Index: ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/ =================================================================== --- ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/ (revision 25924) +++ ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/ (revision 25925) @@ -39,15 +39,10 @@ for dir in ./* ; do if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then - # Temporary short circuit to check single example - if [ "${dir}" != "./UncertaintyQuantification" ]; then - continue - fi + # Some of the examples are incomplete (on purpose). As such, we will + # have to populate the missing steps in order to make sure that + # everything is working. - # Some of the examples are incomplete (on purpose). As such, we - # will have to populate the missing steps in order to make sure - # that everything is working. - cd ${dir} if [ "${dir}" == "./AMR" ]; then @@ -571,14 +566,35 @@ perl -0755 -p -i -e "s|if any\(steps==9\).*% step 9 end|${STEP_NINE}|s" $RUNME_FILE RUN_EXAMPLE=1 elif [ "${dir}" == "./PigSensitivity" ]; then - # TODO: Implement step 4 - # STEP_FOUR # {{{ - STEP_FOUR="\n disp('Needs work!')" + STEP_FOUR="\ + if any(steps==4)\n\ + %Load model\n\ + md = loadmodel('./Models/PIG_Transient');\n\ + \n\ + %Change external forcing basal melting rate and surface mass balance)\n\ + md.basalforcings.groundedice_melting_rate=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\ + md.basalforcings.floatingice_melting_rate=25*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);\n\ + md.smb.mass_balance=2*md.smb.mass_balance;\n\ + \n\ + %Define time steps and time span of the simulation\n\ + md.timestepping.time_step=0.1;\n\ + md.timestepping.final_time=10;\n\ + \n\ + %Request additional outputs\n\ + md.transient.requested_outputs={'default','IceVolume','IceVolumeAboveFloatation'};\n\ + \n\ + %Solve\n\ + md=solve(md,'Transient');\n\ + \n\ + %Save model\n\ + save ./Models/PIG_SMB md;\n\ + end\n\ + " #}}} sed -i '.bak' 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:4\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE sed -i '' "s|if any(steps==4)|&${STEP_FOUR}|" $RUNME_FILE - RUN_EXAMPLE=0 + RUN_EXAMPLE=1 elif [ "${dir}" == "./shakti" ]; then sed -i '.bak' 's|steps=\[1:3\];|steps=\[1:3\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE RUN_EXAMPLE=1