Last change on this file since 23390 was 23390, checked in by , 6 years ago | |
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102 102 #if defined(_HAVE_AD_) 103 103 104 104 if(isautodiff){ 105 #if _HAVE_ADOLC_ 106 /*Copy some parameters from IoModel to parameters dataset : {{{*/105 #if defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 106 /*Copy some parameters from IoModel to parameters dataset*/ 107 107 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.obufsize",AutodiffObufsizeEnum)); 108 108 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.cbufsize",AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)); 109 109 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.lbufsize",AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)); … … 110 110 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.tbufsize",AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)); 111 111 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.gcTriggerRatio",AutodiffGcTriggerRatioEnum)); 112 112 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.gcTriggerMaxSize",AutodiffGcTriggerMaxSizeEnum)); 113 /*}}}*/ 114 #endif 113 114 #elif defined(_HAVE_CODIPACK_) 115 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.tapeAlloc",AutodiffTapeAllocEnum)); 116 117 #else 118 _error_("not supported yet"); 119 #endif 120 115 121 /*retrieve driver: {{{*/ 116 122 iomodel->FindConstant(&autodiff_driver,"md.autodiff.driver"); 117 123 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject("md.autodiff.driver",AutodiffDriverEnum)); -
10 10 #include "../modules/modules.h" 11 11 #include "../solutionsequences/solutionsequences.h" 12 12 13 #if defined (_HAVE_M1QN3_) && defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 13 #ifdef _HAVE_CODIPACK_ 14 extern CoDi_global codi_global; 15 #include <sstream> // for output of the CoDiPack tape 16 #endif 17 18 #if defined (_HAVE_M1QN3_) && defined(_HAVE_AD_) 14 19 /*m1qn3 prototypes*/ 15 20 extern "C" void *ctonbe_; // DIS mode : Conversion 16 21 extern "C" void *ctcabe_; // DIS mode : Conversion … … 34 39 /*m1qm3 functions*/ 35 40 void simul_starttrace(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/ 36 41 42 #if defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 37 43 /*Retrive ADOLC parameters*/ 38 44 IssmDouble gcTriggerRatio; 39 45 IssmDouble gcTriggerMaxSize; … … 56 62 int keepTaylors=1; 57 63 int my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 58 64 trace_on(my_rank,keepTaylors,reCast<size_t>(obufsize),reCast<size_t>(lbufsize),reCast<size_t>(cbufsize),reCast<size_t>(tbufsize),skipFileDeletion); 65 66 #elif defined(_HAVE_CODIPACK_) 67 68 //fprintf(stderr, "*** Codipack IoModel::StartTrace\n"); 69 /* 70 * FIXME codi 71 * - ADOL-C variant uses fine grained tracing with various arguments 72 * - ADOL-C variant sets a garbage collection parameter for its tape 73 * -> These parameters are not read for the CoDiPack ISSM version! 74 */ 75 auto& tape_codi = IssmDouble::getGlobalTape(); 76 tape_codi.setActive(); 77 #if _AD_TAPE_ALLOC_ 78 //alloc_profiler.Tag(StartInit, true); 79 IssmDouble x_t(1.0), y_t(1.0); 80 tape_codi.registerInput(y_t); 81 int codi_allocn = 0; 82 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&codi_allocn,AutodiffTapeAllocEnum); 83 for(int i = 0;i < codi_allocn;++i) { 84 x_t = y_t * y_t; 85 } 86 /* 87 std::stringstream out_s; 88 IssmDouble::getGlobalTape().printStatistics(out_s); 89 _printf0_("StartTrace::Tape Statistics : TapeAlloc count=[" << codi_allocn << "]\n" << out_s.str()); 90 */ 91 tape_codi.reset(); 92 //alloc_profiler.Tag(FinishInit, true); 93 #endif 94 95 #else 96 _error_("not implemented"); 97 #endif 59 98 }/*}}}*/ 99 void simul_stoptrace(){/*{{{*/ 100 101 #if defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 102 trace_off(); 103 if(VerboseAutodiff()){ /*{{{*/ 104 105 #ifdef _HAVE_ADOLC_ 106 int my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 107 size_t tape_stats[15]; 108 tapestats(my_rank,tape_stats); //reading of tape statistics 109 int commSize=IssmComm::GetSize(); 110 int *sstats=new int[7]; 111 sstats[0]=tape_stats[NUM_OPERATIONS]; 112 sstats[1]=tape_stats[OP_FILE_ACCESS]; 113 sstats[2]=tape_stats[NUM_LOCATIONS]; 114 sstats[3]=tape_stats[LOC_FILE_ACCESS]; 115 sstats[4]=tape_stats[NUM_VALUES]; 116 sstats[5]=tape_stats[VAL_FILE_ACCESS]; 117 sstats[6]=tape_stats[TAY_STACK_SIZE]; 118 int *rstats=NULL; 119 if (my_rank==0) rstats=new int[commSize*7]; 120 ISSM_MPI_Gather(sstats,7,ISSM_MPI_INT,rstats,7,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 121 if (my_rank==0) { 122 int offset=50; 123 int rOffset=(commSize/10)+1; 124 _printf_(" ADOLC statistics: \n"); 125 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"#independents: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_INDEPENDENTS] << "\n"); 126 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"#dependents: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_DEPENDENTS] << "\n"); 127 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"max #live active variables: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_MAX_LIVES] << "\n"); 128 _printf_(" operations: entry size "<< sizeof(unsigned char) << " Bytes \n"); 129 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[OP_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 130 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 131 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+0] << (rstats[r*7+1]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 132 _printf_(" locations: entry size " << sizeof(locint) << " Bytes\n"); 133 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[LOC_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 134 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 135 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+2] << (rstats[r*7+3]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 136 _printf_(" constant values: entry size " << sizeof(double) << " Bytes\n"); 137 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[VAL_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 138 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 139 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+4] << (rstats[r*7+5]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 140 _printf_(" Taylor stack: entry size " << sizeof(revreal) << " Bytes\n"); 141 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[TAY_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 142 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 143 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+6] << (rstats[r*7+6]>tape_stats[TAY_BUFFER_SIZE]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 144 delete []rstats; 145 } 146 delete [] sstats; 147 #endif 148 149 #ifdef _HAVE_CODIPACK_ 150 #ifdef _AD_TAPE_ALLOC_ 151 //_printf_("Allocation time P(" << my_rank << "): " << alloc_profiler.DeltaTime(StartInit, FinishInit) << "\n"); 152 #endif 153 std::stringstream out_s; 154 IssmDouble::getGlobalTape().printStatistics(out_s); 155 _printf0_("CoDiPack Profiling::Tape Statistics :\n" << out_s.str()); 156 #endif 157 } /*}}}*/ 158 159 #elif defined(_HAVE_CODIPACK_) 160 auto& tape_codi = IssmDouble::getGlobalTape(); 161 tape_codi.setPassive(); 162 if(VerboseAutodiff()){ 163 int my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 164 if(my_rank == 0) { 165 // FIXME codi "just because" for now 166 tape_codi.printStatistics(std::cout); 167 codi_global.print(std::cout); 168 } 169 } 170 #else 171 _error_("not implemented"); 172 #endif 173 }/*}}}*/ 60 174 void simul_ad(long* indic,long* n,double* X,double* pf,double* G,long izs[1],float rzs[1],void* dzs){/*{{{*/ 61 175 62 176 /*Get rank*/ … … 72 186 int N_add = 0; 