[23186] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Penta.h
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Penta.h (revision 23034)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Penta.h (revision 23035)
| 5 | @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
| 6 | void ElementSizes(IssmDouble* hx,IssmDouble* hy,IssmDouble* hz);
| 7 | int FiniteElement(void);
| 8 | IssmDouble FloatingArea(bool scaled);
| 9 | - void FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexgrounded,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexfloating);
| 10 | + void FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_sigmann,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_waterpressure);
| 11 | IssmDouble GetArea3D(void){_error_("not implemented yet!");};
| 12 | IssmDouble GetAreaSpherical(void){_error_("not implemented yet!");};
| 13 | void GetAreaCoordinates(IssmDouble *area_coordinates,IssmDouble* xyz_zero,IssmDouble* xyz_list,int numpoints);
| 14 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.h
| 15 | ===================================================================
| 16 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.h (revision 23034)
| 17 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.h (revision 23035)
| 18 | @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
| 19 | virtual void ElementSizes(IssmDouble* phx,IssmDouble* phy,IssmDouble* phz)=0;
| 20 | virtual int FiniteElement(void)=0;
| 21 | virtual IssmDouble FloatingArea(bool scaled)=0;
| 22 | - virtual void FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexgrounded,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexfloating)=0;
| 23 | + virtual void FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_sigmann,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_waterpressure)=0;
| 24 | virtual Element* GetBasalElement(void)=0;
| 25 | virtual int GetElementType(void)=0;
| 26 | virtual IssmDouble GetHorizontalSurfaceArea(void){_error_("not implemented");};
| 27 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Tria.cpp
| 28 | ===================================================================
| 29 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Tria.cpp (revision 23034)
| 30 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Tria.cpp (revision 23035)
| 31 | @@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@
| 32 | return floatingarea;
| 33 | }
| 34 | /*}}}*/
| 35 | -void Tria::FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexgrounded,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexfloating){/*{{{*/
| 36 | +void Tria::FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_sigmann,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_waterpressure){/*{{{*/
| 37 |
| 38 | if(!IsOnBase()) return;
| 39 |
| 40 | @@ -1049,82 +1049,70 @@
| 41 | inputs->GetInputValue(&approximation,ApproximationEnum);
| 42 |
| 43 | if(approximation==HOApproximationEnum || approximation==SSAApproximationEnum || approximation==SSAHOApproximationEnum){
| 44 | - for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){
| 45 | - vertexgrounded->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+9999.,INS_VAL);
| 46 | - vertexfloating->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+9999.,INS_VAL);
| 47 | - }
| 48 | + _error_(" contact contiditon only works for FS elements");
| 49 | }
| 50 | - else{
| 51 | - /*Intermediaries*/
| 52 | - IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL;
| 53 | - IssmDouble* xyz_list_base = NULL;
| 54 | - IssmDouble pressure,water_pressure,sigma_nn,viscosity,bed,base;
| 55 | - IssmDouble bed_normal[2];
| 56 | - IssmDouble epsilon[3]; /* epsilon=[exx,eyy,exy];*/
| 57 | - IssmDouble surface=0,value=0;
| 58 | - bool grounded;
| 59 | + /*Intermediaries*/
| 60 | + IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL;
| 61 | + IssmDouble bed_normal[2],base[NUMVERTICES],bed[NUMVERTICES],surface[NUMVERTICES],phi[NUMVERTICES];
| 62 | + IssmDouble water_pressure[NUMVERTICES],pressureice[NUMVERTICES],pressure[NUMVERTICES];
| 63 | + IssmDouble sigmaxx[NUMVERTICES],sigmayy[NUMVERTICES],sigmaxy[NUMVERTICES],sigma_nn[NUMVERTICES];
| 64 | + IssmDouble viscosity,epsilon[NUMVERTICES];
| 65 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&base[0],BaseEnum);
| 66 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&bed[0],BedEnum);
| 67 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&surface[0],SurfaceEnum);
