[22755] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.cpp
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.cpp (revision 22497)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.cpp (nonexistent)
| 5 | @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
| 6 | -/*!\file TriMeshx
| 7 | - * \brief: x code for TriMesh mesher
| 8 | - */
| 9 | -
| 10 | -/*Header files: {{{*/
| 11 | -#include "./TriMeshx.h"
| 12 | -#include "../../shared/shared.h"
| 13 | -#include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
| 14 | -/*ANSI_DECLARATORS needed to call triangle library: */
| 15 | -#if defined(_HAVE_TRIANGLE_)
| 16 | - #ifndef ANSI_DECLARATORS
| 17 | - #define ANSI_DECLARATORS
| 18 | - #endif
| 19 | - #include "triangle.h"
| 20 | - #undef ANSI_DECLARATORS
| 21 | -#endif
| 22 | -/*}}}*/
| 23 | -
| 24 | -void TriMeshx(int** pindex,IssmPDouble** px,IssmPDouble** py,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist,int* pnels,int* pnods, int* pnsegs,Contours* domain,Contours* rifts,double area){
| 25 | -
| 26 | -#if !defined(_HAVE_TRIANGLE_)
| 27 | - _error_("triangle has not been installed");
| 28 | -#else
| 29 | - /*indexing: */
| 30 | - int i,j;
| 31 | -
| 32 | - /*output: */
| 33 | - int *index = NULL;
| 34 | - double *x = NULL;
| 35 | - double *y = NULL;
| 36 | - int *segments = NULL;
| 37 | - int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 38 | -
| 39 | - /*intermediary: */
| 40 | - int counter,counter2,backcounter;
| 41 | - Contour<IssmPDouble> *contour = NULL;
| 42 | -
| 43 | - /* Triangle structures needed to call Triangle library routines: */
| 44 | - struct triangulateio in,out;
| 45 | - char options[256];
| 46 | -
| 47 | - /*Create initial triangulation to call triangulate(). First number of points:*/
| 48 | - in.numberofpoints=0;
| 49 | - for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 50 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 51 | - in.numberofpoints+=contour->nods-1;
| 52 | - }
| 53 | - for (i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 54 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 55 | - in.numberofpoints+=contour->nods;
| 56 | - }
| 57 | -
| 58 | - /*number of point attributes: */
| 59 | - in.numberofpointattributes=1;
| 60 | -
| 61 | - /*fill in the point list: */
| 62 | - in.pointlist = xNew<REAL>(in.numberofpoints*2);
| 63 | -
| 64 | - counter=0;
| 65 | - for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 66 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 67 | - for (j=0;j<contour->nods-1;j++){
| 68 | - in.pointlist[2*counter+0]=contour->x[j];
| 69 | - in.pointlist[2*counter+1]=contour->y[j];
| 70 | - counter++;
| 71 | - }
| 72 | - }
| 73 | - for (i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 74 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 75 | - for (j=0;j<contour->nods;j++){
| 76 | - in.pointlist[2*counter+0]=contour->x[j];
| 77 | - in.pointlist[2*counter+1]=contour->y[j];
| 78 | - counter++;
| 79 | - }
| 80 | - }
| 81 | -
| 82 | - /*fill in the point attribute list: */
| 83 | - in.pointattributelist = xNew<REAL>(in.numberofpoints*in.numberofpointattributes);
| 84 | - for (i=0;i<in.numberofpoints;i++) in.pointattributelist[i] = 0.0;
| 85 | -
| 86 | - /*fill in the point marker list: */
| 87 | - in.pointmarkerlist = xNew<int>(in.numberofpoints);
| 88 | - for(i=0;i<in.numberofpoints;i++) in.pointmarkerlist[i] = 0;
| 89 | -
| 90 | - /*Build segments. First figure out number of segments: holes and closed outlines have as many segments as vertices: */
| 91 | - in.numberofsegments=0;
| 92 | - for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 93 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 94 | - in.numberofsegments+=contour->nods-1;
| 95 | - }
| 96 | - for(i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 97 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 98 | - /*for rifts, we have one less segment as we have vertices*/
| 99 | - in.numberofsegments+=contour->nods-1;
| 100 | - }
| 101 | -
| 102 | - in.segmentlist = xNew<int>(in.numberofsegments*2);
| 103 | - in.segmentmarkerlist = xNewZeroInit<int>(in.numberofsegments);
| 104 | - counter=0;
| 105 | - backcounter=0;
| 106 | - for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 107 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 108 | - for (j=0;j<contour->nods-2;j++){
| 109 | - in.segmentlist[2*counter+0]=counter;
| 110 | - in.segmentlist[2*counter+1]=counter+1;
| 111 | - in.segmentmarkerlist[counter]=0;
| 112 | - counter++;
| 113 | - }
| 114 | - /*Close this profile: */
| 115 | - in.segmentlist[2*counter+0]=counter;
| 116 | - in.segmentlist[2*counter+1]=backcounter;
| 117 | - in.segmentmarkerlist[counter]=0;
| 118 | - counter++;
| 119 | - backcounter=counter;
| 120 | - }
| 121 | - counter2=counter;
| 122 | - for (i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 123 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 124 | - for (j=0;j<(contour->nods-1);j++){
| 125 | - in.segmentlist[2*counter2+0]=counter;
| 126 | - in.segmentlist[2*counter2+1]=counter+1;
| 127 | - in.segmentmarkerlist[counter2]=2+i;
| 128 | - counter2++;
| 129 | - counter++;
| 130 | - }
| 131 | - counter++;
| 132 | - }
| 133 | -
| 134 | - /*Build regions: */
| 135 | - in.numberofregions = 0;
| 136 | -
| 137 | - /*Build holes: */
| 138 | - in.numberofholes = domain->Size()-1; /*everything is a hole, but for the first profile.*/
| 139 | - if(in.numberofholes){
| 140 | - in.holelist = xNew<REAL>(in.numberofholes*2);
| 141 | - for (i=0;i<domain->Size()-1;i++){
| 142 | - contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i+1);
| 143 | - GridInsideHole(&in.holelist[2*i+0],&in.holelist[2*i+1],contour->nods-1,contour->x,contour->y);
| 144 | - }
| 145 | - }
| 146 | -
| 147 | - /* Make necessary initializations so that Triangle can return a triangulation in `out': */
| 148 | - out.pointlist = (REAL*)NULL;
| 149 | - out.pointattributelist = (REAL*)NULL;
| 150 | - out.pointmarkerlist = (int *)NULL;
| 151 | - out.trianglelist = (int *)NULL;
| 152 | - out.triangleattributelist = (REAL*)NULL;
| 153 | - out.neighborlist = (int *)NULL;
| 154 | - out.segmentlist = (int *)NULL;
| 155 | - out.segmentmarkerlist = (int *)NULL;
| 156 | - out.edgelist = (int *)NULL;
| 157 | - out.edgemarkerlist = (int *)NULL;
| 158 | -
| 159 | - /* Triangulate the points:. Switches are chosen to read and write a */
| 160 | - /* PSLG (p), preserve the convex hull (c), number everything from */
| 161 | - /* zero (z), assign a regional attribute to each element (A), and */
| 162 | - /* produce an edge list (e), a Voronoi diagram (v), and a triangle */
| 163 | - /* neighbor list (n). */
| 164 | - sprintf(options,"%s%lf","pQzDq30ia",area); /*replace V by Q to quiet down the logging*/
| 165 | - triangulate(options, &in, &out, NULL);
| 166 | - /*report(&out, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);*/
| 167 | -
| 168 | - /*Allocate index, x and y: */
| 169 | - index=xNew<int>(3*out.numberoftriangles);
| 170 | - x=xNew<double>(out.numberofpoints);
| 171 | - y=xNew<double>(out.numberofpoints);
| 172 | - segments=xNew<int>(3*out.numberofsegments);
| 173 | - segmentmarkerlist=xNew<int>(out.numberofsegments);
| 174 | -
| 175 | - for (i = 0; i< out.numberoftriangles; i++) {
| 176 | - for (j = 0; j < out.numberofcorners; j++) {
| 177 | - index[3*i+j]=(int)out.trianglelist[i*out.numberofcorners+j]+1;
| 178 | - }
| 179 | - }
| 180 | - for (i = 0; i< out.numberofpoints; i++){
| 181 | - x[i]=(double)out.pointlist[i*2+0];
| 182 | - y[i]=(double)out.pointlist[i*2+1];
| 183 | - }
| 184 | - for (i = 0; i<out.numberofsegments;i++){
| 185 | - segments[3*i+0]=(int)out.segmentlist[i*2+0]+1;
| 186 | - segments[3*i+1]=(int)out.segmentlist[i*2+1]+1;
| 187 | - segmentmarkerlist[i]=(int)out.segmentmarkerlist[i];
| 188 | - }
| 189 | -
| 190 | - /*Associate elements with segments: */
| 191 | - AssociateSegmentToElement(&segments,out.numberofsegments,index,out.numberoftriangles);
| 192 | -
| 193 | - /*Order segments so that their normals point outside the domain: */
| 194 | - OrderSegments(&segments,out.numberofsegments, index,out.numberoftriangles);
| 195 | -
| 196 | - /*Output : */
| 197 | - *pindex=index;
| 198 | - *px=x;
| 199 | - *py=y;
| 200 | - *psegments=segments;
| 201 | - *psegmentmarkerlist=segmentmarkerlist;
| 202 | - *pnels=out.numberoftriangles;
| 203 | - *pnods=out.numberofpoints;
| 204 | - *pnsegs=out.numberofsegments;
| 205 | -#endif
| 206 | -}
| 207 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.h
| 208 | ===================================================================
| 209 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.h (revision 22497)
| 210 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.h (nonexistent)
| 211 | @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
| 212 | -/*!\file: TriMeshx.h
| 213 | - * \brief header file for TriMeshx module
| 214 | - */
| 215 | -
| 216 | -#ifndef _TRIMESHX_H_
| 217 | -#define _TRIMESHX_H_
| 218 | -
| 219 | -#include <string.h>
| 220 | -#include "../../classes/classes.h"
| 221 | -
| 222 | -/* local prototypes: */
| 223 | -void TriMeshx(int** pindex,IssmPDouble** px,IssmPDouble** py,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist,int* pnels,int* pnods, int* pnseg,Contours* domain,Contours* rifts,double area);
| 224 | -#endif /* _TRIMESHX_H */
| 225 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx
| 226 | ===================================================================
| 227 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx (revision 22497)
| 228 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx (nonexistent)
| 229 |
| 230 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshx
| 231 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 232 | Deleted: svn:ignore
| 233 | ## -1,2 +0,0 ##
| 234 | -.deps
| 235 | -.dirstamp
| 236 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.h
| 237 | ===================================================================
| 238 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.h (revision 22497)
| 239 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.h (nonexistent)
| 240 | @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
| 241 | -/*!\file: TriMeshProcessRiftsx.h
| 242 | - * \brief header file for TriMeshProcessRifts module
| 243 | - */
| 244 | -
| 247 | -
| 248 | -class RiftStruct;
| 249 | -
| 250 | -void TriMeshProcessRiftsx(int** pindex,int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkers,int *pnum_seg,RiftStruct **priftstruct);
| 251 | -
| 252 | -#endif /* _TRIMESHPROCESSRIFTX_H*/
| 253 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.cpp
| 254 | ===================================================================
| 255 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.cpp (revision 22497)
| 256 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.cpp (nonexistent)
| 257 | @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
| 258 | -/*!\file: TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp
| 259 | - * \brief split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 260 | - */
| 261 | -
| 262 | -#include "./TriMeshProcessRiftsx.h"
| 263 | -#include "../../classes/RiftStruct.h"
| 264 | -#include "../../shared/shared.h"
| 265 | -#include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
| 266 | -
| 267 | -void TriMeshProcessRiftsx(int** pindex, int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkers,int *pnum_seg,RiftStruct **priftstruct){
| 268 | -
| 269 | - /*Output*/
| 270 | - int numrifts,numrifts0;
| 271 | - int *riftsnumsegments = NULL;
| 272 | - int **riftssegments = NULL;
| 273 | - int *riftsnumpairs = NULL;
| 274 | - int **riftspairs = NULL;
| 275 | - int *riftstips = NULL;
| 276 | - double **riftspenaltypairs = NULL;
| 277 | - int *riftsnumpenaltypairs = NULL;
| 278 | -
| 279 | - /*Recover initial mesh*/
| 280 | - int nel = *pnel;
| 281 | - int *index = *pindex;
| 282 | - double *x = *px;
| 283 | - double *y = *py;
| 284 | - int nods = *pnods;
| 285 | - int *segments = *psegments;
| 286 | - int *segmentmarkers = *psegmentmarkers;
| 287 | - int num_seg = *pnum_seg;
| 288 | -
| 289 | - /*Intermediary*/
| 290 | - int riftflag;
| 291 | -
| 292 | - /*First, do some fixing on the existing mesh: we do not want any element belonging entirely to the segment list (ie:
| 293 | - *all the nodes of this element belong to the segments (tends to happen when there are corners: */
| 294 | - RemoveCornersFromRifts(&index,&nel,&x,&y,&nods,segments,segmentmarkers,num_seg);
| 295 | -
| 296 | - /*Figure out if we have rifts, and how many: */
| 297 | - IsRiftPresent(&riftflag,&numrifts0,segmentmarkers,num_seg);
| 298 | -
| 299 | - if(!riftflag) _error_("No rift present in mesh");
| 300 | -
| 301 | - /*Split mesh*/
| 302 | - SplitMeshForRifts(&nel,&index,&nods,&x,&y,&num_seg,&segments,&segmentmarkers);
| 303 | -
| 304 | - /*Order segments so that their normals point outside the domain: */
| 305 | - OrderSegments(&segments,num_seg, index,nel);
| 306 | -
| 307 | - /*We do not want to output segments mixed with rift segments: wring out the rifts from the segments, using the
| 308 | - *segmentmarkerlist:*/
| 309 | - SplitRiftSegments(&segments,&segmentmarkers,&num_seg,&numrifts,&riftsnumsegments,&riftssegments,numrifts0,nods,nel);
| 310 | -
| 311 | - /*Using rift segments, associate rift faces in pairs, each pair face representing opposite flanks of the rifts facing one another directly: */
| 312 | - PairRiftElements(&riftsnumpairs,&riftspairs,numrifts,riftsnumsegments,riftssegments,x,y);
| 313 | -
| 314 | - /*Order rifts so that they start from one tip, go to the other tip, and back: */
| 315 | - OrderRifts(&riftstips,riftssegments,riftspairs,numrifts,riftsnumsegments,x,y,nods,nel);
| 316 | -
| 317 | - /*Create penalty pairs, used by Imp: */
| 318 | - PenaltyPairs(&riftspenaltypairs,&riftsnumpenaltypairs,numrifts,riftssegments,riftsnumsegments,riftspairs,riftstips,x,y);
| 319 | -
| 320 | - /*Create Riftstruct*/
| 321 | - RiftStruct* riftstruct = new RiftStruct(numrifts,riftsnumsegments,riftssegments,riftsnumpairs,riftspairs,riftsnumpenaltypairs,riftspenaltypairs,riftstips);
| 322 | -
| 323 | - /*Assign output pointers for mesh*/
| 324 | - *pnel = nel;
| 325 | - *pindex = index;
| 326 | - *px = x;
| 327 | - *py = y;
| 328 | - *pnods = nods;
| 329 | - *psegments = segments;
| 330 | - *psegmentmarkers = segmentmarkers;
| 331 | - *pnum_seg = num_seg;
| 332 | -
| 333 | - /*Assign output pointers for rifts*/
| 334 | - *priftstruct = riftstruct;
| 335 | -}
| 336 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx
| 337 | ===================================================================
| 338 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx (revision 22497)
| 339 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx (nonexistent)
| 340 |
| 341 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx
| 342 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 343 | Deleted: svn:ignore
| 344 | ## -1,2 +0,0 ##
| 345 | -.deps
| 346 | -.dirstamp
| 347 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/modules.h
| 348 | ===================================================================
| 349 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/modules.h (revision 22497)
| 350 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/modules.h (revision 22498)
| 351 | @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
| 352 | #include "./SystemMatricesx/SystemMatricesx.h"
| 353 | #include "./SpcNodesx/SpcNodesx.h"
| 354 | #include "./SurfaceAreax/SurfaceAreax.h"
| 355 | -#include "./TriMeshx/TriMeshx.h"
| 356 | -#include "./TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.h"
| 357 | +#include "./Trianglex/Trianglex.h"
| 358 | +#include "./ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.h"
| 359 | #include "./ThicknessAbsMisfitx/ThicknessAbsMisfitx.h"
| 360 | #include "./ThicknessAlongGradientx/ThicknessAlongGradientx.h"
| 361 | #include "./ThicknessAcrossGradientx/ThicknessAcrossGradientx.h"
| 362 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.h
| 363 | ===================================================================
| 364 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.h (nonexistent)
| 365 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.h (revision 22498)
| 366 | @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
| 367 | +/*!\file: ProcessRiftsx.h
| 368 | + * \brief header file for ProcessRifts module
| 369 | + */
| 370 | +
| 371 | +#ifndef _PROCESSRIFTX_H
| 372 | +#define _PROCESSRIFTX_H
| 373 | +
| 374 | +class RiftStruct;
| 375 | +
| 376 | +void ProcessRiftsx(int** pindex,int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkers,int *pnum_seg,RiftStruct **priftstruct);
| 377 | +
| 378 | +#endif /* _PROCESSRIFTX_H*/
| 379 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.cpp
| 380 | ===================================================================
| 381 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.cpp (nonexistent)
| 382 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.cpp (revision 22498)
| 383 | @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
| 384 | +/*!\file: ProcessRifts.cpp
| 385 | + * \brief split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 386 | + */
| 387 | +
| 388 | +#include "./ProcessRiftsx.h"
| 389 | +#include "../../classes/RiftStruct.h"
| 390 | +#include "../../shared/shared.h"
| 391 | +#include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
| 392 | +
| 393 | +void ProcessRiftsx(int** pindex, int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkers,int *pnum_seg,RiftStruct **priftstruct){
| 394 | +
| 395 | + /*Output*/
| 396 | + int numrifts,numrifts0;
| 397 | + int *riftsnumsegments = NULL;
| 398 | + int **riftssegments = NULL;
| 399 | + int *riftsnumpairs = NULL;
| 400 | + int **riftspairs = NULL;
| 401 | + int *riftstips = NULL;
| 402 | + double **riftspenaltypairs = NULL;
| 403 | + int *riftsnumpenaltypairs = NULL;
| 404 | +
| 405 | + /*Recover initial mesh*/
| 406 | + int nel = *pnel;
| 407 | + int *index = *pindex;
| 408 | + double *x = *px;
| 409 | + double *y = *py;
| 410 | + int nods = *pnods;
| 411 | + int *segments = *psegments;
| 412 | + int *segmentmarkers = *psegmentmarkers;
| 413 | + int num_seg = *pnum_seg;
| 414 | +
| 415 | + /*Intermediary*/
| 416 | + int riftflag;
| 417 | +
| 418 | + /*First, do some fixing on the existing mesh: we do not want any element belonging entirely to the segment list (ie:
| 419 | + *all the nodes of this element belong to the segments (tends to happen when there are corners: */
| 420 | + RemoveCornersFromRifts(&index,&nel,&x,&y,&nods,segments,segmentmarkers,num_seg);
| 421 | +
| 422 | + /*Figure out if we have rifts, and how many: */
| 423 | + IsRiftPresent(&riftflag,&numrifts0,segmentmarkers,num_seg);
| 424 | +
| 425 | + if(!riftflag) _error_("No rift present in mesh");
| 426 | +
| 427 | + /*Split mesh*/
| 428 | + SplitMeshForRifts(&nel,&index,&nods,&x,&y,&num_seg,&segments,&segmentmarkers);
| 429 | +
| 430 | + /*Order segments so that their normals point outside the domain: */
| 431 | + OrderSegments(&segments,num_seg, index,nel);
| 432 | +
| 433 | + /*We do not want to output segments mixed with rift segments: wring out the rifts from the segments, using the
| 434 | + *segmentmarkerlist:*/
| 435 | + SplitRiftSegments(&segments,&segmentmarkers,&num_seg,&numrifts,&riftsnumsegments,&riftssegments,numrifts0,nods,nel);
| 436 | +
| 437 | + /*Using rift segments, associate rift faces in pairs, each pair face representing opposite flanks of the rifts facing one another directly: */
| 438 | + PairRiftElements(&riftsnumpairs,&riftspairs,numrifts,riftsnumsegments,riftssegments,x,y);
| 439 | +
| 440 | + /*Order rifts so that they start from one tip, go to the other tip, and back: */
| 441 | + OrderRifts(&riftstips,riftssegments,riftspairs,numrifts,riftsnumsegments,x,y,nods,nel);
| 442 | +
| 443 | + /*Create penalty pairs, used by Imp: */
| 444 | + PenaltyPairs(&riftspenaltypairs,&riftsnumpenaltypairs,numrifts,riftssegments,riftsnumsegments,riftspairs,riftstips,x,y);
| 445 | +
| 446 | + /*Create Riftstruct*/
| 447 | + RiftStruct* riftstruct = new RiftStruct(numrifts,riftsnumsegments,riftssegments,riftsnumpairs,riftspairs,riftsnumpenaltypairs,riftspenaltypairs,riftstips);
| 448 | +
| 449 | + /*Assign output pointers for mesh*/
| 450 | + *pnel = nel;
| 451 | + *pindex = index;
| 452 | + *px = x;
| 453 | + *py = y;
| 454 | + *pnods = nods;
| 455 | + *psegments = segments;
| 456 | + *psegmentmarkers = segmentmarkers;
| 457 | + *pnum_seg = num_seg;
| 458 | +
| 459 | + /*Assign output pointers for rifts*/
| 460 | + *priftstruct = riftstruct;
| 461 | +}
| 462 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx
| 463 | ===================================================================
| 464 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx (nonexistent)
| 465 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx (revision 22498)
| 466 |
| 467 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ProcessRiftsx
| 468 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 469 | Added: svn:ignore
| 470 | ## -0,0 +1,2 ##
| 471 | +.deps
| 472 | +.dirstamp
| 473 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex/Trianglex.h
| 474 | ===================================================================
| 475 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex/Trianglex.h (nonexistent)
| 476 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex/Trianglex.h (revision 22498)
| 477 | @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
| 478 | +/*!\file: Trianglex.h
| 479 | + * \brief header file for Trianglex module
| 480 | + */
| 481 | +
| 482 | +#ifndef _TRIANGLEX_H_
| 483 | +#define _TRIANGLEX_H_
| 484 | +
| 485 | +#include <string.h>
| 486 | +#include "../../classes/classes.h"
| 487 | +
| 488 | +/* local prototypes: */
| 489 | +void Trianglex(int** pindex,IssmPDouble** px,IssmPDouble** py,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist,int* pnels,int* pnods, int* pnseg,Contours* domain,Contours* rifts,double area);
| 490 | +#endif /* _TRIANGLEX_H */
| 491 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex/Trianglex.cpp
| 492 | ===================================================================
| 493 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex/Trianglex.cpp (nonexistent)
| 494 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex/Trianglex.cpp (revision 22498)
| 495 | @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
| 496 | +/*!\file Trianglex
| 497 | + * \brief: x code for Triangle mesher
| 498 | + */
| 499 | +
| 500 | +/*Header files: {{{*/
| 501 | +#include "./Trianglex.h"
| 502 | +#include "../../shared/shared.h"
| 503 | +#include "../../toolkits/toolkits.h"
| 504 | +/*ANSI_DECLARATORS needed to call triangle library: */
| 505 | +#if defined(_HAVE_TRIANGLE_)
| 506 | + #ifndef ANSI_DECLARATORS
| 507 | + #define ANSI_DECLARATORS
| 508 | + #endif
| 509 | + #include "triangle.h"
| 510 | + #undef ANSI_DECLARATORS
| 511 | +#endif
| 512 | +/*}}}*/
| 513 | +
| 514 | +void Trianglex(int** pindex,IssmPDouble** px,IssmPDouble** py,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist,int* pnels,int* pnods, int* pnsegs,Contours* domain,Contours* rifts,double area){
| 515 | +
| 516 | +#if !defined(_HAVE_TRIANGLE_)
| 517 | + _error_("triangle has not been installed");
| 518 | +#else
| 519 | + /*indexing: */
| 520 | + int i,j;
| 521 | +
| 522 | + /*output: */
| 523 | + int *index = NULL;
| 524 | + double *x = NULL;
| 525 | + double *y = NULL;
| 526 | + int *segments = NULL;
| 527 | + int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 528 | +
| 529 | + /*intermediary: */
| 530 | + int counter,counter2,backcounter;
| 531 | + Contour<IssmPDouble> *contour = NULL;
| 532 | +
| 533 | + /* Triangle structures needed to call Triangle library routines: */
| 534 | + struct triangulateio in,out;
| 535 | + char options[256];
| 536 | +
| 537 | + /*Create initial triangulation to call triangulate(). First number of points:*/
| 538 | + in.numberofpoints=0;
| 539 | + for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 540 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 541 | + in.numberofpoints+=contour->nods-1;
| 542 | + }
| 543 | + for (i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 544 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 545 | + in.numberofpoints+=contour->nods;
| 546 | + }
| 547 | +
| 548 | + /*number of point attributes: */
| 549 | + in.numberofpointattributes=1;
| 550 | +
| 551 | + /*fill in the point list: */
| 552 | + in.pointlist = xNew<REAL>(in.numberofpoints*2);
| 553 | +
| 554 | + counter=0;
| 555 | + for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 556 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 557 | + for (j=0;j<contour->nods-1;j++){
| 558 | + in.pointlist[2*counter+0]=contour->x[j];
| 559 | + in.pointlist[2*counter+1]=contour->y[j];
| 560 | + counter++;
| 561 | + }
| 562 | + }
| 563 | + for (i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 564 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 565 | + for (j=0;j<contour->nods;j++){
| 566 | + in.pointlist[2*counter+0]=contour->x[j];
| 567 | + in.pointlist[2*counter+1]=contour->y[j];
| 568 | + counter++;
| 569 | + }
| 570 | + }
| 571 | +
| 572 | + /*fill in the point attribute list: */
| 573 | + in.pointattributelist = xNew<REAL>(in.numberofpoints*in.numberofpointattributes);
| 574 | + for (i=0;i<in.numberofpoints;i++) in.pointattributelist[i] = 0.0;
| 575 | +
| 576 | + /*fill in the point marker list: */
| 577 | + in.pointmarkerlist = xNew<int>(in.numberofpoints);
| 578 | + for(i=0;i<in.numberofpoints;i++) in.pointmarkerlist[i] = 0;
| 579 | +
| 580 | + /*Build segments. First figure out number of segments: holes and closed outlines have as many segments as vertices: */
| 581 | + in.numberofsegments=0;
| 582 | + for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 583 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 584 | + in.numberofsegments+=contour->nods-1;
| 585 | + }
| 586 | + for(i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 587 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 588 | + /*for rifts, we have one less segment as we have vertices*/
| 589 | + in.numberofsegments+=contour->nods-1;
| 590 | + }
| 591 | +
| 592 | + in.segmentlist = xNew<int>(in.numberofsegments*2);
| 593 | + in.segmentmarkerlist = xNewZeroInit<int>(in.numberofsegments);
| 594 | + counter=0;
| 595 | + backcounter=0;
| 596 | + for (i=0;i<domain->Size();i++){
| 597 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 598 | + for (j=0;j<contour->nods-2;j++){
| 599 | + in.segmentlist[2*counter+0]=counter;
| 600 | + in.segmentlist[2*counter+1]=counter+1;
| 601 | + in.segmentmarkerlist[counter]=0;
| 602 | + counter++;
| 603 | + }
| 604 | + /*Close this profile: */
| 605 | + in.segmentlist[2*counter+0]=counter;
