGNED_REPO_URL 24 # 25 # See also: 26 # - packagers/mac/ 27 # - packagers/mac/ 28 # 29 # TODO: 30 # - Generalize checkout_*_repo_copy and validate_*_repo_copy functions (e.g. 31 # pass 'signed' or 'unsigned' as argument) 32 ################################################################################ 33 34 # Expand aliases within the context of this script 35 shopt -s expand_aliases 36 37 # From, 38 # 39 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and 40 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910) 41 # 42 # which results in, 43 # 44 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by 45 # Xcode. 46 # 47 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path 48 # is available in PATH. 49 # 50 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS. 51 # 52 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn' 53 54 ## Override certain other aliases 55 # 56 alias cp=$(which cp) 57 alias grep=$(which grep) 58 59 ## Constants 60 # 61 MAX_SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPTS=30 62 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE="notarization.log" 63 RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE="retrigger.txt" 64 SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD=60 # in seconds 65 SIGNING_LOCK_FILE="signing.lock" 66 UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY="./unsigned" 67 UNSIGNED_REPO_URL="" 68 69 ## Functions 70 # 71 checkout_signed_repo_copy(){ 72 echo "Checking out copy of repository for signed packages" 73 74 # NOTE: Get empty copy because we do not want to have to check out package 75 # from previous signing. 76 # 77 svn checkout \ 78 --trust-server-cert \ 79 --non-interactive \ 80 --depth empty \ 81 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 82 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 83 ${SIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 84 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 85 } 86 checkout_unsigned_repo_copy(){ 87 echo "Checking out copy of repository for unsigned packages" 88 svn checkout \ 89 --trust-server-cert \ 90 --non-interactive \ 91 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 92 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 93 ${UNSIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 94 ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 95 } 96 validate_signed_repo_copy(){ 97 # Validate copy of repository for signed binaries (e.g. 98 # 'Check-out Strategy' was set to 'Use 'svn update' as much as possible'; 99 # initial checkout failed) 100 if [[ ! -d ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} || ! -d ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/.svn ]]; then 101 rm -rf ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 102 checkout_signed_repo_copy 103 fi 104 } 105 validate_unsigned_repo_copy(){ 106 # Validate copy of repository for unsigned binaries (e.g. 107 # 'Check-out Strategy' was set to 'Use 'svn update' as much as possible'; 108 # initial checkout failed) 109 if [[ ! -d ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} || ! -d ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/.svn ]]; then 110 rm -rf ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 111 checkout_unsigned_repo_copy 112 fi 113 } 114 115 ## Parse options 116 # 117 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then 118 echo "Can use only one option at a time" 119 exit 1 120 fi 121 122 retrigger_signing=0 123 unlock=0 124 125 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then 126 case $1 in 127 -r|--resign) retrigger_signing=1; ;; 128 -u|--unlock) unlock=1; ;; 129 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;; 130 esac 131 fi 132 133 validate_signed_repo_copy 134 135 if [ ${unlock} -eq 1 ]; then 136 # Remove signing lock file from signed package repository so that a new 137 # build can run 138 echo "Removing lock file from repository for signed packages" 139 svn update \ 140 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 141 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 142 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 143 svn delete ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 144 svn commit \ 145 --trust-server-cert \ 146 --non-interactive \ 147 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 148 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 149 --message "DEL: Removing lock file after failed build" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 150 svn cleanup ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 151 152 echo "Remove -u/--unlock option from configuration and run again" 153 exit 1 154 fi 155 156 # If lock file exists, a signing build is still in process by JPL Cybersecurity 157 svn update \ 158 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 159 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 160 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 161 162 if [ -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} ]; then 163 echo "Previous signing job still in process by JPL Cybersecurity. Please try again later." 164 exit 1 165 fi 166 167 # Commit lock file to repository for signed packages 168 echo "Committing lock file to repository for signed packages" 169 touch ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} 170 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 171 svn commit \ 172 --trust-server-cert \ 173 --non-interactive \ 174 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 175 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 176 --message "ADD: New lock file" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 177 178 # Check out copy of repository for unsigned packages 179 validate_unsigned_repo_copy 180 181 if [ ${retrigger_signing} -eq 0 ]; then 182 # Commit new compressed package to repository for unsigned binaries 183 echo "Committing package to repository for unsigned packages" 184 cp ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 185 svn add ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1 186 svn commit \ 187 --trust-server-cert \ 188 --non-interactive \ 189 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 190 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 191 --message "CHG: New unsigned package" ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 192 else 193 # NOTE: If notarize_only == 1, we commit a dummy file as we do not want to 194 # have to commit the entire compressed package again simply to 195 # retrigger the signing build on the remote JPL Cybersecurity Jenkins 196 # server. 197 # 198 echo "Attempting to sign existing package again" 199 echo $(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') > ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE} # Write datetime stamp to file to ensure modification is made 200 svn add ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 201 svn commit \ 202 --trust-server-cert \ 203 --non-interactive \ 204 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 205 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 206 --message "ADD: Retriggering signing with same package (previous attempt failed)" ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 207 fi 208 209 # Check status of signing 210 echo "Checking progress of signing..." 211 SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT=0 212 while [ ${SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPTS} ]; do 213 echo " progress still; checking again in ${SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds" 214 sleep ${SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD} 215 svn update \ 216 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 217 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 218 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 219 220 if [ ! -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} ]; then 221 # Retrieve notarization lock file 222 svn update \ 223 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 224 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 225 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 226 227 # Check status 228 STATUS=$(grep 'Status:' ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*Status: //') 229 if [[ "${STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then 230 echo "Notarization successful!" 231 break 232 else 233 echo "Notarization failed!" 234 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------" 235 cat ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 236 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 237 238 exit 1 239 fi 240 else 241 ((++SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT)) 242 fi 243 done 244 245 if [ ! -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ]; then 246 echo "Signing timed out!" 247 exit 1 248 fi -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Commits ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python 3 API to repository 5 # for signing. This repository is polled by a project running on a JPL 6 # Cybersecurity Jenkins server and performs the actual signing and 7 # notarization. 8 # 9 # Options: 10 # -r/--resign Skip ISSM compilation and packaging. Use to retrigger 11 # signing/notarization if it fails but build and package 12 # are valid. 