| 68 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&pressure[0],PressureEnum);
| 69 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&phi[0],MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum);
| 70 | + IssmDouble rho_ice = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoIceEnum);
| 71 | + IssmDouble rho_water = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoSeawaterEnum);
| 72 | + IssmDouble gravity = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(ConstantsGEnum);
| 73 |
| 74 | - /* Get node coordinates and dof list: */
| 75 | - GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list);
| 76 | - GetVerticesCoordinatesBase(&xyz_list_base);
| 77 | + /* Get node coordinates and dof list: */
| 78 | + GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list);
| 79 | + /*Retrieve all inputs we will be needing: */
| 80 | + Input* vx_input = inputs->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input);
| 81 | + Input* vy_input = inputs->GetInput(VyEnum); _assert_(vy_input);
| 82 |
| 83 | - /*Retrieve all inputs we will be needing: */
| 84 | - Input* pressure_input = inputs->GetInput(PressureEnum); _assert_(pressure_input);
| 85 | - Input* base_input = inputs->GetInput(BaseEnum); _assert_(base_input);
| 86 | - Input* bed_input = inputs->GetInput(BedEnum); _assert_(bed_input);
| 87 | - Input* vx_input = inputs->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input);
| 88 | - Input* vy_input = inputs->GetInput(VyEnum); _assert_(vy_input);
| 89 | + /*1. Recover stresses at the base*/
| 90 | + GaussTria* gauss=new GaussTria();
| 91 | + for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++){
| 92 | + gauss->GaussVertex(iv);
| 93 |
| 94 | - /*Create gauss point in the middle of the basal edge*/
| 95 | - Gauss* gauss=NewGaussBase(1);
| 96 | - gauss->GaussPoint(0);
| 97 | + /*Compute strain rate viscosity and pressure: */
| 98 | + this->StrainRateSSA(&epsilon[0],xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input);
| 99 | + this->material->ViscosityFS(&viscosity,2,xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input,NULL);
| 100 | + /*FIXME: this is for Hongju only*/
| 101 | + // pressureice[iv]=gravity*rho_ice*(surface[iv]-base[iv]);
| 102 | + // if (pressure[iv]/pressureice[iv]>1) pressure[iv]=pressureice[iv];
| 103 |
| 104 | - if(!IsFloating()){
| 105 | - /*Check for basal force only if grounded and touching GL*/
| 106 | - // if(this->inputs->Min(MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum)==0.){
| 107 | - this->StrainRateSSA(&epsilon[0],xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input);
| 108 | - this->material->ViscosityFS(&viscosity,2,xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input,NULL);
| 109 | - pressure_input->GetInputValue(&pressure, gauss);
| 110 | - base_input->GetInputValue(&base, gauss);
| 111 | + /*Compute Stress*/
| 112 | + sigmaxx[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[0]-pressure[iv];
| 113 | + sigmayy[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[1]-pressure[iv];
| 114 | + sigmaxy[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[2];
| 115 | + }
| 116 |
| 117 | - /*Compute Stress*/
| 118 | - IssmDouble sigma_xx=2.*viscosity*epsilon[0]-pressure;
| 119 | - IssmDouble sigma_yy=2.*viscosity*epsilon[1]-pressure;
| 120 | - IssmDouble sigma_xy=2.*viscosity*epsilon[2];
| 121 | -
| 122 | - /*Get normal vector to the bed */
| 123 | - NormalBase(&bed_normal[0],xyz_list_base);
| 124 | -
| 125 | - /*basalforce*/
| 126 | - sigma_nn = sigma_xx*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[0] + sigma_yy*bed_normal[1]*bed_normal[1] + 2.*sigma_xy*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[1];
| 127 | -
| 128 | - /*Compute water pressure*/
| 129 | - IssmDouble rho_ice = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoIceEnum);
| 130 | - IssmDouble rho_water = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoSeawaterEnum);
| 131 | - IssmDouble gravity = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(ConstantsGEnum);
| 132 | - water_pressure=gravity*rho_water*base;
| 133 | -
| 134 | - /*Compare basal stress to water pressure and determine whether it should ground*/
| 135 | - if (sigma_nn<water_pressure) grounded=true;
| 136 | - else grounded=false;
| 137 | + /*2. compute contact condition*/
| 138 | + for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){
| 139 | + /*If was grounded*/
| 140 | + if (phi[i]>=0.){
| 141 | + NormalBase(&bed_normal[0],xyz_list);
