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1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 #Some cleanup 4 rm -rf install pcatool 5 mkdir install 6 7 #Download from ISSM server 8 $ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'pcatool.tar.gz' 9 10 #Untar into install 11 cd install 12 tar -zxvf ../pcatool.tar.gz -
Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/externalpackages/pcatool/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable + * Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/externalpackages/pcatool/pcatool.tar.gz ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
1 Copyright (c) 2008, Guillaume MAZE 2 All rights reserved. 3 4 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are 6 met: 7 8 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 9 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 11 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 12 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution 13 14 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 15 AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 16 IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 17 ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 18 LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 19 CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 20 SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 21 INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 22 CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 23 ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 24 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -
1 % dispEEOF_v2(CHP,PC,EXPVAR,DT,NLAG,MOD) Display few EEOFs with their 2 % PC time evolution 3 % 4 % => DISPLAY FEW EEOFs with their PC time evolution. 5 % CHP contains all the EEOFs as EOF*LAG*X*Y. 6 % PC contains all the PCs. 7 % EXPVAR is a matrix with the explained variance of each 8 % EEOFs in %. This is just for title. 9 % DT is time step between maps. 10 % NLAG is the number of LAG to display. 11 % MOD contains explicitly the EEOFs to display. 12 % 13 % Rq: it's using the plotm function 14 % See also: dispEEOF 15 % 16 %================================================================ 17 18 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - June 2004 19 % 20 21 function [] = dispEEOF(CHP,PC,EXPVAR,DT,NLAG,MOD) 22 23 % Number of EEOF to display 24 NMOD = length(MOD); 25 26 % Open figure and first guest 27 figur; 28 clf;hold on 29 typg=8; 30 width = .9/NMOD; 31 height = .9/(NLAG+1); 32 dleft = (.95-width*NMOD)/4; 33 left = dleft; 34 load mapanom 35 36 % Let'go : 37 38 % We choose an EEOF 39 for imod = 1 : NMOD 40 mod = MOD(imod); 41 42 % and plot maps 43 for iplot=1:NLAG+1 44 bottom = .95-height*iplot; 45 subplot('Position',[left bottom width height]); 46 if iplot==1 % Plot the pc's time serie 47 plot(PC(imod,:)); 48 grid on;box on; 49 set(gca,'XAxisLocation','top');axis tight; 50 titre=strcat('EEOF',num2str(mod),'(',num2str(EXPVAR(mod)),'%)'); 51 titre=strcat(titre,'; DT=',num2str(DT),' '); 52 title(titre); 53 if (imod==1),ax1=get(gca,'YLim');else,set(gca,'YLim',ax1);end 54 else % Plot the lag maps 55 lag=iplot-1; 56 C = squeeze(real(CHP(mod,lag,:,:))); 57 % C = C./xtrm(C); % Eventually normalise field 58 plotm(C,typg); 59 if(lag==1),caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]);cx=caxis;end; 60 caxis(cx); 61 colormap(mapanom); 62 %ylabel(strcat('{\bf',num2str((lag-1)*DT),'}')) 63 m_text(10,-70,strcat('{\bf',num2str((lag-1)*DT),'}')); 64 end %if 65 66 end 67 left = left + width + dleft; 68 69 % Adjust plot width via the plot Aspect ratio 70 ch=get(gcf,'Children'); 71 posiPC=get(ch(iplot),'PlotBoxAspectRatio'); 72 posiMAP=get(ch(iplot-1),'PlotBoxAspectRatio'); 73 set(ch(iplot),'PlotBoxAspectRatio',posiMAP); 74 75 end 76 -
1 % [CONF,CONFLEVEL] = CONFEXPVAR(A,B,nsamples,N) 2 % 3 % A(Ntime,MmapA), B(Ntime,MmapB) are time-synchronised 4 % and time-constant sampled data sets. 5 % MmapA and MmapB are not required to be identic. 6 % nsamples is what it is (given at least a 100 factor 7 % will be nice to provide a trustable result). 8 % N is the max number of eigen vectors to be computed. 9 % 10 % CONFEXPVAR Compute the confidence limits for significant 11 % eigenvalues in a SVD decomposition of data sets A and B. 12 % This generates nsamples random-in-time data set of B 13 % and finds percent variance of N SVD modes computed 14 % with data set A. 15 % This is exactly the monte-carlo method but based on 16 % a random-in-time only data set. This considerably 17 % decrease the cputime. 18 % 19 % 2005/11. Guillaume Maze 20 % 21 22 function [conf,lev,dsumCF] = confexpvar(A,B,nsamples,N) 23 24 % We try to find the p confidence levels of expvar. 25 % Keeping as it is the first field, we determine SVDs with the 26 % second field arbitrary sorted in time. 27 % 1st field : A 28 % 2nd field : B 29 30 n = size(A,1); 31 if size(B,1)~=n 32 disp('Error, A and B required to be of the same time length !'); 33 disp('See help confexpvar'); 34 stop 35 end 36 37 timer = cputime; 38 disp('Compute confidence levels of explained variance...'); 39 for iR=1:nsamples 40 if iR==fix(nsamples/2) 41 disp(strcat(num2str(iR),'/',num2str(nsamples))); 42 disp(['Please, still wait a little time ... around '... 43 num2str(cputime-timer) ' cpu seconds']); 44 end 45 46 % Generate a random new time index: 47 t=randperm(n); 48 % and sort the 2nd field with it: 49 Br=B(t,:); 50 51 % Now we compute SVD and expvar: 52 C=A'*Br; 53 [U,Lambda,V] = svds(C,N); 54 L2 = Lambda.^2; dsum = diag(L2)/trace(L2); 55 L = Lambda; dsum = diag(L)/trace(L); 56 dsumCF(iR,:) = dsum'; 57 58 end %for iR 59 disp(['OK, this took ' num2str(cputime-timer) ' cpu seconds']) 60 61 % CF(nsamples,N) contains expvar of the nsamples realisations: 62 CF=sort(dsumCF,1); 63 64 % Now we just take the decadal significant levels: 65 lev=fix([nsamples/10:nsamples/10:nsamples]); 66 conf = CF(lev,:) ; 67 lev=(lev./max(lev))*100; -