| 606 | + in.segmentlist[2*counter+1]=backcounter;
| 607 | + in.segmentmarkerlist[counter]=0;
| 608 | + counter++;
| 609 | + backcounter=counter;
| 610 | + }
| 611 | + counter2=counter;
| 612 | + for (i=0;i<rifts->Size();i++){
| 613 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)rifts->GetObjectByOffset(i);
| 614 | + for (j=0;j<(contour->nods-1);j++){
| 615 | + in.segmentlist[2*counter2+0]=counter;
| 616 | + in.segmentlist[2*counter2+1]=counter+1;
| 617 | + in.segmentmarkerlist[counter2]=2+i;
| 618 | + counter2++;
| 619 | + counter++;
| 620 | + }
| 621 | + counter++;
| 622 | + }
| 623 | +
| 624 | + /*Build regions: */
| 625 | + in.numberofregions = 0;
| 626 | +
| 627 | + /*Build holes: */
| 628 | + in.numberofholes = domain->Size()-1; /*everything is a hole, but for the first profile.*/
| 629 | + if(in.numberofholes){
| 630 | + in.holelist = xNew<REAL>(in.numberofholes*2);
| 631 | + for (i=0;i<domain->Size()-1;i++){
| 632 | + contour=(Contour<IssmPDouble>*)domain->GetObjectByOffset(i+1);
| 633 | + GridInsideHole(&in.holelist[2*i+0],&in.holelist[2*i+1],contour->nods-1,contour->x,contour->y);
| 634 | + }
| 635 | + }
| 636 | +
| 637 | + /* Make necessary initializations so that Triangle can return a triangulation in `out': */
| 638 | + out.pointlist = (REAL*)NULL;
| 639 | + out.pointattributelist = (REAL*)NULL;
| 640 | + out.pointmarkerlist = (int *)NULL;
| 641 | + out.trianglelist = (int *)NULL;
| 642 | + out.triangleattributelist = (REAL*)NULL;
| 643 | + out.neighborlist = (int *)NULL;
| 644 | + out.segmentlist = (int *)NULL;
| 645 | + out.segmentmarkerlist = (int *)NULL;
| 646 | + out.edgelist = (int *)NULL;
| 647 | + out.edgemarkerlist = (int *)NULL;
| 648 | +
| 649 | + /* Triangulate the points:. Switches are chosen to read and write a */
| 650 | + /* PSLG (p), preserve the convex hull (c), number everything from */
| 651 | + /* zero (z), assign a regional attribute to each element (A), and */
| 652 | + /* produce an edge list (e), a Voronoi diagram (v), and a triangle */
| 653 | + /* neighbor list (n). */
| 654 | + sprintf(options,"%s%lf","pQzDq30ia",area); /*replace V by Q to quiet down the logging*/
| 655 | + triangulate(options, &in, &out, NULL);
| 656 | + /*report(&out, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);*/
| 657 | +
| 658 | + /*Allocate index, x and y: */
| 659 | + index=xNew<int>(3*out.numberoftriangles);
| 660 | + x=xNew<double>(out.numberofpoints);
| 661 | + y=xNew<double>(out.numberofpoints);
| 662 | + segments=xNew<int>(3*out.numberofsegments);
| 663 | + segmentmarkerlist=xNew<int>(out.numberofsegments);
| 664 | +
| 665 | + for (i = 0; i< out.numberoftriangles; i++) {
| 666 | + for (j = 0; j < out.numberofcorners; j++) {
| 667 | + index[3*i+j]=(int)out.trianglelist[i*out.numberofcorners+j]+1;
| 668 | + }
| 669 | + }
| 670 | + for (i = 0; i< out.numberofpoints; i++){
| 671 | + x[i]=(double)out.pointlist[i*2+0];
| 672 | + y[i]=(double)out.pointlist[i*2+1];
| 673 | + }
| 674 | + for (i = 0; i<out.numberofsegments;i++){
| 675 | + segments[3*i+0]=(int)out.segmentlist[i*2+0]+1;
| 676 | + segments[3*i+1]=(int)out.segmentlist[i*2+1]+1;
| 677 | + segmentmarkerlist[i]=(int)out.segmentmarkerlist[i];
| 678 | + }
| 679 | +
| 680 | + /*Associate elements with segments: */
| 681 | + AssociateSegmentToElement(&segments,out.numberofsegments,index,out.numberoftriangles);
| 682 | +
| 683 | + /*Order segments so that their normals point outside the domain: */
| 684 | + OrderSegments(&segments,out.numberofsegments, index,out.numberoftriangles);
| 685 | +
| 686 | + /*Output : */
| 687 | + *pindex=index;
| 688 | + *px=x;
| 689 | + *py=y;
| 690 | + *psegments=segments;
| 691 | + *psegmentmarkerlist=segmentmarkerlist;
| 692 | + *pnels=out.numberoftriangles;
| 693 | + *pnods=out.numberofpoints;
| 694 | + *pnsegs=out.numberofsegments;
| 695 | +#endif
| 696 | +}
| 697 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex
| 698 | ===================================================================
| 699 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex (nonexistent)
| 700 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex (revision 22498)
| 701 |
| 702 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/Trianglex
| 703 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 704 | Added: svn:ignore
| 705 | ## -0,0 +1,2 ##
| 706 | +.deps
| 707 | +.dirstamp
| 708 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/CoordinateSystemTransformx/CoordinateSystemTransformx.cpp
| 709 | ===================================================================
| 710 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/CoordinateSystemTransformx/CoordinateSystemTransformx.cpp (revision 22497)
| 711 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/CoordinateSystemTransformx/CoordinateSystemTransformx.cpp (revision 22498)
| 712 | @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
| 713 | -/*!\file TriMeshx
| 714 | - * \brief: x code for TriMesh mesher
| 715 | +/*!\file CoordinateSystemTransformx
| 716 | + * \brief: x code for CoordinateSystemTransformx
| 717 | */
| 718 |
| 719 | /*Header files*/
| 720 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/Makefile.am
| 721 | ===================================================================
| 722 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/Makefile.am (revision 22497)
| 723 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/Makefile.am (revision 22498)
| 724 | @@ -560,13 +560,13 @@
| 725 | modules_sources= ./shared/Threads/LaunchThread.cpp\
| 726 | ./shared/Threads/PartitionRange.cpp\
| 727 | ./shared/Exp/exp.cpp\
| 728 | - ./shared/TriMesh/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp\
| 729 | - ./shared/TriMesh/GridInsideHole.cpp\
| 730 | - ./shared/TriMesh/OrderSegments.cpp\
| 731 | - ./shared/TriMesh/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp\
| 732 | - ./shared/TriMesh/TriMeshUtils.cpp\
| 733 | - ./modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.cpp\
| 734 | - ./modules/TriMeshProcessRiftsx/TriMeshProcessRiftsx.cpp\
| 735 | + ./shared/Triangle/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp\
| 736 | + ./shared/Triangle/GridInsideHole.cpp\
| 737 | + ./shared/Triangle/OrderSegments.cpp\
| 738 | + ./shared/Triangle/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp\
| 739 | + ./shared/Triangle/TriangleUtils.cpp\
| 740 | + ./modules/Trianglex/Trianglex.cpp\
| 741 | + ./modules/ProcessRiftsx/ProcessRiftsx.cpp\
| 742 | ./modules/PointCloudFindNeighborsx/PointCloudFindNeighborsx.cpp\
| 743 | ./modules/PointCloudFindNeighborsx/PointCloudFindNeighborsxt.cpp\
| 744 | ./modules/InterpFromGridToMeshx/InterpFromGridToMeshx.cpp\
| 745 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/main/issm.js
| 746 | ===================================================================
| 747 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/main/issm.js (revision 22497)
| 748 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/main/issm.js (revision 22498)
| 749 | @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
| 750 | var dbinaryPtr= Module._malloc(nb); var binHeap = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer,dbinaryPtr,nb);
| 751 | binHeap.set(new Uint8Array(dbinary.buffer)); var binary=binHeap.byteOffset;
| 752 |
| 753 | - //Declare TriMesh module:
| 754 | + //Declare module:
| 755 | issm= Module.cwrap('main','number',['number','number']);
| 756 |
| 757 | //Call issm:
| 758 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp
| 759 | ===================================================================
| 760 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp (revision 22497)
| 761 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp (nonexistent)
| 762 | @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
| 763 | -/*
| 764 | - * SplitMeshForRifts.c:
| 765 | - */
| 766 | -#include "./trimesh.h"
| 767 | -#include "../MemOps/MemOps.h"
| 768 | -
| 769 | -int SplitMeshForRifts(int* pnel,int** pindex,int* pnods,double** px,double** py,int* pnsegs,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist){
| 770 | -
| 771 | - /*Some notes on dimensions:
| 772 | - index of size nelx3
| 773 | - x and y of size nodsx1
| 774 | - segments of size nsegsx3*/
| 775 | -
| 776 | - int i,j,k,l;
| 777 | - int node;
| 778 | - int el;
| 779 | - int nriftsegs;
| 780 | - int* riftsegments=NULL;
| 781 | - int* flags=NULL;
| 782 | - int NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 783 | - int* GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=NULL;
| 784 | -
| 785 | - /*Recover input: */
| 786 | - int nel = *pnel;
| 787 | - int *index = *pindex;
| 788 | - int nods = *pnods;
| 789 | - double *x = *px;
| 790 | - double *y = *py;
| 791 | - int nsegs = *pnsegs;
| 792 | - int *segments = *psegments;
| 793 | - int *segmentmarkerlist = *psegmentmarkerlist;
| 794 | -
| 795 | - /*Establish list of segments that belong to a rift: */
| 796 | - /*riftsegments of size nriftsegsx4 (4 for first element on segment,second element,first node and second snode)*/
| 797 | - RiftSegmentsFromSegments(&nriftsegs,&riftsegments,nel,index,nsegs,segments);
| 798 | -
| 799 | - /*Go through all nodes of the rift segments, and start splitting the mesh: */
| 800 | - flags=xNewZeroInit<int>(nods); //to make sure we don't split the same nodes twice!
| 801 | - for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 802 | - for (j=0;j<2;j++){
| 803 | -
| 804 | - node=riftsegments[4*i+j+2];
| 805 | - if(flags[node-1]){
| 806 | - /*This node was already split, skip:*/
| 807 | - continue;
| 808 | - }
| 809 | - else{
| 810 | - flags[node-1]=1;
| 811 | - }
| 812 | -
| 813 | - if(IsGridOnRift(riftsegments,nriftsegs,node)){
| 814 | -
| 815 | - DetermineGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift(&NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift,&GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift,i,nriftsegs,riftsegments,node,index,nel);
| 816 | -
| 817 | - /*Summary: we have for node, a list of elements
| 818 | - * (GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, of size
| 819 | - * NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift) that all contain node
| 820 | - *and that are on the same side of the rift. For all these
| 821 | - elements, we clone node into another node, and we swap all
| 822 | - instances of node in the triangulation *for those elements, to the
| 823 | - new node.*/
| 824 | -
| 825 | - //create new node
| 826 | - x=xReNew<double>(x,nods,nods+1);
| 827 | - y=xReNew<double>(y,nods,nods+1);
| 828 | - x[nods]=x[node-1]; //matlab indexing
| 829 | - y[nods]=y[node-1]; //matlab indexing
| 830 | -
| 831 | - //augment number of nodes
| 832 | - nods++;
| 833 | -
| 834 | - //change elements owning this node
| 835 | - for (k=0;k<NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;k++){
| 836 | - el=GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[k];
| 837 | - for (l=0;l<3;l++){
| 838 | - if (index[3*el+l]==node) index[3*el+l]=nods; //again, matlab indexing.
| 839 | - }
| 840 | - }
| 841 | - }// if(IsGridOnRift(riftsegments,nriftsegs,node))
| 842 | - } //for(j=0;j<2;j++)
| 843 | - } //for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++)
| 844 | -
| 845 | - /*update segments: they got modified completely by adding new nodes.*/
| 846 | - UpdateSegments(&segments,&segmentmarkerlist, &nsegs,index,x,y,riftsegments,nriftsegs,nods,nel);
| 847 | -
| 848 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 849 | - *pnel=nel;
| 850 | - *pindex=index;
| 851 | - *pnods=nods;
| 852 | - *px=x;
| 853 | - *py=y;
| 854 | - *pnsegs=nsegs;
| 855 | - *psegments=segments;
| 856 | - *psegmentmarkerlist=segmentmarkerlist;
| 857 | - return 1;
| 858 | -}
| 859 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/GridInsideHole.cpp
| 860 | ===================================================================
| 861 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/GridInsideHole.cpp (revision 22497)
| 862 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/GridInsideHole.cpp (nonexistent)
| 863 | @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
| 864 | -/*
| 865 | - * GridInsideHole.c:
| 866 | - * from a convex set of points, figure out a point that for sure lies inside the profile.
| 867 | - */
| 868 | -
| 869 | -#include <math.h>
| 870 | -
| 871 | -#include "./trimesh.h"
| 872 | -#include "../Exp/exp.h"
| 873 | -
| 874 | -#undef M_PI
| 875 | -#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643
| 876 | -
| 877 | -int GridInsideHole(double* px0,double* py0,int n,double* x,double* y){
| 878 | -
| 879 | - double flag=0.0;
| 880 | - double xA,xB,xC,xD,xE;
| 881 | - double yA,yB,yC,yD,yE;
| 882 | -
| 883 | - /*Take first and last vertices: */
| 884 | - xA=x[0];
| 885 | - yA=y[0];
| 886 | - xB=x[n-1];
| 887 | - yB=y[n-1];
| 888 | -
| 889 | - /*Figure out middle of segment [A B]: */
| 890 | - xC=(xA+xB)/2;
| 891 | - yC=(yA+yB)/2;
| 892 | -
| 893 | - /*D and E are on each side of segment [A B], on the median line between segment [A B],
| 894 | - *at an angle of 10 degree (less than the minimum 30 enforced by the quality of the mesh: */
| 895 | - xD=xC+tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(yC-yA);
| 896 | - yD=yC+tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(xA-xC);
| 897 | - xE=xC-tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(yC-yA);
| 898 | - yE=yC-tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(xA-xC);
| 899 | -
| 900 | - /*Either E or D is inside profile (x,y): */
| 901 | - IsInPolySerial(&flag,&xD,&yD,1,x,y,n,2);
| 902 | - /*FIXME: used to be 'flag' and not '!flag', check*/
| 903 | - if(!flag){
| 904 | - /*D is inside the poly: */
| 905 | - *px0=xD;
| 906 | - *py0=yD;
| 907 | - }
| 908 | - else{
| 909 | - /*E is inside the poly: */
| 910 | - *px0=xE;
| 911 | - *py0=yE;
| 912 | - }
| 913 | - return 1;
| 914 | -}
| 915 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp
| 916 | ===================================================================
| 917 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp (revision 22497)
| 918 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp (nonexistent)
| 919 | @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
| 920 | -/*!\file: AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp
| 921 | - * \brief for each segment, look for the corresponding element.
| 922 | - */
| 923 | -
| 924 | -#include "./trimesh.h"
| 925 | -
| 926 | -int AssociateSegmentToElement(int** psegments,int nseg,int* index,int nel){
| 927 | -
| 928 | - /*node indices: */
| 929 | - int A,B;
| 930 | -
| 931 | - /*Recover segments: */
| 932 | - int* segments=*psegments;
| 933 | -
| 934 | - for(int i=0;i<nseg;i++){
| 935 | - A=segments[3*i+0];
| 936 | - B=segments[3*i+1];
| 937 | - segments[3*i+2]=FindElement(A,B,index,nel)+1; //matlab indexing.
| 938 | - }
| 939 | -
| 940 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 941 | - *psegments=segments;
| 942 | - return 1;
| 943 | -}
| 944 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/TriMeshUtils.cpp
| 945 | ===================================================================
| 946 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/TriMeshUtils.cpp (revision 22497)
| 947 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/TriMeshUtils.cpp (nonexistent)
| 948 | @@ -1,912 +0,0 @@
| 949 | -/*
| 950 | - * TriMeshUtils: mesh manipulation routines:
| 951 | - */
| 952 | -
| 953 | -#include <stdio.h>
| 954 | -
| 955 | -#include "./trimesh.h"
| 956 | -#include "../Exceptions/exceptions.h"
| 957 | -#include "../MemOps/MemOps.h"
| 958 | -
| 960 | -int IsGridOnRift(int* riftsegments, int nriftsegs, int node){/*{{{*/
| 961 | -
| 962 | - /*Does this node belong to 4 elements, or just 2? If it belongs to 4 elements, it is inside a rift,
| 963 | - *if it belongs to 2 elements, it is on the tip of a rift, or it has already been split across the rift (see below).*/
| 964 | -
| 965 | - int i;
| 966 | - int j;
| 967 | - int count;
| 968 | -
| 969 | - count=0;
| 970 | - for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 971 | - for (j=0;j<2;j++){
| 972 | - if ((*(riftsegments+4*i+2+j))==node) count++;
| 973 | - }
| 974 | - }
| 975 | - if (count==2){
| 976 | - return 1;
| 977 | - }
| 978 | - else{
| 979 | - return 0;
| 980 | - }
| 981 | -}/*}}}*/
| 982 | -int GridElementsList(int** pGridElements, int* pNumGridElements,int node,int* index,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 983 | -
| 984 | - /*From a node, recover all the elements that are connected to it: */
| 985 | - int i,j;
| 986 | - int noerr=1;
| 987 | -
| 988 | - int max_number_elements=12;
| 989 | - int current_size;
| 990 | - int NumGridElements;
| 991 | - int* GridElements=NULL;
| 992 | - int* GridElementsRealloc=NULL;
| 993 | -
| 994 | - /*From a mesh with 30 degrees minimum angle, we get 12 possible elements that own
| 995 | - * the node. We start by allocating GridElements with that size, and realloc
| 996 | - * more if needed.*/
| 997 | -
| 998 | - current_size=max_number_elements;
| 999 | - NumGridElements=0;
| 1000 | - GridElements=xNew<int>(max_number_elements);
| 1001 | -
| 1002 | - for (i=0;i<nel;i++){
| 1003 | - for (j=0;j<3;j++){
| 1004 | - if (index[3*i+j]==node){
| 1005 | - if (NumGridElements<=(current_size-1)){
| 1006 | - GridElements[NumGridElements]=i;
| 1007 | - NumGridElements++;
| 1008 | - break;
| 1009 | - }
| 1010 | - else{
| 1011 | - /*Reallocate another max_number_elements slots in the GridElements: */
| 1012 | - GridElementsRealloc=xReNew<int>(GridElements,current_size,(current_size+max_number_elements));
| 1013 | - if (!GridElementsRealloc){
| 1014 | - noerr=0;
| 1015 | - goto cleanup_and_return;
| 1016 | - }
| 1017 | - current_size+=max_number_elements;
| 1018 | - GridElements=GridElementsRealloc;
| 1019 | - GridElements[NumGridElements]=i;
| 1020 | - NumGridElements++;
| 1021 | - break;
| 1022 | - }
| 1023 | - }
| 1024 | - }
| 1025 | - }
| 1026 | - cleanup_and_return:
| 1027 | - if(!noerr){
| 1028 | - xDelete<int>(GridElements);
| 1029 | - }
| 1030 | - /*Allocate return pointers: */
| 1031 | - *pGridElements=GridElements;
| 1032 | - *pNumGridElements=NumGridElements;
| 1033 | - return noerr;
| 1034 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1035 | -int IsNeighbor(int el1,int el2,int* index){/*{{{*/
| 1036 | - /*From a triangulation held in index, figure out if elements 1 and 2 have two nodes in common: */
| 1037 | - int i,j;
| 1038 | - int count=0;
| 1039 | - for (i=0;i<3;i++){
| 1040 | - for (j=0;j<3;j++){
| 1041 | - if (index[3*el1+i]==index[3*el2+j])count++;
| 1042 | - }
| 1043 | - }
| 1044 | - if (count==2){
| 1045 | - return 1;
| 1046 | - }
| 1047 | - else{
| 1048 | - return 0;
| 1049 | - }
| 1050 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1051 | -int IsOnRift(int el,int nriftsegs,int* riftsegments){/*{{{*/
| 1052 | - /*From a list of elements segments, figure out if el belongs to it: */
| 1053 | - int i;
| 1054 | - for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 1055 | - if ((*(riftsegments+4*i+0)==el) || (*(riftsegments+4*i+1)==el)){
| 1056 | - return 1;
| 1057 | - }
| 1058 | - }
| 1059 | - return 0;
| 1060 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1061 | -void RiftSegmentsFromSegments(int* pnriftsegs, int** priftsegments, int nel,int* index,int nsegs,int* segments){/*{{{*/
| 1062 | -
| 1063 | - int i,counter;
| 1064 | - int el,el2;
| 1065 | -
| 1066 | - int nriftsegs;
| 1067 | - int* riftsegments=NULL;
| 1068 | - int* riftsegments_uncompressed=NULL;
| 1069 | - int element_nodes[3];
| 1070 | -
| 1071 | - /*Allocate segmentflags: */
| 1072 | - riftsegments_uncompressed=xNewZeroInit<int>(nsegs*5);
| 1073 | -
| 1074 | - /*Find the segments that belong to a rift: they are the ones that see two elements. The other ones belong to a boundary
| 1075 | - *or a hole: */
| 1076 | - nriftsegs=0;
| 1077 | - for (i=0;i<nsegs;i++){
| 1078 | - el=(int)*(segments+3*i+2)-1; //element found in AssociateSegmentToElements
| 1079 | - /*Temporarily set nodes belonging to the segments to -1 in the triangulation index, and
| 1080 | - *then proceed to find another element that owns the segment. If we don't find it, we know
| 1081 | - *we are dealing with a boundary or hole, otherwise, we are dealing with a rift: */
| 1082 | - element_nodes[0]=*(index+3*el+0);
| 1083 | - element_nodes[1]=*(index+3*el+1);
| 1084 | - element_nodes[2]=*(index+3*el+2);
| 1085 | -
| 1086 | - index[3*el+0]=-1;
| 1087 | - index[3*el+1]=-1;
| 1088 | - index[3*el+2]=-1;
| 1089 | -
| 1090 | - el2=FindElement(*(segments+3*i+0),*(segments+3*i+1),index,nel);
| 1091 | -
| 1092 | - /*Restore index: */
| 1093 | - index[3*el+0]=element_nodes[0];
| 1094 | - index[3*el+1]=element_nodes[1];
| 1095 | - index[3*el+2]=element_nodes[2];
| 1096 | -
| 1097 | - if (el2!=-1){
| 1098 | - /*el and el2 are on a segment rift, facing one another, plug them into riftsegments_uncompressed: */
| 1099 | - riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+0]=1;
| 1100 | - riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+1]=el;
| 1101 | - riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+2]=el2;
| 1102 | - riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+3]=segments[3*i+0];
| 1103 | - riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+4]=segments[3*i+1];
| 1104 | - nriftsegs++;
| 1105 | - }
| 1106 | - }
| 1107 | -
| 1108 | - /*Compress riftsegments_uncompressed:*/
| 1109 | - riftsegments=xNew<int>(nriftsegs*4);
| 1110 | - counter=0;
| 1111 | - for (i=0;i<nsegs;i++){
| 1112 | - if (riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+0]){
| 1113 | - riftsegments[counter*4+0]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+1];
| 1114 | - riftsegments[counter*4+1]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+2];
| 1115 | - riftsegments[counter*4+2]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+3];
| 1116 | - riftsegments[counter*4+3]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+4];
| 1117 | - counter++;
| 1118 | - }
| 1119 | - }
| 1120 | - xDelete<int>(riftsegments_uncompressed);
| 1121 | -
| 1122 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1123 | - *priftsegments=riftsegments;
| 1124 | - *pnriftsegs=nriftsegs;
| 1125 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1126 | -int DetermineGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift(int* pNumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, int** pGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, int segmentnumber, int nriftsegs, int* riftsegments, int node,int* index,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 1127 | -
| 1128 | - int noerr=1;
| 1129 | - int k,l,counter;
| 1130 | - int newel;
| 1131 | -
| 1132 | - int* GridElements=NULL;
| 1133 | - int NumGridElements;
| 1134 | -
| 1135 | - /*Output: */
| 1136 | - int NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 1137 | - int* GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=NULL;
| 1138 | -
| 1139 | - /*Build a list of all the elements connected to this node: */
| 1140 | - GridElementsList(&GridElements,&NumGridElements,node,index,nel);
| 1141 | -
| 1142 | - /*Figure out the list of elements that are on the same side of the rift. To do so, we start from one
| 1143 | - * side of the rift and keep rotating in the same direction:*/
| 1144 | - GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=xNew<int>(NumGridElements);
| 1145 | - //bootstrap the GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift by filling elements from riftsegments: */
| 1146 | - GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[0]=*(riftsegments+4*segmentnumber+0); /*this one does not belong to the same side, but is just there
| 1147 | - for a rotation direction, we 'll take it out when we are
| 1148 | - done rotating*/
| 1149 | - GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[1]=*(riftsegments+4*segmentnumber+1);
| 1150 | - counter=1;
| 1151 | - for (;;){
| 1152 | - /*Find neighbour of element GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter], not
| 1153 | - * equal to GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter-1]*/
| 1154 | - for (k=0;k<NumGridElements;k++){
| 1155 | - if(IsNeighbor(GridElements[k],GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter],index)){
| 1156 | - /*Verify this element is not already in our list of element on the same side of the rift: */
| 1157 | - newel=1;
| 1158 | - for (l=0;l<=counter;l++){
| 1159 | - if (GridElements[k]==GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[l]){
| 1160 | - newel=0;
| 1161 | - break;
| 1162 | - }
| 1163 | - }
| 1164 | - if (newel){
| 1165 | - counter++;
| 1166 | - GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter]=GridElements[k];
| 1167 | - if (IsOnRift(GridElements[k],nriftsegs,riftsegments)){
| 1168 | - break;
| 1169 | - }
| 1170 | - k=-1;
| 1171 | - }
| 1172 | - }
| 1173 | - }
| 1174 | - /*Reduce counter by 1 and get rift of first element in GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift:*/
| 1175 | - NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=counter;
| 1176 | - for (l=0;l<NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;l++){
| 1177 | - GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[l]=GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[l+1];
| 1178 | - }
| 1179 | - break;
| 1180 | - }// for (;;)
| 1181 | -
| 1182 | - /*Free ressources: */
| 1183 | - xDelete<int>(GridElements);
| 1184 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1185 | - *pNumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 1186 | - *pGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 1187 | - return noerr;
| 1188 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1189 | -int UpdateSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnsegs,int* index, double* x,double* y,int* riftsegments,int nriftsegs,int nods,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 1190 | -
| 1191 | - int noerr=1;
| 1192 | - int i,j,k;
| 1193 | - int el1,el2;
| 1194 | -
| 1195 | - int *segments = NULL;
| 1196 | - int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 1197 | - int nsegs;
| 1198 | -
| 1199 | - /*Recover input: */
| 1200 | - segments = *psegments;
| 1201 | - segmentmarkerlist = *psegmentmarkerlist;
| 1202 | - nsegs = *pnsegs;
| 1203 | -
| 1204 | - /*Reallocate segments: */
| 1205 | - segments =xReNew<int>(segments, nsegs*3,(nsegs+nriftsegs)*3);
| 1206 | - segmentmarkerlist=xReNew<int>(segmentmarkerlist,nsegs,(nsegs+nriftsegs));
| 1207 | -
| 1208 | - /*First, update the existing segments to the new nodes :*/
| 1209 | - for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 1210 | - el1=riftsegments[4*i+0];
| 1211 | - el2=riftsegments[4*i+1];
| 1212 | - for (j=0;j<nsegs;j++){
| 1213 | - if (segments[3*j+2]==(el1+1)){
| 1214 | - /*segment j is the same as rift segment i.Let's update segments[j][:] using element el1 and the corresponding rift segment.
