[24307] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/SurfaceMassBalancex/Gembx.cpp
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/SurfaceMassBalancex/Gembx.cpp (revision 24188)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/SurfaceMassBalancex/Gembx.cpp (revision 24189)
| 5 | @@ -247,69 +247,81 @@
| 6 | for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
| 7 | if (gdn[i]>0.0+Gdntol){
| 8 |
| 9 | - //_printf_("Dendritic dry snow metamorphism\n");
| 10 | + if(W[i]<=0.0+Wtol){
| 11 | + //_printf_("Dendritic dry snow metamorphism\n");
| 12 | + //index for dentricity > 0 and T gradients < 5 degC m-1 and >= 5 degC m-1
| 13 | + if(dT[i]<=5.0+Ttol){
| 14 | + //determine coefficients
| 15 | + IssmDouble A = - 2e8 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt;
| 16 | + IssmDouble B = 1e9 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt;
| 17 | + //new dentricity and sphericity for dT < 5 degC m-1
| 18 | + gdn[i] += A;
| 19 | + gsp[i] += B;
| 20 | + }
| 21 | + else{
| 22 | + // new dendricity and sphericity for dT >= 5 degC m-1
| 23 |
| 24 | - //index for dentricity > 0 and T gradients < 5 degC m-1 and >= 5 degC m-1
| 25 | - if(dT[i]<5.0-Ttol){
| 26 | - //determine coefficients
| 27 | - IssmDouble A = - 2e8 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt;
| 28 | - IssmDouble B = 1e9 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt;
| 29 | - //new dentricity and sphericity for dT < 5 degC m-1
| 30 | - gdn[i] += A;
| 31 | - gsp[i] += B;
| 32 | + //determine coeff0icients
| 33 | + IssmDouble C = (-2e8 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt) * pow(dT[i],.4);
| 34 | + gdn[i] +=C;
| 35 | + gsp[i] +=C;
| 36 | + }
| 37 | }
| 38 | else{
| 39 | - // new dendricity and sphericity for dT >= 5 degC m-1
| 40 | + // wet snow metamorphism
| 41 | + //_printf_("Dendritic wet snow metamorphism\n");
| 42 |
| 43 | - //determine coefficients
| 44 | - IssmDouble C = (-2e8 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt) * pow(dT[i],.4);
| 45 | - gdn[i] +=C;
| 46 | - gsp[i] +=C;
| 47 | - }
| 48 | -
| 49 | - // wet snow metamorphism
| 50 | - if(W[i]>0.0+Wtol){
| 51 | -
| 52 | - //_printf_("D}ritic wet snow metamorphism\n");
| 53 | -
| 54 | //determine coefficient
| 55 | IssmDouble D = (1.0/16.0) * pow(lwc[i],3.0) * dt;
| 56 |
| 57 | - // new dendricity and sphericity for wet snow
| 58 | + // new dendricity for wet snow
| 59 | gdn[i] -= D;
| 60 | + // new sphericity for wet snow
| 61 | gsp[i] += D;
| 62 | }
| 63 | + // dendricity and sphericity can not be > 1 or < 0
| 64 | + if (gdn[i]<0.0+Wtol)gdn[i]=0.0;
| 65 | + if (gsp[i]<0.0+Wtol)gsp[i]=0.0;
| 66 | + if (gdn[i]>1.0-Wtol)gdn[i]=1.0;
| 67 | + if (gsp[i]>1.0-Wtol)gsp[i]=1.0;
| 68 |
| 69 | - // dendricity and sphericity can not be > 1 or < 0
| 70 | - if (gdn[i]<0.0+Wtol)gdn[i]=0.0;
| 71 | - if (gsp[i]<0.0+Wtol)gsp[i]=0.0;
| 72 | - if (gdn[i]>1.0-Wtol)gdn[i]=1.0;
| 73 | - if (gsp[i]>1.0-Wtol)gsp[i]=1.0;
| 74 | + // determine new grain size (mm)
| 75 | + gsz[i] = 0.1 + (1.0-gdn[i])*0.25 + (0.5-gsp[i])*0.1;
| 76 |
| 77 | - // determine new grain size (mm)
| 78 | - gsz[i] = 0.1 + (1.0-gdn[i])*0.25 + (0.5-gsp[i])*0.1;
| 79 | -
| 80 | }
| 81 | else{
| 82 |
| 83 | - /*Dry snow metamorphism (Marbouty, 1980) grouped model coefficinets
| 84 | + //When the state of "faceted crystals" (gsp==0) is fully reached,
| 85 | + // snow evolves towards depth hoar if the gradient is
| 86 | + // higher than 15 degC m-1 (Brun et al., 1992)