1 % [SVD1,SVD2,PC1,PC2,EXPVAR,Lambda] = CALSVD(A,B,N) Compute SVDs 2 % 3 % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD - 4 % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997 5 %================================================================ 6 % 7 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004 8 % 9 10 11 function [e1,e2,pc1,pc2,expvar,Lambda] = calsvd(A,B,N); 12 13 14 disp('====> Let''go for SVDs and pc computing...') 15 16 % Assume that A is (time*map) matrix 17 [n p]=size(A); 18 19 % Remove the mean of each column (ie the time mean in each station records) 20 S=detrend(A,'constant'); 21 P=detrend(B,'constant'); 22 23 % Form the covariance matrix: 24 C = S'*P; 25 26 % Find eigenvectors and singular values 27 [U,Lambda,V] = svds(C,N); 28 29 % PC 30 a = S*U; 31 b = P*V; 32 33 % Make them clear for output 34 for iN=1:N 35 e1(iN,:) = squeeze( U(:,iN) )'; 36 pc1(iN,:) = squeeze( a(:,iN) )'; 37 e2(iN,:) = squeeze( V(:,iN) )'; 38 pc2(iN,:) = squeeze( b(:,iN) )'; 39 end 40 41 % Amount of variance explained a 0.1 pres et en % 42 L2=Lambda.^2; 43 dsum=diag(L2)/trace(L2); 44 45 for iN=1:N 46 expvar(iN)=fix( ( dsum(iN)*100/sum(dsum) )*10 ) /10; 47 end 48 49 50 disp('====> Finished !') 51 52 53 54 -
1 % dispSVD(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar) Display SVDs 2 % 3 % => Display SVDs 4 % typg is plot type you want (see plotm.m). 5 % CHP contains SVDs and is of the form: CHP(iSVD,X,Y) 6 % N is number of SVD to display 7 % expvar contained the explained variance of SVDs 8 % 9 % Rq: it''s using the plotm function 10 % 11 %================================================================ 12 13 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - December 2004 14 % 15 16 function [] = dispSVD(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar) 17 18 load mapanom2 19 global ffile1 ffile2 20 21 if length(N)>1 22 mod=N; 23 else 24 mod=[1:N]; 25 end 26 Nx=length(mod); 27 % -------------------------------------------------- 28 % AFFICHAGE 29 % -------------------------------------------------- 30 if (typg~=1)&(typg~=7)&(typg~=3)&(typg~=6) 31 CBAROR='horiz'; 32 iw=Nx;jw=2; 33 else 34 CBAROR='vert'; 35 iw=Nx;jw=2; 36 end 37 38 39 f1=figur;clf; hold on 40 for iN=1:Nx 41 subplot(iw,jw,2*iN-1) 42 C = squeeze(real(CHP1(mod(iN),:,:))); 43 %plotm(C./xtrm(C),typg);caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 44 plotm(C,typg); 45 caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 46 %if(iN==1);cx=caxis;end;caxis(cx); 47 colormap(mycolormap(mapanom,21)); 48 c=colorbar(CBAROR); 49 titre1=strcat('SVD',num2str(mod(iN)),':',blanks(1),ffile1); 50 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(mod(iN))),'%)'); 51 tt=title(strvcat(strcat(titre1,titre2),char(1))); 52 set(tt,'fontweight','bold') 53 54 subplot(iw,jw,2*iN) 55 C = squeeze(real(CHP2(mod(iN),:,:))); 56 %plotm(C./xtrm(C),typg);caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 57 plotm(C,typg); 58 caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 59 %if(iN==1);cx=caxis;end;caxis(cx); 60 colormap(mycolormap(mapanom,21)); 61 c=colorbar(CBAROR); 62 titre1=strcat('SVD',num2str(mod(iN)),':',blanks(1),ffile2); 63 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(mod(iN))),'%)'); 64 tt=title(strvcat(strcat(titre1,titre2),char(1))); 65 set(tt,'fontweight','bold') 66 67 end %for iN 68 69 70 % $$$ for iN=1:2*N 71 % $$$ figure(f1); 72 % $$$ subplot(iw,jw,iN); 73 % $$$ % colorbar(CBAROR); 74 % $$$ end 75 % $$$ refresh 76 77 78 %titre1=strcat(num2str(lat(il1)),'/',num2str(lat(il2))); 79 titre2=strcat(' Total explained variance:',num2str(sum(expvar(mod))),'%'); 80 %titre3=strcat('(Analysed files: ',ffile1,' vs ',ffile2,')'); 81 %titre=strvcat(titre2,titre3); 82 suptitle(titre2); 83 84 set(f1,'Position',[378 39 313 647]); % Laptop screen 85 %set(f1,'Position',[369 55 316 899]); % Desktop screen 86 %set(f1,'Name',strcat(ffile,'<>',titre1,'<> REAL PART')); -
1 % [EOFs,PC,EXPVAR] = CALEOF(M,N,METHOD) Compute EOF 2 % 3 % => Compute the Nth first EOFs of matrix M(TIME,MAP). 4 % EOFs is a matrix of the form EOFs(N,MAP), PC is the principal 5 % components matrix ie it has the form PC(N,TIME) and EXPVAR is 6 % the fraction of total variance "explained" by each EOF ie it has 7 % the form EXPVAR(N). 8 % Differents method can be used: 9 % 1 - The "classic" one, ie we compute eigenvectors of the 10 % temporal covariance matrix with the eig Matlab function. 11 % 2 - A faster "classic" one, same as method 1 but we use the 12 % eigs Matlab function. 13 % 3 - We compute eigenvectors by the singular value decomposition, 14 % by used of the svd Matlab function. 15 % 4 - Same as method 3 but faster by used of the svds Matlab function 16 % 17 % See also EIG, EIGS, SVD, SVDS 18 % 19 % Ref: L. Hartmann: "Objective Analysis" 2002 20 % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD - 21 % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997 22 %================================================================ 23 24 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004 25 % Revised July 2006 26 % 27 28 29 function [e,pc,expvar,L] = caleof(M,N,method); 30 31 % Get dimensions 32 [n p]=size(M); 33 34 % Temporal covariance is p*p matrix, that why max EOF computable is p, 35 % so we perform a test on parameter N: 36 if(N>p) 37 disp('Warning: N is larger than possible so it''s modified to perform') 38 disp(' EOFs computing...'); 39 N = p; 40 end 41 42 43 % Eventualy time filtering of data 44 if 0==1 45 disp('====> Time filtering...') 46 Fc = 1/20; Fc2 = 1/1; 47 Fc = 1/7 ; Fc2 = 1/3; 48 SIGNAL = M(:,1); 49 nj = fix(length(SIGNAL)/10); % Nombre de points du filtre 50 for ipt = 1 : p 51 SIGNAL = M(:,ipt); 52 SIGNALF = lanczos(SIGNAL,Fc2,nj); 53 SIGNALF = SIGNALF - lanczos(SIGNALF,Fc,nj); 54 Y(:,ipt) = SIGNALF; 55 end 56 M = Y; 57 end 58 59 60 disp('====> Let''go for EOFs and pc computing...') 