[23186] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/EnumDefinitions.h
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/EnumDefinitions.h (revision 23155)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/EnumDefinitions.h (revision 23156)
| 5 | @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
| 6 | FrictionPressureAdjustedTemperatureEnum,
| 7 | FrictionQEnum,
| 8 | FrictionWaterLayerEnum,
| 9 | - FrictionWatercolumnMaxEnum,
| 10 | + HydrologyWatercolumnMaxEnum,
| 11 | FrictionTillFrictionAngleEnum,
| 12 | FrictionSedimentCompressibilityCoefficientEnum,
| 13 | GeometryHydrostaticRatioEnum,
| 14 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/EnumToStringx.cpp
| 15 | ===================================================================
| 16 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/EnumToStringx.cpp (revision 23155)
| 17 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/EnumToStringx.cpp (revision 23156)
| 18 | @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
| 19 | case FrictionPressureAdjustedTemperatureEnum : return "FrictionPressureAdjustedTemperature";
| 20 | case FrictionQEnum : return "FrictionQ";
| 21 | case FrictionWaterLayerEnum : return "FrictionWaterLayer";
| 22 | - case FrictionWatercolumnMaxEnum : return "FrictionWatercolumnMax";
| 23 | + case HydrologyWatercolumnMaxEnum : return "HydrologyWatercolumnMax";
| 24 | case FrictionTillFrictionAngleEnum : return "FrictionTillFrictionAngle";
| 25 | case FrictionSedimentCompressibilityCoefficientEnum : return "FrictionSedimentCompressibilityCoefficient";
| 26 | case GeometryHydrostaticRatioEnum : return "GeometryHydrostaticRatio";
| 27 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/StringToEnumx.cpp
| 28 | ===================================================================
| 29 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/StringToEnumx.cpp (revision 23155)
| 30 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/StringToEnumx.cpp (revision 23156)
| 31 | @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
| 32 | else if (strcmp(name,"FrictionPressureAdjustedTemperature")==0) return FrictionPressureAdjustedTemperatureEnum;
| 33 | else if (strcmp(name,"FrictionQ")==0) return FrictionQEnum;
| 34 | else if (strcmp(name,"FrictionWaterLayer")==0) return FrictionWaterLayerEnum;
| 35 | - else if (strcmp(name,"FrictionWatercolumnMax")==0) return FrictionWatercolumnMaxEnum;
| 36 | + else if (strcmp(name,"HydrologyWatercolumnMax")==0) return HydrologyWatercolumnMaxEnum;
| 37 | else if (strcmp(name,"FrictionTillFrictionAngle")==0) return FrictionTillFrictionAngleEnum;
| 38 | else if (strcmp(name,"FrictionSedimentCompressibilityCoefficient")==0) return FrictionSedimentCompressibilityCoefficientEnum;
| 39 | else if (strcmp(name,"GeometryHydrostaticRatio")==0) return GeometryHydrostaticRatioEnum;
| 40 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Loads/Friction.cpp
| 41 | ===================================================================
| 42 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Loads/Friction.cpp (revision 23155)
| 43 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Loads/Friction.cpp (revision 23156)
| 44 | @@ -709,21 +709,11 @@
| 45 | element->parameters->FindParam(&e0,FrictionVoidRatioEnum);
| 46 | element->GetInputValue(&Cc,gauss,FrictionSedimentCompressibilityCoefficientEnum);
| 47 | element->GetInputValue(&W,gauss,WatercolumnEnum);
| 48 | - element->GetInputValue(&Wmax,gauss,FrictionWatercolumnMaxEnum);
| 49 | + element->GetInputValue(&Wmax,gauss,HydrologyWatercolumnMaxEnum);
| 50 |
| 51 | -// /*Check that water column height is within 0 and upper bound, correct if needed*/
| 52 | -// // if watercolumn height is higher than the maximum allowed height, set height to upper bound
| 53 | -// if(W>Wmax){
| 54 | -// W=Wmax;
| 55 | -// }
| 56 | -// // if watercolumn height is negative (shouldn't happen), set it to 0
| 57 | -// if(W<0){
| 58 | -// W=0;
| 59 | -// }
| 60 | -// // if watercolumn height is within 0 and upper bound, nothing to be done
| 61 | -// else{
| 62 | -// //do nothing
| 63 | -// }
| 64 | + /*Check that water column height is within 0 and upper bound, correct if needed*/
| 65 | + if(W>Wmax) W=Wmax;
| 66 | + if(W<0) W=0.;
| 67 |
| 68 | N = delta*P0*pow(10.,(e0/Cc)*(1.-W/Wmax));
| 69 |
| 70 | @@ -745,7 +735,7 @@
| 71 | IssmDouble u0,q;
| 72 | element->parameters->FindParam(&u0,FrictionThresholdSpeedEnum);
| 73 | element->parameters->FindParam(&q,FrictionPseudoplasticityExponentEnum);
| 74 | - IssmDouble alpha2 = tau_c/(pow(ub,1.-q)*pow(u0,q));
| 75 | + IssmDouble alpha2 = tau_c/(pow(ub+1.e-10,1.-q)*pow(u0,q));
| 76 |
| 77 | /*Final checks in debuging mode*/
| 78 | _assert_(!xIsNan<IssmDouble>(alpha2));
| 79 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyPismAnalysis.cpp
| 80 | ===================================================================
| 81 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyPismAnalysis.cpp (revision 23155)
| 82 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyPismAnalysis.cpp (revision 23156)
| 83 | @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
| 84 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.mask.groundedice_levelset",MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum);