| 1215 | - *Because riftsegments does not represent a list of rift segments anymore (it got heavily modified in SplitElementsForRifts,
| 1216 | - *we can only rely on the position (x,y) of the rift nodes to create a segment:*/
| 1217 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1218 | - if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 1219 | - *(segments+3*j+0)=*(index+el1*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*j+0]<nods+1);
| 1220 | - break;
| 1221 | - }
| 1222 | - }
| 1223 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1224 | - if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 1225 | - *(segments+3*j+1)=*(index+el1*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*j+1]<nods+1);
| 1226 | - break;
| 1227 | - }
| 1228 | - }
| 1229 | - /*Deal with el2: */
| 1230 | - *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+2)=el2+1;
| 1231 | - *(segmentmarkerlist+(nsegs+i))=*(segmentmarkerlist+j);
| 1232 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1233 | - if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 1234 | - *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+0)=*(index+el2*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+0]<nods+1);
| 1235 | - break;
| 1236 | - }
| 1237 | - }
| 1238 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1239 | - if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 1240 | - *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+1)=*(index+el2*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+1]<nods+1);
| 1241 | - break;
| 1242 | - }
| 1243 | - }
| 1244 | - }
| 1245 | - if (*(segments+3*j+2)==(el2+1)){
| 1246 | - /*segment j is the same as rift segment i.*/
| 1247 | - /*Let's update segments[j][:] using element el2 and the corresponding rift segment: */
| 1248 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1249 | - if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 1250 | - *(segments+3*j+0)=*(index+el2*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*j+0]<nods+1);
| 1251 | - break;
| 1252 | - }
| 1253 | - }
| 1254 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1255 | - if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 1256 | - *(segments+3*j+1)=*(index+el2*3+k);_assert_(segments[3*j+1]<nods+1);
| 1257 | - break;
| 1258 | - }
| 1259 | - }
| 1260 | - /*Deal with el1: */
| 1261 | - *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+2)=el1+1;
| 1262 | - *(segmentmarkerlist+(nsegs+i))=*(segmentmarkerlist+j);
| 1263 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1264 | - if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 1265 | - *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+0)=*(index+el1*3+k);_assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+0]<nods+1);
| 1266 | - break;
| 1267 | - }
| 1268 | - }
| 1269 | - for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 1270 | - if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 1271 | - *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+1)=*(index+el1*3+k);_assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+1]<nods+1);
| 1272 | - break;
| 1273 | - }
| 1274 | - }
| 1275 | - }
| 1276 | - }
| 1277 | - }
| 1278 | - nsegs+=nriftsegs;
| 1279 | -
| 1280 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1281 | - *psegments=segments;
| 1282 | - *psegmentmarkerlist=segmentmarkerlist;
| 1283 | - *pnsegs=nsegs;
| 1284 | -
| 1285 | - return noerr;
| 1286 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1287 | -int FindElement(int A,int B,int* index,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 1288 | -
| 1289 | - int el=-1;
| 1290 | - for (int n=0;n<nel;n++){
| 1291 | - if(((index[3*n+0]==A) || (index[3*n+1]==A) || (index[3*n+2]==A)) && ((index[3*n+0]==B) || (index[3*n+1]==B) || (index[3*n+2]==B))){
| 1292 | - el=n;
| 1293 | - break;
| 1294 | - }
| 1295 | - }
| 1296 | - return el;
| 1297 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1298 | -int SplitRiftSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnumsegs, int* pnumrifts,int** priftsnumsegs,int*** priftssegments,int numrifts,int nods,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 1299 | -
| 1300 | - /*Using segment markers, wring out the rift segments from the segments. Rift markers are
| 1301 | - *of the form 2+i where i=0 to number of rifts */
| 1302 | -
| 1303 | - int noerr=1;
| 1304 | - int i,j,counter;
| 1305 | -
| 1306 | - /*input: */
| 1307 | - int *segments = NULL;
| 1308 | - int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 1309 | - int numsegs;
| 1310 | -
| 1311 | - /*output: */
| 1312 | - int new_numsegs;
| 1313 | - int *riftsnumsegs = NULL;
| 1314 | - int **riftssegments = NULL;
| 1315 | - int *new_segments = NULL;
| 1316 | - int *new_segmentmarkers = NULL;
| 1317 | -
| 1318 | - /*intermediary: */
| 1319 | - int* riftsegment=NULL;
| 1320 | -
| 1321 | - /*Recover input arguments: */
| 1322 | - segments = *psegments;
| 1323 | - numsegs = *pnumsegs;
| 1324 | - segmentmarkerlist = *psegmentmarkerlist;
| 1325 | -
| 1326 | - /*First, figure out how many segments will be left in 'segments': */
| 1327 | - counter=0;
| 1328 | - for (i=0;i<numsegs;i++){
| 1329 | - if (segmentmarkerlist[i]==1)counter++; //1 is default marker for non-rifts;
| 1330 | - }
| 1331 | - /*Allocate new segments: */
| 1332 | - new_numsegs=counter;
| 1333 | - new_segments=xNew<int>(new_numsegs*3);
| 1334 | - new_segmentmarkers=xNew<int>(new_numsegs);
| 1335 | -
| 1336 | - /*Copy new segments info : */
| 1337 | - counter=0;
| 1338 | - for (i=0;i<numsegs;i++){
| 1339 | - if (segmentmarkerlist[i]==1){
| 1340 | - new_segments[3*counter+0]=segments[3*i+0];
| 1341 | - new_segments[3*counter+1]=segments[3*i+1];
| 1342 | - new_segments[3*counter+2]=segments[3*i+2];
| 1343 | - new_segmentmarkers[counter]=segmentmarkerlist[i];
| 1344 | - counter++;
| 1345 | - }
| 1346 | - }
| 1347 | -
| 1348 | - /*Now deal with rift segments: */
| 1349 | - riftsnumsegs=xNew<int>(numrifts);
| 1350 | - riftssegments=xNew<int*>(numrifts);
| 1351 | - for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 1352 | - /*Figure out how many segments for rift i: */
| 1353 | - counter=0;
| 1354 | - for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 1355 | - if (segmentmarkerlist[j]==2+i)counter++;
| 1356 | - }
| 1357 | - riftsnumsegs[i]=counter;
| 1358 | - riftsegment=xNew<int>(counter*3);
| 1359 | - /*Copy new segments info :*/
| 1360 | - counter=0;
| 1361 | - for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 1362 | - if (segmentmarkerlist[j]==(2+i)){
| 1363 | - riftsegment[3*counter+0]=segments[3*j+0];_assert_(riftsegment[3*counter+0]<nods+1);
| 1364 | - riftsegment[3*counter+1]=segments[3*j+1];_assert_(riftsegment[3*counter+1]<nods+1);
| 1365 | - riftsegment[3*counter+2]=segments[3*j+2];_assert_(riftsegment[3*counter+2]<nel+1);
| 1366 | - counter++;
| 1367 | - }
| 1368 | - }
| 1369 | - *(riftssegments+i)=riftsegment;
| 1370 | - }
| 1371 | -
| 1372 | - /*Free ressources: */
| 1373 | - xDelete<int>(segments);
| 1374 | -
| 1375 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1376 | - *psegments=new_segments;
| 1377 | - *psegmentmarkerlist=new_segmentmarkers;
| 1378 | - *pnumsegs=new_numsegs;
| 1379 | - *pnumrifts=numrifts;
| 1380 | - *priftssegments=riftssegments;
| 1381 | - *priftsnumsegs=riftsnumsegs;
| 1382 | - return noerr;
| 1383 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1384 | -int PairRiftElements(int** priftsnumpairs,int*** priftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,int** riftssegments,double* x,double* y){/*{{{*/
| 1385 | -
| 1386 | - int noerr=1;
| 1387 | - int i,j,k;
| 1388 | -
| 1389 | - /*output: */
| 1390 | - int *riftsnumpairs = NULL;
| 1391 | - int **riftspairs = NULL;
| 1392 | -
| 1393 | - /*intermediary :*/
| 1394 | - int numsegs;
| 1395 | - int* segments=NULL;
| 1396 | - int* pairs=NULL;
| 1397 | - int node1,node2,node3,node4;
| 1398 | -
| 1399 | - riftsnumpairs=xNew<int>(numrifts);
| 1400 | - riftspairs=xNew<int*>(numrifts);
| 1401 | - for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 1402 | - segments=riftssegments[i];
| 1403 | - numsegs =riftsnumsegments[i];
| 1404 | - riftsnumpairs[i]=numsegs;
| 1405 | - pairs=xNew<int>(2*numsegs);
| 1406 | - for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 1407 | - pairs[2*j+0]=segments[3*j+2]; //retrieve element to which this segment belongs.
| 1408 | - node1=segments[3*j+0]-1; node2=segments[3*j+1]-1;
| 1409 | - /*Find element facing on other side of rift: */
| 1410 | - for (k=0;k<numsegs;k++){
| 1411 | - if (k==j)continue;
| 1412 | - node3=segments[3*k+0]-1; node4=segments[3*k+1]-1;
| 1413 | - /*We are trying to find 2 elements, where position of node3 == position of node1, and position of node4 == position of node2*/
| 1414 | - if ( ((x[node3]==x[node1]) && (y[node3]==y[node1]) && (x[node4]==x[node2]) && (y[node4]==y[node2]))
| 1415 | - || ((x[node3]==x[node2]) && (y[node3]==y[node2]) && (x[node4]==x[node1]) && (y[node4]==y[node1])) ){
| 1416 | - /*We found the corresponding element: */
| 1417 | - pairs[2*j+1]=segments[3*k+2];
| 1418 | - break;
| 1419 | - }
| 1420 | - }
| 1421 | - }
| 1422 | - riftspairs[i]=pairs;
| 1423 | - }
| 1424 | -
| 1425 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1426 | - *priftsnumpairs=riftsnumpairs;
| 1427 | - *priftspairs=riftspairs;
| 1428 | - return noerr;
| 1429 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1430 | -int IsRiftPresent(int* priftflag,int* pnumrifts,int* segmentmarkerlist,int nsegs){/*{{{*/
| 1431 | -
| 1432 | - int i;
| 1433 | - int noerr=1;
| 1434 | -
| 1435 | - /*output: */
| 1436 | - int riftflag=0;
| 1437 | - int numrifts=0;
| 1438 | -
| 1439 | - int maxmark=1; //default marker for regular segments
| 1440 | -
| 1441 | - /*Any marker >=2 indicates a certain rift: */
| 1442 | - numrifts=0;
| 1443 | - for (i=0;i<nsegs;i++){
| 1444 | - if (segmentmarkerlist[i]>maxmark){
| 1445 | - numrifts++;
| 1446 | - maxmark=segmentmarkerlist[i];
| 1447 | - }
| 1448 | - }
| 1449 | - if(numrifts)riftflag=1;
| 1450 | -
| 1451 | - /*Assign output pointers:*/
| 1452 | - *priftflag=riftflag;
| 1453 | - *pnumrifts=numrifts;
| 1454 | - return noerr;
| 1455 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1456 | -int OrderRifts(int** priftstips,int** riftssegments,int** riftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,double* x,double* y,int nods,int nels){/*{{{*/
| 1457 | -
| 1458 | - int noerr=1;
| 1459 | - int i,j,k,counter;
| 1460 | -
| 1461 | - /*intermediary: */
| 1462 | - int *riftsegments = NULL;
| 1463 | - int *riftpairs = NULL;
| 1464 | - int numsegs;
| 1465 | -
| 1466 | - /*ordering and copy: */
| 1467 | - int *order = NULL;
| 1468 | - int *riftsegments_copy = NULL;
| 1469 | - int *riftpairs_copy = NULL;
| 1470 | -
| 1471 | - /*node and element manipulation: */
| 1472 | - int node1,node2,node3,node4,temp_node,tip1,tip2,node;
| 1473 | - int el2;
| 1474 | - int already_ordered=0;
| 1475 | -
| 1476 | - /*output: */
| 1477 | - int* riftstips=NULL;
| 1478 | -
| 1479 | - /*Allocate byproduct of this routine, riftstips: */
| 1480 | - riftstips=xNew<int>(numrifts*2);
| 1481 | -
| 1482 | - /*Go through all rifts: */
| 1483 | - for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 1484 | - riftsegments = riftssegments[i];
| 1485 | - riftpairs = riftspairs[i];
| 1486 | - numsegs = riftsnumsegments[i];
| 1487 | -
| 1488 | - /*Allocate copy of riftsegments and riftpairs,
| 1489 | - *as well as ordering vector: */
| 1490 | - riftsegments_copy=xNew<int>(numsegs*3);
| 1491 | - riftpairs_copy=xNew<int>(numsegs*2);
| 1492 | - order=xNew<int>(numsegs);
| 1493 | -
| 1494 | - /*First find the tips, using the pairs. If a pair of elements has one node in common, this node is a rift tip: */
| 1495 | - tip1=-1;
| 1496 | - tip2=-1;
| 1497 | -
| 1498 | - for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 1499 | - el2=*(riftpairs+2*j+1);
| 1500 | - node1=*(riftsegments+3*j+0);
| 1501 | - node2=*(riftsegments+3*j+1);
| 1502 | - /*Summary, el1 and el2 are facing one another across the rift. node1 and node2 belong to el1 and
| 1503 | - *are located on the rift. Find node3 and node4, nodes belonging to el2 and located on the rift: */
| 1504 | - for (k=0;k<numsegs;k++){
| 1505 | - if (*(riftsegments+3*k+2)==el2){
| 1506 | - node3=*(riftsegments+3*k+0);
| 1507 | - node4=*(riftsegments+3*k+1);
| 1508 | - break;
| 1509 | - }
| 1510 | - }
| 1511 | - /* Make sure node3 faces node1 and node4 faces node2: */
| 1512 | - _assert_(node1<nods+1 && node4<nods+1);
| 1513 | - _assert_(node1>0 && node4>0);
| 1514 | - if ((x[node1-1]==x[node4-1]) && (y[node1-1]==y[node4-1])){
| 1515 | - /*Swap node3 and node4:*/
| 1516 | - temp_node=node3;
| 1517 | - node3=node4;
| 1518 | - node4=temp_node;
| 1519 | - }
| 1520 | -
| 1521 | - /*Figure out if a tip is on this element: */
| 1522 | - if (node3==node1){
| 1523 | - /*node1 is a tip*/
| 1524 | - if (tip1==-1) {
| 1525 | - tip1=node1;
| 1526 | - continue;
| 1527 | - }
| 1528 | - if ((tip2==-1) && (node1!=tip1)){
| 1529 | - tip2=node1;
| 1530 | - break;
| 1531 | - }
| 1532 | - }
| 1533 | -
| 1534 | - if (node4==node2){
| 1535 | - /*node2 is a tip*/
| 1536 | - if (tip1==-1){
| 1537 | - tip1=node2;
| 1538 | - continue;
| 1539 | - }
| 1540 | - if ((tip2==-1) && (node2!=tip1)){
| 1541 | - tip2=node2;
| 1542 | - break;
| 1543 | - }
| 1544 | - }
| 1545 | - }
| 1546 | -
| 1547 | - /*Record tips in riftstips: */
| 1548 | - *(riftstips+2*i+0)=tip1;
| 1549 | - *(riftstips+2*i+1)=tip2;
| 1550 | -
| 1551 | - /*We have the two tips for this rift. Go from tip1 to tip2, and figure out the order in which segments are sequential.