61 switch method 62 case 1 % CLASSIC METHOD 63 %================================================================ 64 % Transform the data matrix in the correct form (map*time) for eig 65 M = M'; 66 67 % Remove the time mean (ie the mean of each rows of M) 68 % Rq: detrend remove the mean of columns ie we take M'. 69 F = detrend(M','constant')'; 70 71 % Covariance Matrix (inner product over space = covariance in time) 72 R = F * F'; 73 74 % Eigenanalysis of the covariance matrix R 75 [E,L] = eig(R); 76 77 % Get PC by projecting eigenvectors on original data 78 Z = E'*F; 79 80 % Make them clear for output 81 for iN=1:N 82 e(iN,:) = squeeze( E(:,p-(iN-1)) )'; 83 pc(iN,:) = squeeze( Z(p-(iN-1),:) ); 84 end 85 86 % Amount of explained variance (at 0.1%) 87 dsum = diag(L)./trace(L); 88 for iN=1:N 89 expvar(iN)=fix((dsum(p-(iN-1))*100/sum(dsum))*10)/10; 90 end 91 92 % Plots Original field and reconstructed one 93 if 0==1 94 figure; 95 subplot(1,2,1);imagesc(abs(M));title('ORIGINAL');cx=caxis; 96 %subplot(1,2,2);imagesc((E*Z));title('RECONSTRUCTED') 97 subplot(1,2,2);imagesc(abs(e'*pc));title('RECONSTRUCTED');caxis(cx); 98 end 99 100 case 2 % RAPID CLASSIC METHOD 101 %================================================================ 102 % Remove the time mean of each column 103 F = detrend(M,'constant'); 104 105 % Covariance Matrix 106 if n >= p 107 R = F' * F; 108 else 109 R = F * F'; 110 end 111 112 % Eigen analysis of the square covariance matrix 113 [E,L] = eigs(R,N); 114 if n < p 115 E = F' * E; 116 sq = [sqrt(diag(L))+eps]'; 117 sq = sq(ones(1,p),:); 118 E = E ./ sq; 119 end 120 121 % Get PC by projecting eigenvectors on original data 122 if n >= p 123 Z = (F*E)'; 124 else 125 Z = E'*F'; 126 end 127 128 129 % Make them clear for output 130 for iN=1:N 131 e(iN,:) = squeeze( E(:,iN) )'; 132 pc(iN,:) = squeeze( Z(iN,:) ); 133 end 134 135 % Amount of variance explained a 0.1 pres et en % 136 dsum=diag(L)./trace(L); 137 for iN=1:N 138 expvar(iN)=fix((dsum(iN)*100/sum(dsum))*10)/10; 139 end 140 141 142 case 3 % SVD METHOD 143 %================================================================ 144 % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD - 145 % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997 => p18 146 147 % Assume that M is (time*map) matrix 148 [n p]=size(M); 149 150 % Remove the mean of each column (ie the time mean in each station records) 151 F=detrend(M,'constant'); 152 153 % Form the covariance matrix: 154 R = F'*F; 155 156 % Find eigenvectors and singular values 157 [C,L,CC] = svd(R); 158 % Eigenvectors are in CC and the squared diagonal values of L 159 % are the eigenvalues of the temporal covariance matrix R=F'*F 160 161 % find the PC corresponding to eigenvalue 162 PC = F*CC; 163 164 % Make them clear for output 165 for iN=1:N 166 e(iN,:) = squeeze( CC(:,iN) )'; 167 pc(iN,:) = squeeze( PC(:,iN) )'; 168 end 169 170 if 0 171 figure; 172 subplot(1,2,1);imagesc(F);title('ORIGINAL');cx=caxis; 173 subplot(1,2,2);imagesc(C*L*CC');title('RECONSTRUCTED');caxis(cx); 174 end 175 176 % Amount of variance explained at 0.1% 177 dsum=diag(L)./trace(L); 178 if length(dsum)<N % L was not squared 179 dsum = [dsum ;zeros(N-length(dsum),1)]; 180 end 181 for iN = 1 : N 182 expvar(iN)=fix( ( dsum(iN)*100/sum(dsum) )*10 ) /10; 183 end 184 185 186 case 4 % FAST SVD METHOD 187 %================================================================ 188 % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD - 189 % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997 => p18 190 191 % Assume that M is (time*map) matrix 192 [n p]=size(M); 193 194 % Remove the mean of each column (ie the time mean in each station records) 195 F=detrend(M,'constant'); 196 197 % Form the covariance matrix: 198 R = F' * F; 199 200 % Find eigenvectors and singular values 201 [C,L,CC,flag] = svds(R,N); 202 % Eigenvectors are in CC and the squared diagonal values of L 203 % are the eigenvalues of the temporal covariance matrix R=F'*F 204 % (Sometimes, CC stops for nul eigenvector, then we need to fill to reach N) 205 if size(CC,2)<N 206 CC = [CC zeros(size(CC,1),N-size(CC,2)+1)]; 207 end 208 209 % find the PC corresponding to eigenvalue 210 PC = F*CC; 211 % Which is similar to: C*L 212 213 % Make them clear for output 214 for iN=1:N 215 e(iN,:) = squeeze( CC(:,iN) )'; 216 pc(iN,:) = squeeze( PC(:,iN) )'; 217 end 218 219 % Amount of variance explained a 0.1 pres et en % 220 dsum=diag(L)./trace(L); 221 if length(dsum)<N % L was not squared 222 dsum = [dsum ;zeros(N-length(dsum),1)]; 223 end 224 for iN=1:N 225 expvar(iN)=fix( ( dsum(iN)*100/sum(dsum) )*10 ) /10; 226 end 227 228 %figure; 229 %subplot(1,2,1);imagesc(M);title('ORIGINAL');cx=caxis; 230 %subplot(1,2,2);imagesc((e'*pc)');title('RECONSTRUCTED');caxis(cx); 231 232 233 end % switch method 234 disp('====> Finished !') -
1 % dispEOF(typg,CHP,N,expvar) Display EOFs 2 % 3 % => Display EOFs 4 % typg is plot type you want (see plotm.m). 