| 85 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.basalforcings.groundedice_melting_rate",BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRateEnum);
| 86 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.hydrology.drainage_rate",HydrologyDrainageRateEnum);
| 87 | + iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.hydrology.watercolumn_max",HydrologyWatercolumnMaxEnum);
| 88 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.initialization.watercolumn",WatercolumnEnum,0.);
| 89 | }/*}}}*/
| 90 | void HydrologyPismAnalysis::UpdateParameters(Parameters* parameters,IoModel* iomodel,int solution_enum,int analysis_enum){/*{{{*/
| 91 | @@ -114,28 +115,18 @@
| 92 | IssmDouble* watercolumn = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 93 | IssmDouble* drainagerate = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 94 | IssmDouble* meltingrate = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 95 | -// IssmDouble* watercolumn_max = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 96 | + IssmDouble* watercolumn_max = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 97 | element->GetInputListOnVertices(&watercolumn[0],WatercolumnEnum);
| 98 | element->GetInputListOnVertices(&drainagerate[0],HydrologyDrainageRateEnum);
| 99 | element->GetInputListOnVertices(&meltingrate[0],BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRateEnum);
| 100 | -// element->GetInputListOnVertices(&watercolumn_max[0],FrictionWatercolumnMaxEnum);
| 101 | + element->GetInputListOnVertices(&watercolumn_max[0],HydrologyWatercolumnMaxEnum);
| 102 |
| 103 | /*Add water*/
| 104 | -// /*Check that water column height is within 0 and upper bound, correct if needed*/
| 105 | for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){
| 106 | watercolumn[i] += (meltingrate[i]/rho_ice*rho_water-drainagerate[i])*dt;
| 107 | -// // if watercolumn height is higher than the maximum allowed height, set height to upper bound
| 108 | -// if(watercolumn[i]>watercolumn_max[i]){
| 109 | -// watercolumn[i]=watercolumn_max[i];
| 110 | -// }
| 111 | -// // if watercolumn height is negative (shouldn't happen), set it to 0
| 112 | -// if(watercolumn[i]<0){
| 113 | -// watercolumn[i]=0;
| 114 | -// }
| 115 | -// // if watercolumn height is within 0 and upper bound, nothing to be done
| 116 | -// else{
| 117 | -// //do nothing
| 118 | -// }
| 119 | + /*Check that water column height is within 0 and upper bound, correct if needed*/
| 120 | + if(watercolumn[i]>watercolumn_max[i]) watercolumn[i]=watercolumn_max[i];
| 121 | + if(watercolumn[i]<0) watercolumn[i]=0.;
| 122 | }
| 123 |
| 124 | /* Divide by connectivity, add degree of channelization as an input */
| 125 | @@ -143,5 +134,7 @@
| 126 |
| 127 | /*Clean up and return*/
| 128 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(watercolumn);
| 129 | + xDelete<IssmDouble>(meltingrate);
| 130 | + xDelete<IssmDouble>(watercolumn_max);
| 131 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(drainagerate);
| 132 | }/*}}}*/
| 133 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/StressbalanceAnalysis.cpp
| 134 | ===================================================================
| 135 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/StressbalanceAnalysis.cpp (revision 23155)
| 136 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/StressbalanceAnalysis.cpp (revision 23156)
| 137 | @@ -847,7 +847,6 @@
| 138 | case 10:
| 139 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.friction.till_friction_angle",FrictionTillFrictionAngleEnum);
| 140 | iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.friction.sediment_compressibility_coefficient",FrictionSedimentCompressibilityCoefficientEnum);
| 141 | - iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,"md.friction.watercolumn_max",FrictionWatercolumnMaxEnum);
| 142 | break;
| 143 | default:
| 144 | _error_("friction law "<< frictionlaw <<" not supported");
| 145 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/hydrologypism.m
| 146 | ===================================================================
| 147 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/hydrologypism.m (revision 23155)
| 148 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/hydrologypism.m (revision 23156)
| 149 | @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
| 150 |
| 151 | classdef hydrologypism
| 152 | properties (SetAccess=public)
| 153 | - drainage_rate = NaN;
| 154 | + drainage_rate = NaN;
| 155 | + watercolumn_max = NaN;
| 156 | end
| 157 | methods
| 158 | function self = extrude(self,md) % {{{
| 159 | @@ -35,10 +36,12 @@
| 160 | end
| 161 |
| 162 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','hydrology.drainage_rate','Inf',1,'NaN',1,'>=',0,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
| 163 | + md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','friction.watercolumn_max','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'>',0.,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
| 164 | end % }}}
| 165 | function disp(self) % {{{
| 166 | disp(sprintf(' hydrologypism solution parameters:'));
| 167 | fielddisplay(self,'drainage_rate','fixed drainage rate [mm/yr]');