73 187 int* control_enum = NULL; 74 188 75 if (solution_type == TransientSolutionEnum){ 76 femmodel = input_struct->femmodel->copy(); 77 } 189 /*In transient, we need to make sure we do not modify femmodel at each iteration, make a copy*/ 190 if(solution_type == TransientSolutionEnum) femmodel = input_struct->femmodel->copy(); 78 191 79 192 IssmPDouble* Jlist = input_struct->Jlist; 80 193 int JlistM = input_struct->M; … … 116 229 #else 117 230 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>(intn); 118 231 #endif 232 233 #if defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 119 234 if(my_rank==0){ 120 235 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++){ 121 236 aX[i]<<=X[i]; 122 237 } 123 238 } 239 #elif defined(_HAVE_CODIPACK_) 240 auto& tape_codi = IssmDouble::getGlobalTape(); 241 if(my_rank==0){ 242 for (int i=0;i<intn;i++) { 243 aX[i]=X[i]; 244 tape_codi.registerInput(aX[i]); 245 codi_global.input_indices.push_back(aX[i].getGradientData()); 246 } 247 } 248 #else 249 _error_("not suppoted"); 250 #endif 124 251 125 252 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(aX,intn,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 126 253 SetControlInputsFromVectorx(femmodel,aX); … … 154 281 DependentObject* dep=(DependentObject*)dependent_objects->GetObjectByOffset(i); 155 282 if(solution_type==TransientSolutionEnum) output_value = dep->GetValue(); 156 283 if(solution_type!=TransientSolutionEnum) dep->Responsex(&output_value,femmodel); 157 if (my_rank==0) { 284 if(my_rank==0) { 285 286 #if defined(_HAVE_CODIPACK_) 287 tape_codi.registerOutput(output_value); 288 dependents[i] = output_value.getValue(); 289 codi_global.output_indices.push_back(output_value.getGradientData()); 290 291 #elif defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 158 292 output_value>>=dependents[i]; 293 294 #else 295 _error_("not suppoted"); 296 #endif 159 297 J+=output_value; 160 298 } 161 299 } 162 300 163 301 /*Turning off trace tape*/ 164 trace_off();302 simul_stoptrace(); 165 303 //time_t now = time(NULL); 166 304 //if(my_rank==0) _printf_("\nTIME: "<<now<<"\n"); 167 305 168 /*Print tape statistics so that user can kill this run if something is off already:*/169 if(VerboseAutodiff()){ /*{{{*/170 171 #ifdef _HAVE_ADOLC_172 size_t tape_stats[15];173 tapestats(my_rank,tape_stats); //reading of tape statistics174 int commSize=IssmComm::GetSize();175 int *sstats=new int[7];176 sstats[0]=tape_stats[NUM_OPERATIONS];177 sstats[1]=tape_stats[OP_FILE_ACCESS];178 sstats[2]=tape_stats[NUM_LOCATIONS];179 sstats[3]=tape_stats[LOC_FILE_ACCESS];180 sstats[4]=tape_stats[NUM_VALUES];181 sstats[5]=tape_stats[VAL_FILE_ACCESS];182 sstats[6]=tape_stats[TAY_STACK_SIZE];183 int *rstats=NULL;184 if (my_rank==0) rstats=new int[commSize*7];185 ISSM_MPI_Gather(sstats,7,ISSM_MPI_INT,rstats,7,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm());186 if (my_rank==0) {187 int offset=50;188 int rOffset=(commSize/10)+1;189 _printf_(" ADOLC statistics: \n");190 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"#independents: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_INDEPENDENTS] << "\n");191 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"#dependents: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_DEPENDENTS] << "\n");192 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"max #live active variables: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_MAX_LIVES] << "\n");193 _printf_(" operations: entry size "<< sizeof(unsigned char) << " Bytes \n");194 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[OP_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n");195 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r)196 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+0] << (rstats[r*7+1]?" ->file":"") << "\n");197 _printf_(" locations: entry size " << sizeof(locint) << " Bytes\n");198 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[LOC_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n");199 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r)200 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+2] << (rstats[r*7+3]?" ->file":"") << "\n");201 _printf_(" constant values: entry size " << sizeof(double) << " Bytes\n");202 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[VAL_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n");203 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r)204 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+4] << (rstats[r*7+5]?" ->file":"") << "\n");205 _printf_(" Taylor stack: entry size " << sizeof(revreal) << " Bytes\n");206 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[TAY_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n");207 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r)208 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+6] << (rstats[r*7+6]>tape_stats[TAY_BUFFER_SIZE]?" ->file":"") << "\n");209 delete []rstats;210 }211 delete [] sstats;212 #endif213 214 #ifdef _HAVE_CODIPACK_215 #ifdef _AD_TAPE_ALLOC_216 //_printf_("Allocation time P(" << my_rank << "): " << alloc_profiler.DeltaTime(StartInit, FinishInit) << "\n");217 #endif218 std::stringstream out_s;219 IssmDouble::getGlobalTape().printStatistics(out_s);220 _printf0_("CoDiPack Profiling::Tape Statistics :\n" << out_s.str());221 #endif222 } /*}}}*/223 224 306 /*diverse: */ 225 307 int dummy; 226 308 int num_independents=0; … … 246 328 num_independents = 0; 247 329 } 248 330 331 #if defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 332 /*Get gradient for ADOLC {{{*/ 333 249 334 /*get the EDF pointer:*/ 250 335 ext_diff_fct *anEDF_for_solverx_p=xDynamicCast<GenericParam<Adolc_edf> * >(femmodel->parameters->FindParamObject(AdolcParamEnum))->GetParameterValue().myEDF_for_solverx_p; 251 336 … … 289 374 xDelete(weightVectorTimesJac); 290 375 xDelete(aWeightVector); 291 376 } 377 /*}}}*/ 378 #elif defined(_HAVE_CODIPACK_) 379 /*Get gradient for CoDiPack{{{*/ 380 if(VerboseAutodiff())_printf0_(" CoDiPack fos_reverse\n"); 381 int aDepIndex=0; /*FIXME: do we really need this?*/ 292 382 383 /*retrieve direction index: */ 384 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&aDepIndex,AutodiffFosReverseIndexEnum); 385 if (my_rank==0) { 386 if (aDepIndex<0 || aDepIndex>=num_dependents || codi_global.output_indices.size() <= aDepIndex){ 387 _error_("index value for AutodiffFosReverseIndexEnum should be in [0,num_dependents-1]"); 388 } 389 tape_codi.setGradient(codi_global.output_indices[aDepIndex], 1.0); 390 } 391 tape_codi.evaluate(); 392 393 weightVectorTimesJac=xNew<double>(num_independents); 394 /*call driver: */ 395 auto in_size = codi_global.input_indices.size(); 396 for(size_t i = 0; i < in_size; ++i) { 397 weightVectorTimesJac[i] = tape_codi.getGradient(codi_global.input_indices[i]); 398 } 399 400 /*Add to totalgradient: */ 401 totalgradient=xNewZeroInit<IssmPDouble>(num_independents_old); 402 if(my_rank==0) for(int i=0;i<num_independents;i++) { 403 totalgradient[i]+=weightVectorTimesJac[i]; 404 } 405 406 /*free resources :*/ 407 xDelete(weightVectorTimesJac); 408 /*}}}*/ 409 #else 410 _error_("not suppoted"); 411 #endif 412 293 413 /*Broadcast gradient to other ranks*/ 294 414 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(totalgradient,num_independents_old,ISSM_MPI_PDOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 295 415 /*Check size of Jlist to avoid crashes*/ … … 550 670 }/*}}}*/ 551 671 552 672 #else 553 void controladm1qn3_core(FemModel* femmodel){_error_("M1QN3 or ADOLC not installed");}673 void controladm1qn3_core(FemModel* femmodel){_error_("M1QN3 or ADOLC/CoDiPack not installed");} 554 674 #endif //_HAVE_M1QN3_
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