5 % CHP contains EOFs and is of the form: CHP(EOF,X,Y) 6 % N is number of EOF to display 7 % expvar contained the explained variance of EOFs 8 % 9 % Rq: it''s using the plotm function 10 % 11 %================================================================ 12 13 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004 14 % 15 16 function [] = dispEOF(typg,CHP,N,expvar) 17 18 load mapanom2 19 global ffile 20 % -------------------------------------------------- 21 % AFFICHAGE 22 % -------------------------------------------------- 23 if (typg~=1)&(typg~=7)&(typg~=3)&(typg~=6) 24 25 CBAROR='horiz'; 26 if N>12,NN=12;else,NN=N;end 27 switch NN 28 case 1,tblmagique=[1]; iw=1;jw=1; 29 case 2,tblmagique=[1 2]; iw=2;jw=1; 30 case 3,tblmagique=[1 2 3]; iw=3;jw=1; 31 case 4,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4]; iw=2;jw=2; 32 case 5,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5]; iw=3;jw=2; 33 case 6,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; iw=3;jw=2; 34 case 7,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7]; iw=4;jw=2; 35 case 8,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]; iw=4;jw=2; 36 case 9,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]; iw=3;jw=3; 37 case 10,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; iw=4;jw=3; 38 case 11,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]; iw=4;jw=3; 39 case 12,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12];iw=4;jw=3; 40 end 41 iw=N;jw=1; 42 43 else 44 45 CBAROR='vert'; 46 if N>12,NN=12;else,NN=N;end 47 switch NN 48 case 1,tblmagique=[1]; iw=1;jw=1; 49 case 2,tblmagique=[1 2]; iw=2;jw=1; 50 case 3,tblmagique=[1 2 3]; iw=3;jw=1; 51 case 4,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4]; iw=2;jw=2; 52 case 5,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5]; iw=3;jw=2; 53 case 6,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; iw=3;jw=2; 54 case 7,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7]; iw=4;jw=2; 55 case 8,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]; iw=4;jw=2; 56 case 9,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]; iw=3;jw=3; 57 case 10,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]; iw=4;jw=3; 58 case 11,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11]; iw=4;jw=3; 59 case 12,tblmagique=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12];iw=4;jw=3; 60 end 61 62 63 64 end %if 65 66 67 68 f1=figur;clf; hold on 69 70 for iN=1:NN 71 subplot(iw,jw,tblmagique(iN)); hold on 72 C = squeeze(real(CHP(iN,:,:))); 73 %plotm(C./xtrm(C),typg);caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 74 plotm(C,typg);caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 75 if(iN==1);cx=caxis;end;caxis(cx); 76 colormap(mycolormap(mapanom,21)); 77 78 %c=colorbar(CBAROR); 79 titre1=strcat('EOF',num2str(iN)); 80 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(iN)),'%)'); 81 title(strcat(titre1,titre2)); 82 83 end %for iN 84 85 %titre1=strcat(num2str(lat(il1)),'/',num2str(lat(il2))); 86 titre2=strcat(' Total explained variance:',num2str(sum(expvar)),'%'); 87 %titre3=strcat('(Analysed file: ',ffile,')'); 88 %titre=strvcat(titre2,titre3); 89 suptitle(titre2); 90 91 set(f1,'Position',[378 39 313 647]); % Laptop screen 92 %set(f1,'Position',[369 55 316 899]); % Desktop screen 93 %set(f1,'Name',strcat(ffile,'<>',titre1,'<> REAL PART')); 94 set(f1,'Name','<> REAL PART <>'); 95 96 97 % ------------------------------------------- 98 if isreal(CHP)==0 99 100 f2=figur;clf; hold on 101 102 for iN=1:NN 103 subplot(iw,jw,tblmagique(iN)); hold on 104 105 C = squeeze(imag(CHP(iN,:,:))); 106 plotm(C,typg);caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 107 %if(iN==1);cx=caxis;end; 108 caxis(cx); 109 colormap(mycolormap(mapanom,21)); 110 111 c=colorbar(CBAROR); 112 titre1=strcat('EOF',num2str(iN)); 113 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(iN)),'%)'); 114 title(strcat(titre1,titre2)); 115 116 end %for iNN 117 118 %titre1=strcat(num2str(lat(il1)),'/',num2str(lat(il2))); 119 titre2=strcat(' Total explained variance:',num2str(sum(expvar)),'%'); 120 %titre3=strcat('(Analysed file: ',ffile,')'); 121 %titre=strvcat(titre2,titre3); 122 suptitle(titre2); 123 124 set(f2,'Position',[378 39 313 647]); % Laptop screen 125 %set(f2,'Position',[369 55 316 899]); % Desktop screen 126 set(f2,'Name','<> IMAGINARY PART <>'); 127 128 end 129 130 -
1 %PLOTM Trace un champ de donnee geographique 2 % [CS,H]=PLOTM(C,[ZONE]) 3 % Trace le champ C(LONGITUDE,LATITUDE) sur une carte 4 % du monde en projection Mercator par defaut. 5 % Le parametre optionnel ZONE peut prendre les valeurs 6 % ZONE = 1 : Projection Stereographique centree sur le pole sud 7 % ZONE = 2 : Projection Mercator de l'hemisphere sud 8 % ZONE = 3 : Projection Mercator du globe 9 % ZONE = 4 : Pas de projection (imagesc) 10 % ZONE = 5 : Projection Mercator de l'hemisphere sud complet 11 % ZONE = 6 : Projection Mercator du globe complet 12 % ZONE = 7 : Projection Stereographique centree sur le pole nord 13 % ZONE = 8 : Idem 2 mais sans label sur les axes 14 % ZONE = 9 : Projection Mercator de l'hemisphere sud aux limites du Fmask 15 % Returns contour matrix CS as described in CONTOURC and a vector H 16 % of handles to PATCH objects (for use by CLABEL). 17 % 18 % La definition des grilles (longitude,latitude) est celle du 19 % modele par defaut, mais elle peut etre modifiee en passant en 20 % global les nouvelles variables nommees lon et lat. 21 % 22 % NECESSITE LE PACKAGE M_MAP 23 % 24 % 25 % (nov. 2003 -> 26 27 function varargout = plotm(C,varargin) 28 29 if (nargin>2)|(nargin<1) 30 help plotm.m 31 error('plotm.m : Wrong number or bad parameter(s)') 32 return 33 elseif (nargin==2) 34 arg = varargin{:}; 35 if (arg>14)|(arg<1) 36 help plotm.m 37 error('plotm.m : Wrong number or bad parameter(s)') 38 return 39 end 40 end %if 41 42 %-------------------------------------------------- 43 % Variabes 44 %-------------------------------------------------- 45 [lx,ly]=size(C); 46 % Si lon et lat ne sont pas definie comme dans le modele 47 % on prend en global n'importe quel definition 48 if ((lx~=64)|(ly~=32)) 49 global lon lat 50 else 51 lon= linspace(0.,360.,64); 52 lat= [85.76 80.27 74.74 69.21 63.68 58.14 52.61 47.07 41.53 ... 53 36.00 30.46 24.92 19.38 13.84 8.31 2.77 -2.77 -8.31 ... 54 -13.84 -19.38 -24.92 -30.46 -36.00 -41.53 -47.07 -52.61 ... 