| 142 | + sigma_nn[i]=-1*(sigmaxx[i]*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[0] + sigmayy[i]*bed_normal[1]*bed_normal[1]+2*sigmaxy[i]*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[1]);
| 143 | + water_pressure[i]=-gravity*rho_water*base[i];
| 144 | + vertex_sigmann->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),sigma_nn[i],ADD_VAL);
| 145 | + vertex_waterpressure->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),water_pressure[i],ADD_VAL);
| 146 | }
| 147 | - else{
| 148 | - /*Check for basal elevation if floating*/
| 149 | - base_input->GetInputValue(&base, gauss);
| 150 | - bed_input->GetInputValue(&bed, gauss);
| 151 | - if(base<bed) grounded=true;
| 152 | - else grounded=false;
| 153 | + /*If was floating*/
| 154 | + else{
| 155 | + /*Tricky part:
| 156 | + * 1. if base is now touching, we put 1 for sigma_nn and leave water pressure at 0 so that the rest of the module will reground this vertex
| 157 | + * 2. if base is still above bed, water pressure is set as 1, sigma_nn is left as 0, so the GL module will keep it afloat*/
| 158 | + if(base[i]<bed[i]) vertex_sigmann->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,ADD_VAL);
| 159 | + vertex_waterpressure->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,ADD_VAL);
| 160 | }
| 161 | - for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){
| 162 | - if(grounded) vertexgrounded->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,INS_VAL);
| 163 | - else vertexfloating->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,INS_VAL);
| 164 | - }
| 165 | + }
| 166 |
| 167 | - /*clean up*/
| 168 | - delete gauss;
| 169 | - xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list);
| 170 | - xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list_base);
| 171 | - }
| 172 | + /*clean up*/
| 173 | + delete gauss;
| 174 | + xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list);
| 175 | }
| 176 | /*}}}*/
| 177 | IssmDouble Tria::GetArea(void){/*{{{*/
| 178 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Tria.h
| 179 | ===================================================================
| 180 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Tria.h (revision 23034)
| 181 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Tria.h (revision 23035)
| 182 | @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
| 183 | void ElementSizes(IssmDouble* hx,IssmDouble* hy,IssmDouble* hz);
| 184 | int FiniteElement(void);
| 185 | IssmDouble FloatingArea(bool scaled);
| 186 | - void FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexgrounded,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexfloating);
| 187 | + void FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_sigmann,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_waterpressure);
| 188 | Element* GetBasalElement(void){_error_("not implemented yet");};
| 189 | void GetLevelsetPositivePart(int* point1,IssmDouble* fraction1,IssmDouble* fraction2, bool* mainlynegative,IssmDouble* levelsetvalues);
| 190 | void GetGroundedPart(int* point1,IssmDouble* fraction1, IssmDouble* fraction2,bool* mainlyfloating);
| 191 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Penta.cpp
| 192 | ===================================================================
| 193 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Penta.cpp (revision 23034)
| 194 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Penta.cpp (revision 23035)
| 195 | @@ -740,90 +740,86 @@
| 196 | return floatingarea;
| 197 | }
| 198 | /*}}}*/
| 199 | -void Penta::FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexgrounded,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexfloating){/*{{{*/
| 200 | +void Penta::FSContactMigration(Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_sigmann,Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_waterpressure){/*{{{*/
| 201 |
| 202 | if(!IsOnBase()) return;
| 203 |
| 204 | int approximation;
| 205 | inputs->GetInputValue(&approximation,ApproximationEnum);
| 206 | - if(approximation==HOApproximationEnum || approximation==SSAApproximationEnum || approximation==SSAHOApproximationEnum){
| 207 | - for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){
| 208 | - vertexgrounded->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+9999.,INS_VAL);
| 209 | - vertexfloating->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+9999.,INS_VAL);
| 210 | - }