13 # -u/--unlock Remove lock file from signed package repository. Use if 14 # build is aborted to allow for subsequent fresh build. 15 # 16 # NOTE: 17 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined, 18 # 19 # COMPRESSED_PKG 20 # ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS 21 # ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER 22 # SIGNED_REPO_COPY 23 # SIGNED_REPO_URL 24 # 25 # See also: 26 # - packagers/mac/ 27 # - packagers/mac/ 28 # 29 # TODO: 30 # - Generalize checkout_*_repo_copy and validate_*_repo_copy functions (e.g. 31 # pass 'signed' or 'unsigned' as argument) 32 ################################################################################ 33 34 # Expand aliases within the context of this script 35 shopt -s expand_aliases 36 37 # From, 38 # 39 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and 40 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910) 41 # 42 # which results in, 43 # 44 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by 45 # Xcode. 46 # 47 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path 48 # is available in PATH. 49 # 50 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS. 51 # 52 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn' 53 54 ## Override certain other aliases 55 # 56 alias cp=$(which cp) 57 alias grep=$(which grep) 58 59 ## Constants 60 # 61 MAX_SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPTS=30 62 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE="notarization.log" 63 RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE="retrigger.txt" 64 SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD=60 # in seconds 65 SIGNING_LOCK_FILE="signing.lock" 66 UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY="./unsigned" 67 UNSIGNED_REPO_URL="" 68 69 ## Functions 70 # 71 checkout_signed_repo_copy(){ 72 echo "Checking out copy of repository for signed packages" 73 74 # NOTE: Get empty copy because we do not want to have to check out package 75 # from previous signing. 76 # 77 svn checkout \ 78 --trust-server-cert \ 79 --non-interactive \ 80 --depth empty \ 81 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 82 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 83 ${SIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 84 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 85 } 86 checkout_unsigned_repo_copy(){ 87 echo "Checking out copy of repository for unsigned packages" 88 svn checkout \ 89 --trust-server-cert \ 90 --non-interactive \ 91 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 92 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 93 ${UNSIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 94 ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 95 } 96 validate_signed_repo_copy(){ 97 # Validate copy of repository for signed binaries (e.g. 98 # 'Check-out Strategy' was set to 'Use 'svn update' as much as possible'; 99 # initial checkout failed) 100 if [[ ! -d ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} || ! -d ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/.svn ]]; then 101 rm -rf ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 102 checkout_signed_repo_copy 103 fi 104 } 105 validate_unsigned_repo_copy(){ 106 # Validate copy of repository for unsigned binaries (e.g. 107 # 'Check-out Strategy' was set to 'Use 'svn update' as much as possible'; 108 # initial checkout failed) 109 if [[ ! -d ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} || ! -d ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/.svn ]]; then 110 rm -rf ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 111 checkout_unsigned_repo_copy 112 fi 113 } 114 115 ## Parse options 116 # 117 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then 118 echo "Can use only one option at a time" 119 exit 1 120 fi 121 122 retrigger_signing=0 123 unlock=0 124 125 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then 126 case $1 in 127 -r|--resign) retrigger_signing=1; ;; 128 -u|--unlock) unlock=1; ;; 129 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;; 130 esac 131 fi 132 133 validate_signed_repo_copy 134 135 if [ ${unlock} -eq 1 ]; then 136 # Remove signing lock file from signed package repository so that a new 137 # build can run 138 echo "Removing lock file from repository for signed packages" 139 svn update \ 140 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 141 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 142 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 143 svn delete ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 144 svn commit \ 145 --trust-server-cert \ 146 --non-interactive \ 147 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 148 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 149 --message "DEL: Removing lock file after failed build" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 150 svn cleanup ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 151 152 echo "Remove -u/--unlock option from configuration and run again" 153 exit 1 154 fi 155 156 # If lock file exists, a signing build is still in process by JPL Cybersecurity 157 svn update \ 158 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 159 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 160 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 161 162 if [ -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} ]; then 163 echo "Previous signing job still in process by JPL Cybersecurity. Please try again later." 164 exit 1 165 fi 166 167 # Commit lock file to repository for signed packages 168 echo "Committing lock file to repository for signed packages" 169 touch ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} 170 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 171 svn commit \ 172 --trust-server-cert \ 173 --non-interactive \ 174 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 175 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 176 --message "ADD: New lock file" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 177 178 # Check out copy of repository for unsigned packages 179 validate_unsigned_repo_copy 180 181 if [ ${retrigger_signing} -eq 0 ]; then 182 # Commit new compressed package to repository for unsigned binaries 183 echo "Committing package to repository for unsigned packages" 184 cp ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 185 svn add ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1 186 svn commit \ 187 --trust-server-cert \ 188 --non-interactive \ 189 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 190 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 191 --message "CHG: New unsigned package" ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 192 else 193 # NOTE: If notarize_only == 1, we commit a dummy file as we do not want to 194 # have to commit the entire compressed package again simply to 195 # retrigger the signing build on the remote JPL Cybersecurity Jenkins 196 # server. 197 # 198 echo "Attempting to sign existing package again" 199 echo $(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') > ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE} # Write datetime stamp to file to ensure modification is made 200 svn add ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${RETRIGGER_SIGNING_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 201 svn commit \ 202 --trust-server-cert \ 203 --non-interactive \ 204 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 205 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 206 --message "ADD: Retriggering signing with same package (previous attempt failed)" ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 207 fi 208 209 # Check status of signing 210 echo "Checking progress of signing..." 211 SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT=0 212 while [ ${SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPTS} ]; do 213 echo " progress still; checking again in ${SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds" 214 sleep ${SIGNING_CHECK_PERIOD} 215 svn update \ 216 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 217 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 218 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 219 220 if [ ! -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} ]; then 221 # Retrieve notarization lock file 222 svn update \ 223 --username ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_USER} \ 224 --password ${ISSM_BINARIES_REPO_PASS} \ 225 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 226 227 # Check status 228 STATUS=$(grep 'Status:' ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*Status: //') 229 if [[ "${STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then 230 echo "Notarization successful!" 231 break 232 else 233 echo "Notarization failed!" 234 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------" 235 cat ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 236 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 237 238 exit 1 239 fi 240 else 241 ((++SIGNING_CHECK_ATTEMPT)) 242 fi 243 done 244 245 if [ ! -f ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ]; then 246 echo "Signing timed out!" 247 exit 1 248 fi -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Wrapper script to build, package, send for signing, and transfer to ISSM Web 5 # site ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python 2 API. 6 # 7 # Normally, we would put this directly into the project configuration under 8 # 'Build' -> 'Excute shell', but becasue it is a bit more involved, it is a 9 # good idea to version it. 10 # 11 # When no failures/errors occur, performs the following: 12 # - Builds ISSM according to configuration. 