| 168 | + fielddisplay(self,'watercolumn_max','maximum water column height [m], recommended default: 2 m');
| 169 | end % }}}
| 170 | function marshall(self,prefix,md,fid) % {{{
| 171 |
| 172 | @@ -46,6 +49,7 @@
| 173 |
| 174 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'name','md.hydrology.model','data',4,'format','Integer');
| 175 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'object',self,'class','hydrology','fieldname','drainage_rate','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1,'scale',1./(1000.*yts)); %from mm/yr to m/s
| 176 | + WriteData(fid,prefix,'class','hydrology','object',self,'fieldname','watercolumn_max','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
| 177 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'data',{'Watercolumn'},'name','md.hydrology.requested_outputs','format','StringArray');
| 178 | end % }}}
| 179 | end
| 180 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/frictionpism.m
| 181 | ===================================================================
| 182 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/frictionpism.m (revision 23155)
| 183 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/frictionpism.m (revision 23156)
| 184 | @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
| 185 | void_ratio = 0.;
| 186 | till_friction_angle = NaN;
| 187 | sediment_compressibility_coefficient = NaN;
| 188 | - watercolumn_max = NaN;
| 189 | end
| 190 | methods
| 191 | function self = extrude(self,md) % {{{
| 192 | @@ -48,7 +47,6 @@
| 193 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','friction.void_ratio','numel',[1],'>',0,'<',1,'NaN',1,'Inf',1);
| 194 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','friction.till_friction_angle','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'<',360.,'>',0.,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]); %User should give angle in degrees, Matlab calculates in rad
| 195 | md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','friction.sediment_compressibility_coefficient','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'<',1.,'>',0.,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
| 196 | - md = checkfield(md,'fieldname','friction.watercolumn_max','NaN',1,'Inf',1,'>',0.,'size',[md.mesh.numberofvertices 1]);
| 197 | end % }}}
| 198 | function disp(self) % {{{
| 199 | disp(sprintf('Basal shear stress parameters for the PISM friction law (See Aschwanden et al. 2016 for more details)'));
| 200 | @@ -58,7 +56,6 @@
| 201 | fielddisplay(self,'void_ratio','void ratio at a reference effective pressure [dimensionless]');
| 202 | fielddisplay(self,'till_friction_angle','till friction angle [deg], recommended default: 30 deg');
| 203 | fielddisplay(self,'sediment_compressibility_coefficient','coefficient of compressibility of the sediment [dimensionless], recommended default: 0.12');
| 204 | - fielddisplay(self,'watercolumn_max','maximum water column height [m], recommended default: 2 m');
| 205 | end % }}}
| 206 | function marshall(self,prefix,md,fid) % {{{
| 207 | yts=md.constants.yts;
| 208 | @@ -70,7 +67,6 @@
| 209 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'class','friction','object',self,'fieldname','void_ratio','format','Double');
| 210 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'class','friction','object',self,'fieldname','till_friction_angle','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
| 211 | WriteData(fid,prefix,'class','friction','object',self,'fieldname','sediment_compressibility_coefficient','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
| 212 | - WriteData(fid,prefix,'class','friction','object',self,'fieldname','watercolumn_max','format','DoubleMat','mattype',1);
| 213 | end % }}}
| 214 | function savemodeljs(self,fid,modelname) % {{{
| 215 | error('not implemented yet!');
| 216 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/test/NightlyRun/test612.m
| 217 | ===================================================================
| 218 | --- ../trunk-jpl/test/NightlyRun/test612.m (revision 23155)
| 219 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/test/NightlyRun/test612.m (revision 23156)
| 220 | @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
| 221 |
| 222 | %Hydrology
| 223 | md.hydrology = hydrologypism();
| 224 | -md.hydrology.drainage_rate = 0.001*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 225 | +md.hydrology.drainage_rate = 0.001*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 226 | +md.hydrology.watercolumn_max=2*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 227 | md.initialization.pressure=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 228 | md.initialization.watercolumn=zeros(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 229 | md.basalforcings.groundedice_melting_rate = [1:md.mesh.numberofvertices]';
| 230 | @@ -15,7 +16,6 @@
| 231 | md.friction=frictionpism();
| 232 | md.friction.till_friction_angle=30*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 233 | md.friction.sediment_compressibility_coefficient=0.12*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 234 | -md.friction.watercolumn_max=2*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1);
| 235 |
| 236 | md.transient.ishydrology = 1;
| 237 | md.transient.issmb = 0;