| 211 | + if(approximation==HOApproximationEnum || approximation==SSAApproximationEnum || approximation==SSAHOApproximationEnum || approximation==HOFSApproximationEnum){
| 212 | + _error_("Cannot compute contact condition for non FS elements");
| 213 | }
| 214 | - else {
| 215 | - /*Intermediaries*/
| 216 | - IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL;
| 217 | - IssmDouble pressure,water_pressure,sigma_nn,viscosity,bed,base;
| 218 | - IssmDouble bed_normal[3];
| 219 | - IssmDouble epsilon[6]; /* epsilon=[exx eyy ezz exy exz eyz];*/
| 220 | - IssmDouble surface=0,value=0;
| 221 | - bool grounded;
| 222 |
| 223 | - /* Get node coordinates and dof list: */
| 224 | - GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list);
| 225 | + /*Intermediaries*/
| 226 | + IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL;
| 227 | + IssmDouble bed_normal[3],base[NUMVERTICES],bed[NUMVERTICES],surface[NUMVERTICES],phi[NUMVERTICES];
| 228 | + IssmDouble water_pressure[NUMVERTICES],pressureice[NUMVERTICES],pressure[NUMVERTICES];
| 229 | + IssmDouble sigmaxx[NUMVERTICES],sigmayy[NUMVERTICES],sigmazz[NUMVERTICES],sigmaxy[NUMVERTICES];
| 230 | + IssmDouble sigmayz[NUMVERTICES],sigmaxz[NUMVERTICES],sigma_nn[NUMVERTICES];
| 231 | + IssmDouble viscosity,epsilon[NUMVERTICES];
| 232 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&base[0],BaseEnum);
| 233 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&bed[0],BedEnum);
| 234 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&surface[0],SurfaceEnum);
| 235 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&pressure[0],PressureEnum);
| 236 | + GetInputListOnVertices(&phi[0],MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum);
| 237 | + IssmDouble rho_ice = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoIceEnum);
| 238 | + IssmDouble rho_water = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoSeawaterEnum);
| 239 | + IssmDouble gravity = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(ConstantsGEnum);
| 240 |
| 241 | - /*Retrieve all inputs we will be needing: */
| 242 | - Input* pressure_input = inputs->GetInput(PressureEnum); _assert_(pressure_input);
| 243 | - Input* base_input = inputs->GetInput(BaseEnum); _assert_(base_input);
| 244 | - Input* bed_input = inputs->GetInput(BedEnum); _assert_(bed_input);
| 245 | - Input* vx_input = inputs->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input);
| 246 | - Input* vy_input = inputs->GetInput(VyEnum); _assert_(vy_input);
| 247 | - Input* vz_input = inputs->GetInput(VzEnum); _assert_(vz_input);
| 248 | + /* Get node coordinates and dof list: */
| 249 | + GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list);
| 250 |
| 251 | - /*Create gauss point in the middle of the basal edge*/
| 252 | - Gauss* gauss=NewGaussBase(1);
| 253 | - gauss->GaussPoint(0);
| 254 | + /*Retrieve all inputs we will be needing: */
| 255 | + Input* vx_input = inputs->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input);
| 256 | + Input* vy_input = inputs->GetInput(VyEnum); _assert_(vy_input);
| 257 | + Input* vz_input = inputs->GetInput(VzEnum); _assert_(vz_input);
| 258 |
| 259 | - if(!IsFloating()){
| 260 | - /*Check for basal force only if grounded and touching GL*/
| 261 | - this->StrainRateFS(&epsilon[0],xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input,vz_input);
| 262 | - this->material->ViscosityFS(&viscosity,3,xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input,vz_input);
| 263 | - pressure_input->GetInputValue(&pressure, gauss);
| 264 | - base_input->GetInputValue(&base, gauss); _assert_(base<0.);
| 265 | + /*1. Recover stresses at the base*/
| 266 | + GaussPenta* gauss=new GaussPenta();
| 267 | + for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++){
| 268 | + gauss->GaussVertex(iv);
| 269 |
| 270 | - /*Compute Stress*/
| 271 | - IssmDouble sigma_xx=2.*viscosity*epsilon[0]-pressure;
| 272 | - IssmDouble sigma_yy=2.*viscosity*epsilon[1]-pressure;
| 273 | - IssmDouble sigma_zz=2.*viscosity*epsilon[2]-pressure;
| 274 | - IssmDouble sigma_xy=2.*viscosity*epsilon[3];
| 275 | - IssmDouble sigma_xz=2.*viscosity*epsilon[4];
| 276 | - IssmDouble sigma_yz=2.*viscosity*epsilon[5];
| 277 | + /*Compute strain rate viscosity and pressure: */
| 278 | + this->StrainRateFS(&epsilon[0],xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input,vz_input);
| 279 | + this->material->ViscosityFS(&viscosity,3,xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input,vz_input);