13 # - Packages executables and libraries. 14 # - Runs test suite against package. 15 # - Commits compressed package to repository to be signed by JPL Cybersecurity. 16 # - Retrieves signed package and transmits it to ISSM Web site for 17 # distribution. 18 # 19 # Options: 20 # -b/--skipbuild Skip ISSM compilation. 21 # -r/--resign Skip ISSM compilation and packaging. Use to retrigger 22 # signing/notarization if it fails but build and package 23 # are valid. 24 # -s/--skiptests Skip ISSM compilation and testing during packaging 25 # step. Use if packaging fails for some reason but build 26 # is valid. 27 # -t/--transferonly Transfer package to ISSM Web site only. Use if transfer 28 # fails for some reason to skip building, packaging, and 29 # signing. 30 # -u/--unlock Remove lock file from signed package repository. Use if 31 # build is aborted to allow for subsequent fresh build. 32 # 33 # Debugging: 34 # - Relies on a very tight handshake with project on remote JPL Cybersecurity 35 # Jenkins server. Debugging may be perfomed locally by running, 36 # 37 # packagers/mac/ 38 # 39 # with "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" hardcoded to Apple 40 # Developer credentials. 41 # - Removing stdout/stderr redirections to null device (> /dev/null 2>&1) can 42 # help debug potential SVN issues. 43 # 44 # NOTE: 45 # - Use only *one* of the above options at a time, and make sure it is removed 46 # again after a single run. 47 # - Builds will fail when any of the above options are used on a clean 48 # workspace. For example, if 'Source Code Management' -> 'Check-out Strategy' 49 # select menu is set to "Always check out a fresh copy". 50 # - Assumes that "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" are set up in 51 # the 'Bindings' section under a 'Username and password (separated)' binding 52 # (requires 'Credentials Binding Plugin') with 'Credentials' select menu set 53 # to "jenkins/****** (SVN repository for ISSM binaries)". 54 ################################################################################ 55 56 ## Constants 57 # 58 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python-2" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to 59 SIGNED_REPO_COPY="./signed" 60 SIGNED_REPO_URL="" 61 62 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip" 63 64 ## Environment 65 # 66 export COMPRESSED_PKG 67 export PKG 68 export SIGNED_REPO_COPY 69 export SIGNED_REPO_URL 70 71 ## Parse options 72 # 73 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then 74 echo "Can use only one option at a time" 75 exit 1 76 fi 77 78 # NOTE: We could do this with binary switching (i.e. 0011 to sign and transfer, 79 # but the following is self-documenting). 80 # 81 build=1 82 package=1 83 sign=1 84 transfer=1 85 86 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then 87 case $1 in 88 -b|--skipbuild) build=0; shift ;; 89 -r|--resign) build=0; package=0; ;; 90 -s|--skiptests) build=0; ;; 91 -t|--transferonly) build=0; package=0; sign=0; ;; 92 -u|--unlock) build=0; package=0; transfer=0; ;; 93 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;; 94 esac 95 fi 96 97 # Build 98 if [ ${build} -eq 1 ]; then 99 ./jenkins/ ./jenkins/pine_island-mac-binaries-python-2 100 101 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 102 exit 1 103 fi 104 fi 105 106 # Package 107 if [ ${package} -eq 1 ]; then 108 ./packagers/mac/ $1 109 110 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 111 exit 1 112 fi 113 114 shift # Clear $1 so that it is not passed to commit_for_signing script 115 fi 116 117 # Commit for signing 118 if [ ${sign} -eq 1 ]; then 119 ./packagers/mac/ $1 120 121 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 122 exit 1 123 fi 124 fi 125 126 # Transfer distributable package to ISSM Web site 127 if [ ${transfer} -eq 1 ]; then 128 ./packagers/mac/ 129 130 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 131 exit 1 132 fi 133 fi 134 -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Wrapper script to build, package, send for signing, and transfer to ISSM Web 5 # site ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python 3 API. 6 # 7 # Normally, we would put this directly into the project configuration under 8 # 'Build' -> 'Excute shell', but becasue it is a bit more involved, it is a 9 # good idea to version it. 10 # 11 # When no failures/errors occur, performs the following: 12 # - Builds ISSM according to configuration. 13 # - Packages executables and libraries. 14 # - Runs test suite against package. 15 # - Commits compressed package to repository to be signed by JPL Cybersecurity. 16 # - Retrieves signed package and transmits it to ISSM Web site for 17 # distribution. 18 # 19 # Options: 20 # -b/--skipbuild Skip ISSM compilation. 21 # -r/--resign Skip ISSM compilation and packaging. Use to retrigger 22 # signing/notarization if it fails but build and package 23 # are valid. 24 # -s/--skiptests Skip ISSM compilation and testing during packaging 25 # step. Use if packaging fails for some reason but build 26 # is valid. 27 # -t/--transferonly Transfer package to ISSM Web site only. Use if transfer 28 # fails for some reason to skip building, packaging, and 29 # signing. 30 # -u/--unlock Remove lock file from signed package repository. Use if 31 # build is aborted to allow for subsequent fresh build. 32 # 33 # Debugging: 34 # - Relies on a very tight handshake with project on remote JPL Cybersecurity 35 # Jenkins server. Debugging may be perfomed locally by running, 36 # 37 # packagers/mac/ 38 # 39 # with "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" hardcoded to Apple 40 # Developer credentials. 41 # - Removing stdout/stderr redirections to null device (> /dev/null 2>&1) can 42 # help debug potential SVN issues. 43 # 44 # NOTE: 45 # - Use only *one* of the above options at a time, and make sure it is removed 46 # again after a single run. 47 # - Builds will fail when any of the above options are used on a clean 48 # workspace. For example, if 'Source Code Management' -> 'Check-out Strategy' 49 # select menu is set to "Always check out a fresh copy". 50 # - Assumes that "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" are set up in 51 # the 'Bindings' section under a 'Username and password (separated)' binding 52 # (requires 'Credentials Binding Plugin') with 'Credentials' select menu set 53 # to "jenkins/****** (SVN repository for ISSM binaries)". 54 ################################################################################ 55 56 ## Constants 57 # 58 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python-3" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to 59 SIGNED_REPO_COPY="./signed" 60 SIGNED_REPO_URL="" 61 62 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip" 63 64 ## Environment 65 # 66 export COMPRESSED_PKG 67 export PKG 68 export SIGNED_REPO_COPY 69 export SIGNED_REPO_URL 70 71 ## Parse options 72 # 73 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then 74 echo "Can use only one option at a time" 75 exit 1 76 fi 77 78 # NOTE: We could do this with binary switching (i.e. 0011 to sign and transfer, 79 # but the following is self-documenting). 80 # 81 build=1 82 package=1 83 sign=1 84 transfer=1 85 86 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then 87 case $1 in 88 -b|--skipbuild) build=0; shift ;; 89 -r|--resign) build=0; package=0; ;; 90 -s|--skiptests) build=0; ;; 91 -t|--transferonly) build=0; package=0; sign=0; ;; 92 -u|--unlock) build=0; package=0; transfer=0; ;; 93 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;; 94 esac 95 fi 96 97 # Build 98 if [ ${build} -eq 1 ]; then 99 ./jenkins/ ./jenkins/pine_island-mac-binaries-python-3 100 101 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 102 exit 1 103 fi 104 fi 105 106 # Package 107 if [ ${package} -eq 1 ]; then 108 ./packagers/mac/ $1 109 110 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 111 exit 1 112 fi 113 114 shift # Clear $1 so that it is not passed to commit_for_signing script 115 fi 116 117 # Commit for signing 118 if [ ${sign} -eq 1 ]; then 119 ./packagers/mac/ $1 120 121 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 122 exit 1 123 fi 124 fi 125 126 # Transfer distributable package to ISSM Web site 127 if [ ${transfer} -eq 1 ]; then 128 ./packagers/mac/ 129 130 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 131 exit 1 132 fi 133 fi 134 -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Packages and tests ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python 2 API. 5 # 6 # Options: 7 # -s/--skiptests Skip testing during packaging Use if packaging fails 8 # for some reason but build is valid. 