55 -58.14 -63.68 -69.21 -74.74 -80.27 -85.76]; 56 end 57 58 % Le nombre de contour est par defaut a 10, mais on peut le 59 % modifier en declarant nbcont en global 60 global nbcont 61 if isempty(nbcont)==1 62 nbcont=10; 63 end 64 65 %----------------------------------------------- 66 % Projection 67 %----------------------------------------------- 68 if (nargin==2) 69 arg = varargin{:}; 70 switch arg(1) 71 case 1 % Projection stereo 72 m_proj('stereo','lon',0,'lat',-90,'rad',71); 73 case 2 % Projection mercator (HS) 74 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-80 -20]); 75 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-60 -20]); 76 case 3 % Projection mercator (Tout) -> Defaut 77 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-80 80]); 78 case 5 % Projection mercator (HS-complet) 79 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-85 -5]); 80 case 6 % Projection mercator (Tout-complet) 81 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-85 85]); 82 case 7 % Projection stereo 83 m_proj('stereo','lon',0,'lat',90,'rad',71); 84 case 8 % Projection mercator (HS) sans Label sur les axes 85 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-80 -20]); 86 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-75 -30]); 87 case 9 % Projection mercator (HS) sans Label sur les axes aux limtes du FMASK 88 m_proj('miller','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-69 -25]); 89 case 10 % Projection stereo recentree sur le pole sud 90 m_proj('stereo','lon',0,'lat',-90,'rad',51); 91 case 11 % Indien 92 m_proj('lambert','long',[11 125],'lat',[-60 -30]); 93 case 12 % Pacifique 94 m_proj('lambert','long',[120 290],'lat',[-60 -30]); 95 case 13 % Atlantique 96 m_proj('lambert','long',[-70 20],'lat',[-60 -30]); 97 case 14 % Centré Atlantique 98 m_proj('lambert','long',[-90 90],'lat',[-70 -20],'rectbox','on'); 99 end 100 else 101 % Projection mercator (Tout) -> Defaut 102 m_proj('mercator','lon',[0 360],'lat',[-80 80]); 103 end 104 105 %------------------------------------------------ 106 % Affichage 107 %------------------------------------------------ 108 load MODELCOAST 109 if length(lon)==65 110 modelcoast=[modelcoast;modelcoast(1,:)]; 111 end 112 113 hold on 114 if (nargin==2) 115 arg = varargin{:}; 116 switch arg(1) 117 case 1 % Projection stereo (Par defaut) 118 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 119 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 120 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 121 m_grid('ytick',[-30 -40 -50 -60 -70],'yticklabels',[],... 122 'xtick',[0 60 120 180 -120 -60],'XaxisLocation','top') 123 case 2 % Projection mercator (HS) 124 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 125 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 126 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 127 m_grid('ytick',[-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20]); 128 case 3 % Projection mercator (Tout) 129 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 130 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 131 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 132 m_grid('ytick',[-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80]); 133 case 4 % Pas de projection 134 pcolor(lon,lat,C'); 135 axis tight;box on 136 % axis([lon(1) lon(64) lat(32) lat(1)]); 137 % gc=gca;set(gc,'YDir','reverse'); 138 case 5 % Projection mercator (Hs-complet) 139 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 140 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 141 COASTYPE='color';COASTCOLOR=[0 0 0]; 142 % COASTYPE='patch';COASTCOLOR=[0 0.5 0.6]; 143 % m_coast(COASTYPE,COASTCOLOR); 144 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 145 m_grid('ytick',[-80 -60 -40 -20 0]); 146 case 6 % Projection mercator (Tout-complet) 147 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 148 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 149 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 150 m_grid('ytick',[-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80]); 151 case 7 % Projection stereo 152 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 153 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 154 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 155 m_grid('ytick',[30 40 50 60 70],'yticklabels',[],... 156 'xtick',[0 60 120 180 -120 -60],'XaxisLocation','top') 157 case 8 % Projection mercator (HS) sans label sur les axes 158 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 159 % m_pcolor(lon,lat,C');shading interp 160 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 161 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 162 m_grid('ytick','','xtick',''); 163 case 9 % Projection mercator (HS) sans label sur les axes aux limtes du FMASK 164 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 165 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 166 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 167 m_grid('ytick','','xtick',''); 168 case 10 % Projection stereo recentree sur le pole Sud 169 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 170 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 171 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 172 m_grid('ytick',[-40 -50 -60 -70],'yticklabels',[],... 173 'xtick',[0 60 120 180 -120 -60],'XaxisLocation','top') 174 case 11 % Indien 175 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 176 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 177 m_grid('ytick',[-40 -50 -60 -70],'yticklabels',[],... 178 'xtick',[30 60 90 120 150 180],'XaxisLocation','top') 179 case 12 % Pacifique 180 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 181 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 182 m_grid('ytick',[-40 -50 -60 -70],'yticklabels',[],... 183 'xtick',[120 150 180 210 240 270 300],'XaxisLocation','top') 184 case 13 % Atlantique 185 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 186 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 187 m_grid('ytick',[-40 -50 -60 -70],'yticklabels',[],... 188 'xtick',[-60 -30 0 30 60],'XaxisLocation','top') 189 case 14 % Centré Atlantique 190 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 191 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 192 m_grid('yticklabels',[],'XaxisLocation','top',... 193 'fontsize',6,... 194 'xtick',[0 60 120 180 -120 -60],'xticklabels',[180 -120 -60 0 60 120]); 195 196 end % switch 197 else 198 % Projection Mercator (Par defaut) 199 [cs,h]=m_contourf(lon,lat,C',nbcont); 200 % m_coast('color',[0 0 0]); 201 m_contour(lon,lat,modelcoast',1,'k'); 202 m_grid('ytick',[-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80]); 203 end 204 205 206 207 % OUTPUT VARIABLES 208 switch nargout 209 case 1 210 varargout(1) = {cs} ; 211 case 2 212 varargout(1) = {cs} ; 213 varargout(2) = {h}; 214 end -