| 87 | + //When wet-snow grains (class 6) are submitted to a
| 88 | + // temperature gradient higher than degC m-1, their sphericity
| 89 | + // decreases according to Equations (4). When sphericity
| 90 | + // reaches 0, their size increases according to the functions
| 91 | + // determined by Marbouty. (Brun et al., 1992)
| 92 | + if(gsp[i]>0.0+Gdntol && gsp[i]<1.0-Gdntol && (dT[i]>15.0+Ttol || (T[i]>5.0+Ttol && W[i]>0.0+Wtol)) ){
| 93 | + //determine coeff0icients
| 94 | + IssmDouble C = (-2e8 * exp(-6e3 / T[i]) * dt) * pow(dT[i],.4);
| 95 | + gsp[i] +=C;
| 96 | + if (gsp[i]<0.0+Wtol)gsp[i]=0.0;
| 97 | + }
| 98 | + /*Dry snow metamorphism (Marbouty, 1980) grouped model coefficents
| 99 | *from Marbouty, 1980: Figure 9*/
| 100 | + else if(W[i]<=0.0+Wtol || (gsp[i]<=0.0+Gdntol && dT[i]>15.0+Ttol) || (gsp[i]<=0.0+Gdntol && T[i]>5.0+Ttol && W[i]>0.0+Wtol)){
| 101 | + //_printf_("Nondendritic snow metamorphism\n");
| 102 | + Q = Marbouty(T[i],d[i],dT[i]);
| 103 |
| 104 | - //_printf_("Nond}ritic snow metamorphism\n");
| 105 | - Q = Marbouty(T[i],d[i],dT[i]);
| 106 | -
| 107 | - // calculate grain growth
| 108 | - gsz[i] += (Q*dt);
| 109 | -
| 110 | + // calculate grain growth
| 111 | + gsz[i] += (Q*dt);
| 112 | + }
| 113 | //Wet snow metamorphism (Brun, 1989)
| 114 | - if(W[i]>0.0+Wtol){
| 115 | - //_printf_("Nond}ritic wet snow metamorphism\n");
| 116 | + else{
| 117 | + //_printf_("Nondendritic wet snow metamorphism\n");
| 118 | //wet rate of change coefficient
| 119 | IssmDouble E = 1.28e-8 + (4.22e-10 * pow(lwc[i],3.0))* (dt *dts); // [mm^3 s^-1]
| 120 |
| 121 | // calculate change in grain volume and convert to grain size
| 122 | gsz[i] = 2.0 * pow(3.0/(Pi * 4.0)*((4.0/ 3.0)*Pi*pow(gsz[i]/2.0,3.0) + E),1.0/3.0);
| 123 | -
| 124 | }
| 125 |
| 126 | // grains with sphericity == 1 can not have grain sizes > 2 mm (Brun, 1992)
| 127 | @@ -316,10 +328,10 @@
| 128 | if (fabs(gsp[i]-1.0)<Wtol && gsz[i]>2.0-Wtol) gsz[i]=2.0;
| 129 |
| 130 | // grains with sphericity == 0 can not have grain sizes > 5 mm (Brun, 1992)
| 131 | - if (fabs(gsp[i]-1.0)>Wtol && gsz[i]>5.0-Wtol) gsz[i]=5.0;
| 132 | + if (fabs(gsp[i]-1.0)>=Wtol && gsz[i]>5.0-Wtol) gsz[i]=5.0;
| 133 | }
| 134 |
| 135 | - //convert grain size back to effective grain radius:
| 136 | + //convert grain size back to effective grain radius:
| 137 | re[i]=gsz[i]/2.0;
| 138 | }
| 139 |
| 140 | @@ -1091,7 +1103,7 @@
| 141 | /* Description:
| 142 | adjusts the properties of the top grid cell to account for accumulation
| 143 | T_air & T = Air and top grid cell temperatures [K]
| 144 | - Tmean = average surface temperature [K]
| 145 | + Vmean = average wind velocity [m s-1]
| 146 | V = wind velocity [m s-1]
| 147 | C = average accumulation rate [kg m-2 yr-1]
| 148 | dz = topgrid cell length [m]
| 149 | @@ -1104,7 +1116,7 @@
| 150 | // MAIN FUNCTION
| 151 | // specify constants
| 152 | IssmDouble dSnow = 150; // density of snow [kg m-3]
| 153 | - const IssmDouble reNew = 0.1; // new snow grain size [mm]
| 154 | + const IssmDouble reNew = 0.05; // new snow grain size [mm]
| 155 | const IssmDouble gdnNew = 1.0; // new snow dendricity
| 156 | const IssmDouble gspNew = 0.5; // new snow sphericity
| 157 |
| 158 | @@ -1155,7 +1167,7 @@
| 159 | case 3: //Surface snow accumulation density from Kaspers et al., 2004, Antarctica
| 160 | //dSnow = alpha1 + beta1*T + delta1*C + epsilon1*W
| 161 | // 7.36x10-2 1.06x10-3 6.69x10-2 4.77x10-3
| 162 | - dSnow=(7.362e-2 + 1.06e-3*Tmean + 6.69e-2*C/1000 + 4.77e-3*Vmean)*1000;