9 # 10 # NOTE: 11 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined, 12 # 13 # COMPRESSED_PKG 14 # ISSM_DIR 15 # PKG 16 # 17 # See also: 18 # - packagers/mac/ 19 # - packagers/mac/ 20 ################################################################################ 21 22 # Expand aliases within the context of this script 23 shopt -s expand_aliases 24 25 # From, 26 # 27 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and 28 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910) 29 # 30 # which results in, 31 # 32 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by 33 # Xcode. 34 # 35 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path 36 # is available in PATH. 37 # 38 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS. 39 # 40 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn' 41 42 ## Override certain other aliases 43 # 44 alias grep=$(which grep) 45 46 ## Constants 47 # 48 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark all --exclude 125 126 234 235 418 420 435 444 445 701 702 703 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1301 1302 1303 1304 1401 1402 1601 1602 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2021 2051 2052 2053 2084 2085 2090 2101 2424 2425 3001:3200 3201 3202 3300 3480 3481 4001 4002 4003" # NOTE: Combination of test suites from basic, Dakota, and Solid Earth builds, with tests that require a restart and those that require the JVM excluded 49 50 ## Environment 51 # 52 export PATH="${ISSM_DIR}/bin:$(getconf PATH)" # Ensure that we pick up binaries from 'bin' directory rather than 'externalpackages' 53 54 ## Parse options 55 # 56 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then 57 echo "Can use only one option at a time" 58 exit 1 59 fi 60 61 skip_tests=0 62 63 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then 64 case $1 in 65 -s|--skiptests) skip_tests=1; ;; 66 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;; 67 esac 68 fi 69 70 # Clean up from previous packaging 71 echo "Cleaning up existing assets" 72 cd ${ISSM_DIR} 73 rm -rf ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 74 mkdir ${PKG} 75 76 # Add required binaries and libraries to package and modify them where needed 77 cd ${ISSM_DIR}/bin 78 79 echo "Modify generic" 80 cat | sed -e "s/generic_static/generic/g" > 81 82 echo "Moving MPICH binaries to bin/" 83 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then 84 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec . 85 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy . 86 elif [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then 87 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/mpiexec . 88 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy . 89 else 90 echo "MPICH not found" 91 exit 1 92 fi 93 94 echo "Moving GDAL binaries to bin/" 95 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdal-config ]; then 96 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdalsrsinfo . 97 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdaltransform . 98 else 99 echo "GDAL not found" 100 exit 1 101 fi 102 103 echo "Moving GMT binaries to bin/" 104 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt-config ]; then 105 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt . 106 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmtselect . 107 else 108 echo "GMT not found" 109 exit 1 110 fi 111 112 echo "Moving Gmsh binaries to bin/" 113 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmsh/install/bin/gmsh ]; then 114 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmsh/install/bin/gmsh . 115 else 116 echo "Gmsh not found" 117 exit 1 118 fi 119 120 # Run tests 121 if [ ${skip_tests} -eq 0 ]; then 122 echo "Running tests" 123 cd ${ISSM_DIR}/test/NightlyRun 124 rm python.log 2> /dev/null 125 126 # Set Python environment 127 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/dev" 128 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/" 129 export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # We don't want Python to buffer output, otherwise issm.exe output is not captured 130 131 # Run tests, redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console 132 ./ ${PYTHON_NROPTIONS} &> python.log 2>&1 133 134 # Check that Python did not exit in error 135 pythonExitCode=`echo $?` 136 pythonExitedInError=`grep -E "Error|Standard exception|Traceback|bad interpreter" python.log | wc -l` 137 138 if [[ ${pythonExitCode} -ne 0 || ${pythonExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then 139 echo "----------Python exited in error!----------" 140 cat python.log 141 echo "-----------End of python.log-----------" 142 143 # Clean up execution directory 144 rm -rf ${ISSM_DIR}/execution/* 145 146 exit 1 147 fi 148 149 # Check that all tests passed 150 numTestsFailed=`cat python.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"` 151 152 if [ ${numTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]; then 153 echo "One or more tests FAILED" 154 exit 1 155 else 156 echo "All tests PASSED" 157 fi 158 else 159 echo "Skipping tests" 160 fi 161 162 # Create package 163 cd ${ISSM_DIR} 164 svn cleanup --remove-ignored --remove-unversioned test # Clean up test directory (before copying to package) 165 echo "Copying assets to package: ${PKG}" 166 cp -rf bin examples lib scripts test ${PKG} 167 mkdir ${PKG}/execution 168 cp packagers/mac/issm-executable_entitlements.plist ${PKG}/bin/entitlements.plist 169 ${ISSM_DIR}/scripts/ ${PKG}/bin # Compile Python source files 170 echo "Cleaning up unneeded/unwanted files" 171 rm -f ${PKG}/bin/*.py # Remove all Python scripts 172 rm -f ${PKG}/bin/generic_static.* # Remove static versions of generic cluster classes 173 rm -f ${PKG}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package 174 rm -f ${PKG}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package 175 rm -rf ${PKG}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package 176 177 # Compress package 178 echo "Compressing package" 179 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Packages and tests ISSM distributable package for macOS with Python 3 API. 5 # 6 # Options: 7 # -s/--skiptests Skip testing during packaging Use if packaging fails 8 # for some reason but build is valid. 9 # 10 # NOTE: 11 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined, 12 # 13 # COMPRESSED_PKG 14 # ISSM_DIR 15 # PKG 16 # 17 # See also: 18 # - packagers/mac/ 19 # - packagers/mac/ 20 ################################################################################ 21 22 # Expand aliases within the context of this script 23 shopt -s expand_aliases 24 25 # From, 26 # 27 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and 28 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910) 29 # 30 # which results in, 31 # 32 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by 33 # Xcode. 34 # 35 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path 36 # is available in PATH. 37 # 38 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS. 39 # 40 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn' 41 42 ## Override certain other aliases 43 # 44 alias grep=$(which grep) 45 46 ## Constants 47 # 48 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark all --exclude 125 126 234 235 418 420 435 444 445 701 702 703 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1301 1302 1303 1304 1401 1402 1601 1602 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2021 2051 2052 2053 2084 2085 2090 2101 2424 2425 3001:3200 3201 3202 3300 3480 3481 4001 4002 4003" # NOTE: Combination of test suites from basic, Dakota, and Solid Earth builds, with tests that require a restart and those that require the JVM excluded 49 50 ## Environment 51 # 52 export PATH="${ISSM_DIR}/bin:$(getconf PATH)" # Ensure that we pick up binaries from 'bin' directory rather than 'externalpackages' 53 54 ## Parse options 55 # 56 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then 57 echo "Can use only one option at a time" 58 exit 1 59 fi 60 61 skip_tests=0 62 63 if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then 64 case $1 in 65 -s|--skiptests) skip_tests=1; ;; 66 *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;; 67 esac 68 fi 69 70 # Clean up from previous packaging 71 echo "Cleaning up existing assets" 72 cd ${ISSM_DIR} 73 rm -rf ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 74 mkdir ${PKG} 75 76 # Add required binaries and libraries to package and modify them where needed 77 cd ${ISSM_DIR}/bin 78 79 echo "Modify generic" 80 cat | sed -e "s/generic_static/generic/g" > 81 82 echo "Moving MPICH binaries to bin/" 83 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then 84 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec . 85 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy . 86 elif [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then 87 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/mpiexec . 88 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy . 89 else 90 echo "MPICH not found" 91 exit 1 92 fi 93 94 echo "Moving GDAL binaries to bin/" 95 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdal-config ]; then 96 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdalsrsinfo . 97 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdaltransform . 98 else 99 echo "GDAL not found" 100 exit 1 101 fi 102 103 echo "Moving GMT binaries to bin/" 104 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt-config ]; then 105 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt . 106 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmtselect . 107 else 108 echo "GMT not found" 109 exit 1 110 fi 111 112 echo "Moving Gmsh binaries to bin/" 113 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmsh/install/bin/gmsh ]; then 114 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmsh/install/bin/gmsh . 115 else 116 echo "Gmsh not found" 117 exit 1 118 fi 119 120 # Run tests 121 if [ ${skip_tests} -eq 0 ]; then 122 echo "Running tests" 123 cd ${ISSM_DIR}/test/NightlyRun 124 rm python.log 2> /dev/null 125 126 # Set Python environment 127 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/dev" 128 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/" 129 export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # We don't want Python to buffer output, otherwise issm.exe output is not captured 130 131 # Ensure that uses Python 3 interpreter 132 sed -i "s|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/local/bin/python3|g" ./ 133 134 # Run tests, redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console 135 ./ ${PYTHON_NROPTIONS} &> python.log 2>&1 136 137 # Check that Python did not exit in error 138 pythonExitCode=`echo $?` 139 pythonExitedInError=`grep -E "Error|Standard exception|Traceback|bad interpreter" python.log | wc -l` 140 141 if [[ ${pythonExitCode} -ne 0 || ${pythonExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then 142 echo "----------Python exited in error!----------" 143 cat python.log 144 echo "-----------End of python.log-----------" 145 146 # Clean up execution directory 147 rm -rf ${ISSM_DIR}/execution/* 148 149 exit 1 150 fi 151 152 # Check that all tests passed 153 numTestsFailed=`cat python.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"` 154 155 if [ ${numTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]; then 156 echo "One or more tests FAILED" 157 exit 1 158 else 159 echo "All tests PASSED" 160 fi 161 else 162 echo "Skipping tests" 163 fi 164 165 # Create package 166 cd ${ISSM_DIR} 167 svn cleanup --remove-ignored --remove-unversioned test # Clean up test directory (before copying to package) 168 echo "Copying assets to package: ${PKG}" 169 cp -rf bin examples lib scripts test ${PKG} 170 mkdir ${PKG}/execution 171 cp packagers/mac/issm-executable_entitlements.plist ${PKG}/bin/entitlements.plist 172 ${ISSM_DIR}/scripts/ ${PKG}/bin # Compile Python source files 173 echo "Cleaning up unneeded/unwanted files" 174 rm -f ${PKG}/bin/*.py # Remove all Python scripts 175 rm -f ${PKG}/bin/generic_static.* # Remove static versions of generic cluster classes 176 rm -f ${PKG}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package 177 rm -f ${PKG}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package 178 rm -rf ${PKG}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package 179 180 # Compress package 181 echo "Compressing package" 182 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Intended to be run in the context of a Jenkins project on a JPL 5 # Cybersecurity server for signing macOS applications. Polls SCM of the 6 # Subversion repository hosted at 7 # to trigger 8 # new builds. 9 # 10 # In order to replicate the requried Jenkins project configuration: 11 # - First, navigate to 'Manage Jenkins' -> 'Manage Plugins' and install the 12 # 'Credentials Bindings Plugin' if it is not already installed. 13 # - Contact one of the members of the ISSM development team for crendentials 14 # for the ISSM binaries repository (mention that the credentials are stored 15 # in ISSM-Infrastructure.pdf). 16 # - Navigate to 'Manage Jenkins' -> 'Manage Credentials' -> <domain> -> 17 # 'Add Credentials' and enter the crendentials from above. 18 # - From the 'Dashboard', select 'New Item' -> 'Freestyle project'. 19 # - Under 'Source Code Management', select 'Subversion'. 20 # - The 'Repository URL' text field should be set to 21 # "". 22 # - The 'Credentials' select menu should be set to the new credentials 23 # created previously. 24 # - The 'Local module directory' text field should be set to the same 25 # value as the constant UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY (set below to './unsigned'). 26 # - Under 'Build Trigggers', check the box for 'Poll SCM' and set the 27 # 'Schedule' text area to "H/5 * * * *". 28 # - Under 'Build Environment', check the box for 'Use secret text(s) or 29 # file(s)', then under 'Bindings' click the 'Add...' button and select 30 # 'Username and password (separated)'. 31 # - Set 'Username Variable' to "ISSM_BINARIES_USER". 32 # - Set 'Password Variable' to "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS". 33 # - Under 'Credentials', select the same, new credentials that created 34 # previously. 35 # - The contents of this script can be copied/pasted directly into the ‘Build' 36 # -> 'Execute Shell' -> ‘Command' textarea of the project configuration (or 37 # you can simply store the script on disk and call it from there). 38 # - Make sure to click the 'Save' button. 39 # 40 # Current point of contact at JPL Cybersecurity: 41 # Alex Coward, 42 # 43 # NOTE: 44 # - Assumes that "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" are set up in 45 # the 'Bindings' section under a 'Username and password (separated)' binding 46 # (requires 'Credentials Binding Plugin'). 47 # - For local debugging, the aformentioned credentials can be hardcoded into 48 # the 'USERNAME' and 'PASSWORD' constants below. 49 ################################################################################ 50 51 # Expand aliases within the context of this script 52 shopt -s expand_aliases 53 54 # From, 55 # 56 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and 57 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910) 58 # 59 # which results in, 60 # 61 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by 62 # Xcode. 63 # 64 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path 65 # is available in PATH. 66 # 67 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS. 68 # 69 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn' 70 71 ## Override certain other aliases 72 # 73 alias cp=$(which cp) 74 alias grep=$(which grep) 75 76 ## Constants 77 # 78 AD_IDENTITY="**********" # Apple Developer identity 79 AD_USERNAME="**********" # Apple Developer username 80 ALTOOL_PASSWORD="@keychain:**********" # altool password (assumed to be stored in keychain) 81 ASC_PROVIDER="**********" 82 MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS=10 83 NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS=20 84 NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD=60 85 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE="notarization.log" 86 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH="." 87 PASSWORD=${ISSM_BINARIES_PASS} 88 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python-2" 89 PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID="gov.nasa.jpl.issm.python" 90 SIGNED_REPO_COPY="./signed" 91 SIGNED_REPO_URL="" 92 SIGNING_LOCK_FILE="signing.lock" 93 SUCCESS_LOGFILE="${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/success.log" 94 UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY="./unsigned" 95 UNSIGNED_REPO_URL="" 96 USERNAME=${ISSM_BINARIES_USER} 97 98 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip" 99 EXE_ENTITLEMENTS_PLIST="${PKG}/bin/entitlements.plist" 100 101 # NOTE: Uncomment the following for local testing (Jenkins checks out copy of 102 # repository for unsigned packages to working directory) 103 # 104 105 # # Clean up from previous packaging (not necessary for single builds on Jenkins, 106 # # but useful when testing packaging locally) 107 # echo "Cleaning up existing assets" 108 # rm -rf ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 109 110 # # Check out copy of repository for unsigned packages 111 # echo "Checking out copy of respository for unsigned packages" 112 # svn checkout \ 113 # --trust-server-cert \ 114 # --non-interactive \ 115 # --username ${USERNAME} \ 116 # --password ${PASSWORD} \ 117 # ${UNSIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 118 # ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 119 120 rm -rf ${PKG} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 121 122 123 # Extract package contents 124 echo "Extracting package contents" 125 ditto -xk ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} . 