1 % [e,pc,expvar] = calCeof(M,N,METHOD) 2 % Compute Complex EOF 3 4 function [e,pc,expvar] = calCeof(M,N,METHOD) 5 6 7 % Compute Hilbert transform Mh and create M as: M = M + i*Mh 8 M = hilbert(M); 9 10 % Compute EOFs 11 [e,pc,expvar] = caleof(M,N,METHOD); -
1 % dispCEOF(CEOF,EXPVAR,PHI,MOD) Display few CEOFs. 2 % 3 % => DISPLAY FEW CEOFs. 4 % CEOF contains all the CEOFs as nCEOF*X*Y. 5 % EXPVAR is a matrix with the explained variance of each 6 % CEOFs in %. This is just for title. 7 % PHI is phase when ploting maps. 8 % MOD contains explicitly the CEOFs to display. 9 % 10 % Rq: it's using the plotm function 11 % 12 %================================================================ 13 14 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - June 2004 15 % 16 17 function [] = dispCEOF(CEOF,EXPVAR,PHI,MOD) 18 19 % Number of EEOF to display 20 NMOD = length(MOD); 21 NANG = length(PHI); 22 23 % Open figure and first guest 24 figur;clf;hold on 25 typg=8; 26 width = .9/NMOD; 27 height = .9/NANG; 28 dleft = (.95-width*NMOD)/4; 29 left = dleft; 30 load mapanom2 31 32 % Let'go : 33 34 % We select a CEOF: 35 for imod = 1 : NMOD 36 mod = MOD(imod); 37 chp=squeeze(CEOF(mod,:,:)); 38 Rchp=real(chp); 39 Ichp=-imag(chp); 40 41 % 42 for ang=1:NANG 43 C = cos(PHI(ang))*Rchp + sin(PHI(ang))*Ichp; 44 m(ang)=abs(xtrm(C)); 45 end 46 m=max(m); 47 48 % and plot maps 49 for ang=1:NANG 50 C = cos(PHI(ang))*Rchp + sin(PHI(ang))*Ichp; 51 bottom = .95-height*ang; 52 subplot('Position',[left bottom width height]); 53 plotm(C,typg); 54 m_text(10,-70,strcat('\phi=',num2str(PHI(ang)*180/pi),'^o')); 55 % ylabel(strcat('\phi=',num2str(PHI(ang)*180/pi),'^o'),'Rotation',0); 56 caxis([-m m]); 57 colormap(mapanom); 58 if(ang==1) 59 titre=strcat('CEOF',num2str(mod),'(',num2str(EXPVAR(mod)),'%)'); 60 title(titre); 61 end; 62 end 63 left = left + width + dleft; 64 65 end -
1 % dispSVDnb(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar) Display SVDs 2 % 3 % => Display SVDs in white and black 4 % typg is plot type you want (see plotm.m). 5 % CHP contains SVDs and is of the form: CHP(iSVD,X,Y) 6 % N is number of SVD to display 7 % expvar contained the explained variance of SVDs 8 % 9 % Rq: it''s using the plotmNB function 10 % 11 %================================================================ 12 13 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - December 2004 14 % 15 16 function [] = dispSVDnb(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar) 17 18 global ffile1 ffile2 19 % -------------------------------------------------- 20 % AFFICHAGE 21 % -------------------------------------------------- 22 if (typg~=1)&(typg~=7)&(typg~=3)&(typg~=6) 23 CBAROR='horiz'; 24 iw=N;jw=2; 25 else 26 CBAROR='vert'; 27 iw=N;jw=2; 28 end 29 30 31 f1=figur;clf; hold on 32 for iN=1:N 33 subplot(iw,jw,2*iN-1) 34 C = squeeze(real(CHP1(iN,:,:))); 35 %[cs,h]=plotmNB(C,typg); whos cs h 36 [cs,h]=plotmNB(C,typg); 37 %clabel(cs,h,'labelspacing',100); 38 titre1=strcat('SVD',num2str(iN),':',ffile1); 39 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(iN)),'%)'); 40 title(strcat(titre1,titre2)); 41 42 subplot(iw,jw,2*iN) 43 C = squeeze(real(CHP2(iN,:,:))); 44 [cs,h]=plotmNB(C,typg); 45 %clabel(cs,h,'labelspacing',100); 46 titre1=strcat('SVD',num2str(iN),':',ffile2); 47 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(iN)),'%)'); 48 title(strcat(titre1,titre2)); 49 50 end %for iN 51 52 53 54 55 %titre1=strcat(num2str(lat(il1)),'/',num2str(lat(il2))); 56 titre2=strcat(' Total explained variance:',num2str(sum(expvar)),'%'); 57 %titre3=strcat('(Analysed files: ',ffile1,' vs ',ffile2,')'); 58 %titre=strvcat(titre2,titre3); 59 suptitle(titre2); 60 61 set(f1,'Position',[378 39 313 647]); % Laptop screen 62 %set(f1,'Position',[369 55 316 899]); % Desktop screen 63 %set(f1,'Name',strcat(ffile,'<>',titre1,'<> REAL PART')); -
1 % PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS TOOLBOX 2 % Last Modified: Dec 2007 3 % 4 % This software is provided "as is" without express 5 % or implied warranty... 6 % 7 % 8 % EOF and SVD 9 % caleof - Compute EOFs 10 % calEeof - Compute Extended EOFs 11 % calCeof - Compute Complex EOFs 12 % calsvd - Compute SVDs 13 % confexpvar - Compute statistical confidence of explained variance 14 % 15 % VISUALISATION 16 % dispEOF - Display EOFs 17 % dispEEOF - Display EEOFs as time sequence map 18 % dispEEOF_v2 - Display EEOFs as time sequence map with 19 % the PC time series 20 % dispCEOF - Display CEOFs 21 % dispSVD - Display SVDs 22 % plotm - Plot a 2D geo field 23 % 24 % Matrix manipulation 25 % map2mat - Transform C(TIME,LON,LAT) in D(TIME,PT) 26 % under a geographic points selection 27 % mat2map - Invert transform done by map2mat 28 % 29 % 30 %================================================================ 31 % Author: Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004 32 % -