| 280 | + /*FIXME: this is for Hongju only*/
| 281 | + //pressureice[iv]=gravity*rho_ice*(surface[iv]-base[iv]);
| 282 | + //if (pressure[iv]/pressureice[iv]>1) pressure[iv]=pressureice[iv];
| 283 |
| 284 | - /*Get normal vector to the bed */
| 285 | - NormalBase(&bed_normal[0],xyz_list);
| 286 | + /*Compute Stress*/
| 287 | + sigmaxx[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[0]-pressure[iv]; // sigma = nu eps - pressure
| 288 | + sigmayy[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[1]-pressure[iv];
| 289 | + sigmazz[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[2]-pressure[iv];
| 290 | + sigmaxy[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[3];
| 291 | + sigmaxz[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[4];
| 292 | + sigmayz[iv]=2*viscosity*epsilon[5];
| 293 | + }
| 294 |
| 295 | - /*basalforce*/
| 296 | - sigma_nn = sigma_xx*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[0] + sigma_yy*bed_normal[1]*bed_normal[1] + sigma_zz*bed_normal[2]*bed_normal[2]
| 297 | - + 2.*sigma_xy*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[1] + 2.*sigma_xz*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[2] + 2.*sigma_yz*bed_normal[1]*bed_normal[2];
| 298 | + /*2. compute contact condition*/
| 299 | + for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){
| 300 |
| 301 | - /*Compute water pressure*/
| 302 | - IssmDouble rho_ice = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoIceEnum);
| 303 | - IssmDouble rho_water = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoSeawaterEnum);
| 304 | - IssmDouble gravity = matpar->GetMaterialParameter(ConstantsGEnum);
| 305 | - water_pressure=gravity*rho_water*base;
| 306 | + /*If was grounded*/
| 307 | + if (phi[i]>=0.){
| 308 | + NormalBase(&bed_normal[0],xyz_list);
| 309 | + sigma_nn[i]=-1*(sigmaxx[i]*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[0] + sigmayy[i]*bed_normal[1]*bed_normal[1] + sigmazz[i]*bed_normal[2]*bed_normal[2]+2*sigmaxy[i]*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[1]+2*sigmaxz[i]*bed_normal[0]*bed_normal[2]+2*sigmayz[i]*bed_normal[1]*bed_normal[2]);
| 310 | + water_pressure[i]=-gravity*rho_water*base[i];
| 311 | + vertex_sigmann->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),sigma_nn[i],ADD_VAL);
| 312 | + vertex_waterpressure->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),water_pressure[i],ADD_VAL);
| 313 | + }
| 314 |
| 315 | - /*Compare basal stress to water pressure and determine whether it should ground*/
| 316 | - if (sigma_nn<water_pressure) grounded=true;
| 317 | - else grounded=false;
| 318 | - }
| 319 | + /*If was floating*/
| 320 | else{
| 321 | - /*Check for basal elevation if floating*/
| 322 | - base_input->GetInputValue(&base, gauss);
| 323 | - bed_input->GetInputValue(&bed, gauss);
| 324 | - if(base<bed) grounded=true;
| 325 | - else grounded=false;
| 326 | + /*Tricky part:
| 327 | + * 1. if base is now touching, we put 1 for sigma_nn and leave water pressure at 0 so that the rest of the module will reground this vertex
| 328 | + * 2. if base is still above bed, water pressure is set as 1, sigma_nn is left as 0, so the GL module will keep it afloat*/
| 329 | + if(base[i]<bed[i]) vertex_sigmann->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,ADD_VAL);
| 330 | + else vertex_waterpressure->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,ADD_VAL);
| 331 | }
| 332 | - for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){
| 333 | - if(grounded) vertexgrounded->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,INS_VAL);
| 334 | - else vertexfloating->SetValue(vertices[i]->Pid(),+1.,INS_VAL);
| 335 | - }
| 336 | + }
| 337 |
| 338 | - /*clean up*/
| 339 | - delete gauss;
| 340 | - xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list);
| 341 | - }
| 342 | + /*clean up*/
| 343 | + delete gauss;
| 344 | + xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list);
| 345 | }
| 346 | /*}}}*/
| 347 | void Penta::GetAreaCoordinates(IssmDouble* area_coordinates,IssmDouble* xyz_zero,IssmDouble* xyz_list,int numpoints){/*{{{*/
| 348 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp
| 349 | ===================================================================
| 350 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp (revision 23034)
| 351 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp (revision 23035)
| 352 | @@ -2005,8 +2005,8 @@
| 353 | else shelf=false;
| 354 | }
| 355 | else if(migration_style==ContactEnum){