126 127 # Clear extended attributes on all files 128 xattr -cr ${PKG} 129 130 # Build list of ISSM executables 131 ISSM_BINS=$(\ 132 find ${PKG}/bin -type f -name *.exe; \ 133 find ${PKG}/bin -type f -name *.pyc; \ 134 ) 135 136 # Build list of third party executables 137 THIRD_PARTY_BINS=$(\ 138 echo ${PKG}/bin/mpiexec; \ 139 echo ${PKG}/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy; \ 140 echo ${PKG}/bin/gdalsrsinfo; \ 141 echo ${PKG}/bin/gdaltransform; \ 142 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmt; \ 143 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmtselect; \ 144 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmsh; \ 145 ) 146 147 # Sign all executables in package 148 echo "Signing all executables in package" 149 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime --entitlements ${EXE_ENTITLEMENTS_PLIST} ${ISSM_BINS} 150 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} 151 152 # Build list of ISSM libraries 153 ISSM_LIBS=$(\ 154 find ${PKG}/lib -type f -name *.so; \ 155 ) 156 157 # Sign all libraries in package 158 echo "Signing all libraries in package" 159 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime ${ISSM_LIBS} 160 161 # NOTE: Skipping signature validation because this is not a true package nor app 162 163 # Compress signed package 164 echo "Compressing signed package" 165 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 166 167 # Submit compressed package for notarization 168 echo "Submitting signed package to Apple for notarization" 169 xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id ${PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID} --username ${AD_USERNAME} --password ${ALTOOL_PASSWORD} --asc-provider ${ASC_PROVIDER} --file ${COMPRESSED_PKG} &> ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 170 171 # Sleep until notarization request response is received 172 echo "Waiting for notarizaion request response" 173 while [[ ! -f ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} || ! -z $(find ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH} -empty -name ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) ]]; do 174 sleep 30 175 done 176 177 echo "Notarizaion request response received" 178 179 # Check if UUID exists in response 180 HAS_UUID=$(grep 'RequestUUID = ' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) # NOTE: Checking for "RequestUUID = " because "RequestUUID" shows up in some error messages 181 if [ -z "${HAS_UUID}" ]; then 182 echo "Notarization failed!" 183 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------" 184 cat ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 185 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 186 187 # Clean up 188 rm -rf ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 189 190 exit 1 191 fi 192 193 # Get UUID from notarization request response 194 UUID=$(echo ${HAS_UUID} | sed 's/[[:space:]]*RequestUUID = //') 195 echo "UUID: ${UUID}" 196 197 # Check notarization status 198 # 199 # NOTE: Currently, this checks if notarization was successful, but we are not 200 # able to staple notarization as this is not a true package nor app and, 201 # at the very least, MATLAB Mex files cannot be stapled. As such, clients 202 # will not be able to clear Gatekeeper if they are offline. 203 # 204 echo "Checking notarization status" 205 SUCCESS=0 206 for ATTEMPT in $(seq 1 ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS}); do 207 echo " Attempt #${ATTEMPT}..." 208 xcrun altool --notarization-info ${UUID} --username ${AD_USERNAME} --password ${ALTOOL_PASSWORD} &> ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 209 if [[ -f ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} && -z $(find ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH} -empty -name ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) ]]; then 210 211 # First, check if there is an error 212 ERROR_CHECK=$(grep 'Error' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) 213 if [ ! -z "${ERROR_CHECK}" ]; then 214 break 215 fi 216 217 # No error, so check status 218 STATUS=$(grep 'Status:' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*Status: //') 219 if [[ "${STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then 220 # Staple notarization to all elements of package that were previously signed 221 #xcrun stapler staple ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} # NOTE: Fails with "Stapler is incapable of working with MATLAB Mex files." 222 223 # Validate stapling of notarization 224 #xcrun stapler validation ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} # NOTE: Skipping notarization stapling validation because this is not a true package nor app 225 226 # Compress signed and notarized package 227 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 228 229 # Set flag indicating notarization was successful 230 SUCCESS=1 231 232 break 233 elif [[ "${STATUS}" == "in progress" ]]; then 234 echo " progress still; checking again in ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds." 235 sleep ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} 236 elif [[ "${STATUS}" == "invalid" ]]; then 237 break 238 fi 239 else 240 if [ ${ATTEMPT} -lt ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS} ]; then 241 echo " ...not ready yet; checking again in ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds" 242 sleep ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} 243 else 244 echo " ...maximum attempts reached, but no response, or something else went wrong" 245 echo " If contents of notarization status check logfile appear to be valid, increase NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS and run again" 246 break 247 fi 248 fi 249 done 250 251 if [ ${SUCCESS} -eq 1 ]; then 252 echo "Notarization successful!" 253 else 254 echo "Notarization failed!" 255 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------" 256 cat ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 257 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 258 fi 259 260 # Check out copy of repository for signed packages 261 echo "Checking out copy of respository for signed packages" 262 SVN_ATTEMPT=0 263 SVN_SUCCESS=0 264 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do 265 rm -rf ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 266 svn checkout \ 267 --trust-server-cert \ 268 --non-interactive \ 269 --username ${USERNAME} \ 270 --password ${PASSWORD} \ 271 ${SIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 272 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 273 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 274 SVN_SUCCESS=1 275 break 276 else 277 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT)) 278 sleep 5 279 fi 280 done 281 282 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then 283 echo "Checkout of respository for signed packages failed" 284 exit 1 285 fi 286 287 # Copy notarization file to repository for signed packages 288 cp ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 289 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 290 291 # Remove lock file from repository for signed packages 292 svn delete ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} 293 294 SVN_ATTEMPT=0 295 SVN_SUCCESS=0 296 if [ ${SUCCESS} -eq 1 ]; then 297 # Copy signed package to repository for signed packages 298 cp ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 299 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1 300 301 # Commit changes 302 echo "Committing changes to repository for signed packages" 303 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do 304 svn commit \ 305 --trust-server-cert \ 306 --non-interactive \ 307 --username ${USERNAME} \ 308 --password ${PASSWORD} \ 309 --message "CHG: New signed package (success)" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 310 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 311 SVN_SUCCESS=1 312 break 313 else 314 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT)) 315 sleep 5 316 fi 317 done 318 319 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then 320 echo "Commit to respository for signed packages failed" 321 exit 1 322 fi 323 else 324 # Commit changes 325 echo "Committing changes to repository for signed packages" 326 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do 327 svn commit \ 328 --trust-server-cert \ 329 --non-interactive \ 330 --username ${USERNAME} \ 331 --password ${PASSWORD} \ 332 --message "CHG: New signed package (failure)" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 333 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 334 SVN_SUCCESS=1 335 break 336 else 337 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT)) 338 sleep 5 339 fi 340 done 341 342 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then 343 echo "Commit to respository for signed packages failed" 344 exit 1 345 fi 346 347 exit 1 348 fi -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Intended to be run in the context of a Jenkins project on a JPL 5 # Cybersecurity server for signing macOS applications. Polls SCM of the 6 # Subversion repository hosted at 7 # to trigger 8 # new builds. 9 # 10 # In order to replicate the requried Jenkins project configuration: 11 # - First, navigate to 'Manage Jenkins' -> 'Manage Plugins' and install the 12 # 'Credentials Bindings Plugin' if it is not already installed. 13 # - Contact one of the members of the ISSM development team for crendentials 14 # for the ISSM binaries repository (mention that the credentials are stored 15 # in ISSM-Infrastructure.pdf). 16 # - Navigate to 'Manage Jenkins' -> 'Manage Credentials' -> <domain> -> 17 # 'Add Credentials' and enter the crendentials from above. 18 # - From the 'Dashboard', select 'New Item' -> 'Freestyle project'. 19 # - Under 'Source Code Management', select 'Subversion'. 20 # - The 'Repository URL' text field should be set to 21 # "". 22 # - The 'Credentials' select menu should be set to the new credentials 23 # created previously. 24 # - The 'Local module directory' text field should be set to the same 25 # value as the constant UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY (set below to './unsigned'). 26 # - Under 'Build Trigggers', check the box for 'Poll SCM' and set the 27 # 'Schedule' text area to "H/5 * * * *". 