| 1552 | - *Because two elements are connected to tip1, we chose one first, which defines the direction we are rotating along the rift. */
| 1553 | - node=tip1;
| 1554 | - for (counter=0;counter<numsegs;counter++){
| 1555 | - for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 1556 | - node1=*(riftsegments+3*j+0);
| 1557 | - node2=*(riftsegments+3*j+1);
| 1558 | -
| 1559 | - if ((node1==node) || (node2==node)){
| 1560 | - /*Ok, this segment is connected to node, plug its index into order, unless we already plugged it before: */
| 1561 | - already_ordered=0;
| 1562 | - for (k=0;k<counter;k++){
| 1563 | - if(order[k]==j){
| 1564 | - already_ordered=1;
| 1565 | - break;
| 1566 | - }
| 1567 | - }
| 1568 | - if (!already_ordered){
| 1569 | - order[counter]=j;
| 1570 | - if(node1==node){
| 1571 | - node=node2;
| 1572 | - }
| 1573 | - else if(node2==node){
| 1574 | - node=node1;
| 1575 | - }
| 1576 | - break;
| 1577 | - }
| 1578 | - }
| 1579 | - }
| 1580 | - }
| 1581 | -
| 1582 | - /*Using the order vector, and the riftsegments_copy and riftspairs_copy, reorder the segments and the pairs: */
| 1583 | - for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 1584 | - _assert_(order[j]<numsegs);
| 1585 | - *(riftsegments_copy+3*j+0)=*(riftsegments+3*order[j]+0);
| 1586 | - *(riftsegments_copy+3*j+1)=*(riftsegments+3*order[j]+1);
| 1587 | - *(riftsegments_copy+3*j+2)=*(riftsegments+3*order[j]+2);
| 1588 | - *(riftpairs_copy+2*j+0)=*(riftpairs+2*order[j]+0);
| 1589 | - *(riftpairs_copy+2*j+1)=*(riftpairs+2*order[j]+1);
| 1590 | - }
| 1591 | -
| 1592 | - for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 1593 | - *(riftsegments+3*j+0)=*(riftsegments_copy+3*j+0);
| 1594 | - *(riftsegments+3*j+1)=*(riftsegments_copy+3*j+1);
| 1595 | - *(riftsegments+3*j+2)=*(riftsegments_copy+3*j+2);
| 1596 | - *(riftpairs+2*j+0)=*(riftpairs_copy+2*j+0);
| 1597 | - *(riftpairs+2*j+1)=*(riftpairs_copy+2*j+1);
| 1598 | - }
| 1599 | -
| 1600 | - xDelete<int>(order);
| 1601 | - xDelete<int>(riftsegments_copy);
| 1602 | - xDelete<int>(riftpairs_copy);
| 1603 | -
| 1604 | - }
| 1605 | -
| 1606 | - /*Assign output pointer:*/
| 1607 | - *priftstips=riftstips;
| 1608 | - return noerr;
| 1609 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1610 | -int PenaltyPairs(double*** priftspenaltypairs,int** priftsnumpenaltypairs,int numrifts,int** riftssegments,/*{{{*/
| 1611 | - int* riftsnumsegs,int** riftspairs,int* riftstips,double* x,double* y){
| 1612 | -
| 1613 | - int noerr=1;
| 1614 | - int i,j,k,k0;
| 1615 | -
| 1616 | - double el1,el2,node1,node2,node3,node4;
| 1617 | - double temp_node;
| 1618 | -
| 1619 | - /*output: */
| 1620 | - double **riftspenaltypairs = NULL;
| 1621 | - double *riftpenaltypairs = NULL;
| 1622 | - int *riftsnumpenaltypairs = NULL;
| 1623 | -
| 1624 | - /*intermediary: */
| 1625 | - int numsegs;
| 1626 | - int* riftsegments=NULL;
| 1627 | - int* riftpairs=NULL;
| 1628 | - int counter;
| 1629 | - double normal[2];
| 1630 | - double length;
| 1631 | - int k1,k2;
| 1632 | -
| 1633 | - /*Allocate: */
| 1634 | - riftspenaltypairs=xNew<double*>(numrifts);
| 1635 | - riftsnumpenaltypairs=xNew<int>(numrifts);
| 1636 | -
| 1637 | - for(i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 1638 | - numsegs=riftsnumsegs[i];
| 1639 | - riftsegments=riftssegments[i];
| 1640 | - riftpairs=riftspairs[i];
| 1641 | -
| 1642 | - /*allocate riftpenaltypairs, and riftnumpenaltypairs: */
| 1643 | - if((numsegs/2-1)!=0)riftpenaltypairs=xNewZeroInit<double>((numsegs/2-1)*RIFTPENALTYPAIRSWIDTH);
| 1644 | -
| 1645 | - /*Go through only one flank of the rifts, not counting the tips: */
| 1646 | - counter=0;
| 1647 | - for(j=0;j<(numsegs/2);j++){
| 1648 | - el1=*(riftpairs+2*j+0);
| 1649 | - el2=*(riftpairs+2*j+1);
| 1650 | - node1=*(riftsegments+3*j+0);
| 1651 | - node2=*(riftsegments+3*j+1);
| 1652 | - /*Find segment index to recover node3 and node4, facing node1 and node2: */
| 1653 | - k0=-1;
| 1654 | - for(k=0;k<numsegs;k++){
| 1655 | - if(*(riftsegments+3*k+2)==el2){
| 1656 | - k0=k;
| 1657 | - break;
| 1658 | - }
| 1659 | - }
| 1660 | - node3=*(riftsegments+3*k0+0);
| 1661 | - node4=*(riftsegments+3*k0+1);
| 1662 | -
| 1663 | - /* Make sure node3 faces node1 and node4 faces node2: */
| 1664 | - if ((x[(int)node1-1]==x[(int)node4-1]) && (y[(int)node1-1]==y[(int)node4-1])){
| 1665 | - /*Swap node3 and node4:*/
| 1666 | - temp_node=node3;
| 1667 | - node3=node4;
| 1668 | - node4=temp_node;
| 1669 | - }
| 1670 | - /*Ok, we have node1 facing node3, and node2 facing node4. Compute the normal to
| 1671 | - *this segment, and its length: */
| 1672 | - normal[0]=cos(atan2(x[(int)node1-1]-x[(int)node2-1],y[(int)node2-1]-y[(int)node1-1]));
| 1673 | - normal[1]=sin(atan2(x[(int)node1-1]-x[(int)node2-1],y[(int)node2-1]-y[(int)node1-1]));
| 1674 | - length=sqrt(pow(x[(int)node2-1]-x[(int)node1-1],(double)2)+pow(y[(int)node2-1]-y[(int)node1-1],(double)2));
| 1675 | -
| 1676 | - /*Be careful here, we want penalty loads on each node, not on each segment. This means we cannot plug node1,
| 1677 | - * node2, node3 and node4 directly into riftpenaltypairs. We need to include node1, node2, node3 and node4,
| 1678 | - * only once. We'll add the normals and the lengths : */
| 1679 | -
| 1680 | - if(node1!=node3){ //exclude tips from loads
| 1681 | - k1=-1;
| 1682 | - for(k=0;k<counter;k++){
| 1683 | - if( (*(riftpenaltypairs+k*7+0))==node1){
| 1684 | - k1=k;
| 1685 | - break;
| 1686 | - }
| 1687 | - }
| 1688 | - if(k1==-1){
| 1689 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+0)=node1;
| 1690 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+1)=node3;
| 1691 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+2)=el1;
| 1692 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+3)=el2;
| 1693 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+4)=normal[0];
| 1694 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+5)=normal[1];
| 1695 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+6)=length/2;
| 1696 | - counter++;
| 1697 | - }
| 1698 | - else{
| 1699 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+k1*7+4)+=normal[0];
| 1700 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+k1*7+5)+=normal[1];
| 1701 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+k1*7+6)+=length/2;
| 1702 | - }
| 1703 | - }
| 1704 | - if(node2!=node4){
| 1705 | - k2=-1;
| 1706 | - for(k=0;k<counter;k++){
| 1707 | - if( (*(riftpenaltypairs+k*7+0))==node2){
| 1708 | - k2=k;
| 1709 | - break;
| 1710 | - }
| 1711 | - }
| 1712 | - if(k2==-1){
| 1713 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+0)=node2;
| 1714 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+1)=node4;
| 1715 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+2)=el1;
| 1716 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+3)=el2;
| 1717 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+4)=normal[0];
| 1718 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+5)=normal[1];
| 1719 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+6)=length/2;
| 1720 | - counter++;
| 1721 | - }
| 1722 | - else{
| 1723 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+k2*7+4)+=normal[0];
| 1724 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+k2*7+5)+=normal[1];
| 1725 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+k2*7+6)+=length/2;
| 1726 | - }
| 1727 | - }
| 1728 | - }
| 1729 | - /*Renormalize normals: */
| 1730 | - for(j=0;j<counter;j++){
| 1731 | - double magnitude=sqrt(pow( double(riftpenaltypairs[j*7+4]),2) + pow( double(riftpenaltypairs[j*7+5]),2) );
| 1732 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+4)=*(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+4)/magnitude;
| 1733 | - *(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+5)=*(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+5)/magnitude;
| 1734 | - }
| 1735 | -
| 1736 | - riftspenaltypairs[i]=riftpenaltypairs;
| 1737 | - riftsnumpenaltypairs[i]=(numsegs/2-1);
| 1738 | - }
| 1739 | -
| 1740 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1741 | - *priftspenaltypairs=riftspenaltypairs;
| 1742 | - *priftsnumpenaltypairs=riftsnumpenaltypairs;
| 1743 | - return noerr;
| 1744 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1745 | -int RemoveCornersFromRifts(int** pindex,int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int* segments,int* segmentmarkers,int num_seg){/*{{{*/
| 1746 | -
| 1747 | - int noerr=1;
| 1748 | - int i,j,k;
| 1749 | - int node1,node2,node3;
| 1750 | - int el;
| 1751 | - double pair[2];
| 1752 | - int pair_count=0;
| 1753 | - int triple=0;
| 1754 | -
| 1755 | - /*Recover input: */
| 1756 | - int *index = *pindex;
| 1757 | - int nel = *pnel;
| 1758 | - double *x = *px;
| 1759 | - double *y = *py;
| 1760 | - int nods = *pnods;
| 1761 | -
| 1762 | - for (i=0;i<num_seg;i++){
| 1763 | - node1=*(segments+3*i+0);
| 1764 | - node2=*(segments+3*i+1);
| 1765 | - /*Find all elements connected to [node1 node2]: */
| 1766 | - pair_count=0;
| 1767 | - for (j=0;j<nel;j++){
| 1768 | - if (*(index+3*j+0)==node1){
| 1769 | - if ((*(index+3*j+1)==node2) || (*(index+3*j+2)==node2)){
| 1770 | - pair[pair_count]=j;
| 1771 | - pair_count++;
| 1772 | - }
| 1773 | - }
| 1774 | - if (*(index+3*j+1)==node1){
| 1775 | - if ((*(index+3*j+0)==node2) || (*(index+3*j+2)==node2)){
| 1776 | - pair[pair_count]=j;
| 1777 | - pair_count++;
| 1778 | - }
| 1779 | - }
| 1780 | - if (*(index+3*j+2)==node1){
| 1781 | - if ((*(index+3*j+0)==node2) || (*(index+3*j+1)==node2)){
| 1782 | - pair[pair_count]=j;
| 1783 | - pair_count++;
| 1784 | - }
| 1785 | - }
| 1786 | - }
| 1787 | - /*Ok, we have pair_count elements connected to this segment. For each of these elements,
| 1788 | - *figure out if the third node also belongs to a segment: */
| 1789 | - if ((pair_count==0) || (pair_count==1)){ //we only select the rift segments, which belong to 2 elements
| 1790 | - continue;
| 1791 | - }
| 1792 | - else{
| 1793 | - for (j=0;j<pair_count;j++){
| 1794 | - el=(int)pair[j];
| 1795 | - triple=0;
| 1796 | - /*First find node3: */
| 1797 | - if (*(index+3*el+0)==node1){
| 1798 | - if (*(index+3*el+1)==node2)node3=*(index+3*el+2);
| 1799 | - else node3=*(index+3*el+1);
| 1800 | - }
| 1801 | - if (*(index+3*el+1)==node1){
| 1802 | - if (*(index+3*el+0)==node2)node3=*(index+3*el+2);
| 1803 | - else node3=*(index+3*el+0);
| 1804 | - }
| 1805 | - if (*(index+3*el+2)==node1){
| 1806 | - if (*(index+3*el+0)==node2)node3=*(index+3*el+1);
| 1807 | - else node3=*(index+3*el+0);
| 1808 | - }
| 1809 | - /*Ok, we have node3. Does node3 belong to a segment? : */
| 1810 | - for (k=0;k<num_seg;k++){
| 1811 | - if ((node3==*(segments+3*k+0)) || (node3==*(segments+3*k+1))){
| 1812 | - triple=1;
| 1813 | - break;
| 1814 | - }
| 1815 | - }
| 1816 | - if(triple==1){
| 1817 | - /*el is a corner element: we need to split it in 3 triangles: */
| 1818 | - x=xReNew<double>(x,nods,nods+1);
| 1819 | - y=xReNew<double>(y,nods,nods+1);
| 1820 | - x[nods]=(x[(int)node1-1]+x[(int)node2-1]+x[(int)node3-1])/3;
| 1821 | - y[nods]=(y[(int)node1-1]+y[(int)node2-1]+y[(int)node3-1])/3;
| 1822 | - index=xReNew<int>(index,nel*3,(nel+2*3));
| 1823 | - /*First, reassign element el: */
| 1824 | - *(index+3*el+0)=node1;
| 1825 | - *(index+3*el+1)=node2;
| 1826 | - *(index+3*el+2)=nods+1;
| 1827 | - /*Other two elements: */
| 1828 | - *(index+3*nel+0)=node2;
| 1829 | - *(index+3*nel+1)=node3;
| 1830 | - *(index+3*nel+2)=nods+1;
| 1831 | -
| 1832 | - *(index+3*(nel+1)+0)=node3;
| 1833 | - *(index+3*(nel+1)+1)=node1;
| 1834 | - *(index+3*(nel+1)+2)=nods+1;
| 1835 | - /*we need to change the segment elements corresponding to el: */
| 1836 | - for (k=0;k<num_seg;k++){
| 1837 | - if (*(segments+3*k+2)==(el+1)){
| 1838 | - if ( ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node1) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node2)) || ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node2) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node1))) *(segments+3*k+2)=el+1;
| 1839 | - if ( ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node2) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node3)) || ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node3) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node2))) *(segments+3*k+2)=nel+1;
| 1840 | - if ( ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node3) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node1)) || ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node1) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node3))) *(segments+3*k+2)=nel+2;
| 1841 | - }
| 1842 | - }
| 1843 | -
| 1844 | - nods=nods+1;
| 1845 | - nel=nel+2;
| 1846 | - i=0;
| 1847 | - break;
| 1848 | - }
| 1849 | - } //for (j=0;j<pair_count;j++)
| 1850 | - }
| 1851 | - }// for (i=0;i<num_seg;i++)
| 1852 | -
| 1853 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1854 | - *pindex=index;
| 1855 | - *pnel=nel;
| 1856 | - *px=x;
| 1857 | - *py=y;
| 1858 | - *pnods=nods;
| 1859 | - return noerr;
| 1860 | -}/*}}}*/
| 1861 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/trimesh.h
| 1862 | ===================================================================
| 1863 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/trimesh.h (revision 22497)
| 1864 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/trimesh.h (nonexistent)
| 1865 | @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
| 1866 | -/*!\file: trimesh.h
| 1867 | - * \brief
| 1868 | - */
| 1869 | -
| 1870 | -#ifndef _SHARED_TRIMESH_H
| 1871 | -#define _SHARED_TRIMESH_H
| 1872 | -
| 1873 | -#include <stdio.h>
| 1874 | -#include <math.h>
| 1875 | -
| 1876 | -//#define REAL double //took it out because it may conflict with stdlib.h defines. put back if necessary
| 1877 | -int AssociateSegmentToElement(int** psegments,int nseg,int* index,int nel);
| 1878 | -int OrderSegments(int** psegments,int nseg, int* index,int nel);
| 1879 | -int GridInsideHole(double* px0,double* py0,int n,double* x,double* y);
| 1880 | -int FindElement(int A,int B,int* index,int nel);
| 1881 | -int SplitMeshForRifts(int* pnel,int** pindex,int* pnods,double** px,double** py,int* pnsegs,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist);
| 1882 | -int IsGridOnRift(int* riftsegments, int nriftsegs, int node);
| 1883 | -int GridElementsList(int** pGridElements, int* pNumGridElements,int node,double * index,int nel);
| 1884 | -int IsNeighbor(int el1,int el2,int* index);
| 1885 | -int IsOnRift(int el,int nriftsegs,int* riftsegments);
| 1886 | -void RiftSegmentsFromSegments(int* pnriftsegs, int** priftsegments, int nel,int* index, int nsegs,int* segments);
| 1887 | -int DetermineGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift(int* pNumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, int** pGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift,int segmentnumber, int nriftsegs,int* riftsegments, int node,int* index,int nel);
| 1888 | -int UpdateSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnsegs,int* index, double* x,double* y,int* riftsegments,int nriftsegs,int nods,int nel);
| 1889 | -int FindElement(double A,double B,int* index,int nel);
| 1890 | -int IsRiftPresent(int* priftflag,int* pnumrifts,int* segmentmarkerlist,int nsegs);
| 1891 | -int SplitRiftSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnumsegs, int* pnumrifts,int** priftsnumsegs,int*** priftssegments,int numrifts,int nods,int nels);
| 1892 | -int OrderRifts(int** priftstips,int** riftssegments,int** riftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,double* x,double* y,int nods,int nels);
| 1893 | -int PenaltyPairs(double*** priftspenaltypairs,int** priftsnumpenaltypairs,int numrifts,int** riftssegments,
| 1894 | - int* riftsnumsegments,int** riftspairs,int* riftstips,double* x,double* y);
| 1895 | -int RemoveCornersFromRifts(int** pindex,int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int* segments,int* segmentmarkers,int num_seg);
| 1896 | -int PairRiftElements(int** priftsnumpairs,int*** priftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,int** riftssegments,double* x,double* y);
| 1897 | -
| 1898 | -#endif /* _SHARED_TRIMESH_H */
| 1899 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/OrderSegments.cpp
| 1900 | ===================================================================
| 1901 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/OrderSegments.cpp (revision 22497)
| 1902 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh/OrderSegments.cpp (nonexistent)
| 1903 | @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
| 1904 | -/*
| 1905 | - * OrderSegments.c:
| 1906 | - * reorder segments so that their normals point outside the domain outline.
| 1907 | - */
| 1908 | -#include "./trimesh.h"
| 1909 | -
| 1910 | -int OrderSegments(int** psegments,int nseg,int* index,int nel){
| 1911 | -
| 1912 | - /*vertex indices: */
| 1913 | - int A,B;
| 1914 | -
| 1915 | - /*element index*/
| 1916 | - int el;
| 1917 | -
| 1918 | - /*Recover segments: */
| 1919 | - int* segments=*psegments;
| 1920 | -
| 1921 | - for(int i=0;i<nseg;i++){
| 1922 | - A=segments[3*i+0];
| 1923 | - B=segments[3*i+1];
| 1924 | - el=segments[3*i+2]-1; //after AssociateSegmentToElement, el was a matlab index, we need the c index now.
| 1925 | -
| 1926 | - if (index[3*el+0]==A){
| 1927 | - if (index[3*el+2]==B){
| 1928 | - segments[3*i+0]=B;
| 1929 | - segments[3*i+1]=A;
| 1930 | - }
| 1931 | - }
| 1932 | - else if (index[3*el+1]==A){
| 1933 | - if (index[3*el+0]==B){
| 1934 | - segments[3*i+0]=B;
| 1935 | - segments[3*i+1]=A;
| 1936 | - }
| 1937 | - }
| 1938 | - else{
| 1939 | - if (index[3*el+1]==B){
| 1940 | - segments[3*i+0]=B;
| 1941 | - segments[3*i+1]=A;
| 1942 | - }
| 1943 | - }
| 1944 | - }
| 1945 | -
| 1946 | - /*Assign output pointers: */
| 1947 | - *psegments=segments;
| 1948 | - return 1;
| 1949 | -}
| 1950 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh
| 1951 | ===================================================================
| 1952 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh (revision 22497)
| 1953 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh (nonexistent)
| 1954 |
| 1955 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/TriMesh
| 1956 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 1957 | Deleted: svn:ignore
| 1958 | ## -1,2 +0,0 ##
| 1959 | -.deps
| 1960 | -.dirstamp
| 1961 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/shared.h
| 1962 | ===================================================================
| 1963 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/shared.h (revision 22497)
| 1964 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/shared.h (revision 22498)
| 1965 | @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
| 1966 | #include "./Sorting/sorting.h"
| 1967 | #include "./String/sharedstring.h"
| 1968 | #include "./Threads/issm_threads.h"
| 1969 | -#include "./TriMesh/trimesh.h"
| 1970 | +#include "./Triangle/triangle.h"
| 1971 | #include "./LatLong/latlong.h"
| 1972 |
| 1973 | #endif
| 1974 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/OrderSegments.cpp
| 1975 | ===================================================================
| 1976 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/OrderSegments.cpp (nonexistent)
| 1977 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/OrderSegments.cpp (revision 22498)
| 1978 | @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
| 1979 | +/*
| 1980 | + * OrderSegments.c:
| 1981 | + * reorder segments so that their normals point outside the domain outline.
| 1982 | + */
| 1983 | +#include "./trimesh.h"
| 1984 | +
| 1985 | +int OrderSegments(int** psegments,int nseg,int* index,int nel){
| 1986 | +
| 1987 | + /*vertex indices: */
| 1988 | + int A,B;
| 1989 | +
| 1990 | + /*element index*/
| 1991 | + int el;
| 1992 | +
| 1993 | + /*Recover segments: */
| 1994 | + int* segments=*psegments;
| 1995 | +
| 1996 | + for(int i=0;i<nseg;i++){
| 1997 | + A=segments[3*i+0];
| 1998 | + B=segments[3*i+1];
| 1999 | + el=segments[3*i+2]-1; //after AssociateSegmentToElement, el was a matlab index, we need the c index now.
| 2000 | +
| 2001 | + if (index[3*el+0]==A){
| 2002 | + if (index[3*el+2]==B){
| 2003 | + segments[3*i+0]=B;
| 2004 | + segments[3*i+1]=A;
| 2005 | + }
| 2006 | + }
| 2007 | + else if (index[3*el+1]==A){
| 2008 | + if (index[3*el+0]==B){
| 2009 | + segments[3*i+0]=B;
| 2010 | + segments[3*i+1]=A;
| 2011 | + }
| 2012 | + }
| 2013 | + else{
| 2014 | + if (index[3*el+1]==B){
| 2015 | + segments[3*i+0]=B;
| 2016 | + segments[3*i+1]=A;
| 2017 | + }
| 2018 | + }
| 2019 | + }
| 2020 | +
| 2021 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2022 | + *psegments=segments;
| 2023 | + return 1;
| 2024 | +}
| 2025 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/TriangleUtils.cpp
| 2026 | ===================================================================
| 2027 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/TriangleUtils.cpp (nonexistent)
| 2028 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/TriangleUtils.cpp (revision 22498)
| 2029 | @@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
| 2030 | +/*
| 2031 | + * TriangleUtils: mesh manipulation routines:
| 2032 | + */
| 2033 | +
| 2034 | +#include <stdio.h>
| 2035 | +
| 2036 | +#include "./triangle.h"
| 2037 | +#include "../Exceptions/exceptions.h"
| 2038 | +#include "../MemOps/MemOps.h"
| 2039 | +
| 2041 | +int IsGridOnRift(int* riftsegments, int nriftsegs, int node){/*{{{*/
| 2042 | +
| 2043 | + /*Does this node belong to 4 elements, or just 2? If it belongs to 4 elements, it is inside a rift,
| 2044 | + *if it belongs to 2 elements, it is on the tip of a rift, or it has already been split across the rift (see below).*/
| 2045 | +
| 2046 | + int i;
| 2047 | + int j;
| 2048 | + int count;
| 2049 | +
| 2050 | + count=0;
| 2051 | + for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 2052 | + for (j=0;j<2;j++){
| 2053 | + if ((*(riftsegments+4*i+2+j))==node) count++;
| 2054 | + }
| 2055 | + }
| 2056 | + if (count==2){
| 2057 | + return 1;
| 2058 | + }
| 2059 | + else{
| 2060 | + return 0;
| 2061 | + }
| 2062 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2063 | +int GridElementsList(int** pGridElements, int* pNumGridElements,int node,int* index,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 2064 | +
| 2065 | + /*From a node, recover all the elements that are connected to it: */
| 2066 | + int i,j;
| 2067 | + int noerr=1;
| 2068 | +
| 2069 | + int max_number_elements=12;
| 2070 | + int current_size;
| 2071 | + int NumGridElements;
| 2072 | + int* GridElements=NULL;
| 2073 | + int* GridElementsRealloc=NULL;
| 2074 | +
| 2075 | + /*From a mesh with 30 degrees minimum angle, we get 12 possible elements that own
| 2076 | + * the node. We start by allocating GridElements with that size, and realloc
| 2077 | + * more if needed.*/
| 2078 | +
| 2079 | + current_size=max_number_elements;
| 2080 | + NumGridElements=0;
| 2081 | + GridElements=xNew<int>(max_number_elements);
| 2082 | +
| 2083 | + for (i=0;i<nel;i++){
| 2084 | + for (j=0;j<3;j++){
| 2085 | + if (index[3*i+j]==node){
| 2086 | + if (NumGridElements<=(current_size-1)){
| 2087 | + GridElements[NumGridElements]=i;
| 2088 | + NumGridElements++;
| 2089 | + break;
| 2090 | + }
| 2091 | + else{
| 2092 | + /*Reallocate another max_number_elements slots in the GridElements: */
| 2093 | + GridElementsRealloc=xReNew<int>(GridElements,current_size,(current_size+max_number_elements));
| 2094 | + if (!GridElementsRealloc){
| 2095 | + noerr=0;
| 2096 | + goto cleanup_and_return;
| 2097 | + }
| 2098 | + current_size+=max_number_elements;
| 2099 | + GridElements=GridElementsRealloc;
| 2100 | + GridElements[NumGridElements]=i;
| 2101 | + NumGridElements++;
| 2102 | + break;
| 2103 | + }
| 2104 | + }
| 2105 | + }
| 2106 | + }
| 2107 | + cleanup_and_return:
| 2108 | + if(!noerr){
| 2109 | + xDelete<int>(GridElements);
| 2110 | + }
| 2111 | + /*Allocate return pointers: */
| 2112 | + *pGridElements=GridElements;
| 2113 | + *pNumGridElements=NumGridElements;
| 2114 | + return noerr;
| 2115 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2116 | +int IsNeighbor(int el1,int el2,int* index){/*{{{*/
| 2117 | + /*From a triangulation held in index, figure out if elements 1 and 2 have two nodes in common: */
| 2118 | + int i,j;
| 2119 | + int count=0;
| 2120 | + for (i=0;i<3;i++){
| 2121 | + for (j=0;j<3;j++){
| 2122 | + if (index[3*el1+i]==index[3*el2+j])count++;
| 2123 | + }
| 2124 | + }
| 2125 | + if (count==2){
| 2126 | + return 1;
| 2127 | + }
| 2128 | + else{
| 2129 | + return 0;
| 2130 | + }
| 2131 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2132 | +int IsOnRift(int el,int nriftsegs,int* riftsegments){/*{{{*/
| 2133 | + /*From a list of elements segments, figure out if el belongs to it: */
| 2134 | + int i;
| 2135 | + for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 2136 | + if ((*(riftsegments+4*i+0)==el) || (*(riftsegments+4*i+1)==el)){
| 2137 | + return 1;
| 2138 | + }
| 2139 | + }
| 2140 | + return 0;
| 2141 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2142 | +void RiftSegmentsFromSegments(int* pnriftsegs, int** priftsegments, int nel,int* index,int nsegs,int* segments){/*{{{*/
| 2143 | +
| 2144 | + int i,counter;
| 2145 | + int el,el2;
| 2146 | +
| 2147 | + int nriftsegs;
| 2148 | + int* riftsegments=NULL;
| 2149 | + int* riftsegments_uncompressed=NULL;
| 2150 | + int element_nodes[3];
| 2151 | +
| 2152 | + /*Allocate segmentflags: */
| 2153 | + riftsegments_uncompressed=xNewZeroInit<int>(nsegs*5);
| 2154 | +
| 2155 | + /*Find the segments that belong to a rift: they are the ones that see two elements. The other ones belong to a boundary
| 2156 | + *or a hole: */
| 2157 | + nriftsegs=0;
| 2158 | + for (i=0;i<nsegs;i++){
| 2159 | + el=(int)*(segments+3*i+2)-1; //element found in AssociateSegmentToElements
| 2160 | + /*Temporarily set nodes belonging to the segments to -1 in the triangulation index, and
| 2161 | + *then proceed to find another element that owns the segment. If we don't find it, we know
| 2162 | + *we are dealing with a boundary or hole, otherwise, we are dealing with a rift: */
| 2163 | + element_nodes[0]=*(index+3*el+0);
| 2164 | + element_nodes[1]=*(index+3*el+1);
| 2165 | + element_nodes[2]=*(index+3*el+2);
| 2166 | +
| 2167 | + index[3*el+0]=-1;
| 2168 | + index[3*el+1]=-1;
| 2169 | + index[3*el+2]=-1;
| 2170 | +
| 2171 | + el2=FindElement(*(segments+3*i+0),*(segments+3*i+1),index,nel);
| 2172 | +
| 2173 | + /*Restore index: */
| 2174 | + index[3*el+0]=element_nodes[0];
| 2175 | + index[3*el+1]=element_nodes[1];
| 2176 | + index[3*el+2]=element_nodes[2];
| 2177 | +
| 2178 | + if (el2!=-1){
| 2179 | + /*el and el2 are on a segment rift, facing one another, plug them into riftsegments_uncompressed: */
| 2180 | + riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+0]=1;
| 2181 | + riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+1]=el;
| 2182 | + riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+2]=el2;
| 2183 | + riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+3]=segments[3*i+0];
| 2184 | + riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+4]=segments[3*i+1];
| 2185 | + nriftsegs++;
| 2186 | + }
| 2187 | + }
| 2188 | +
| 2189 | + /*Compress riftsegments_uncompressed:*/
| 2190 | + riftsegments=xNew<int>(nriftsegs*4);
| 2191 | + counter=0;
| 2192 | + for (i=0;i<nsegs;i++){
| 2193 | + if (riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+0]){
| 2194 | + riftsegments[counter*4+0]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+1];
| 2195 | + riftsegments[counter*4+1]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+2];
| 2196 | + riftsegments[counter*4+2]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+3];
| 2197 | + riftsegments[counter*4+3]=riftsegments_uncompressed[5*i+4];
| 2198 | + counter++;
| 2199 | + }
| 2200 | + }
| 2201 | + xDelete<int>(riftsegments_uncompressed);
| 2202 | +
| 2203 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2204 | + *priftsegments=riftsegments;
| 2205 | + *pnriftsegs=nriftsegs;
| 2206 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2207 | +int DetermineGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift(int* pNumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, int** pGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, int segmentnumber, int nriftsegs, int* riftsegments, int node,int* index,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 2208 | +
| 2209 | + int noerr=1;
| 2210 | + int k,l,counter;
| 2211 | + int newel;
| 2212 | +
| 2213 | + int* GridElements=NULL;
| 2214 | + int NumGridElements;
| 2215 | +
| 2216 | + /*Output: */
| 2217 | + int NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 2218 | + int* GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=NULL;
| 2219 | +
| 2220 | + /*Build a list of all the elements connected to this node: */
| 2221 | + GridElementsList(&GridElements,&NumGridElements,node,index,nel);
| 2222 | +
| 2223 | + /*Figure out the list of elements that are on the same side of the rift. To do so, we start from one
| 2224 | + * side of the rift and keep rotating in the same direction:*/
| 2225 | + GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=xNew<int>(NumGridElements);
| 2226 | + //bootstrap the GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift by filling elements from riftsegments: */
| 2227 | + GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[0]=*(riftsegments+4*segmentnumber+0); /*this one does not belong to the same side, but is just there
| 2228 | + for a rotation direction, we 'll take it out when we are
| 2229 | + done rotating*/
| 2230 | + GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[1]=*(riftsegments+4*segmentnumber+1);
| 2231 | + counter=1;
| 2232 | + for (;;){
| 2233 | + /*Find neighbour of element GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter], not
| 2234 | + * equal to GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter-1]*/
| 2235 | + for (k=0;k<NumGridElements;k++){
| 2236 | + if(IsNeighbor(GridElements[k],GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter],index)){
| 2237 | + /*Verify this element is not already in our list of element on the same side of the rift: */
| 2238 | + newel=1;
| 2239 | + for (l=0;l<=counter;l++){
| 2240 | + if (GridElements[k]==GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[l]){
| 2241 | + newel=0;
| 2242 | + break;
| 2243 | + }
| 2244 | + }
| 2245 | + if (newel){
| 2246 | + counter++;
| 2247 | + GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[counter]=GridElements[k];
| 2248 | + if (IsOnRift(GridElements[k],nriftsegs,riftsegments)){
| 2249 | + break;
| 2250 | + }
| 2251 | + k=-1;
| 2252 | + }
| 2253 | + }
| 2254 | + }
| 2255 | + /*Reduce counter by 1 and get rift of first element in GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift:*/
| 2256 | + NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=counter;
| 2257 | + for (l=0;l<NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;l++){
| 2258 | + GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[l]=GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[l+1];
| 2259 | + }
| 2260 | + break;
| 2261 | + }// for (;;)
| 2262 | +
| 2263 | + /*Free ressources: */
| 2264 | + xDelete<int>(GridElements);
| 2265 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2266 | + *pNumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 2267 | + *pGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 2268 | + return noerr;
| 2269 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2270 | +int UpdateSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnsegs,int* index, double* x,double* y,int* riftsegments,int nriftsegs,int nods,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 2271 | +
| 2272 | + int noerr=1;
| 2273 | + int i,j,k;
| 2274 | + int el1,el2;
| 2275 | +
| 2276 | + int *segments = NULL;
| 2277 | + int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 2278 | + int nsegs;
| 2279 | +
| 2280 | + /*Recover input: */
| 2281 | + segments = *psegments;
| 2282 | + segmentmarkerlist = *psegmentmarkerlist;
| 2283 | + nsegs = *pnsegs;
| 2284 | +
| 2285 | + /*Reallocate segments: */
| 2286 | + segments =xReNew<int>(segments, nsegs*3,(nsegs+nriftsegs)*3);
| 2287 | + segmentmarkerlist=xReNew<int>(segmentmarkerlist,nsegs,(nsegs+nriftsegs));
| 2288 | +
| 2289 | + /*First, update the existing segments to the new nodes :*/
| 2290 | + for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 2291 | + el1=riftsegments[4*i+0];
| 2292 | + el2=riftsegments[4*i+1];
| 2293 | + for (j=0;j<nsegs;j++){
| 2294 | + if (segments[3*j+2]==(el1+1)){
| 2295 | + /*segment j is the same as rift segment i.Let's update segments[j][:] using element el1 and the corresponding rift segment.