1 % [EOFs,PC,EXPVAR] = calEeof(M,N,METHOD,NLAG,DT) Compute EEOF 2 % 3 % => Compute N Extended EOF of a M(TIME*MAP) matrix. 4 % METHOD is the EOF method computing (see caleof.m) 5 % NLAG is the number of map you want 6 % DT is the increment between each map (not the time step 7 % of your data) 8 % 9 % The function can filter datas with a Lanczos band-pass 10 % filter. Edit the calEeof.m file and change option in it. 11 % 12 % See also: CALEOF 13 % 14 % Ref: Weare and Nasstrom 1982 15 %================================================================ 16 17 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004 18 % 19 20 function varargout = calEeof(M,N,METHOD,NLAG,DT) 21 22 % --------------------------------- 23 % Divers 24 tic 25 LAG = NLAG*DT; 26 foll = 1; % Turn this value to 0 if you don t want commentary along computing 27 28 % --------------------------------- 29 % LAG must be >0, LAG=1 correspond to initial position 30 if LAG<=0 31 LAG = 1; 32 end 33 34 % --------------------------------- 35 % Usely for us, M is a TIME*MAP matrix so: 36 % We get dimensions 37 [n p]=size(M); 38 % and put M in the correct form for computing 39 M = M'; 40 41 % --------------------------------- 42 % Eventualy time filtering of data 43 if 0==1 44 if (foll~=0),disp('==> Time filtering...');end 45 dt = 1; % Real time step of your data (diff from DT) 46 Fc = 1/dt/8; % This the low cut off frequency 47 Fc2 = 1/dt/2; % and this the high cut off frequency 48 SIGNAL = M(1,:); 49 nj = fix(length(SIGNAL)/10); % Nb of points of the window 50 51 for ipt = 1 : p 52 SIGNAL = M(ipt,:)'; 53 SIGNALF = lanczos(SIGNAL,Fc2,nj); 54 SIGNALF = SIGNALF - lanczos(SIGNALF,Fc,nj); 55 Y(:,ipt) = SIGNALF; 56 if mod(ipt,10)==0 % We display a plot of filtered data 57 clf; 58 plot((0:n-1),SIGNAL,'k',(0:n-1),SIGNALF,'r'); 59 drawnow; 60 end 61 end 62 M = Y'; 63 end, clear Fc Fc2 SIGNAL nj SIGNALF Y ipt, close 64 65 66 % --------------------------------- 67 % This is the matrix where we concat all submatrices from M. 68 % Size of each submatrix is : NLAG*p rows vs n-LAG+1 colums 69 F = zeros(NLAG*p,n-LAG+1); 70 71 % --------------------------------- 72 % Let's go for F: 73 if (foll~=0),disp('==> Forming concatenated matrix...');end 74 if DT==1 75 % CLASSIC CASE 76 for ilag = 1 : LAG 77 % Extract submatrix ilag from M 78 Msub = M(:,ilag:n-LAG+ilag); 79 % Concat matrix 80 F( (ilag-1)*p+1 : ilag*p , : ) = Msub; 81 end 82 else 83 % DT>1 84 it=0; 85 for ilag = 1 : DT : LAG 86 % Extract submatrix ilag from M 87 Msub = M( : , ilag : n-LAG+ilag); 88 % Concat matrix 89 it = it + 1; 90 F( (it-1)*p+1 : it*p , : ) = Msub; 91 % imagesc(Msub);pause % for debugging 92 end 93 end 94 95 % --------------------------------- 96 % Compute EOFs by normal way 97 % (Don't forget that caleof is taking a TIME*MAP argument matrix, 98 % that's why we have F' !) 99 if (foll~=0),disp('==> Computing EOFs ...');end 100 [e,pc,expvar] = caleof(F',N,METHOD); 101 102 % --------------------------------- 103 % e is the matrix with EOFs inside. We should extract each map 104 % for different lags from it. 105 % e is NEOF*(LAG*MAP) and we construct 3D matrix CHP as NEOF*LAG*MAP 106 if (foll~=0),disp('==> Reshaping vectors ...');end 107 for ilag = 1 : NLAG 108 E = e( : , (ilag-1)*p+1 : ilag*p ); 109 CHP(:,ilag,:) = E; 110 end 111 112 113 % --------------------------------- 114 % OUTPUT VARIABLES 115 switch nargout 116 case 1 117 varargout(1) = {CHP} ; 118 case 2 119 varargout(1) = {CHP} ; 120 varargout(2) = {pc}; 121 case 3 122 varargout(1) = {CHP} ; 123 varargout(2) = {pc}; 124 varargout(3) = {expvar}; 125 end 126 127 % --------------------------------- 128 if (foll~=0),toc,disp('==> That''s all folks !');end -
1 % [SVD1,SVD2,PC1,PC2,EXPVAR,Lambda] = CALSVD2(A,B,N) Compute SVDs 2 % 3 % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD - 4 % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997 5 %================================================================ 6 % 7 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004 8 % 9 10 11 function [e1,e2,pc1,pc2,expvar,Lambda,dsumCF] = calsvd2(A,B,N); 12 13 14 %================================================================ 15 % Ref: H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas: "A manual for EOF and SVD - 16 % Analyses of climatic Data" 1997 => p18 17 18 % Assume that A is (time*map) matrix 19 [n p]=size(A); 20 21 % Remove the mean of each column (ie the time mean in each station records) 22 S=detrend(A,'constant'); 23 P=detrend(B,'constant'); 24 25 % Form the covariance matrix: 26 C=S'*P; 27 28 % Find eigenvectors and singular values 29 [U,Lambda,V] = svds(C,N); 30 31 % PC 32 a=S*U; 33 b=P*V; 34 35 % Make them clear for output 36 for iN=1:N 37 e1(iN,:) = squeeze( U(:,iN) )'; 38 pc1(iN,:) = squeeze( a(:,iN) )'; 39 e2(iN,:) = squeeze( V(:,iN) )'; 40 pc2(iN,:) = squeeze( b(:,iN) )'; 41 end 42 43 % Amount of variance explained a 0.1 pres et en % 44 L2=Lambda.^2; 45 dsum=diag(L2)/trace(L2); 46 for iN=1:N 47 expvar(iN)=fix( ( dsum(iN)*100/sum(dsum) )*10 ) /10; 48 end 49 -
1 % dispEEOF(CHP,EXPVAR,DT,NLAG,MOD) Display few EEOFs. 2 % 3 % => DISPLAY FEW EEOFs. 4 % CHP contains all the EEOFs as EOF*LAG*X*Y. 5 % EXPVAR is a matrix with the explained variance of each 6 % EEOFs in %. This is just for title. 7 % DT is time step between maps. 8 % NLAG is the number of LAG to display. 9 % MOD contains explicitly the EEOFs to display. 10 % 11 % Rq: it's using the plotm function 12 % 13 %================================================================ 14 15 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - March 2004 16 % 17 18 function [] = dispEEOF(CHP,EXPVAR,DT,NLAG,MOD) 19 20 % Number of EEOF to display 21 NMOD = length(MOD); 22 23 % Open figure and first guest 24 figur; 25 clf;hold on 26 typg=8; 27 width = .9/NMOD; 28 height = .9/NLAG; 29 dleft = (.95-width*NMOD)/4; 30 left = dleft; 31 load mapanom 32 33 % Let'go : 34 35 % We choose an EEOF 36 for imod = 1 : NMOD 37 mod = MOD(imod); 38 39 % and plot maps 40 for lag=1:NLAG 41 bottom = .95-height*lag; 42 subplot('Position',[left bottom width height]); 43 C = squeeze(real(CHP(mod,lag,:,:))); 44 % C = C./xtrm(C); % Eventually normalise field 45 plotm(C,typg); 46 if(lag==1),caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]);cx=caxis;end; 47 caxis(cx); 48 colormap(mapanom); 49 if(lag==1) 50 titre=strcat('EOF',num2str(mod),'(',num2str(EXPVAR(mod)),'%)'); 51 titre=strcat(titre,'; DT=',num2str(DT),' '); 52 title(titre); 53 end; 54 end 55 left = left + width + dleft; 56 57 end -