28 # - Under 'Build Environment', check the box for 'Use secret text(s) or 29 # file(s)', then under 'Bindings' click the 'Add...' button and select 30 # 'Username and password (separated)'. 31 # - Set 'Username Variable' to "ISSM_BINARIES_USER". 32 # - Set 'Password Variable' to "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS". 33 # - Under 'Credentials', select the same, new credentials that created 34 # previously. 35 # - The contents of this script can be copied/pasted directly into the ‘Build' 36 # -> 'Execute Shell' -> ‘Command' textarea of the project configuration (or 37 # you can simply store the script on disk and call it from there). 38 # - Make sure to click the 'Save' button. 39 # 40 # Current point of contact at JPL Cybersecurity: 41 # Alex Coward, 42 # 43 # NOTE: 44 # - Assumes that "ISSM_BINARIES_USER" and "ISSM_BINARIES_PASS" are set up in 45 # the 'Bindings' section under a 'Username and password (separated)' binding 46 # (requires 'Credentials Binding Plugin'). 47 # - For local debugging, the aformentioned credentials can be hardcoded into 48 # the 'USERNAME' and 'PASSWORD' constants below. 49 ################################################################################ 50 51 # Expand aliases within the context of this script 52 shopt -s expand_aliases 53 54 # From, 55 # 56 # Command line tool support for Subversion — including svn, git-svn, and 57 # related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. (50266910) 58 # 59 # which results in, 60 # 61 # svn: error: The subversion command line tools are no longer provided by 62 # Xcode. 63 # 64 # when calling svn, even when subversion is installed via Homebrew and its path 65 # is available in PATH. 66 # 67 # NOTE: May be able to remove this after updating macOS. 68 # 69 #alias svn='/usr/local/bin/svn' 70 71 ## Override certain other aliases 72 # 73 alias cp=$(which cp) 74 alias grep=$(which grep) 75 76 ## Constants 77 # 78 AD_IDENTITY="**********" # Apple Developer identity 79 AD_USERNAME="**********" # Apple Developer username 80 ALTOOL_PASSWORD="@keychain:**********" # altool password (assumed to be stored in keychain) 81 ASC_PROVIDER="**********" 82 MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS=10 83 NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS=20 84 NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD=60 85 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE="notarization.log" 86 NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH="." 87 PASSWORD=${ISSM_BINARIES_PASS} 88 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python-3" 89 PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID="gov.nasa.jpl.issm.python" 90 SIGNED_REPO_COPY="./signed" 91 SIGNED_REPO_URL="" 92 SIGNING_LOCK_FILE="signing.lock" 93 SUCCESS_LOGFILE="${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/success.log" 94 UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY="./unsigned" 95 UNSIGNED_REPO_URL="" 96 USERNAME=${ISSM_BINARIES_USER} 97 98 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip" 99 EXE_ENTITLEMENTS_PLIST="${PKG}/bin/entitlements.plist" 100 101 # NOTE: Uncomment the following for local testing (Jenkins checks out copy of 102 # repository for unsigned packages to working directory) 103 # 104 105 # # Clean up from previous packaging (not necessary for single builds on Jenkins, 106 # # but useful when testing packaging locally) 107 # echo "Cleaning up existing assets" 108 # rm -rf ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 109 110 # # Check out copy of repository for unsigned packages 111 # echo "Checking out copy of respository for unsigned packages" 112 # svn checkout \ 113 # --trust-server-cert \ 114 # --non-interactive \ 115 # --username ${USERNAME} \ 116 # --password ${PASSWORD} \ 117 # ${UNSIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 118 # ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY} 119 120 rm -rf ${PKG} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 121 122 123 # Extract package contents 124 echo "Extracting package contents" 125 ditto -xk ${UNSIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} . 126 127 # Clear extended attributes on all files 128 xattr -cr ${PKG} 129 130 # Build list of ISSM executables 131 ISSM_BINS=$(\ 132 find ${PKG}/bin -type f -name *.exe; \ 133 find ${PKG}/bin -type f -name *.pyc; \ 134 ) 135 136 # Build list of third party executables 137 THIRD_PARTY_BINS=$(\ 138 echo ${PKG}/bin/mpiexec; \ 139 echo ${PKG}/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy; \ 140 echo ${PKG}/bin/gdalsrsinfo; \ 141 echo ${PKG}/bin/gdaltransform; \ 142 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmt; \ 143 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmtselect; \ 144 echo ${PKG}/bin/gmsh; \ 145 ) 146 147 # Sign all executables in package 148 echo "Signing all executables in package" 149 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime --entitlements ${EXE_ENTITLEMENTS_PLIST} ${ISSM_BINS} 150 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} 151 152 # Build list of ISSM libraries 153 ISSM_LIBS=$(\ 154 find ${PKG}/lib -type f -name *.so; \ 155 ) 156 157 # Sign all libraries in package 158 echo "Signing all libraries in package" 159 codesign -s ${AD_IDENTITY} --timestamp --options=runtime ${ISSM_LIBS} 160 161 # NOTE: Skipping signature validation because this is not a true package nor app 162 163 # Compress signed package 164 echo "Compressing signed package" 165 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 166 167 # Submit compressed package for notarization 168 echo "Submitting signed package to Apple for notarization" 169 xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id ${PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID} --username ${AD_USERNAME} --password ${ALTOOL_PASSWORD} --asc-provider ${ASC_PROVIDER} --file ${COMPRESSED_PKG} &> ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 170 171 # Sleep until notarization request response is received 172 echo "Waiting for notarizaion request response" 173 while [[ ! -f ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} || ! -z $(find ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH} -empty -name ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) ]]; do 174 sleep 30 175 done 176 177 echo "Notarizaion request response received" 178 179 # Check if UUID exists in response 180 HAS_UUID=$(grep 'RequestUUID = ' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) # NOTE: Checking for "RequestUUID = " because "RequestUUID" shows up in some error messages 181 if [ -z "${HAS_UUID}" ]; then 182 echo "Notarization failed!" 183 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------" 184 cat ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 185 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 186 187 # Clean up 188 rm -rf ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 189 190 exit 1 191 fi 192 193 # Get UUID from notarization request response 194 UUID=$(echo ${HAS_UUID} | sed 's/[[:space:]]*RequestUUID = //') 195 echo "UUID: ${UUID}" 196 197 # Check notarization status 198 # 199 # NOTE: Currently, this checks if notarization was successful, but we are not 200 # able to staple notarization as this is not a true package nor app and, 201 # at the very least, MATLAB Mex files cannot be stapled. As such, clients 202 # will not be able to clear Gatekeeper if they are offline. 203 # 204 echo "Checking notarization status" 205 SUCCESS=0 206 for ATTEMPT in $(seq 1 ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS}); do 207 echo " Attempt #${ATTEMPT}..." 208 xcrun altool --notarization-info ${UUID} --username ${AD_USERNAME} --password ${ALTOOL_PASSWORD} &> ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 209 if [[ -f ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} && -z $(find ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH} -empty -name ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) ]]; then 210 211 # First, check if there is an error 212 ERROR_CHECK=$(grep 'Error' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE}) 213 if [ ! -z "${ERROR_CHECK}" ]; then 214 break 215 fi 216 217 # No error, so check status 218 STATUS=$(grep 'Status:' ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*Status: //') 219 if [[ "${STATUS}" == "success" ]]; then 220 # Staple notarization to all elements of package that were previously signed 221 #xcrun stapler staple ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} # NOTE: Fails with "Stapler is incapable of working with MATLAB Mex files." 222 223 # Validate stapling of notarization 224 #xcrun stapler validation ${THIRD_PARTY_BINS} # NOTE: Skipping notarization stapling validation because this is not a true package nor app 225 226 # Compress signed and notarized package 227 ditto -ck --sequesterRsrc --keepParent ${PKG} ${COMPRESSED_PKG} 228 229 # Set flag indicating notarization was successful 230 SUCCESS=1 231 232 break 233 elif [[ "${STATUS}" == "in progress" ]]; then 234 echo " progress still; checking again in ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds." 235 sleep ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} 236 elif [[ "${STATUS}" == "invalid" ]]; then 237 break 238 fi 239 else 240 if [ ${ATTEMPT} -lt ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS} ]; then 241 echo " ...not ready yet; checking again in ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} seconds" 242 sleep ${NOTARIZATION_CHECK_PERIOD} 243 else 244 echo " ...maximum attempts reached, but no response, or something else went wrong" 245 echo " If contents of notarization status check logfile appear to be valid, increase NOTARIZATION_CHECK_ATTEMPTS and run again" 246 break 247 fi 248 fi 249 done 250 251 if [ ${SUCCESS} -eq 1 ]; then 252 echo "Notarization successful!" 