| 2296 | + *Because riftsegments does not represent a list of rift segments anymore (it got heavily modified in SplitElementsForRifts,
| 2297 | + *we can only rely on the position (x,y) of the rift nodes to create a segment:*/
| 2298 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2299 | + if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 2300 | + *(segments+3*j+0)=*(index+el1*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*j+0]<nods+1);
| 2301 | + break;
| 2302 | + }
| 2303 | + }
| 2304 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2305 | + if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 2306 | + *(segments+3*j+1)=*(index+el1*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*j+1]<nods+1);
| 2307 | + break;
| 2308 | + }
| 2309 | + }
| 2310 | + /*Deal with el2: */
| 2311 | + *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+2)=el2+1;
| 2312 | + *(segmentmarkerlist+(nsegs+i))=*(segmentmarkerlist+j);
| 2313 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2314 | + if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 2315 | + *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+0)=*(index+el2*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+0]<nods+1);
| 2316 | + break;
| 2317 | + }
| 2318 | + }
| 2319 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2320 | + if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 2321 | + *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+1)=*(index+el2*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+1]<nods+1);
| 2322 | + break;
| 2323 | + }
| 2324 | + }
| 2325 | + }
| 2326 | + if (*(segments+3*j+2)==(el2+1)){
| 2327 | + /*segment j is the same as rift segment i.*/
| 2328 | + /*Let's update segments[j][:] using element el2 and the corresponding rift segment: */
| 2329 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2330 | + if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 2331 | + *(segments+3*j+0)=*(index+el2*3+k); _assert_(segments[3*j+0]<nods+1);
| 2332 | + break;
| 2333 | + }
| 2334 | + }
| 2335 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2336 | + if ((x[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el2*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 2337 | + *(segments+3*j+1)=*(index+el2*3+k);_assert_(segments[3*j+1]<nods+1);
| 2338 | + break;
| 2339 | + }
| 2340 | + }
| 2341 | + /*Deal with el1: */
| 2342 | + *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+2)=el1+1;
| 2343 | + *(segmentmarkerlist+(nsegs+i))=*(segmentmarkerlist+j);
| 2344 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2345 | + if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+0)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+0)-1])){
| 2346 | + *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+0)=*(index+el1*3+k);_assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+0]<nods+1);
| 2347 | + break;
| 2348 | + }
| 2349 | + }
| 2350 | + for (k=0;k<3;k++){
| 2351 | + if ((x[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==x[*(segments+3*j+1)-1]) && (y[*(index+el1*3+k)-1]==y[*(segments+3*j+1)-1])){
| 2352 | + *(segments+3*(nsegs+i)+1)=*(index+el1*3+k);_assert_(segments[3*(nsegs+i)+1]<nods+1);
| 2353 | + break;
| 2354 | + }
| 2355 | + }
| 2356 | + }
| 2357 | + }
| 2358 | + }
| 2359 | + nsegs+=nriftsegs;
| 2360 | +
| 2361 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2362 | + *psegments=segments;
| 2363 | + *psegmentmarkerlist=segmentmarkerlist;
| 2364 | + *pnsegs=nsegs;
| 2365 | +
| 2366 | + return noerr;
| 2367 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2368 | +int FindElement(int A,int B,int* index,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 2369 | +
| 2370 | + int el=-1;
| 2371 | + for (int n=0;n<nel;n++){
| 2372 | + if(((index[3*n+0]==A) || (index[3*n+1]==A) || (index[3*n+2]==A)) && ((index[3*n+0]==B) || (index[3*n+1]==B) || (index[3*n+2]==B))){
| 2373 | + el=n;
| 2374 | + break;
| 2375 | + }
| 2376 | + }
| 2377 | + return el;
| 2378 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2379 | +int SplitRiftSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnumsegs, int* pnumrifts,int** priftsnumsegs,int*** priftssegments,int numrifts,int nods,int nel){/*{{{*/
| 2380 | +
| 2381 | + /*Using segment markers, wring out the rift segments from the segments. Rift markers are
| 2382 | + *of the form 2+i where i=0 to number of rifts */
| 2383 | +
| 2384 | + int noerr=1;
| 2385 | + int i,j,counter;
| 2386 | +
| 2387 | + /*input: */
| 2388 | + int *segments = NULL;
| 2389 | + int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 2390 | + int numsegs;
| 2391 | +
| 2392 | + /*output: */
| 2393 | + int new_numsegs;
| 2394 | + int *riftsnumsegs = NULL;
| 2395 | + int **riftssegments = NULL;
| 2396 | + int *new_segments = NULL;
| 2397 | + int *new_segmentmarkers = NULL;
| 2398 | +
| 2399 | + /*intermediary: */
| 2400 | + int* riftsegment=NULL;
| 2401 | +
| 2402 | + /*Recover input arguments: */
| 2403 | + segments = *psegments;
| 2404 | + numsegs = *pnumsegs;
| 2405 | + segmentmarkerlist = *psegmentmarkerlist;
| 2406 | +
| 2407 | + /*First, figure out how many segments will be left in 'segments': */
| 2408 | + counter=0;
| 2409 | + for (i=0;i<numsegs;i++){
| 2410 | + if (segmentmarkerlist[i]==1)counter++; //1 is default marker for non-rifts;
| 2411 | + }
| 2412 | + /*Allocate new segments: */
| 2413 | + new_numsegs=counter;
| 2414 | + new_segments=xNew<int>(new_numsegs*3);
| 2415 | + new_segmentmarkers=xNew<int>(new_numsegs);
| 2416 | +
| 2417 | + /*Copy new segments info : */
| 2418 | + counter=0;
| 2419 | + for (i=0;i<numsegs;i++){
| 2420 | + if (segmentmarkerlist[i]==1){
| 2421 | + new_segments[3*counter+0]=segments[3*i+0];
| 2422 | + new_segments[3*counter+1]=segments[3*i+1];
| 2423 | + new_segments[3*counter+2]=segments[3*i+2];
| 2424 | + new_segmentmarkers[counter]=segmentmarkerlist[i];
| 2425 | + counter++;
| 2426 | + }
| 2427 | + }
| 2428 | +
| 2429 | + /*Now deal with rift segments: */
| 2430 | + riftsnumsegs=xNew<int>(numrifts);
| 2431 | + riftssegments=xNew<int*>(numrifts);
| 2432 | + for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 2433 | + /*Figure out how many segments for rift i: */
| 2434 | + counter=0;
| 2435 | + for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 2436 | + if (segmentmarkerlist[j]==2+i)counter++;
| 2437 | + }
| 2438 | + riftsnumsegs[i]=counter;
| 2439 | + riftsegment=xNew<int>(counter*3);
| 2440 | + /*Copy new segments info :*/
| 2441 | + counter=0;
| 2442 | + for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 2443 | + if (segmentmarkerlist[j]==(2+i)){
| 2444 | + riftsegment[3*counter+0]=segments[3*j+0];_assert_(riftsegment[3*counter+0]<nods+1);
| 2445 | + riftsegment[3*counter+1]=segments[3*j+1];_assert_(riftsegment[3*counter+1]<nods+1);
| 2446 | + riftsegment[3*counter+2]=segments[3*j+2];_assert_(riftsegment[3*counter+2]<nel+1);
| 2447 | + counter++;
| 2448 | + }
| 2449 | + }
| 2450 | + *(riftssegments+i)=riftsegment;
| 2451 | + }
| 2452 | +
| 2453 | + /*Free ressources: */
| 2454 | + xDelete<int>(segments);
| 2455 | +
| 2456 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2457 | + *psegments=new_segments;
| 2458 | + *psegmentmarkerlist=new_segmentmarkers;
| 2459 | + *pnumsegs=new_numsegs;
| 2460 | + *pnumrifts=numrifts;
| 2461 | + *priftssegments=riftssegments;
| 2462 | + *priftsnumsegs=riftsnumsegs;
| 2463 | + return noerr;
| 2464 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2465 | +int PairRiftElements(int** priftsnumpairs,int*** priftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,int** riftssegments,double* x,double* y){/*{{{*/
| 2466 | +
| 2467 | + int noerr=1;
| 2468 | + int i,j,k;
| 2469 | +
| 2470 | + /*output: */
| 2471 | + int *riftsnumpairs = NULL;
| 2472 | + int **riftspairs = NULL;
| 2473 | +
| 2474 | + /*intermediary :*/
| 2475 | + int numsegs;
| 2476 | + int* segments=NULL;
| 2477 | + int* pairs=NULL;
| 2478 | + int node1,node2,node3,node4;
| 2479 | +
| 2480 | + riftsnumpairs=xNew<int>(numrifts);
| 2481 | + riftspairs=xNew<int*>(numrifts);
| 2482 | + for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 2483 | + segments=riftssegments[i];
| 2484 | + numsegs =riftsnumsegments[i];
| 2485 | + riftsnumpairs[i]=numsegs;
| 2486 | + pairs=xNew<int>(2*numsegs);
| 2487 | + for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 2488 | + pairs[2*j+0]=segments[3*j+2]; //retrieve element to which this segment belongs.
| 2489 | + node1=segments[3*j+0]-1; node2=segments[3*j+1]-1;
| 2490 | + /*Find element facing on other side of rift: */
| 2491 | + for (k=0;k<numsegs;k++){
| 2492 | + if (k==j)continue;
| 2493 | + node3=segments[3*k+0]-1; node4=segments[3*k+1]-1;
| 2494 | + /*We are trying to find 2 elements, where position of node3 == position of node1, and position of node4 == position of node2*/
| 2495 | + if ( ((x[node3]==x[node1]) && (y[node3]==y[node1]) && (x[node4]==x[node2]) && (y[node4]==y[node2]))
| 2496 | + || ((x[node3]==x[node2]) && (y[node3]==y[node2]) && (x[node4]==x[node1]) && (y[node4]==y[node1])) ){
| 2497 | + /*We found the corresponding element: */
| 2498 | + pairs[2*j+1]=segments[3*k+2];
| 2499 | + break;
| 2500 | + }
| 2501 | + }
| 2502 | + }
| 2503 | + riftspairs[i]=pairs;
| 2504 | + }
| 2505 | +
| 2506 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2507 | + *priftsnumpairs=riftsnumpairs;
| 2508 | + *priftspairs=riftspairs;
| 2509 | + return noerr;
| 2510 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2511 | +int IsRiftPresent(int* priftflag,int* pnumrifts,int* segmentmarkerlist,int nsegs){/*{{{*/
| 2512 | +
| 2513 | + int i;
| 2514 | + int noerr=1;
| 2515 | +
| 2516 | + /*output: */
| 2517 | + int riftflag=0;
| 2518 | + int numrifts=0;
| 2519 | +
| 2520 | + int maxmark=1; //default marker for regular segments
| 2521 | +
| 2522 | + /*Any marker >=2 indicates a certain rift: */
| 2523 | + numrifts=0;
| 2524 | + for (i=0;i<nsegs;i++){
| 2525 | + if (segmentmarkerlist[i]>maxmark){
| 2526 | + numrifts++;
| 2527 | + maxmark=segmentmarkerlist[i];
| 2528 | + }
| 2529 | + }
| 2530 | + if(numrifts)riftflag=1;
| 2531 | +
| 2532 | + /*Assign output pointers:*/
| 2533 | + *priftflag=riftflag;
| 2534 | + *pnumrifts=numrifts;
| 2535 | + return noerr;
| 2536 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2537 | +int OrderRifts(int** priftstips,int** riftssegments,int** riftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,double* x,double* y,int nods,int nels){/*{{{*/
| 2538 | +
| 2539 | + int noerr=1;
| 2540 | + int i,j,k,counter;
| 2541 | +
| 2542 | + /*intermediary: */
| 2543 | + int *riftsegments = NULL;
| 2544 | + int *riftpairs = NULL;
| 2545 | + int numsegs;
| 2546 | +
| 2547 | + /*ordering and copy: */
| 2548 | + int *order = NULL;
| 2549 | + int *riftsegments_copy = NULL;
| 2550 | + int *riftpairs_copy = NULL;
| 2551 | +
| 2552 | + /*node and element manipulation: */
| 2553 | + int node1,node2,node3,node4,temp_node,tip1,tip2,node;
| 2554 | + int el2;
| 2555 | + int already_ordered=0;
| 2556 | +
| 2557 | + /*output: */
| 2558 | + int* riftstips=NULL;
| 2559 | +
| 2560 | + /*Allocate byproduct of this routine, riftstips: */
| 2561 | + riftstips=xNew<int>(numrifts*2);
| 2562 | +
| 2563 | + /*Go through all rifts: */
| 2564 | + for (i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 2565 | + riftsegments = riftssegments[i];
| 2566 | + riftpairs = riftspairs[i];
| 2567 | + numsegs = riftsnumsegments[i];
| 2568 | +
| 2569 | + /*Allocate copy of riftsegments and riftpairs,
| 2570 | + *as well as ordering vector: */
| 2571 | + riftsegments_copy=xNew<int>(numsegs*3);
| 2572 | + riftpairs_copy=xNew<int>(numsegs*2);
| 2573 | + order=xNew<int>(numsegs);
| 2574 | +
| 2575 | + /*First find the tips, using the pairs. If a pair of elements has one node in common, this node is a rift tip: */
| 2576 | + tip1=-1;
| 2577 | + tip2=-1;
| 2578 | +
| 2579 | + for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 2580 | + el2=*(riftpairs+2*j+1);
| 2581 | + node1=*(riftsegments+3*j+0);
| 2582 | + node2=*(riftsegments+3*j+1);
| 2583 | + /*Summary, el1 and el2 are facing one another across the rift. node1 and node2 belong to el1 and
| 2584 | + *are located on the rift. Find node3 and node4, nodes belonging to el2 and located on the rift: */
| 2585 | + for (k=0;k<numsegs;k++){
| 2586 | + if (*(riftsegments+3*k+2)==el2){
| 2587 | + node3=*(riftsegments+3*k+0);
| 2588 | + node4=*(riftsegments+3*k+1);
| 2589 | + break;
| 2590 | + }
| 2591 | + }
| 2592 | + /* Make sure node3 faces node1 and node4 faces node2: */
| 2593 | + _assert_(node1<nods+1 && node4<nods+1);
| 2594 | + _assert_(node1>0 && node4>0);
| 2595 | + if ((x[node1-1]==x[node4-1]) && (y[node1-1]==y[node4-1])){
| 2596 | + /*Swap node3 and node4:*/
| 2597 | + temp_node=node3;
| 2598 | + node3=node4;
| 2599 | + node4=temp_node;
| 2600 | + }
| 2601 | +
| 2602 | + /*Figure out if a tip is on this element: */
| 2603 | + if (node3==node1){
| 2604 | + /*node1 is a tip*/
| 2605 | + if (tip1==-1) {
| 2606 | + tip1=node1;
| 2607 | + continue;
| 2608 | + }
| 2609 | + if ((tip2==-1) && (node1!=tip1)){
| 2610 | + tip2=node1;
| 2611 | + break;
| 2612 | + }
| 2613 | + }
| 2614 | +
| 2615 | + if (node4==node2){
| 2616 | + /*node2 is a tip*/
| 2617 | + if (tip1==-1){
| 2618 | + tip1=node2;
| 2619 | + continue;
| 2620 | + }
| 2621 | + if ((tip2==-1) && (node2!=tip1)){
| 2622 | + tip2=node2;
| 2623 | + break;
| 2624 | + }
| 2625 | + }
| 2626 | + }
| 2627 | +
| 2628 | + /*Record tips in riftstips: */
| 2629 | + *(riftstips+2*i+0)=tip1;
| 2630 | + *(riftstips+2*i+1)=tip2;
| 2631 | +
| 2632 | + /*We have the two tips for this rift. Go from tip1 to tip2, and figure out the order in which segments are sequential.
| 2633 | + *Because two elements are connected to tip1, we chose one first, which defines the direction we are rotating along the rift. */
| 2634 | + node=tip1;
| 2635 | + for (counter=0;counter<numsegs;counter++){
| 2636 | + for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 2637 | + node1=*(riftsegments+3*j+0);
| 2638 | + node2=*(riftsegments+3*j+1);
| 2639 | +
| 2640 | + if ((node1==node) || (node2==node)){
| 2641 | + /*Ok, this segment is connected to node, plug its index into order, unless we already plugged it before: */
| 2642 | + already_ordered=0;
| 2643 | + for (k=0;k<counter;k++){
| 2644 | + if(order[k]==j){
| 2645 | + already_ordered=1;
| 2646 | + break;
| 2647 | + }
| 2648 | + }
| 2649 | + if (!already_ordered){
| 2650 | + order[counter]=j;
| 2651 | + if(node1==node){
| 2652 | + node=node2;
| 2653 | + }
| 2654 | + else if(node2==node){
| 2655 | + node=node1;
| 2656 | + }
| 2657 | + break;
| 2658 | + }
| 2659 | + }
| 2660 | + }
| 2661 | + }
| 2662 | +
| 2663 | + /*Using the order vector, and the riftsegments_copy and riftspairs_copy, reorder the segments and the pairs: */
| 2664 | + for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 2665 | + _assert_(order[j]<numsegs);
| 2666 | + *(riftsegments_copy+3*j+0)=*(riftsegments+3*order[j]+0);
| 2667 | + *(riftsegments_copy+3*j+1)=*(riftsegments+3*order[j]+1);
| 2668 | + *(riftsegments_copy+3*j+2)=*(riftsegments+3*order[j]+2);
| 2669 | + *(riftpairs_copy+2*j+0)=*(riftpairs+2*order[j]+0);
| 2670 | + *(riftpairs_copy+2*j+1)=*(riftpairs+2*order[j]+1);
| 2671 | + }
| 2672 | +
| 2673 | + for (j=0;j<numsegs;j++){
| 2674 | + *(riftsegments+3*j+0)=*(riftsegments_copy+3*j+0);
| 2675 | + *(riftsegments+3*j+1)=*(riftsegments_copy+3*j+1);
| 2676 | + *(riftsegments+3*j+2)=*(riftsegments_copy+3*j+2);
| 2677 | + *(riftpairs+2*j+0)=*(riftpairs_copy+2*j+0);
| 2678 | + *(riftpairs+2*j+1)=*(riftpairs_copy+2*j+1);
| 2679 | + }
| 2680 | +
| 2681 | + xDelete<int>(order);
| 2682 | + xDelete<int>(riftsegments_copy);
| 2683 | + xDelete<int>(riftpairs_copy);
| 2684 | +
| 2685 | + }
| 2686 | +
| 2687 | + /*Assign output pointer:*/
| 2688 | + *priftstips=riftstips;
| 2689 | + return noerr;
| 2690 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2691 | +int PenaltyPairs(double*** priftspenaltypairs,int** priftsnumpenaltypairs,int numrifts,int** riftssegments,/*{{{*/
| 2692 | + int* riftsnumsegs,int** riftspairs,int* riftstips,double* x,double* y){
| 2693 | +
| 2694 | + int noerr=1;
| 2695 | + int i,j,k,k0;
| 2696 | +
| 2697 | + double el1,el2,node1,node2,node3,node4;
| 2698 | + double temp_node;
| 2699 | +
| 2700 | + /*output: */
| 2701 | + double **riftspenaltypairs = NULL;
| 2702 | + double *riftpenaltypairs = NULL;
| 2703 | + int *riftsnumpenaltypairs = NULL;
| 2704 | +
| 2705 | + /*intermediary: */
| 2706 | + int numsegs;
| 2707 | + int* riftsegments=NULL;
| 2708 | + int* riftpairs=NULL;
| 2709 | + int counter;
| 2710 | + double normal[2];
| 2711 | + double length;
| 2712 | + int k1,k2;
| 2713 | +
| 2714 | + /*Allocate: */
| 2715 | + riftspenaltypairs=xNew<double*>(numrifts);
| 2716 | + riftsnumpenaltypairs=xNew<int>(numrifts);
| 2717 | +
| 2718 | + for(i=0;i<numrifts;i++){
| 2719 | + numsegs=riftsnumsegs[i];
| 2720 | + riftsegments=riftssegments[i];
| 2721 | + riftpairs=riftspairs[i];
| 2722 | +
| 2723 | + /*allocate riftpenaltypairs, and riftnumpenaltypairs: */
| 2724 | + if((numsegs/2-1)!=0)riftpenaltypairs=xNewZeroInit<double>((numsegs/2-1)*RIFTPENALTYPAIRSWIDTH);
| 2725 | +
| 2726 | + /*Go through only one flank of the rifts, not counting the tips: */
| 2727 | + counter=0;
| 2728 | + for(j=0;j<(numsegs/2);j++){
| 2729 | + el1=*(riftpairs+2*j+0);
| 2730 | + el2=*(riftpairs+2*j+1);
| 2731 | + node1=*(riftsegments+3*j+0);
| 2732 | + node2=*(riftsegments+3*j+1);
| 2733 | + /*Find segment index to recover node3 and node4, facing node1 and node2: */
| 2734 | + k0=-1;
| 2735 | + for(k=0;k<numsegs;k++){
| 2736 | + if(*(riftsegments+3*k+2)==el2){
| 2737 | + k0=k;
| 2738 | + break;
| 2739 | + }
| 2740 | + }
| 2741 | + node3=*(riftsegments+3*k0+0);
| 2742 | + node4=*(riftsegments+3*k0+1);
| 2743 | +
| 2744 | + /* Make sure node3 faces node1 and node4 faces node2: */
| 2745 | + if ((x[(int)node1-1]==x[(int)node4-1]) && (y[(int)node1-1]==y[(int)node4-1])){
| 2746 | + /*Swap node3 and node4:*/
| 2747 | + temp_node=node3;
| 2748 | + node3=node4;
| 2749 | + node4=temp_node;
| 2750 | + }
| 2751 | + /*Ok, we have node1 facing node3, and node2 facing node4. Compute the normal to
| 2752 | + *this segment, and its length: */
| 2753 | + normal[0]=cos(atan2(x[(int)node1-1]-x[(int)node2-1],y[(int)node2-1]-y[(int)node1-1]));
| 2754 | + normal[1]=sin(atan2(x[(int)node1-1]-x[(int)node2-1],y[(int)node2-1]-y[(int)node1-1]));
| 2755 | + length=sqrt(pow(x[(int)node2-1]-x[(int)node1-1],(double)2)+pow(y[(int)node2-1]-y[(int)node1-1],(double)2));
| 2756 | +
| 2757 | + /*Be careful here, we want penalty loads on each node, not on each segment. This means we cannot plug node1,
| 2758 | + * node2, node3 and node4 directly into riftpenaltypairs. We need to include node1, node2, node3 and node4,
| 2759 | + * only once. We'll add the normals and the lengths : */
| 2760 | +
| 2761 | + if(node1!=node3){ //exclude tips from loads
| 2762 | + k1=-1;
| 2763 | + for(k=0;k<counter;k++){
| 2764 | + if( (*(riftpenaltypairs+k*7+0))==node1){
| 2765 | + k1=k;
| 2766 | + break;
| 2767 | + }
| 2768 | + }
| 2769 | + if(k1==-1){
| 2770 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+0)=node1;
| 2771 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+1)=node3;
| 2772 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+2)=el1;
| 2773 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+3)=el2;
| 2774 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+4)=normal[0];
| 2775 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+5)=normal[1];
| 2776 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+6)=length/2;
| 2777 | + counter++;
| 2778 | + }
| 2779 | + else{
| 2780 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+k1*7+4)+=normal[0];
| 2781 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+k1*7+5)+=normal[1];
| 2782 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+k1*7+6)+=length/2;
| 2783 | + }
| 2784 | + }
| 2785 | + if(node2!=node4){
| 2786 | + k2=-1;
| 2787 | + for(k=0;k<counter;k++){
| 2788 | + if( (*(riftpenaltypairs+k*7+0))==node2){
| 2789 | + k2=k;
| 2790 | + break;
| 2791 | + }
| 2792 | + }
| 2793 | + if(k2==-1){
| 2794 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+0)=node2;
| 2795 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+1)=node4;
| 2796 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+2)=el1;
| 2797 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+3)=el2;
| 2798 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+4)=normal[0];
| 2799 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+5)=normal[1];
| 2800 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+counter*7+6)=length/2;
| 2801 | + counter++;
| 2802 | + }
| 2803 | + else{
| 2804 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+k2*7+4)+=normal[0];
| 2805 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+k2*7+5)+=normal[1];
| 2806 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+k2*7+6)+=length/2;
| 2807 | + }
| 2808 | + }
| 2809 | + }
| 2810 | + /*Renormalize normals: */
| 2811 | + for(j=0;j<counter;j++){
| 2812 | + double magnitude=sqrt(pow( double(riftpenaltypairs[j*7+4]),2) + pow( double(riftpenaltypairs[j*7+5]),2) );
| 2813 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+4)=*(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+4)/magnitude;
| 2814 | + *(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+5)=*(riftpenaltypairs+j*7+5)/magnitude;
| 2815 | + }
| 2816 | +
| 2817 | + riftspenaltypairs[i]=riftpenaltypairs;
| 2818 | + riftsnumpenaltypairs[i]=(numsegs/2-1);
| 2819 | + }
| 2820 | +
| 2821 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2822 | + *priftspenaltypairs=riftspenaltypairs;
| 2823 | + *priftsnumpenaltypairs=riftsnumpenaltypairs;
| 2824 | + return noerr;
| 2825 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2826 | +int RemoveCornersFromRifts(int** pindex,int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int* segments,int* segmentmarkers,int num_seg){/*{{{*/
| 2827 | +
| 2828 | + int noerr=1;
| 2829 | + int i,j,k;
| 2830 | + int node1,node2,node3;
| 2831 | + int el;
| 2832 | + double pair[2];
| 2833 | + int pair_count=0;
| 2834 | + int triple=0;
| 2835 | +
| 2836 | + /*Recover input: */
| 2837 | + int *index = *pindex;
| 2838 | + int nel = *pnel;
| 2839 | + double *x = *px;
| 2840 | + double *y = *py;
| 2841 | + int nods = *pnods;
| 2842 | +
| 2843 | + for (i=0;i<num_seg;i++){
| 2844 | + node1=*(segments+3*i+0);
| 2845 | + node2=*(segments+3*i+1);
| 2846 | + /*Find all elements connected to [node1 node2]: */
| 2847 | + pair_count=0;
| 2848 | + for (j=0;j<nel;j++){
| 2849 | + if (*(index+3*j+0)==node1){
| 2850 | + if ((*(index+3*j+1)==node2) || (*(index+3*j+2)==node2)){
| 2851 | + pair[pair_count]=j;
| 2852 | + pair_count++;
| 2853 | + }
| 2854 | + }
| 2855 | + if (*(index+3*j+1)==node1){
| 2856 | + if ((*(index+3*j+0)==node2) || (*(index+3*j+2)==node2)){
| 2857 | + pair[pair_count]=j;
| 2858 | + pair_count++;
| 2859 | + }
| 2860 | + }
| 2861 | + if (*(index+3*j+2)==node1){
| 2862 | + if ((*(index+3*j+0)==node2) || (*(index+3*j+1)==node2)){
| 2863 | + pair[pair_count]=j;
| 2864 | + pair_count++;
| 2865 | + }
| 2866 | + }
| 2867 | + }
| 2868 | + /*Ok, we have pair_count elements connected to this segment. For each of these elements,
| 2869 | + *figure out if the third node also belongs to a segment: */
| 2870 | + if ((pair_count==0) || (pair_count==1)){ //we only select the rift segments, which belong to 2 elements
| 2871 | + continue;
| 2872 | + }
| 2873 | + else{
| 2874 | + for (j=0;j<pair_count;j++){
| 2875 | + el=(int)pair[j];
| 2876 | + triple=0;
| 2877 | + /*First find node3: */
| 2878 | + if (*(index+3*el+0)==node1){
| 2879 | + if (*(index+3*el+1)==node2)node3=*(index+3*el+2);
| 2880 | + else node3=*(index+3*el+1);
| 2881 | + }
| 2882 | + if (*(index+3*el+1)==node1){
| 2883 | + if (*(index+3*el+0)==node2)node3=*(index+3*el+2);
| 2884 | + else node3=*(index+3*el+0);
| 2885 | + }
| 2886 | + if (*(index+3*el+2)==node1){
| 2887 | + if (*(index+3*el+0)==node2)node3=*(index+3*el+1);
| 2888 | + else node3=*(index+3*el+0);
| 2889 | + }
| 2890 | + /*Ok, we have node3. Does node3 belong to a segment? : */
| 2891 | + for (k=0;k<num_seg;k++){
| 2892 | + if ((node3==*(segments+3*k+0)) || (node3==*(segments+3*k+1))){
| 2893 | + triple=1;
| 2894 | + break;
| 2895 | + }
| 2896 | + }
| 2897 | + if(triple==1){
| 2898 | + /*el is a corner element: we need to split it in 3 triangles: */
| 2899 | + x=xReNew<double>(x,nods,nods+1);
| 2900 | + y=xReNew<double>(y,nods,nods+1);
| 2901 | + x[nods]=(x[(int)node1-1]+x[(int)node2-1]+x[(int)node3-1])/3;
| 2902 | + y[nods]=(y[(int)node1-1]+y[(int)node2-1]+y[(int)node3-1])/3;
| 2903 | + index=xReNew<int>(index,nel*3,(nel+2*3));
| 2904 | + /*First, reassign element el: */
| 2905 | + *(index+3*el+0)=node1;
| 2906 | + *(index+3*el+1)=node2;
| 2907 | + *(index+3*el+2)=nods+1;
| 2908 | + /*Other two elements: */
| 2909 | + *(index+3*nel+0)=node2;
| 2910 | + *(index+3*nel+1)=node3;
| 2911 | + *(index+3*nel+2)=nods+1;
