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5 5 #ifndef _ISSM_MODULES_H_ 6 6 #define _ISSM_MODULES_H_ 7 7 8 #ifdef _HAVE_BAMG_ 9 #include "./Bamgx/Bamgx.h" 10 #include "./BamgConvertMeshx/BamgConvertMeshx.h" 11 #include "./BamgTriangulatex/BamgTriangulatex.h" 12 #include "./InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx/InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx.h" 13 #endif 14 8 15 /*Modules: */ 9 16 #include "./AllocateSystemMatricesx/AllocateSystemMatricesx.h" 10 17 #include "./AverageOntoPartitionx/AverageOntoPartitionx.h" 11 #include "./Bamgx/Bamgx.h"12 #include "./BamgConvertMeshx/BamgConvertMeshx.h"13 #include "./BamgTriangulatex/BamgTriangulatex.h"14 18 #include "./Calvingx/Calvingx.h" 15 19 #include "./Chacox/Chacox.h" 16 20 #include "./ConfigureObjectsx/ConfigureObjectsx.h" … … 39 43 #include "./InputExtrudex/InputExtrudex.h" 40 44 #include "./InterpFromMesh2dx/InterpFromMesh2dx.h" 41 45 #include "./InterpFromGridToMeshx/InterpFromGridToMeshx.h" 42 #include "./InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx/InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx.h"43 46 #include "./InterpFromMeshToMesh3dx/InterpFromMeshToMesh3dx.h" 44 47 #include "./InterpFromMeshToGridx/InterpFromMeshToGridx.h" 45 48 #include "./InputUpdateFromConstantx/InputUpdateFromConstantx.h" -
70 70 xDelete<int>(gate.numdone); 71 71 } 72 72 else if(strcmp(output,"delaunay")==0){ 73 74 #ifdef _HAVE_BAMG_ 73 75 int nobs,nel; 74 76 double *x = NULL; 75 77 double *y = NULL; … … 88 90 xDelete<double>(y); 89 91 xDelete<double>(data); 90 92 xDelete<int>(index); 93 #else 94 _error_("you did not compile ISSM with bamg"); 95 #endif 91 96 } 92 97 else if(strcmp(output,"nearestneighbor")==0){ 93 98 /*initialize thread parameters: */ -
48 48 ./shared/Bamg/BigPrimeNumber.cpp\ 49 49 ./modules/Bamgx/Bamgx.cpp\ 50 50 ./modules/BamgConvertMeshx/BamgConvertMeshx.cpp\ 51 ./modules/BamgTriangulatex/BamgTriangulatex.cpp 51 ./modules/BamgTriangulatex/BamgTriangulatex.cpp\ 52 ./modules/InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx/InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx.cpp 52 53 53 54 #do not include AmrBamg with ADOLC 54 55 if ADOLC … … 303 304 ./modules/ConstraintsStatex/RiftConstraintsState.cpp\ 304 305 ./modules/ModelProcessorx/CreateOutputDefinitions.cpp\ 305 306 ./modules/OutputDefinitionsResponsex/OutputDefinitionsResponsex.cpp\ 306 ./modules/InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx/InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx.cpp\307 307 ./classes/Inputs/PentaInput.cpp\ 308 308 ./classes/Inputs/TetraInput.cpp 309 309 #}}} -
175 175 void CreateNodes(int newnumberofvertices,int* my_vertices,int nodecounter,int analysis_enum,Nodes* nodes); 176 176 void CreateConstraints(Vertices* newfemmodel_vertices,int nodecounter,int constraintcounter,int analysis_enum,Constraints* newfemmodel_constraints); 177 177 void GetInputs(int* pnumP0inputs,IssmDouble** pP0inputs,int** pP0input_enums,int** pP0input_interp,int* pnumP1inputs,IssmDouble** pP1inputs,int** pP1input_enums,int** pP1input_interp); 178 #ifdef _HAVE_BAMG_ 178 179 void InterpolateInputs(Vertices* newfemmodel_vertices,Elements* newfemmodel_elements); 180 #endif 179 181 void UpdateElements(int newnumberofelements,int* newelementslist,bool* my_elements,int nodecounter,int analysis_counter,Elements* newelements); 180 182 void ElementsAndVerticesPartitioning(int& newnumberofvertices,int& newnumberofelements,int& elementswidth,int* newelementslist,bool** pmy_elements,int** pmy_vertices); 181 183 void WriteMeshInResults(void); -
2512 2512 /*}}}*/ 2513 2513 2514 2514 /*AMR*/ 2515 #if !defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 2515 #if !defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 2516 2516 void FemModel::ReMesh(void){/*{{{*/ 2517 2517 2518 2518 /*Intermediaries*/ … … 2627 2627 } 2628 2628 2629 2629 /*Finally: interpolate all inputs and insert them into the new elements.*/ 2630 #ifdef _HAVE_BAMG_ 2630 2631 this->InterpolateInputs(new_vertices,new_elements); 2632 #else 2633 _error_("Cannot interpolate inputs without bamg"); 2634 #endif 2631 2635 2632 2636 /*Delete old structure and set new pointers*/ 2633 2637 delete this->vertices; this->vertices = new_vertices; … … 2866 2870 xDelete<int>(pos); 2867 2871 } 2868 2872 /*}}}*/ 2873 #ifdef _HAVE_BAMG_ 2869 2874 void FemModel::InterpolateInputs(Vertices* newfemmodel_vertices,Elements* newfemmodel_elements){/*{{{*/ 2870 2875 2871 2876 int numberofelements = this->elements->NumberOfElements(); //global, entire old mesh … … 2980 2985 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 2981 2986 } 2982 2987 /*}}}*/ 2988 #endif 2983 2989 void FemModel::WriteMeshInResults(void){/*{{{*/ 2984 2990 2985 2991 /*Write the erros estimators*/ … … 3420 3426 spc=vspc->ToMPISerial(); 3421 3427 3422 3428 /*Interpolate spc values and flags in the new partition*/ 3429 #ifdef _HAVE_BAMG_ 3423 3430 InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx(&newspc,elementslist,x,y,numberofvertices,numberofelements, 3424 3431 spc,numberofvertices,numberofcols, 3425 3432 newx,newy,newnumberofvertices,NULL); 3433 #else 3434 _error_("cannot interpolate without bamg"); 3435 #endif 3426 3436 3427 3437 /*Now, insert the interpolated constraints in the data set (constraints)*/ 3428 3438 count=0;
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