253 else 254 echo "Notarization failed!" 255 echo "----------------------- Contents of notarization logfile -----------------------" 256 cat ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} 257 echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" 258 fi 259 260 # Check out copy of repository for signed packages 261 echo "Checking out copy of respository for signed packages" 262 SVN_ATTEMPT=0 263 SVN_SUCCESS=0 264 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do 265 rm -rf ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 266 svn checkout \ 267 --trust-server-cert \ 268 --non-interactive \ 269 --username ${USERNAME} \ 270 --password ${PASSWORD} \ 271 ${SIGNED_REPO_URL} \ 272 ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 273 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 274 SVN_SUCCESS=1 275 break 276 else 277 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT)) 278 sleep 5 279 fi 280 done 281 282 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then 283 echo "Checkout of respository for signed packages failed" 284 exit 1 285 fi 286 287 # Copy notarization file to repository for signed packages 288 cp ${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE_PATH}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 289 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${NOTARIZATION_LOGFILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 290 291 # Remove lock file from repository for signed packages 292 svn delete ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${SIGNING_LOCK_FILE} 293 294 SVN_ATTEMPT=0 295 SVN_SUCCESS=0 296 if [ ${SUCCESS} -eq 1 ]; then 297 # Copy signed package to repository for signed packages 298 cp ${COMPRESSED_PKG} ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} 299 svn add ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY}/${COMPRESSED_PKG} > /dev/null 2>&1 300 301 # Commit changes 302 echo "Committing changes to repository for signed packages" 303 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do 304 svn commit \ 305 --trust-server-cert \ 306 --non-interactive \ 307 --username ${USERNAME} \ 308 --password ${PASSWORD} \ 309 --message "CHG: New signed package (success)" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 310 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 311 SVN_SUCCESS=1 312 break 313 else 314 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT)) 315 sleep 5 316 fi 317 done 318 319 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then 320 echo "Commit to respository for signed packages failed" 321 exit 1 322 fi 323 else 324 # Commit changes 325 echo "Committing changes to repository for signed packages" 326 while [[ ${SVN_ATTEMPT} -lt ${MAX_SVN_ATTEMPTS} && ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]]; do 327 svn commit \ 328 --trust-server-cert \ 329 --non-interactive \ 330 --username ${USERNAME} \ 331 --password ${PASSWORD} \ 332 --message "CHG: New signed package (failure)" ${SIGNED_REPO_COPY} > /dev/null 2>&1 333 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 334 SVN_SUCCESS=1 335 break 336 else 337 ((++SVN_ATTEMPT)) 338 sleep 5 339 fi 340 done 341 342 if [ ${SVN_SUCCESS} -eq 0 ]; then 343 echo "Commit to respository for signed packages failed" 344 exit 1 345 fi 346 347 exit 1 348 fi -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # This script is intended to test ISSM macOS Python 2 binaries on an end-user 5 # machine after successful packaging and signing. 6 # 7 # NOTE: Tarball must already exist in INSTALL_DIR 8 ################################################################################ 9 10 ## Constants 11 # 12 INSTALL_DIR=. 13 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python-2" 14 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark all --exclude 125 126 234 235 418 420 435 444 445 701 702 703 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1301 1302 1303 1304 1401 1402 1601 1602 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2021 2051 2052 2053 2084 2085 2090 2101 2424 2425 3001:3200 3201 3202 3300 3480 3481 4001 4002 4003" # NOTE: Combination of test suites from basic, Dakota, and Solid Earth builds, with tests that require a restart and those that require the JVM excluded 15 16 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip" 17 18 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PKG}" 19 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 20 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 21 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/" 22 export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # We don't want Python to buffer output, otherwise issm.exe output is not captured 23 24 cd ${INSTALL_DIR} 25 rm -rf ${PKG} 26 ditto -xk ${COMPRESSED_PKG} . 27 cd ${PKG}/test/NightlyRun 28 29 # Run tests, redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console 30 echo "Running tests" 31 rm python.log 2> /dev/null 32 ./ ${PYTHON_NROPTIONS} &> python.log 2>&1 33 34 # Check that Python did not exit in error 35 pythonExitCode=`echo $?` 36 pythonExitedInError=`grep -E " error" python.log | wc -l` 37 38 if [[ ${pythonExitCode} -ne 0 || ${pythonExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then 39 echo "----------Python exited in error!----------" 40 cat python.log 41 echo "-----------End of python.log-----------" 42 exit 1 43 fi 44 45 # Check that all tests passed 46 numTestsFailed=`cat python.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"` 47 48 if [[ ${numTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]]; then 49 echo "One or more tests FAILED" 50 exit 1 51 else 52 echo "All tests PASSED" 53 fi -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 ################################################################################ 4 # This script is intended to test ISSM macOS Python 3 binaries on an end-user 5 # machine after successful packaging and signing. 6 # 7 # NOTE: Tarball must already exist in INSTALL_DIR 8 ################################################################################ 9 10 ## Constants 11 # 12 INSTALL_DIR=. 13 PKG="ISSM-macOS-Python-3" 14 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark all --exclude 125 126 234 235 418 420 435 444 445 701 702 703 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1301 1302 1303 1304 1401 1402 1601 1602 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2021 2051 2052 2053 2084 2085 2090 2101 2424 2425 3001:3200 3201 3202 3300 3480 3481 4001 4002 4003" # NOTE: Combination of test suites from basic, Dakota, and Solid Earth builds, with tests that require a restart and those that require the JVM excluded 15 16 COMPRESSED_PKG="${PKG}.zip" 17 18 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PKG}" 19 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 20 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 21 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/" 22 export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # We don't want Python to buffer output, otherwise issm.exe output is not captured 23 24 cd ${INSTALL_DIR} 25 rm -rf ${PKG} 26 ditto -xk ${COMPRESSED_PKG} . 27 cd ${PKG}/test/NightlyRun 28 29 # Run tests, redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console 30 echo "Running tests" 31 rm python.log 2> /dev/null 32 ./ ${PYTHON_NROPTIONS} &> python.log 2>&1 33 34 # Check that Python did not exit in error 35 pythonExitCode=`echo $?` 36 pythonExitedInError=`grep -E " error" python.log | wc -l` 37 38 if [[ ${pythonExitCode} -ne 0 || ${pythonExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then 39 echo "----------Python exited in error!----------" 40 cat python.log 41 echo "-----------End of python.log-----------" 42 exit 1 43 fi 44 45 # Check that all tests passed 46 numTestsFailed=`cat python.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"` 47 48 if [[ ${numTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]]; then 49 echo "One or more tests FAILED" 50 exit 1 51 else 52 echo "All tests PASSED" 53 fi -
TabularUnified ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property
1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 2 3 3 ################################################################################ 4 # Transfers ISSM distributable package for macOS with MATLAB API to ISSM Web 5 # site. 4 # Transfers ISSM distributable package for macOS to ISSM website. 6 5 # 7 6 # NOTE: 8 7 # - Assumes that the following constants are defined, … … 15 14 # 16 15 # See also: 17 16 # - packagers/mac/ 18 # - packagers/mac/ 17 # - packagers/mac/ 18 # - packagers/mac/ 19 19 ################################################################################ 20 20 21 21 # Expand aliases within the context of this script
See TracBrowser
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