| 2912 | +
| 2913 | + *(index+3*(nel+1)+0)=node3;
| 2914 | + *(index+3*(nel+1)+1)=node1;
| 2915 | + *(index+3*(nel+1)+2)=nods+1;
| 2916 | + /*we need to change the segment elements corresponding to el: */
| 2917 | + for (k=0;k<num_seg;k++){
| 2918 | + if (*(segments+3*k+2)==(el+1)){
| 2919 | + if ( ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node1) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node2)) || ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node2) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node1))) *(segments+3*k+2)=el+1;
| 2920 | + if ( ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node2) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node3)) || ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node3) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node2))) *(segments+3*k+2)=nel+1;
| 2921 | + if ( ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node3) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node1)) || ((*(segments+3*k+0)==node1) && (*(segments+3*k+1)==node3))) *(segments+3*k+2)=nel+2;
| 2922 | + }
| 2923 | + }
| 2924 | +
| 2925 | + nods=nods+1;
| 2926 | + nel=nel+2;
| 2927 | + i=0;
| 2928 | + break;
| 2929 | + }
| 2930 | + } //for (j=0;j<pair_count;j++)
| 2931 | + }
| 2932 | + }// for (i=0;i<num_seg;i++)
| 2933 | +
| 2934 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 2935 | + *pindex=index;
| 2936 | + *pnel=nel;
| 2937 | + *px=x;
| 2938 | + *py=y;
| 2939 | + *pnods=nods;
| 2940 | + return noerr;
| 2941 | +}/*}}}*/
| 2942 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp
| 2943 | ===================================================================
| 2944 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp (nonexistent)
| 2945 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/SplitMeshForRifts.cpp (revision 22498)
| 2946 | @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
| 2947 | +/*
| 2948 | + * SplitMeshForRifts.c:
| 2949 | + */
| 2950 | +#include "./trimesh.h"
| 2951 | +#include "../MemOps/MemOps.h"
| 2952 | +
| 2953 | +int SplitMeshForRifts(int* pnel,int** pindex,int* pnods,double** px,double** py,int* pnsegs,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist){
| 2954 | +
| 2955 | + /*Some notes on dimensions:
| 2956 | + index of size nelx3
| 2957 | + x and y of size nodsx1
| 2958 | + segments of size nsegsx3*/
| 2959 | +
| 2960 | + int i,j,k,l;
| 2961 | + int node;
| 2962 | + int el;
| 2963 | + int nriftsegs;
| 2964 | + int* riftsegments=NULL;
| 2965 | + int* flags=NULL;
| 2966 | + int NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;
| 2967 | + int* GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift=NULL;
| 2968 | +
| 2969 | + /*Recover input: */
| 2970 | + int nel = *pnel;
| 2971 | + int *index = *pindex;
| 2972 | + int nods = *pnods;
| 2973 | + double *x = *px;
| 2974 | + double *y = *py;
| 2975 | + int nsegs = *pnsegs;
| 2976 | + int *segments = *psegments;
| 2977 | + int *segmentmarkerlist = *psegmentmarkerlist;
| 2978 | +
| 2979 | + /*Establish list of segments that belong to a rift: */
| 2980 | + /*riftsegments of size nriftsegsx4 (4 for first element on segment,second element,first node and second snode)*/
| 2981 | + RiftSegmentsFromSegments(&nriftsegs,&riftsegments,nel,index,nsegs,segments);
| 2982 | +
| 2983 | + /*Go through all nodes of the rift segments, and start splitting the mesh: */
| 2984 | + flags=xNewZeroInit<int>(nods); //to make sure we don't split the same nodes twice!
| 2985 | + for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++){
| 2986 | + for (j=0;j<2;j++){
| 2987 | +
| 2988 | + node=riftsegments[4*i+j+2];
| 2989 | + if(flags[node-1]){
| 2990 | + /*This node was already split, skip:*/
| 2991 | + continue;
| 2992 | + }
| 2993 | + else{
| 2994 | + flags[node-1]=1;
| 2995 | + }
| 2996 | +
| 2997 | + if(IsGridOnRift(riftsegments,nriftsegs,node)){
| 2998 | +
| 2999 | + DetermineGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift(&NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift,&GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift,i,nriftsegs,riftsegments,node,index,nel);
| 3000 | +
| 3001 | + /*Summary: we have for node, a list of elements
| 3002 | + * (GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, of size
| 3003 | + * NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift) that all contain node
| 3004 | + *and that are on the same side of the rift. For all these
| 3005 | + elements, we clone node into another node, and we swap all
| 3006 | + instances of node in the triangulation *for those elements, to the
| 3007 | + new node.*/
| 3008 | +
| 3009 | + //create new node
| 3010 | + x=xReNew<double>(x,nods,nods+1);
| 3011 | + y=xReNew<double>(y,nods,nods+1);
| 3012 | + x[nods]=x[node-1]; //matlab indexing
| 3013 | + y[nods]=y[node-1]; //matlab indexing
| 3014 | +
| 3015 | + //augment number of nodes
| 3016 | + nods++;
| 3017 | +
| 3018 | + //change elements owning this node
| 3019 | + for (k=0;k<NumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift;k++){
| 3020 | + el=GridElementListOnOneSideOfRift[k];
| 3021 | + for (l=0;l<3;l++){
| 3022 | + if (index[3*el+l]==node) index[3*el+l]=nods; //again, matlab indexing.
| 3023 | + }
| 3024 | + }
| 3025 | + }// if(IsGridOnRift(riftsegments,nriftsegs,node))
| 3026 | + } //for(j=0;j<2;j++)
| 3027 | + } //for (i=0;i<nriftsegs;i++)
| 3028 | +
| 3029 | + /*update segments: they got modified completely by adding new nodes.*/
| 3030 | + UpdateSegments(&segments,&segmentmarkerlist, &nsegs,index,x,y,riftsegments,nriftsegs,nods,nel);
| 3031 | +
| 3032 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 3033 | + *pnel=nel;
| 3034 | + *pindex=index;
| 3035 | + *pnods=nods;
| 3036 | + *px=x;
| 3037 | + *py=y;
| 3038 | + *pnsegs=nsegs;
| 3039 | + *psegments=segments;
| 3040 | + *psegmentmarkerlist=segmentmarkerlist;
| 3041 | + return 1;
| 3042 | +}
| 3043 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/GridInsideHole.cpp
| 3044 | ===================================================================
| 3045 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/GridInsideHole.cpp (nonexistent)
| 3046 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/GridInsideHole.cpp (revision 22498)
| 3047 | @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
| 3048 | +/*
| 3049 | + * GridInsideHole.c:
| 3050 | + * from a convex set of points, figure out a point that for sure lies inside the profile.
| 3051 | + */
| 3052 | +
| 3053 | +#include <math.h>
| 3054 | +
| 3055 | +#include "./trimesh.h"
| 3056 | +#include "../Exp/exp.h"
| 3057 | +
| 3058 | +#undef M_PI
| 3059 | +#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643
| 3060 | +
| 3061 | +int GridInsideHole(double* px0,double* py0,int n,double* x,double* y){
| 3062 | +
| 3063 | + double flag=0.0;
| 3064 | + double xA,xB,xC,xD,xE;
| 3065 | + double yA,yB,yC,yD,yE;
| 3066 | +
| 3067 | + /*Take first and last vertices: */
| 3068 | + xA=x[0];
| 3069 | + yA=y[0];
| 3070 | + xB=x[n-1];
| 3071 | + yB=y[n-1];
| 3072 | +
| 3073 | + /*Figure out middle of segment [A B]: */
| 3074 | + xC=(xA+xB)/2;
| 3075 | + yC=(yA+yB)/2;
| 3076 | +
| 3077 | + /*D and E are on each side of segment [A B], on the median line between segment [A B],
| 3078 | + *at an angle of 10 degree (less than the minimum 30 enforced by the quality of the mesh: */
| 3079 | + xD=xC+tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(yC-yA);
| 3080 | + yD=yC+tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(xA-xC);
| 3081 | + xE=xC-tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(yC-yA);
| 3082 | + yE=yC-tan(10./180.*M_PI)*(xA-xC);
| 3083 | +
| 3084 | + /*Either E or D is inside profile (x,y): */
| 3085 | + IsInPolySerial(&flag,&xD,&yD,1,x,y,n,2);
| 3086 | + /*FIXME: used to be 'flag' and not '!flag', check*/
| 3087 | + if(!flag){
| 3088 | + /*D is inside the poly: */
| 3089 | + *px0=xD;
| 3090 | + *py0=yD;
| 3091 | + }
| 3092 | + else{
| 3093 | + /*E is inside the poly: */
| 3094 | + *px0=xE;
| 3095 | + *py0=yE;
| 3096 | + }
| 3097 | + return 1;
| 3098 | +}
| 3099 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/triangle.h
| 3100 | ===================================================================
| 3101 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/triangle.h (nonexistent)
| 3102 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/triangle.h (revision 22498)
| 3103 | @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
| 3104 | +/*!\file: triangle.h
| 3105 | + * \brief
| 3106 | + */
| 3107 | +
| 3108 | +#ifndef _SHARED_TRIANGLE_H
| 3109 | +#define _SHARED_TRIANGLE_H
| 3110 | +
| 3111 | +#include <stdio.h>
| 3112 | +#include <math.h>
| 3113 | +
| 3114 | +//#define REAL double //took it out because it may conflict with stdlib.h defines. put back if necessary
| 3115 | +int AssociateSegmentToElement(int** psegments,int nseg,int* index,int nel);
| 3116 | +int OrderSegments(int** psegments,int nseg, int* index,int nel);
| 3117 | +int GridInsideHole(double* px0,double* py0,int n,double* x,double* y);
| 3118 | +int FindElement(int A,int B,int* index,int nel);
| 3119 | +int SplitMeshForRifts(int* pnel,int** pindex,int* pnods,double** px,double** py,int* pnsegs,int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist);
| 3120 | +int IsGridOnRift(int* riftsegments, int nriftsegs, int node);
| 3121 | +int GridElementsList(int** pGridElements, int* pNumGridElements,int node,double * index,int nel);
| 3122 | +int IsNeighbor(int el1,int el2,int* index);
| 3123 | +int IsOnRift(int el,int nriftsegs,int* riftsegments);
| 3124 | +void RiftSegmentsFromSegments(int* pnriftsegs, int** priftsegments, int nel,int* index, int nsegs,int* segments);
| 3125 | +int DetermineGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift(int* pNumGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift, int** pGridElementListOnOneSideOfRift,int segmentnumber, int nriftsegs,int* riftsegments, int node,int* index,int nel);
| 3126 | +int UpdateSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnsegs,int* index, double* x,double* y,int* riftsegments,int nriftsegs,int nods,int nel);
| 3127 | +int FindElement(double A,double B,int* index,int nel);
| 3128 | +int IsRiftPresent(int* priftflag,int* pnumrifts,int* segmentmarkerlist,int nsegs);
| 3129 | +int SplitRiftSegments(int** psegments,int** psegmentmarkerlist, int* pnumsegs, int* pnumrifts,int** priftsnumsegs,int*** priftssegments,int numrifts,int nods,int nels);
| 3130 | +int OrderRifts(int** priftstips,int** riftssegments,int** riftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,double* x,double* y,int nods,int nels);
| 3131 | +int PenaltyPairs(double*** priftspenaltypairs,int** priftsnumpenaltypairs,int numrifts,int** riftssegments,
| 3132 | + int* riftsnumsegments,int** riftspairs,int* riftstips,double* x,double* y);
| 3133 | +int RemoveCornersFromRifts(int** pindex,int* pnel,double** px,double** py,int* pnods,int* segments,int* segmentmarkers,int num_seg);
| 3134 | +int PairRiftElements(int** priftsnumpairs,int*** priftspairs,int numrifts,int* riftsnumsegments,int** riftssegments,double* x,double* y);
| 3135 | +
| 3136 | +#endif /* _SHARED_TRIANGLE_H */
| 3137 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp
| 3138 | ===================================================================
| 3139 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp (nonexistent)
| 3140 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle/AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp (revision 22498)
| 3141 | @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
| 3142 | +/*!\file: AssociateSegmentToElement.cpp
| 3143 | + * \brief for each segment, look for the corresponding element.
| 3144 | + */
| 3145 | +
| 3146 | +#include "./trimesh.h"
| 3147 | +
| 3148 | +int AssociateSegmentToElement(int** psegments,int nseg,int* index,int nel){
| 3149 | +
| 3150 | + /*node indices: */
| 3151 | + int A,B;
| 3152 | +
| 3153 | + /*Recover segments: */
| 3154 | + int* segments=*psegments;
| 3155 | +
| 3156 | + for(int i=0;i<nseg;i++){
| 3157 | + A=segments[3*i+0];
| 3158 | + B=segments[3*i+1];
| 3159 | + segments[3*i+2]=FindElement(A,B,index,nel)+1; //matlab indexing.
| 3160 | + }
| 3161 | +
| 3162 | + /*Assign output pointers: */
| 3163 | + *psegments=segments;
| 3164 | + return 1;
| 3165 | +}
| 3166 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle
| 3167 | ===================================================================
| 3168 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle (nonexistent)
| 3169 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle (revision 22498)
| 3170 |
| 3171 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Triangle
| 3172 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 3173 | Added: svn:ignore
| 3174 | ## -0,0 +1,2 ##
| 3175 | +.deps
| 3176 | +.dirstamp
| 3177 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.h
| 3178 | ===================================================================
| 3179 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.h (revision 22497)
| 3180 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.h (nonexistent)
| 3181 | @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
| 3182 | -/*
| 3183 | - * TriMeshProcessRifts.h
| 3184 | - */
| 3185 | -
| 3186 | -#ifndef _TRIMESH_PROCESSRIFTS_H_
| 3187 | -#define _TRIMESH_PROCESSRIFTS_H_
| 3188 | -
| 3189 | -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
| 3190 | -#include <config.h>
| 3191 | -#else
| 3192 | -#error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
| 3193 | -#endif
| 3194 | -
| 3195 | -/*For python modules: needs to come before header files inclusion*/
| 3196 | -#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_
| 3197 | -#define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol
| 3198 | -#endif
| 3199 | -
| 3200 | -#include "../bindings.h"
| 3201 | -#include "../../c/main/globals.h"
| 3202 | -#include "../../c/modules/modules.h"
| 3203 | -#include "../../c/shared/shared.h"
| 3204 | -
| 3205 | -#undef __FUNCT__
| 3206 | -#define __FUNCT__ "TriMeshProcessRifts"
| 3207 | -
| 3208 | -#ifdef _HAVE_MATLAB_MODULES_
| 3209 | -/* serial input macros: */
| 3210 | -#define INDEXIN prhs[0]
| 3211 | -#define XIN prhs[1]
| 3212 | -#define YIN prhs[2]
| 3213 | -#define SEGMENTSIN prhs[3]
| 3214 | -#define SEGMENTMARKERSIN prhs[4]
| 3215 | -/* serial output macros: */
| 3216 | -#define INDEXOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[0]
| 3217 | -#define XOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[1]
| 3218 | -#define YOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[2]
| 3219 | -#define SEGMENTSOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[3]
| 3220 | -#define SEGMENTMARKERSOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[4]
| 3221 | -#define RIFTSTRUCT (mxArray**)&plhs[5]
| 3222 | -#endif
| 3223 | -
| 3224 | -#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_MODULES_
| 3225 | -/* serial input macros: */
| 3226 | -#define INDEXIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,0)
| 3227 | -#define XIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,1)
| 3228 | -#define YIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,2)
| 3229 | -#define SEGMENTSIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,3)
| 3230 | -#define SEGMENTMARKERSIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,4)
| 3231 | -/* serial output macros: */
| 3232 | -#define INDEXOUT output,0
| 3233 | -#define XOUT output,1
| 3234 | -#define YOUT output,2
| 3235 | -#define SEGMENTSOUT output,3
| 3236 | -#define SEGMENTMARKERSOUT output,4
| 3237 | -#define RIFTSTRUCT output,5
| 3238 | -#endif
| 3239 | -
| 3240 | -/* serial arg counts: */
| 3241 | -#undef NLHS
| 3242 | -#define NLHS 6
| 3243 | -#undef NRHS
| 3244 | -#define NRHS 5
| 3245 | -
| 3246 | -#endif
| 3247 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp
| 3248 | ===================================================================
| 3249 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp (revision 22497)
| 3250 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp (nonexistent)
| 3251 | @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
| 3252 | -/*!\file: TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp
| 3253 | - * \brief split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 3254 | - */
| 3255 | -
| 3256 | -#include "./TriMeshProcessRifts.h"
| 3257 | -
| 3258 | -void TriMeshProcessRiftsUsage(void){/*{{{*/
| 3259 | - _printf_("\n");
| 3260 | - _printf_(" usage: [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=TriMeshProcessrifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) \n");
| 3261 | - _printf_(" where: (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) is an initial triangulation.\n");
| 3262 | - _printf_(" index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 is the resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.\n");
| 3263 | -}/*}}}*/
| 3264 | -WRAPPER(TriMeshProcessRifts_python){
| 3265 | -
| 3266 | - /* returned quantities: */
| 3267 | - RiftStruct *riftstruct = NULL;
| 3268 | -
| 3269 | - /* input: */
| 3270 | - int nel,nods;
| 3271 | - int *index = NULL;
| 3272 | - double *x = NULL;
| 3273 | - double *y = NULL;
| 3274 | - int *segments = NULL;
| 3275 | - int *segmentmarkers = NULL;
| 3276 | - int num_seg;
| 3277 | -
| 3278 | - /*Boot module*/
| 3279 | - MODULEBOOT();
| 3280 | -
| 3281 | - /*checks on arguments on the matlab side: */
| 3282 | - CHECKARGUMENTS(NLHS,NRHS,&TriMeshProcessRiftsUsage);
| 3283 | -
| 3284 | - /*Fetch data */
| 3285 | - FetchData(&index,&nel,NULL,INDEXIN);
| 3286 | - FetchData(&x,&nods,XIN);
| 3287 | - FetchData(&y,NULL,YIN);
| 3288 | - FetchData(&segments,&num_seg,NULL,SEGMENTSIN);
| 3289 | - FetchData(&segmentmarkers,NULL,SEGMENTMARKERSIN);
| 3290 | -
| 3291 | - /*call x layer*/
| 3292 | - TriMeshProcessRiftsx(&index,&nel,&x,&y,&nods,&segments,&segmentmarkers,&num_seg,&riftstruct);
| 3293 | -
| 3294 | - /*Output : */
| 3295 | - WriteData(INDEXOUT,index,nel,3);
| 3296 | - WriteData(XOUT,x,nods,1);
| 3297 | - WriteData(YOUT,y,nods,1);
| 3298 | - WriteData(SEGMENTSOUT,segments,num_seg,3);
| 3299 | - WriteData(SEGMENTMARKERSOUT,segmentmarkers,num_seg,1);
| 3300 | - WriteData(RIFTSTRUCT,riftstruct);
| 3301 | -
| 3302 | - /*end module: */
| 3303 | - delete riftstruct;
| 3304 | - xDelete<int>(index);
| 3305 | - xDelete<double>(x);
| 3306 | - xDelete<double>(y);
| 3307 | - xDelete<int>(segments);
| 3308 | - xDelete<int>(segmentmarkers );
| 3309 | - MODULEEND();
| 3310 | -}
| 3311 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts
| 3312 | ===================================================================
| 3313 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts (revision 22497)
| 3314 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts (nonexistent)
| 3315 |
| 3316 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMeshProcessRifts
| 3317 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 3318 | Deleted: svn:ignore
| 3319 | ## -1,2 +0,0 ##
| 3320 | -.deps
| 3321 | -.dirstamp
| 3322 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.cpp
| 3323 | ===================================================================
| 3324 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.cpp (revision 22497)
| 3325 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.cpp (nonexistent)
| 3326 | @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
| 3327 | -/*
| 3328 | - * TriMesh: mesh a domain using an .exp file
| 3329 | - */
| 3330 | -
| 3331 | -#include "./TriMesh.h"
| 3332 | -
| 3333 | -void TriMeshUsage(void){/*{{{*/
| 3334 | - _printf_("\n");
| 3335 | - _printf_(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,area) \n");
| 3336 | - _printf_(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made \n");
| 3337 | - _printf_(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment, \n");
| 3338 | - _printf_(" outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file, \n");
| 3339 | - _printf_(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh, \n");
| 3340 | - _printf_("\n");
| 3341 | -}/*}}}*/
| 3342 | -WRAPPER(TriMesh_python){
| 3343 | -
| 3344 | - /*intermediary: */
| 3345 | - double area;
| 3346 | - Contours *domain = NULL;
| 3347 | - Contours *rifts = NULL;
| 3348 | -
| 3349 | - /* output: */
| 3350 | - int *index = NULL;
| 3351 | - double *x = NULL;
| 3352 | - double *y = NULL;
| 3353 | - int *segments = NULL;
| 3354 | - int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 3355 | - int nel,nods,nsegs;
| 3356 | -
| 3357 | - /*Boot module: */
| 3358 | - MODULEBOOT();
| 3359 | -
| 3360 | - /*checks on arguments: */
| 3361 | - CHECKARGUMENTS(NLHS,NRHS,&TriMeshUsage);
| 3362 | -
| 3363 | - /*Fetch data needed for meshing: */
| 3364 | - FetchData(&domain,DOMAINOUTLINE);
| 3365 | - FetchData(&rifts,RIFTSOUTLINE);
| 3366 | - FetchData(&area,AREA);
| 3367 | -
| 3368 | - /*call x core: */
| 3369 | - TriMeshx(&index,&x,&y,&segments,&segmentmarkerlist,&nel,&nods,&nsegs,domain,rifts,area);
| 3370 | -
| 3371 | - /*write outputs: */
| 3372 | - WriteData(INDEX,index,nel,3);
| 3373 | - WriteData(X,x,nods);
| 3374 | - WriteData(Y,y,nods);
| 3375 | - WriteData(SEGMENTS,segments,nsegs,3);
| 3376 | - WriteData(SEGMENTMARKERLIST,segmentmarkerlist,nsegs);
| 3377 | -
| 3378 | - /*free ressources: */
| 3379 | - delete domain;
| 3380 | - delete rifts;
| 3381 | - xDelete<int>(index);
| 3382 | - xDelete<double>(x);
| 3383 | - xDelete<double>(y);
| 3384 | - xDelete<int>(segments);
| 3385 | - xDelete<int>(segmentmarkerlist);
| 3386 | -
| 3387 | - /*end module: */
| 3388 | - MODULEEND();
| 3389 | -}
| 3390 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.h
| 3391 | ===================================================================
| 3392 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.h (revision 22497)
| 3393 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.h (nonexistent)
| 3394 | @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
| 3395 | -/*
| 3396 | - TriMesh.h
| 3397 | -*/
| 3398 | -
| 3399 | -#ifndef _TRIMESH_H
| 3400 | -#define _TRIMESH_H
| 3401 | -
| 3402 | -#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
| 3403 | - #include <config.h>
| 3404 | -#else
| 3405 | - #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
| 3406 | -#endif
| 3407 | -
| 3408 | -/*For python modules: needs to come before header files inclusion*/
| 3409 | -#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_
| 3410 | -#define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol
| 3411 | -#endif
| 3412 | -
| 3413 | -#ifdef _HAVE_JAVASCRIPT_MODULES_
| 3414 | -#undef _DO_NOT_LOAD_GLOBALS_ /*only module where this needs to be undefined, so as to
| 3415 | - not include IssmComm several times in the javascript Modle construct.*/
| 3416 | -#endif
| 3417 | -
| 3418 | -/*Header files: */
| 3419 | -#include "../bindings.h"
| 3420 | -#include "../../c/main/globals.h"
| 3421 | -#include "../../c/toolkits/toolkits.h"
| 3422 | -#include "../../c/modules/modules.h"
| 3423 | -#include "../../c/shared/shared.h"
| 3424 | -#include "../../c/shared/io/io.h"
| 3425 | -
| 3426 | -#undef __FUNCT__
| 3427 | -#define __FUNCT__ "TriMesh"
| 3428 | -
| 3429 | -#ifdef _HAVE_MATLAB_MODULES_
| 3430 | -/* serial input macros: */
| 3431 | -#define DOMAINOUTLINE prhs[0]
| 3432 | -#define RIFTSOUTLINE prhs[1]
| 3433 | -#define AREA prhs[2]
| 3434 | -/* serial output macros: */
| 3435 | -#define INDEX (mxArray**)&plhs[0]
| 3436 | -#define X (mxArray**)&plhs[1]
| 3437 | -#define Y (mxArray**)&plhs[2]
| 3438 | -#define SEGMENTS (mxArray**)&plhs[3]
| 3439 | -#define SEGMENTMARKERLIST (mxArray**)&plhs[4]
| 3440 | -#endif
| 3441 | -
| 3442 | -#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_MODULES_
| 3443 | -/* serial input macros: */
| 3444 | -#define DOMAINOUTLINE PyTuple_GetItem(args,0)
| 3445 | -#define RIFTSOUTLINE PyTuple_GetItem(args,1)
| 3446 | -#define AREA PyTuple_GetItem(args,2)
| 3447 | -/* serial output macros: */
| 3448 | -#define INDEX output,0
| 3449 | -#define X output,1
| 3450 | -#define Y output,2
| 3451 | -#define SEGMENTS output,3
| 3452 | -#define SEGMENTMARKERLIST output,4
| 3453 | -#endif
| 3454 | -
| 3455 | -#ifdef _HAVE_JAVASCRIPT_MODULES_
| 3456 | -/* serial input macros: */
| 3457 | -#define DOMAINOUTLINE domainx,domainy,domainnods
| 3458 | -#define RIFTSOUTLINE NULL,NULL,0
| 3459 | -#define AREA areain
| 3460 | -/* serial output macros: */
| 3461 | -#define INDEX pindex,pnel
| 3462 | -#define X px,pnods
| 3463 | -#define Y py,pnods
| 3464 | -#define SEGMENTS psegments,pnsegs
| 3465 | -#define SEGMENTMARKERLIST psegmentmarkers,pnsegs
| 3466 | -#define WRAPPER(modulename) extern "C" { int TriMeshModule(double** pindex, double** px, double** py, int* pnel, int* pnods, double** psegments, double** psegmentmarkers, int* pnsegs, double* domainx, double* domainy, int domainnods, double areain)
| 3467 | -#define _DO_NOT_LOAD_GLOBALS_//we only load globals for TriMeshModule.js, not other modules!