| 163 | + dSnow=(7.36e-2 + 1.06e-3*min(Tmean,CtoK) + 6.69e-2*C/1000 + 4.77e-3*Vmean)*1000;
| 164 | break;
| 165 |
| 166 | case 4: // Kuipers Munneke and others (2015), Greenland
| 167 | @@ -1174,7 +1186,15 @@
| 168 | if (T_air <= CtoK+Ttol){ // if snow
| 169 |
| 170 | IssmDouble z_snow = P/dSnow; // depth of snow
| 171 | + IssmDouble dfall = gdnNew;
| 172 | + IssmDouble sfall = gspNew;
| 173 | + IssmDouble refall = reNew;
| 174 |
| 175 | + //From Vionnet et al., 2012 (Crocus)
| 176 | + dfall = min(max(1.29 - 0.17*V,0.20),1.0);
| 177 | + sfall = min(max(0.08*V + 0.38,0.5),0.9);
| 178 | + refall = (0.1 + (1.0-dfall)*0.25 + (0.5-sfall)*0.1)/2.0;
| 179 | +
| 180 | // if snow depth is greater than specified min dz, new cell created
| 181 | if (z_snow > dzMin+Dtol){
| 182 |
| 183 | @@ -1183,9 +1203,9 @@
| 184 | newcell(&d,dSnow,top,m); //new cell d
| 185 | newcell(&W,0.0,top,m); //new cell W
| 186 | newcell(&a,aSnow,top,m); //new cell a
| 187 | - newcell(&re,reNew,top,m); //new cell grain size
| 188 | - newcell(&gdn,gdnNew,top,m); //new cell grain dendricity
| 189 | - newcell(&gsp,gspNew,top,m); //new cell grain sphericity
| 190 | + newcell(&re,refall,top,m); //new cell grain size
| 191 | + newcell(&gdn,dfall,top,m); //new cell grain dendricity
| 192 | + newcell(&gsp,sfall,top,m); //new cell grain sphericity
| 193 | m=m+1;
| 194 | }
| 195 | else { // if snow depth is less than specified minimum dz snow
| 196 | @@ -1201,9 +1221,9 @@
| 197 |
| 198 | // adjust a, re, gdn & gsp
| 199 | if(aIdx>0)a[0] = (aSnow * P + a[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
| 200 | - re[0] = (reNew * P + re[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
| 201 | - gdn[0] = (gdnNew * P + gdn[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
| 202 | - gsp[0] = (gspNew * P + gsp[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
| 203 | + re[0] = (refall * P + re[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
| 204 | + gdn[0] = (dfall * P + gdn[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
| 205 | + gsp[0] = (sfall * P + gsp[0] * mInit[0])/mass;
| 206 | }
| 207 | }
| 208 | else{ // if rain
| 209 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp
| 210 | ===================================================================
| 211 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp (revision 24188)
| 212 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp (revision 24189)
| 213 | @@ -4046,7 +4046,9 @@
| 214 | #endif
| 215 |
| 216 | /*Check bottom grid cell T is unchanged:*/
| 217 | - if (T[m-1]!=T_bottom) _printf_("T(end)~=T_bottom" << "\n");
| 218 | + if(VerboseSmb() && this->Sid()==0 && IssmComm::GetRank()==0){
| 219 | + if (T[m-1]!=T_bottom) _printf_("T(end)~=T_bottom" << "\n");
| 220 | + }
| 221 |
| 222 | /*Free ressources: */
| 223 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(swf);
| 224 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/test/Archives/Archive243.arch
| 225 | ===================================================================
| 226 | Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
| 227 | svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
| 228 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/test/Archives/Archive244.arch
| 229 | ===================================================================
| 230 | Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
| 231 | svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream