Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/clusters/computecanada.m =================================================================== --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/clusters/computecanada.m (nonexistent) +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/clusters/computecanada.m (revision 26851) @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +%COMPUTECANADA class definition +% +% Usage: +% cluster=computecanada(); +% cluster=computecanada('np',3); +% cluster=computecanada('np',3,'login','username'); + +classdef computecanada + properties (SetAccess=public) + % {{{ + name = '' + login = ''; + numtasks = 1; + cpuspertask = 8; + port = 0; + projectaccount = ''; + codepath = ''; + executionpath = ''; + time = 24*60; + memory = 2; + email = ''; + mailtype = ''; + end + %}}} + methods + function cluster=computecanada(varargin) % {{{ + + %initialize cluster using default settings if provided + if (exist('computecanada_settings')==2), computecanada_settings; end + + %use provided options to change fields + cluster=AssignObjectFields(pairoptions(varargin{:}),cluster); + end + %}}} + function disp(cluster) % {{{ + % display the object + disp(sprintf('class ''%s'' object ''%s'' = ',class(cluster),inputname(1))); + disp(sprintf(' name: %s',; + disp(sprintf(' login: %s',cluster.login)); + disp(sprintf(' port: %i',cluster.port)); + disp(sprintf(' numtasks: %i',cluster.numtasks)); + disp(sprintf(' cpuspertask: %i',cluster.cpuspertask)); + disp(sprintf(' projectaccount: %s',cluster.projectaccount)); + disp(sprintf(' codepath: %s',cluster.codepath)); + disp(sprintf(' executionpath: %s',cluster.executionpath)); + disp(sprintf(' time: %i',cluster.time)); + disp(sprintf(' memory: %i',cluster.memory)); + disp(sprintf(' email: %s',; + disp(sprintf(' mailtype: %s', cluster.mailtype)); + + end + %}}} + function numprocs=np(cluster) % {{{ + %compute number of processors + numprocs=cluster.numtasks*cluster.cpuspertask; + end + %}}} + function md = checkconsistency(cluster,md,solution,analyses) % {{{ + if isempty(, md = checkmessage(md,'name empty'); end + if isempty(cluster.login), md = checkmessage(md,'login empty'); end + if ~(cluster.numtasks > 0), md = checkmessage(md,'numtasks must be > 0'); end + if ~(cluster.cpuspertask > 0), md = checkmessage(md,'cpuspertask must be > 0'); end + if ~(cluster.port >= 0), md = checkmessage(md,'port must be >= 0'); end + if isempty(cluster.projectaccount), md = checkmessage(md,'projectaccount empty'); end + if isempty(cluster.codepath), md = checkmessage(md,'codepath empty'); end + if isempty(cluster.executionpath), md = checkmessage(md,'executionpath empty'); end + if ~(cluster.time > 0), md = checkmessage(md,'time must be > 0'); end + if ~(cluster.memory > 0), md = checkmessage(md,'memory must be > 0'); end + end + %}}} + function BuildKrigingQueueScript(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota,isoceancoupling) % {{{ + error('not implemented yet'); + end + %}}} + function BuildQueueScript(cluster,dirname,modelname,solution,io_gather,isvalgrind,isgprof,isdakota,isoceancoupling) % {{{ + + if(isvalgrind), disp('valgrind not supported by cluster, ignoring...'); end + if(isgprof), disp('gprof not supported by cluster, ignoring...'); end + + %write queuing script + fid=fopen([modelname '.queue'],'w'); + fprintf(fid,'#!/bin/bash\n'); + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --job-name=%s\n',modelname); + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --account=%s \n',cluster.projectaccount); + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --ntasks=%i \n',cluster.numtasks); + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=%i\n',cluster.cpuspertask); + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --time=%i\n',cluster.time); %walltime is in minutes + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=%igb\n',cluster.memory); %memory in in gigabytes + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --mail-user=%s\n',; %email + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --mail-type=%s',cluster.mailtype); + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --output=%s.outlog \n',modelname); + fprintf(fid,'#SBATCH --error=%s.errlog \n\n',modelname); + fprintf(fid,'export ISSM_DIR="%s/../"\n',cluster.codepath); %FIXME + fprintf(fid,'cd %s/%s\n\n',cluster.executionpath,dirname); + fprintf(fid,'srun %s/issm.exe %s %s %s\n',cluster.codepath,solution,[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname],modelname); + if ~io_gather, %concatenate the output files: + fprintf(fid,'cat %s.outbin.* > %s.outbin',modelname,modelname); + end + fclose(fid); + end %}}} + function UploadQueueJob(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist)% {{{ + + %compress the files into one zip. + compressstring=['tar -zcf ' dirname '.tar.gz ']; + for i=1:numel(filelist), + compressstring = [compressstring ' ' filelist{i}]; + end + system(compressstring); + + disp('uploading input file and queueing script'); + issmscpout(,cluster.executionpath,cluster.login,cluster.port,{[dirname '.tar.gz']}); + + end %}}} + function LaunchQueueJob(cluster,modelname,dirname,filelist,restart,batch)% {{{ + + disp('launching solution sequence on remote cluster'); + if ~isempty(restart) + launchcommand=['cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && cd ' dirname ' && hostname && sbatch ' modelname '.queue ']; + else + launchcommand=['cd ' cluster.executionpath ' && rm -rf ./' dirname ' && mkdir ' dirname ... + ' && cd ' dirname ' && mv ../' dirname '.tar.gz ./ && tar -zxf ' dirname '.tar.gz && hostname && sbatch ' modelname '.queue ']; + end + issmssh(,cluster.login,cluster.port,launchcommand); + end %}}} + function Download(cluster,dirname,filelist)% {{{ + + %copy files from cluster to current directory + directory=[cluster.executionpath '/' dirname '/']; + issmscpin(,cluster.login,cluster.port,directory,filelist); + + end %}}} + end +end