| 3468 | -#endif
| 3469 | -
| 3470 | -
| 3471 | -/* serial arg counts: */
| 3472 | -#undef NLHS
| 3473 | -#define NLHS 5
| 3474 | -#undef NRHS
| 3475 | -#define NRHS 3
| 3476 | -
| 3477 | -#endif /* _TRIMESH_H */
| 3478 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.js
| 3479 | ===================================================================
| 3480 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.js (revision 22497)
| 3481 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.js (nonexistent)
| 3482 | @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
| 3483 | -function TriMesh(md,domain,rifts, area){
| 3484 | -/*TriMesh
| 3485 | - usage: var array = TriMesh(domain,rifts,area);
| 3486 | - where: array is made of [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]
| 3487 | - and index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made
| 3488 | - of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array
| 3489 | - flagging each segment, domain a js array defining the domain outline (sames for
| 3490 | - rifts) and area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh.
| 3491 | -
| 3492 | - Ok, for now, we are not dealing with rifts. Also, the domain is made of only one
| 3493 | - profile, this to avoid passing a double** pointer to js.
| 3494 | -*/
| 3495 | -
| 3496 | - //Dynamic allocations: {{{
| 3497 | - //Retrieve domain arrays, and allocate on Module heap:
| 3498 | -
| 3499 | - //input
| 3500 | - var dx=new Float64Array(domain['x']); var nx=dx.length * dx.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
| 3501 | - var dxPtr= Module._malloc(nx); var domainxHeap = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer,dxPtr,nx);
| 3502 | - domainxHeap.set(new Uint8Array(dx.buffer)); var domainx=domainxHeap.byteOffset;
| 3503 | -
| 3504 | - var dy=new Float64Array(domain['y']); var ny=dy.length * dy.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
| 3505 | - var dyPtr = Module._malloc(ny); var domainyHeap = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer,dyPtr,ny);
| 3506 | - domainyHeap.set(new Uint8Array(dy.buffer)); var domainy=domainyHeap.byteOffset;
| 3507 | -
| 3508 | - //output
| 3509 | - var nel,indexlinear,index,nods,x,y;
| 3510 | - var pnel= Module._malloc(4);
| 3511 | - var pindex= Module._malloc(4);
| 3512 | - var pnods= Module._malloc(4);
| 3513 | - var px= Module._malloc(4);
| 3514 | - var py= Module._malloc(4);
| 3515 | - var psegments= Module._malloc(4);
| 3516 | - var psegmentmarkers= Module._malloc(4);
| 3517 | - var pnsegs= Module._malloc(4);
| 3518 | - //}}}
| 3519 | -
| 3520 | - //Declare TriMesh module:
| 3521 | - TriMeshModule = Module.cwrap('TriMeshModule','number',['number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number']);
| 3522 | -
| 3523 | - //Call TriMesh module:
| 3524 | - TriMeshModule(pindex,px,py,pnel,pnods,psegments,psegmentmarkers,pnsegs, domainx,domainy,dx.length,area);
| 3525 | -
| 3526 | - /*Dynamic copying from heap: {{{*/
| 3527 | - //recover mesh:
| 3528 | - nel = Module.getValue(pnel, 'i32');
| 3529 | - var indexptr = Module.getValue(pindex,'i32');
| 3530 | - indexlinear = Module.HEAPF64.slice(indexptr /8, indexptr/8 + nel*3);
| 3531 | - index = ListToMatrix(indexlinear,3);
| 3532 | -
| 3533 | - nods = Module.getValue(pnods, 'i32');
| 3534 | - var xptr = Module.getValue(px,'i32');
| 3535 | - var yptr = Module.getValue(py,'i32');
| 3536 | - x = Module.HEAPF64.slice(xptr /8, xptr/8 + nods);
| 3537 | - y = Module.HEAPF64.slice(yptr /8, yptr/8 + nods);
| 3538 | -
| 3539 | - nsegs = Module.getValue(pnsegs, 'i32');
| 3540 | - var segmentsptr = Module.getValue(psegments,'i32');
| 3541 | - segmentslinear = Module.HEAPF64.slice(segmentsptr /8, segmentsptr/8 + nsegs*3);
| 3542 | - segments = ListToMatrix(segmentslinear,3);
| 3543 | -
| 3544 | - var segmentmarkersptr = Module.getValue(psegmentmarkers,'i32');
| 3545 | - segmentmarkers = Module.HEAPF64.slice(segmentmarkersptr /8, segmentmarkersptr/8 + nsegs);
| 3546 | - /*}}}*/
| 3547 | -
| 3548 | - var return_array=[index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers];
| 3549 | -
| 3550 | - /*Free ressources: */
| 3551 | - Module._free(pindex);
| 3552 | - Module._free(indexlinear);
| 3553 | - Module._free(px);
| 3554 | - Module._free(x);
| 3555 | - Module._free(py);
| 3556 | - Module._free(y);
| 3557 | - Module._free(pnel);
| 3558 | - Module._free(pnods);
| 3559 | - Module._free(psegments);
| 3560 | - Module._free(psegmentmarkers);
| 3561 | - Module._free(pnsegs);
| 3562 | -
| 3563 | - return return_array;
| 3564 | -}
| 3565 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh
| 3566 | ===================================================================
| 3567 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh (revision 22497)
| 3568 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh (nonexistent)
| 3569 |
| 3570 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/TriMesh
| 3571 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 3572 | Deleted: svn:ignore
| 3573 | ## -1,2 +0,0 ##
| 3574 | -.deps
| 3575 | -.dirstamp
| 3576 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.js
| 3577 | ===================================================================
| 3578 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.js (nonexistent)
| 3579 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.js (revision 22498)
| 3580 | @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
| 3581 | +function Triangle(md,domain,rifts, area){
| 3582 | +/*Triangle
| 3583 | + usage: var array = Triangle(domain,rifts,area);
| 3584 | + where: array is made of [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]
| 3585 | + and index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made
| 3586 | + of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array
| 3587 | + flagging each segment, domain a js array defining the domain outline (sames for
| 3588 | + rifts) and area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh.
| 3589 | +
| 3590 | + Ok, for now, we are not dealing with rifts. Also, the domain is made of only one
| 3591 | + profile, this to avoid passing a double** pointer to js.
| 3592 | +*/
| 3593 | +
| 3594 | + //Dynamic allocations: {{{
| 3595 | + //Retrieve domain arrays, and allocate on Module heap:
| 3596 | +
| 3597 | + //input
| 3598 | + var dx=new Float64Array(domain['x']); var nx=dx.length * dx.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
| 3599 | + var dxPtr= Module._malloc(nx); var domainxHeap = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer,dxPtr,nx);
| 3600 | + domainxHeap.set(new Uint8Array(dx.buffer)); var domainx=domainxHeap.byteOffset;
| 3601 | +
| 3602 | + var dy=new Float64Array(domain['y']); var ny=dy.length * dy.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
| 3603 | + var dyPtr = Module._malloc(ny); var domainyHeap = new Uint8Array(Module.HEAPU8.buffer,dyPtr,ny);
| 3604 | + domainyHeap.set(new Uint8Array(dy.buffer)); var domainy=domainyHeap.byteOffset;
| 3605 | +
| 3606 | + //output
| 3607 | + var nel,indexlinear,index,nods,x,y;
| 3608 | + var pnel= Module._malloc(4);
| 3609 | + var pindex= Module._malloc(4);
| 3610 | + var pnods= Module._malloc(4);
| 3611 | + var px= Module._malloc(4);
| 3612 | + var py= Module._malloc(4);
| 3613 | + var psegments= Module._malloc(4);
| 3614 | + var psegmentmarkers= Module._malloc(4);
| 3615 | + var pnsegs= Module._malloc(4);
| 3616 | + //}}}
| 3617 | +
| 3618 | + //Declare Triangle module:
| 3619 | + TriangleModule = Module.cwrap('TriangleModule','number',['number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number','number']);
| 3620 | +
| 3621 | + //Call Triangle module:
| 3622 | + TriangleModule(pindex,px,py,pnel,pnods,psegments,psegmentmarkers,pnsegs, domainx,domainy,dx.length,area);
| 3623 | +
| 3624 | + /*Dynamic copying from heap: {{{*/
| 3625 | + //recover mesh:
| 3626 | + nel = Module.getValue(pnel, 'i32');
| 3627 | + var indexptr = Module.getValue(pindex,'i32');
| 3628 | + indexlinear = Module.HEAPF64.slice(indexptr /8, indexptr/8 + nel*3);
| 3629 | + index = ListToMatrix(indexlinear,3);
| 3630 | +
| 3631 | + nods = Module.getValue(pnods, 'i32');
| 3632 | + var xptr = Module.getValue(px,'i32');
| 3633 | + var yptr = Module.getValue(py,'i32');
| 3634 | + x = Module.HEAPF64.slice(xptr /8, xptr/8 + nods);
| 3635 | + y = Module.HEAPF64.slice(yptr /8, yptr/8 + nods);
| 3636 | +
| 3637 | + nsegs = Module.getValue(pnsegs, 'i32');
| 3638 | + var segmentsptr = Module.getValue(psegments,'i32');
| 3639 | + segmentslinear = Module.HEAPF64.slice(segmentsptr /8, segmentsptr/8 + nsegs*3);
| 3640 | + segments = ListToMatrix(segmentslinear,3);
| 3641 | +
| 3642 | + var segmentmarkersptr = Module.getValue(psegmentmarkers,'i32');
| 3643 | + segmentmarkers = Module.HEAPF64.slice(segmentmarkersptr /8, segmentmarkersptr/8 + nsegs);
| 3644 | + /*}}}*/
| 3645 | +
| 3646 | + var return_array=[index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers];
| 3647 | +
| 3648 | + /*Free ressources: */
| 3649 | + Module._free(pindex);
| 3650 | + Module._free(indexlinear);
| 3651 | + Module._free(px);
| 3652 | + Module._free(x);
| 3653 | + Module._free(py);
| 3654 | + Module._free(y);
| 3655 | + Module._free(pnel);
| 3656 | + Module._free(pnods);
| 3657 | + Module._free(psegments);
| 3658 | + Module._free(psegmentmarkers);
| 3659 | + Module._free(pnsegs);
| 3660 | +
| 3661 | + return return_array;
| 3662 | +}
| 3663 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.cpp
| 3664 | ===================================================================
| 3665 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.cpp (nonexistent)
| 3666 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.cpp (revision 22498)
| 3667 | @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
| 3668 | +/*
| 3669 | + * Triangle: mesh a domain using an .exp file
| 3670 | + */
| 3671 | +
| 3672 | +#include "./Triangle.h"
| 3673 | +
| 3674 | +void TriangleUsage(void){/*{{{*/
| 3675 | + _printf_("\n");
| 3676 | + _printf_(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=Triangle(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,area) \n");
| 3677 | + _printf_(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made \n");
| 3678 | + _printf_(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment, \n");
| 3679 | + _printf_(" outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file, \n");
| 3680 | + _printf_(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh, \n");
| 3681 | + _printf_("\n");
| 3682 | +}/*}}}*/
| 3683 | +WRAPPER(Triangle_python){
| 3684 | +
| 3685 | + /*intermediary: */
| 3686 | + double area;
| 3687 | + Contours *domain = NULL;
| 3688 | + Contours *rifts = NULL;
| 3689 | +
| 3690 | + /* output: */
| 3691 | + int *index = NULL;
| 3692 | + double *x = NULL;
| 3693 | + double *y = NULL;
| 3694 | + int *segments = NULL;
| 3695 | + int *segmentmarkerlist = NULL;
| 3696 | + int nel,nods,nsegs;
| 3697 | +
| 3698 | + /*Boot module: */
| 3699 | + MODULEBOOT();
| 3700 | +
| 3701 | + /*checks on arguments: */
| 3702 | + CHECKARGUMENTS(NLHS,NRHS,&TriangleUsage);
| 3703 | +
| 3704 | + /*Fetch data needed for meshing: */
| 3705 | + FetchData(&domain,DOMAINOUTLINE);
| 3706 | + FetchData(&rifts,RIFTSOUTLINE);
| 3707 | + FetchData(&area,AREA);
| 3708 | +
| 3709 | + /*call x core: */
| 3710 | + Trianglex(&index,&x,&y,&segments,&segmentmarkerlist,&nel,&nods,&nsegs,domain,rifts,area);
| 3711 | +
| 3712 | + /*write outputs: */
| 3713 | + WriteData(INDEX,index,nel,3);
| 3714 | + WriteData(X,x,nods);
| 3715 | + WriteData(Y,y,nods);
| 3716 | + WriteData(SEGMENTS,segments,nsegs,3);
| 3717 | + WriteData(SEGMENTMARKERLIST,segmentmarkerlist,nsegs);
| 3718 | +
| 3719 | + /*free ressources: */
| 3720 | + delete domain;
| 3721 | + delete rifts;
| 3722 | + xDelete<int>(index);
| 3723 | + xDelete<double>(x);
| 3724 | + xDelete<double>(y);
| 3725 | + xDelete<int>(segments);
| 3726 | + xDelete<int>(segmentmarkerlist);
| 3727 | +
| 3728 | + /*end module: */
| 3729 | + MODULEEND();
| 3730 | +}
| 3731 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.h
| 3732 | ===================================================================
| 3733 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.h (nonexistent)
| 3734 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.h (revision 22498)
| 3735 | @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
| 3736 | +/*
| 3737 | + Triangle.h
| 3738 | +*/
| 3739 | +
| 3740 | +#ifndef _TRIANGLE_H
| 3741 | +#define _TRIANGLE_H
| 3742 | +
| 3743 | +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
| 3744 | + #include <config.h>
| 3745 | +#else
| 3746 | + #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
| 3747 | +#endif
| 3748 | +
| 3749 | +/*For python modules: needs to come before header files inclusion*/
| 3750 | +#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_
| 3751 | +#define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol
| 3752 | +#endif
| 3753 | +
| 3754 | +#ifdef _HAVE_JAVASCRIPT_MODULES_
| 3755 | +#undef _DO_NOT_LOAD_GLOBALS_ /*only module where this needs to be undefined, so as to
| 3756 | + not include IssmComm several times in the javascript Modle construct.*/
| 3757 | +#endif
| 3758 | +
| 3759 | +/*Header files: */
| 3760 | +#include "../bindings.h"
| 3761 | +#include "../../c/main/globals.h"
| 3762 | +#include "../../c/toolkits/toolkits.h"
| 3763 | +#include "../../c/modules/modules.h"
| 3764 | +#include "../../c/shared/shared.h"
| 3765 | +#include "../../c/shared/io/io.h"
| 3766 | +
| 3767 | +#undef __FUNCT__
| 3768 | +#define __FUNCT__ "Triangle"
| 3769 | +
| 3770 | +#ifdef _HAVE_MATLAB_MODULES_
| 3771 | +/* serial input macros: */
| 3772 | +#define DOMAINOUTLINE prhs[0]
| 3773 | +#define RIFTSOUTLINE prhs[1]
| 3774 | +#define AREA prhs[2]
| 3775 | +/* serial output macros: */
| 3776 | +#define INDEX (mxArray**)&plhs[0]
| 3777 | +#define X (mxArray**)&plhs[1]
| 3778 | +#define Y (mxArray**)&plhs[2]
| 3779 | +#define SEGMENTS (mxArray**)&plhs[3]
| 3780 | +#define SEGMENTMARKERLIST (mxArray**)&plhs[4]
| 3781 | +#endif
| 3782 | +
| 3783 | +#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_MODULES_
| 3784 | +/* serial input macros: */
| 3785 | +#define DOMAINOUTLINE PyTuple_GetItem(args,0)
| 3786 | +#define RIFTSOUTLINE PyTuple_GetItem(args,1)
| 3787 | +#define AREA PyTuple_GetItem(args,2)
| 3788 | +/* serial output macros: */
| 3789 | +#define INDEX output,0
| 3790 | +#define X output,1
| 3791 | +#define Y output,2
| 3792 | +#define SEGMENTS output,3
| 3793 | +#define SEGMENTMARKERLIST output,4
| 3794 | +#endif
| 3795 | +
| 3796 | +#ifdef _HAVE_JAVASCRIPT_MODULES_
| 3797 | +/* serial input macros: */
| 3798 | +#define DOMAINOUTLINE domainx,domainy,domainnods
| 3799 | +#define RIFTSOUTLINE NULL,NULL,0
| 3800 | +#define AREA areain
| 3801 | +/* serial output macros: */
| 3802 | +#define INDEX pindex,pnel
| 3803 | +#define X px,pnods
| 3804 | +#define Y py,pnods
| 3805 | +#define SEGMENTS psegments,pnsegs
| 3806 | +#define SEGMENTMARKERLIST psegmentmarkers,pnsegs
| 3807 | +#define WRAPPER(modulename) extern "C" { int TriangleModule(double** pindex, double** px, double** py, int* pnel, int* pnods, double** psegments, double** psegmentmarkers, int* pnsegs, double* domainx, double* domainy, int domainnods, double areain)
| 3808 | +#define _DO_NOT_LOAD_GLOBALS_//we only load globals for TriangleModule.js, not other modules!