| 356 | - if(this->inputs->Max(MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum) > 0.) shelf=false;
| 357 | - else shelf=true;
| 358 | + if(this->inputs->Min(MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum) < 0.) shelf=true;
| 359 | + else shelf=false;
| 360 | }
| 361 | else if(migration_style==NoneEnum || migration_style==AggressiveMigrationEnum || migration_style==SoftMigrationEnum || migration_style==GroundingOnlyEnum){ //Floating if all nodes are floating
| 362 | if(this->inputs->Min(MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum) > 0.) shelf=false;
| 363 | @@ -2319,7 +2319,7 @@
| 364 | /*go through vertices, and update inputs, considering them to be TriaVertex type: */
| 365 | for(i=0;i<numvertices;i++){
| 366 | /* Contact FS*/
| 367 | - if(migration_style == ContactEnum && phi_ungrounding[vertices[i]->Pid()]<10){
| 368 | + if(migration_style == ContactEnum){
| 369 | phi[i]=phi_ungrounding[vertices[i]->Pid()];
| 370 | if(phi[i]>=0.) b[i]=r[i];
| 371 | }
| 372 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/GroundinglineMigrationx/GroundinglineMigrationx.cpp
| 373 | ===================================================================
| 374 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/GroundinglineMigrationx/GroundinglineMigrationx.cpp (revision 23034)
| 375 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/GroundinglineMigrationx/GroundinglineMigrationx.cpp (revision 23035)
| 376 | @@ -58,42 +58,39 @@
| 377 |
| 378 | IssmDouble* ContactFSLevelset(Elements* elements,Vertices* vertices){ /*{{{*/
| 379 |
| 380 | - Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexgrounded = NULL;
| 381 | - Vector<IssmDouble>* vertexfloating = NULL;
| 382 | - IssmDouble* serial_vertexgrounded = NULL;
| 383 | - IssmDouble* serial_vertexfloating = NULL;
| 384 | + Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_sigmann = NULL;
| 385 | + Vector<IssmDouble>* vertex_waterpressure = NULL;
| 386 | + IssmDouble* serial_vertex_sigmann = NULL;
| 387 | + IssmDouble* serial_vertex_waterpressure = NULL;
| 388 | IssmDouble* phi = NULL;
| 389 |
| 390 | /*Initialize vector with number of vertices*/
| 391 | int numberofvertices = vertices->NumberOfVertices();
| 392 | - vertexgrounded = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices);
| 393 | - vertexfloating = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices);
| 394 | + vertex_sigmann = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices);
| 395 | + vertex_waterpressure = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices);
| 396 | phi = xNew<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices);
| 397 |
| 398 | /*Fill vector vertices_potentially_floating: */
| 399 | for(int i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
| 400 | Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
| 401 | - element->FSContactMigration(vertexgrounded,vertexfloating);
| 402 | + element->FSContactMigration(vertex_sigmann,vertex_waterpressure);
| 403 | }
| 404 | + /*Assemble vector and serialize */
| 405 | + vertex_sigmann->Assemble();
| 406 | + vertex_waterpressure->Assemble();
| 407 | + serial_vertex_sigmann=vertex_sigmann->ToMPISerial();
| 408 | + serial_vertex_waterpressure=vertex_waterpressure->ToMPISerial();
| 409 |
| 410 | - /*Assemble vector and serialize */
| 411 | - vertexgrounded->Assemble();
| 412 | - vertexfloating->Assemble();
| 413 | - serial_vertexgrounded=vertexgrounded->ToMPISerial();
| 414 | - serial_vertexfloating=vertexfloating->ToMPISerial();
| 415 | for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){
| 416 | - if (serial_vertexgrounded[i]==1. && serial_vertexfloating[i]==1.) phi[i]=0.;
| 417 | - else if (serial_vertexgrounded[i]==1) phi[i]=1;
| 418 | - else if (serial_vertexfloating[i]==1) phi[i]=-1;
| 419 | - else if (serial_vertexgrounded[i]>10) phi[i]=9999;
| 420 | - else phi[i]=-9999;
| 421 | + if (serial_vertex_waterpressure[i] > serial_vertex_sigmann[i]) phi[i]=-1;
| 422 | + else phi[i]=1;
| 423 | }
| 424 |
| 425 | /*free ressouces and return: */
| 426 | - delete vertexgrounded;
| 427 | - delete vertexfloating;
| 428 | - xDelete<IssmDouble>(serial_vertexgrounded);
| 429 | - xDelete<IssmDouble>(serial_vertexfloating);
| 430 | + delete vertex_sigmann;
| 431 | + delete vertex_waterpressure;
| 432 | + xDelete<IssmDouble>(serial_vertex_sigmann);
| 433 | + xDelete<IssmDouble>(serial_vertex_waterpressure);
| 434 |
| 435 | return phi;
| 436 | }