| 3809 | +#endif
| 3810 | +
| 3811 | +
| 3812 | +/* serial arg counts: */
| 3813 | +#undef NLHS
| 3814 | +#define NLHS 5
| 3815 | +#undef NRHS
| 3816 | +#define NRHS 3
| 3817 | +
| 3818 | +#endif /* _TRIANGLE_H */
| 3819 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle
| 3820 | ===================================================================
| 3821 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle (nonexistent)
| 3822 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle (revision 22498)
| 3823 |
| 3824 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/Triangle
| 3825 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 3826 | Added: svn:ignore
| 3827 | ## -0,0 +1,2 ##
| 3828 | +.deps
| 3829 | +.dirstamp
| 3830 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/javascript/Makefile.am
| 3831 | ===================================================================
| 3832 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/javascript/Makefile.am (revision 22497)
| 3833 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/javascript/Makefile.am (revision 22498)
| 3834 | @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
| 3835 | #define prefix (from http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/autoconf-2.67/html_node/Defining-Directories.html)
| 3836 | AM_CPPFLAGS+= -DISSM_PREFIX='"$(prefix)"'
| 3837 |
| 3838 | -js_scripts = ${ISSM_DIR}/src/wrappers/TriMesh/TriMesh.js \
| 3839 | +js_scripts = ${ISSM_DIR}/src/wrappers/Triangle/Triangle.js \
| 3840 | ${ISSM_DIR}/src/wrappers/NodeConnectivity/NodeConnectivity.js\
| 3841 | ${ISSM_DIR}/src/wrappers/ContourToMesh/ContourToMesh.js\
| 3842 | ${ISSM_DIR}/src/wrappers/ElementConnectivity/ElementConnectivity.js\
| 3843 | @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
| 3844 | libISSMApi_la_LDFLAGS = -static
| 3845 | endif
| 3846 |
| 3847 | -IssmModule_SOURCES = ../TriMesh/TriMesh.cpp \
| 3848 | +IssmModule_SOURCES = ../Triangle/Triangle.cpp \
| 3849 | ../NodeConnectivity/NodeConnectivity.cpp\
| 3850 | ../ContourToMesh/ContourToMesh.cpp\
| 3851 | ../ElementConnectivity/ElementConnectivity.cpp\
| 3852 | @@ -88,6 +88,6 @@
| 3853 | ../IssmConfig/IssmConfig.cpp\
| 3854 | ../Issm/issm.cpp
| 3855 |
| 3856 | -IssmModule_CXXFLAGS= -fPIC -D_DO_NOT_LOAD_GLOBALS_ --memory-init-file 0 $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXOPTFLAGS) $(COPTFLAGS) -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_TriMeshModule','_NodeConnectivityModule','_ContourToMeshModule','_ElementConnectivityModule','_InterpFromMeshToMesh2dModule','_IssmConfigModule','_IssmModule']" -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s INVOKE_RUN=0
| 3857 | +IssmModule_CXXFLAGS= -fPIC -D_DO_NOT_LOAD_GLOBALS_ --memory-init-file 0 $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXOPTFLAGS) $(COPTFLAGS) -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_TriangleModule','_NodeConnectivityModule','_ContourToMeshModule','_ElementConnectivityModule','_InterpFromMeshToMesh2dModule','_IssmConfigModule','_IssmModule']" -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s INVOKE_RUN=0
| 3858 | IssmModule_LDADD = ${deps} $(TRIANGLELIB) $(GSLLIB)
| 3859 | #}}}
| 3860 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.cpp
| 3861 | ===================================================================
| 3862 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.cpp (nonexistent)
| 3863 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.cpp (revision 22498)
| 3864 | @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
| 3865 | +/*!\file: ProcessRifts.cpp
| 3866 | + * \brief split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 3867 | + */
| 3868 | +
| 3869 | +#include "./ProcessRifts.h"
| 3870 | +
| 3871 | +void ProcessRiftsUsage(void){/*{{{*/
| 3872 | + _printf_("\n");
| 3873 | + _printf_(" usage: [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=ProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) \n");
| 3874 | + _printf_(" where: (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) is an initial triangulation.\n");
| 3875 | + _printf_(" index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 is the resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.\n");
| 3876 | +}/*}}}*/
| 3877 | +WRAPPER(ProcessRifts_python){
| 3878 | +
| 3879 | + /* returned quantities: */
| 3880 | + RiftStruct *riftstruct = NULL;
| 3881 | +
| 3882 | + /* input: */
| 3883 | + int nel,nods;
| 3884 | + int *index = NULL;
| 3885 | + double *x = NULL;
| 3886 | + double *y = NULL;
| 3887 | + int *segments = NULL;
| 3888 | + int *segmentmarkers = NULL;
| 3889 | + int num_seg;
| 3890 | +
| 3891 | + /*Boot module*/
| 3892 | + MODULEBOOT();
| 3893 | +
| 3894 | + /*checks on arguments on the matlab side: */
| 3895 | + CHECKARGUMENTS(NLHS,NRHS,&ProcessRiftsUsage);
| 3896 | +
| 3897 | + /*Fetch data */
| 3898 | + FetchData(&index,&nel,NULL,INDEXIN);
| 3899 | + FetchData(&x,&nods,XIN);
| 3900 | + FetchData(&y,NULL,YIN);
| 3901 | + FetchData(&segments,&num_seg,NULL,SEGMENTSIN);
| 3902 | + FetchData(&segmentmarkers,NULL,SEGMENTMARKERSIN);
| 3903 | +
| 3904 | + /*call x layer*/
| 3905 | + ProcessRiftsx(&index,&nel,&x,&y,&nods,&segments,&segmentmarkers,&num_seg,&riftstruct);
| 3906 | +
| 3907 | + /*Output : */
| 3908 | + WriteData(INDEXOUT,index,nel,3);
| 3909 | + WriteData(XOUT,x,nods,1);
| 3910 | + WriteData(YOUT,y,nods,1);
| 3911 | + WriteData(SEGMENTSOUT,segments,num_seg,3);
| 3912 | + WriteData(SEGMENTMARKERSOUT,segmentmarkers,num_seg,1);
| 3913 | + WriteData(RIFTSTRUCT,riftstruct);
| 3914 | +
| 3915 | + /*end module: */
| 3916 | + delete riftstruct;
| 3917 | + xDelete<int>(index);
| 3918 | + xDelete<double>(x);
| 3919 | + xDelete<double>(y);
| 3920 | + xDelete<int>(segments);
| 3921 | + xDelete<int>(segmentmarkers );
| 3922 | + MODULEEND();
| 3923 | +}
| 3924 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.h
| 3925 | ===================================================================
| 3926 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.h (nonexistent)
| 3927 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.h (revision 22498)
| 3928 | @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
| 3929 | +/*
| 3930 | + * ProcessRifts.h
| 3931 | + */
| 3932 | +
| 3933 | +#ifndef _PROCESSRIFTS_H_
| 3934 | +#define _PROCESSRIFTS_H_
| 3935 | +
| 3936 | +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
| 3937 | +#include <config.h>
| 3938 | +#else
| 3939 | +#error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"
| 3940 | +#endif
| 3941 | +
| 3942 | +/*For python modules: needs to come before header files inclusion*/
| 3943 | +#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_
| 3944 | +#define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol
| 3945 | +#endif
| 3946 | +
| 3947 | +#include "../bindings.h"
| 3948 | +#include "../../c/main/globals.h"
| 3949 | +#include "../../c/modules/modules.h"
| 3950 | +#include "../../c/shared/shared.h"
| 3951 | +
| 3952 | +#undef __FUNCT__
| 3953 | +#define __FUNCT__ "ProcessRifts"
| 3954 | +
| 3955 | +#ifdef _HAVE_MATLAB_MODULES_
| 3956 | +/* serial input macros: */
| 3957 | +#define INDEXIN prhs[0]
| 3958 | +#define XIN prhs[1]
| 3959 | +#define YIN prhs[2]
| 3960 | +#define SEGMENTSIN prhs[3]
| 3961 | +#define SEGMENTMARKERSIN prhs[4]
| 3962 | +/* serial output macros: */
| 3963 | +#define INDEXOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[0]
| 3964 | +#define XOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[1]
| 3965 | +#define YOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[2]
| 3966 | +#define SEGMENTSOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[3]
| 3967 | +#define SEGMENTMARKERSOUT (mxArray**)&plhs[4]
| 3968 | +#define RIFTSTRUCT (mxArray**)&plhs[5]
| 3969 | +#endif
| 3970 | +
| 3971 | +#ifdef _HAVE_PYTHON_MODULES_
| 3972 | +/* serial input macros: */
| 3973 | +#define INDEXIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,0)
| 3974 | +#define XIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,1)
| 3975 | +#define YIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,2)
| 3976 | +#define SEGMENTSIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,3)
| 3977 | +#define SEGMENTMARKERSIN PyTuple_GetItem(args,4)
| 3978 | +/* serial output macros: */
| 3979 | +#define INDEXOUT output,0
| 3980 | +#define XOUT output,1
| 3981 | +#define YOUT output,2
| 3982 | +#define SEGMENTSOUT output,3
| 3983 | +#define SEGMENTMARKERSOUT output,4
| 3984 | +#define RIFTSTRUCT output,5
| 3985 | +#endif
| 3986 | +
| 3987 | +/* serial arg counts: */
| 3988 | +#undef NLHS
| 3989 | +#define NLHS 6
| 3990 | +#undef NRHS
| 3991 | +#define NRHS 5
| 3992 | +
| 3993 | +#endif
| 3994 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts
| 3995 | ===================================================================
| 3996 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts (nonexistent)
| 3997 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts (revision 22498)
| 3998 |
| 3999 | Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/ProcessRifts
| 4000 | ___________________________________________________________________
| 4001 | Added: svn:ignore
| 4002 | ## -0,0 +1,2 ##
| 4003 | +.deps
| 4004 | +.dirstamp
| 4005 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/matlab/Makefile.am
| 4006 | ===================================================================
| 4007 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/matlab/Makefile.am (revision 22497)
| 4008 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/matlab/Makefile.am (revision 22498)
| 4009 | @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
| 4010 | MeshProfileIntersection_matlab.la\
| 4011 | PointCloudFindNeighbors_matlab.la\
| 4012 | PropagateFlagsFromConnectivity_matlab.la\
| 4013 | - TriMesh_matlab.la\
| 4014 | - TriMeshProcessRifts_matlab.la\
| 4015 | + Triangle_matlab.la\
| 4016 | + ProcessRifts_matlab.la\
| 4017 | Scotch_matlab.la
| 4018 |
| 4019 | if CHACO
| 4020 | @@ -232,11 +232,11 @@
| 4021 | ShpRead_matlab_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4022 | ShpRead_matlab_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(SHAPELIBLIB) $(PETSCLIB) $(MPILIB) $(NEOPZLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4023 |
| 4024 | -TriMesh_matlab_la_SOURCES = ../TriMesh/TriMesh.cpp
| 4025 | -TriMesh_matlab_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4026 | -TriMesh_matlab_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(PETSCLIB) $(MPILIB) $(TRIANGLELIB) $(NEOPZLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4027 | +Triangle_matlab_la_SOURCES = ../Triangle/Triangle.cpp
| 4028 | +Triangle_matlab_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4029 | +Triangle_matlab_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(PETSCLIB) $(MPILIB) $(TRIANGLELIB) $(NEOPZLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4030 |
| 4031 | -TriMeshProcessRifts_matlab_la_SOURCES = ../TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp
| 4032 | -TriMeshProcessRifts_matlab_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4033 | -TriMeshProcessRifts_matlab_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(PETSCLIB) $(MPILIB) $(NEOPZLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4034 | +ProcessRifts_matlab_la_SOURCES = ../ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.cpp
| 4035 | +ProcessRifts_matlab_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4036 | +ProcessRifts_matlab_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(PETSCLIB) $(MPILIB) $(NEOPZLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4037 | #}}}
| 4038 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/python/Makefile.am
| 4039 | ===================================================================
| 4040 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/python/Makefile.am (revision 22497)
| 4041 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/wrappers/python/Makefile.am (revision 22498)
| 4042 | @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
| 4043 | IssmConfig_python.la\
| 4044 | MeshProfileIntersection_python.la\
| 4045 | NodeConnectivity_python.la\
| 4046 | - TriMesh_python.la\
| 4047 | - TriMeshProcessRifts_python.la
| 4048 | + Triangle_python.la\
| 4049 | + ProcessRifts_python.la
| 4050 | endif
| 4051 | #}}}
| 4052 | #Flags and libraries {{{
| 4053 | @@ -140,11 +140,11 @@
| 4054 | NodeConnectivity_python_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4055 | NodeConnectivity_python_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(MPILIB) $(PETSCLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4056 |
| 4057 | -TriMesh_python_la_SOURCES = ../TriMesh/TriMesh.cpp
| 4058 | -TriMesh_python_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4059 | -TriMesh_python_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(MPILIB) $(PETSCLIB) $(TRIANGLELIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4060 | +Triangle_python_la_SOURCES = ../Triangle/Triangle.cpp
| 4061 | +Triangle_python_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4062 | +Triangle_python_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(MPILIB) $(PETSCLIB) $(TRIANGLELIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4063 |
| 4064 | -TriMeshProcessRifts_python_la_SOURCES = ../TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp
| 4065 | -TriMeshProcessRifts_python_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4066 | -TriMeshProcessRifts_python_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(MPILIB) $(PETSCLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4067 | +ProcessRifts_python_la_SOURCES = ../ProcessRifts/ProcessRifts.cpp
| 4068 | +ProcessRifts_python_la_CXXFLAGS = ${AM_CXXFLAGS}
| 4069 | +ProcessRifts_python_la_LIBADD = ${deps} $(MPILIB) $(PETSCLIB) $(GSLLIB) $(PROJ4LIB)
| 4070 | #}}}
| 4071 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.js
| 4072 | ===================================================================
| 4073 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.js (revision 22497)
| 4074 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.js (revision 22498)
| 4075 | @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
| 4076 | function triangle(md){
| 4077 | //TRIANGLE - create model mesh using the triangle package
| 4078 | //
| 4079 | -// This routine creates a model mesh using TriMesh and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4080 | +// This routine creates a model mesh using Triangle and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4081 | // where md is a @model object, domainname is the name of an Argus domain outline file,
| 4082 | // and resolution is a characteristic length for the mesh (same unit as the domain outline
| 4083 | // unit). Riftname is an optional argument (Argus domain outline) describing rifts.
| 4084 | @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
| 4085 | var area=Math.pow(resolution,2);
| 4086 |
| 4087 | //Call mesher:
| 4088 | - var return_array=TriMesh(md, domain, rifts, area);
| 4089 | + var return_array=Triangle(md, domain, rifts, area);
| 4090 |
| 4091 | //Plug into md:
| 4092 | md.mesh.elements=return_array[0];
| 4093 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle2dvertical.m
| 4094 | ===================================================================
| 4095 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle2dvertical.m (revision 22497)
| 4096 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle2dvertical.m (revision 22498)
| 4097 | @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
| 4098 | function md=triangle(md,domainname,resolution)
| 4099 | %TRIANGLE - create model mesh using the triangle package
| 4100 | %
| 4101 | -% This routine creates a model mesh using TriMesh and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4102 | +% This routine creates a model mesh using Triangle and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4103 | % where md is a @model object, domainname is the name of an Argus domain outline file,
| 4104 | % and resolution is a characteristic length for the mesh (same unit as the domain outline
| 4105 | % unit). Riftname is an optional argument (Argus domain outline) describing rifts.
| 4106 | @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
| 4107 |
| 4108 | area=resolution^2;
| 4109 |
| 4110 | -%Mesh using TriMesh
| 4111 | -[elements,x,z,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainname,'',area);
| 4112 | +%Mesh using Triangle
| 4113 | +[elements,x,z,segments,segmentmarkers]=Triangle(domainname,'',area);
| 4114 |
| 4115 | %check that all the created nodes belong to at least one element
| 4116 | orphan=find(~ismember([1:length(x)],sort(unique(elements(:)))));
| 4117 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/rifts/meshprocessrifts.py
| 4118 | ===================================================================
| 4119 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/rifts/meshprocessrifts.py (revision 22497)
| 4120 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/rifts/meshprocessrifts.py (revision 22498)
| 4121 | @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
| 4122 | import numpy as np
| 4123 | -from TriMeshProcessRifts import TriMeshProcessRifts
| 4124 | +from ProcessRifts import ProcessRifts
| 4125 | from ContourToMesh import ContourToMesh
| 4126 | from meshprocessoutsiderifts import meshprocessoutsiderifts
| 4127 | from GetAreas import GetAreas
| 4128 | @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
| 4129 | """
| 4130 |
| 4131 | #Call MEX file
| 4132 | - md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers,md.rifts.riftstruct=TriMeshProcessRifts(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers)
| 4133 | + md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers,md.rifts.riftstruct=ProcessRifts(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers)
| 4134 | md.mesh.elements=md.mesh.elements.astype(int)
| 4135 | md.mesh.x=md.mesh.x.reshape(-1)
| 4136 | md.mesh.y=md.mesh.y.reshape(-1)
| 4137 | @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
| 4138 | md.mesh.segments=md.mesh.segments.astype(int)
| 4139 | md.mesh.segmentmarkers=md.mesh.segmentmarkers.astype(int)
| 4140 | if not isinstance(md.rifts.riftstruct,list) or not md.rifts.riftstruct:
| 4141 | - raise RuntimeError("TriMeshProcessRifts did not find any rift")
| 4142 | + raise RuntimeError("ProcessRifts did not find any rift")
| 4143 |
| 4144 | #Fill in rest of fields:
| 4145 | numrifts=len(md.rifts.riftstruct)
| 4146 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/rifts/meshprocessrifts.m
| 4147 | ===================================================================
| 4148 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/rifts/meshprocessrifts.m (revision 22497)
| 4149 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/rifts/meshprocessrifts.m (revision 22498)
| 4150 | @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
| 4151 | end
| 4152 |
| 4153 | %Call MEX file
| 4154 | -[md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers,md.rifts.riftstruct]=TriMeshProcessRifts(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers);
| 4155 | +[md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers,md.rifts.riftstruct]=ProcessRifts(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers);
| 4156 | if ~isstruct(md.rifts.riftstruct),
| 4157 | - error('TriMeshProcessRifts did not find any rift');
| 4158 | + error('ProcessRifts did not find any rift');
| 4159 | end
| 4160 |
| 4161 | %Fill in rest of fields:
| 4162 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/argusmesh.m
| 4163 | ===================================================================
| 4164 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/argusmesh.m (revision 22497)
| 4165 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/argusmesh.m (revision 22498)
| 4166 | @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
| 4167 | % md=argusmesh(md,infile)
| 4168 | %
| 4169 | % Example:
| 4170 | -% md=argusmesh(md,'TriMesh.exp')
| 4171 | +% md=argusmesh(md,'Domain.exp')
| 4172 |
| 4173 | %some argument check:
| 4174 | if nargin~=2 | nargout~=1,
| 4175 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.py
| 4176 | ===================================================================
| 4177 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.py (revision 22497)
| 4178 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.py (revision 22498)
| 4179 | @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
| 4180 | import os.path
| 4181 | import numpy as np
| 4182 | from mesh2d import mesh2d
| 4183 | -from TriMesh import TriMesh
| 4184 | +from Triangle import Triangle
| 4185 | from NodeConnectivity import NodeConnectivity
| 4186 | from ElementConnectivity import ElementConnectivity
| 4187 | import MatlabFuncs as m
| 4188 | @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
| 4189 | """
| 4190 | TRIANGLE - create model mesh using the triangle package
| 4191 |
| 4192 | - This routine creates a model mesh using TriMesh and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4193 | + This routine creates a model mesh using Triangle and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4194 | where md is a @model object, domainname is the name of an Argus domain outline file,
| 4195 | and resolution is a characteristic length for the mesh (same unit as the domain outline
| 4196 | unit). Riftname is an optional argument (Argus domain outline) describing rifts.
| 4197 | @@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
| 4198 | if not os.path.exists(domainname):
| 4199 | raise IOError("file '%s' not found" % domainname)
| 4200 |
| 4201 | - #Mesh using TriMesh
| 4202 | + #Mesh using Triangle
| 4203 | md.mesh=mesh2d()
| 4204 | - md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers=TriMesh(domainname,riftname,area)
| 4205 | + md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.segments,md.mesh.segmentmarkers=Triangle(domainname,riftname,area)
| 4206 | md.mesh.elements=md.mesh.elements.astype(int)
| 4207 | md.mesh.segments=md.mesh.segments.astype(int)
| 4208 | md.mesh.segmentmarkers=md.mesh.segmentmarkers.astype(int)
| 4209 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.m
| 4210 | ===================================================================
| 4211 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.m (revision 22497)
| 4212 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/mesh/triangle.m (revision 22498)
| 4213 | @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
| 4214 | function md=triangle(md,domainname,varargin)
| 4215 | %TRIANGLE - create model mesh using the triangle package
| 4216 | %
| 4217 | -% This routine creates a model mesh using TriMesh and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4218 | +% This routine creates a model mesh using Triangle and a domain outline, to within a certain resolution
| 4219 | % where md is a @model object, domainname is the name of an Argus domain outline file,
| 4220 | % and resolution is a characteristic length for the mesh (same unit as the domain outline
| 4221 | % unit). Riftname is an optional argument (Argus domain outline) describing rifts.
| 4222 | @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
| 4223 | error(['file "' domainname '" not found']);
| 4224 | end
| 4225 |
| 4226 | -%Mesh using TriMesh
| 4227 | -[elements,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainname,riftname,area);
| 4228 | +%Mesh using Triangle
| 4229 | +[elements,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=Triangle(domainname,riftname,area);
| 4230 |
| 4231 | %check that all the created nodes belong to at least one element
| 4232 | removeorphans=1;
| 4233 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMesh.m
| 4234 | ===================================================================
| 4235 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMesh.m (revision 22497)
| 4236 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMesh.m (nonexistent)
| 4237 | @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
| 4238 | -function [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers] = TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4239 | -%TRIMESH - Mesh a domain using an .exp file
| 4240 | -%
| 4241 | -% Usage:
| 4242 | -% [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4243 | -%
| 4244 | -% index,x,y: Defines a triangulation
| 4245 | -% segments: Array made of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline
| 4246 | -% segmentmarkers: Array flagging each segment
| 4247 | -%
| 4248 | -% domainoutlinefilename: Argus domain outline file
| 4249 | -% mesh_area: Maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh
| 4250 | -
| 4251 | -% Check usage
| 4252 | -if nargin~=3 && nargout~=5
| 4253 | - help TriMesh
| 4254 | - error('Wrong usage (see above)');
| 4255 | -end
| 4256 | -
| 4257 | -% Call mex module
| 4258 | -[index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh_matlab(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4259 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMesh.py
| 4260 | ===================================================================
| 4261 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMesh.py (revision 22497)
| 4262 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMesh.py (nonexistent)
| 4263 | @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
| 4264 | -from TriMesh_python import TriMesh_python
| 4265 | -
| 4266 | -def TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area):
| 4267 | - """
| 4268 | - TRIMESH - Mesh a domain using an .exp file
| 4269 | -
| 4270 | - Usage:
| 4271 | - [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4272 | -
| 4273 | - index,x,y: defines a triangulation
| 4274 | - segments: An array made of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline
| 4275 | - segmentmarkers: An array flagging each segment
| 4276 | -
| 4277 | - domainoutlinefilename: an Argus domain outline file
| 4278 | - mesh_area: The maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh
| 4279 | - """
| 4280 | - # Call mex module
| 4281 | - index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers=TriMesh_python(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area)
| 4282 | - # Return
| 4283 | - return index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers
| 4284 | -
| 4285 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts.py
| 4286 | ===================================================================
| 4287 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts.py (revision 22497)
| 4288 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts.py (nonexistent)
| 4289 | @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
| 4290 | -from TriMeshProcessRifts_python import TriMeshProcessRifts_python
| 4291 | -
| 4292 | -def TriMeshProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1):
| 4293 | - """
| 4294 | - TRIMESHPROCESSRIFTS - Split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 4295 | -
| 4296 | - Usage:
| 4297 | - [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=TriMeshProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4298 | -
| 4299 | - (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1): An initial triangulation.
| 4300 | - [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]: The resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.
| 4301 | - """
| 4302 | - # Call mex module
| 4303 | - index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 = TriMeshProcessRifts_python(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1)
| 4304 | - # Return
| 4305 | - return index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2
| 4306 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts.m
| 4307 | ===================================================================
| 4308 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts.m (revision 22497)
| 4309 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts.m (nonexistent)
| 4310 | @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
| 4311 | -function [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2] = TriMeshProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4312 | -%TRIMESHPROCESSRIFTS - Split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 4313 | -%
| 4314 | -% Usage:
| 4315 | -% [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=TriMeshProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4316 | -%
| 4317 | -% (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1): An initial triangulation.
| 4318 | -% [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]: The resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.
| 4319 | -
| 4320 | -% Check usage
| 4321 | -if nargin~=5 && nargout~=6
| 4322 | - help TriMeshProcessRifts
| 4323 | - error('Wrong usage (see above)');
| 4324 | -end
| 4325 | -
| 4326 | -% Call mex module
| 4327 | -[index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2] = TriMeshProcessRifts_matlab(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4328 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/ProcessRifts.m
| 4329 | ===================================================================
| 4330 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/ProcessRifts.m (nonexistent)
| 4331 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/ProcessRifts.m (revision 22498)
| 4332 | @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
| 4333 | +function [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2] = ProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4334 | +%TRIMESHPROCESSRIFTS - Split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 4335 | +%
| 4336 | +% Usage:
| 4337 | +% [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=ProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4338 | +%
| 4339 | +% (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1): An initial triangulation.
| 4340 | +% [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]: The resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.
| 4341 | +
| 4342 | +% Check usage
| 4343 | +if nargin~=5 && nargout~=6
| 4344 | + help ProcessRifts
| 4345 | + error('Wrong usage (see above)');
| 4346 | +end
| 4347 | +
| 4348 | +% Call mex module
| 4349 | +[index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2] = ProcessRifts_matlab(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4350 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/Triangle.py
| 4351 | ===================================================================
| 4352 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/Triangle.py (nonexistent)
| 4353 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/Triangle.py (revision 22498)
| 4354 | @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
| 4355 | +from Triangle_python import Triangle_python
| 4356 | +
| 4357 | +def Triangle(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area):
| 4358 | + """
| 4359 | + TRIMESH - Mesh a domain using an .exp file
| 4360 | +
| 4361 | + Usage:
| 4362 | + [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=Triangle(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4363 | +
| 4364 | + index,x,y: defines a triangulation
| 4365 | + segments: An array made of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline
| 4366 | + segmentmarkers: An array flagging each segment
| 4367 | +
| 4368 | + domainoutlinefilename: an Argus domain outline file
| 4369 | + mesh_area: The maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh
| 4370 | + """
| 4371 | + # Call mex module
| 4372 | + index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers=Triangle_python(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area)
| 4373 | + # Return
| 4374 | + return index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers
| 4375 | +
| 4376 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/Triangle.m
| 4377 | ===================================================================
| 4378 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/Triangle.m (nonexistent)
| 4379 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/Triangle.m (revision 22498)
| 4380 | @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
| 4381 | +function [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers] = Triangle(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4382 | +%TRIMESH - Mesh a domain using an .exp file
| 4383 | +%
| 4384 | +% Usage:
| 4385 | +% [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=Triangle(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4386 | +%
| 4387 | +% index,x,y: Defines a triangulation
| 4388 | +% segments: Array made of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline
| 4389 | +% segmentmarkers: Array flagging each segment
| 4390 | +%
| 4391 | +% domainoutlinefilename: Argus domain outline file
| 4392 | +% mesh_area: Maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh
| 4393 | +
| 4394 | +% Check usage
| 4395 | +if nargin~=3 && nargout~=5
| 4396 | + help Triangle
| 4397 | + error('Wrong usage (see above)');
| 4398 | +end
| 4399 | +
| 4400 | +% Call mex module
| 4401 | +[index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=Triangle_matlab(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,mesh_area);
| 4402 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/ProcessRifts.py
| 4403 | ===================================================================
| 4404 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/ProcessRifts.py (nonexistent)
| 4405 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/modules/ProcessRifts.py (revision 22498)
| 4406 | @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
| 4407 | +from ProcessRifts_python import ProcessRifts_python
| 4408 | +
| 4409 | +def ProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1):
| 4410 | + """
| 4411 | + TRIMESHPROCESSRIFTS - Split a mesh where a rift (or fault) is present
| 4412 | +
| 4413 | + Usage:
| 4414 | + [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=ProcessRifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1);
| 4415 | +
| 4416 | + (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1): An initial triangulation.
| 4417 | + [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]: The resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.
| 4418 | + """
| 4419 | + # Call mex module
| 4420 | + index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 = ProcessRifts_python(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1)
| 4421 | + # Return
| 4422 | + return index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2