1 % dispSVDnb(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar) Display SVDs 2 % 3 % => Display SVDs in white and black with correlation form 4 % typg is plot type you want (see plotm.m). 5 % CHP contains SVDs and is of the form: CHP(iSVD,X,Y) 6 % N is number of SVD to display 7 % expvar contained the explained variance of SVDs 8 % 9 % Rq: it''s using the plotmNB function 10 % 11 %================================================================ 12 13 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - December 2004 14 % 15 16 function [] = dispSVDnbc(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar) 17 18 global ffile1 ffile2 nbcont 19 nbcont=[-1:0.2:1]; 20 nbcont2=[-1:0.4:1]; 21 22 % -------------------------------------------------- 23 % AFFICHAGE 24 % -------------------------------------------------- 25 if (typg~=1)&(typg~=7)&(typg~=3)&(typg~=6) 26 CBAROR='horiz'; 27 iw=N;jw=2; 28 else 29 CBAROR='vert'; 30 iw=N;jw=2; 31 end 32 33 34 f1=figur;clf; hold on 35 for iN=1:N 36 subplot(iw,jw,2*iN-1) 37 C = squeeze(real(CHP1(iN,:,:))); 38 [cs,h]=plotmNB(C,typg); 39 clabel(cs,h,nbcont2,'labelspacing',100,'fontsize',9); 40 titre1=strcat('SVD',num2str(iN),':',ffile1); 41 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(iN)),'%)'); 42 title(strcat(titre1,titre2)); 43 44 subplot(iw,jw,2*iN) 45 C = squeeze(real(CHP2(iN,:,:))); 46 [cs,h]=plotmNB(C,typg); 47 clabel(cs,h,nbcont2,'labelspacing',100,'fontsize',9); 48 %clabel(cs,h,'labelspacing',100); 49 titre1=strcat('SVD',num2str(iN),':',ffile2); 50 titre2=strcat(' (',num2str(expvar(iN)),'%)'); 51 title(strcat(titre1,titre2)); 52 53 end %for iN 54 55 56 57 58 %titre1=strcat(num2str(lat(il1)),'/',num2str(lat(il2))); 59 titre2=strcat(' Total explained variance:',num2str(sum(expvar)),'%'); 60 %titre3=strcat('(Analysed files: ',ffile1,' vs ',ffile2,')'); 61 %titre=strvcat(titre2,titre3); 62 suptitle(titre2); 63 64 set(f1,'Position',[378 39 313 647]); % Laptop screen 65 %set(f1,'Position',[369 55 316 899]); % Desktop screen 66 %set(f1,'Name',strcat(ffile,'<>',titre1,'<> REAL PART')); -
1 % Here is a simple script to test caleof.m from PCATOOL package. 2 % 3 4 % 5 % 2006/07/31 6 % 7 8 clear 9 10 field = 1; % The best one 11 12 % Generate the data 13 x = -10 : 1 : 10 ; 14 y = x; 15 [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); 16 17 switch field 18 case 1 % H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas 19 HH = 12*( 1.2 - 0.35*sqrt( (X-0).^2 + (Y-0).^2 ) ); 20 HH = HH - mean(mean(HH)); 21 H(1,:,:) = 1012 + HH; 22 H(2,:,:) = 1012 + (1012-squeeze(H(1,:,:)));; 23 H(3,:,:) = 1022.8 - 3.6*Y; 24 H(4,:,:) = 1012 + (1012-squeeze(H(3,:,:))); 25 H(5,:,:) = 1001.2 + 3.6*X; 26 H(6,:,:) = 1012 + (1012-squeeze(H(5,:,:))); 27 cont = [980:5:1050]; 28 N = 2; 29 30 case 11 % H. Bjornson and S.A. Venegas modified 31 % Here it must be only 2 non-zero EOF (45degre oriented ) of similar variance 50% 32 H = ones(4,length(x),length(y)); 33 H(1,:,:) = Y; 34 H(2,:,:) = -Y; 35 H(3,:,:) = X; 36 H(4,:,:) = -X; 37 N = 2; 38 39 case 2 % Hartmann eg: analysis in place 40 a = [2 4 -6 8 ; 1 2 -3 4]; 41 H(1,:,:) = a(1,:)'; 42 H(2,:,:) = a(2,:)'; 43 44 % Get EOFs: 45 N = 4; 46 for method = 2 : -1 : 1 47 [E,pc,expvar] = caleof(H,N,method); 48 %E' 49 end 50 51 return 52 53 case 3 % My signal 54 np = 4; % Numer of random signal (...and eof) 55 nt = 10; % Number of timestep 56 H = zeros(nt,length(x),length(y)); 57 for ip = 1 : np 58 xc(ip) = abs(fix(rand(1)*10)); 59 yc(ip) = abs(fix(rand(1)*10)); 60 if ip>=fix(np/2) 61 xc(ip) = -xc(ip); 62 yc(ip) = -yc(ip); 63 end 64 dd(ip) = fix(rand(1)*10); 65 end %for ip 66 f = 1/nt; 67 for it = 1 : nt 68 H2 = zeros(length(x),length(y)); 69 for ip = 1 : ip 70 if it==1,[xc(ip) yc(ip) dd(ip)],end 71 HH = 12*( 1.2 - 0.35*sqrt( ((X-xc(ip)).^2 + (Y-yc(ip)).^2 )/dd(ip) )); 72 H2 = HH - mean(mean(HH)); 73 H(it,:,:) = squeeze(H(it,:,:)) + H2.*cos(pi*it/dd(ip)) ; 74 end %for ip 75 end %for it 76 H = 1012 + H; 77 cont = [980:5:1050]; 78 N = 3; 79 80 case 4 % My signal 2 81 x = -pi : pi/6 : pi ; 82 y = x; 83 [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); 84 HH = cos(X) + cos(Y); 85 HH2 = cos(Y); 86 nt = 12; 87 for it = 1 : nt 88 % H(it,:,:) = cos(pi*it/nt)*HH; cont=[-2 2]; 89 H(it,:,:) = 2*cos(pi*it/nt)*HH + 3*cos(pi*it/nt/2)*HH2; cont=[-10 10]; 90 xtrm(squeeze(H(it,:,:))); 91 end 92 cont=[-2 2]; 93 N = 3; 94 95 end % switch field 96 97 %return 98 99 % Plot field time serie: 100 if 1 101 figure;iw=2;jw=size(H,1)/iw; 102 set(gcf,'position',[11 533 560 420]); 103 104 for i=1:iw*jw 105 C = squeeze(H(i,:,:)); 106 107 subplot(iw,jw,i); 108 pcolor(X,Y,C); 109 title(num2str(i)); 110 if i==1,cx=caxis;end 111 axis square 112 caxis(cx); 113 114 end %for i 115 end %fi 116 %return 117 118 % Get EOFs: 119 G = map2mat(ones(size(H,2),size(H,3)),H); 120 121 for method = 1 : 4 122 [E,pc,expvar] = caleof(G,N,method); 123 eof = mat2map(ones(size(H,2),size(H,3)),E); 124 125 126 figure;iw=1;jw=N+1; 127 set(gcf,'MenuBar','none'); 128 posi = [576 0 710 205]; 129 set(gcf,'position',[posi(1) (method-1)*250+50 posi(3) posi(4)]); 130 131 for i=1:iw*jw 132 if i<= iw*jw-1 133 134 C = squeeze(eof(i,:,:)); 135 subplot(iw,jw,i); 136 cont = 12; 137 [cs,h] = contourf(X,Y,C,cont); 138 clabel(cs,h); 139 title(strcat('EOF:',num2str(i),'/',num2str(expvar(i)),'%')); 140 axis square; 141 %caxis([cont(1) cont(end)]); 142 143 else 144 subplot(iw,jw,iw*jw); 145 plot(pc'); 146 grid on 147 xlabel('time') 148 title('PC') 149 legend(num2str([1:N]'),2); 150 box on 151 152 153 end %if 154 155 end %for i 156 %suptitle(strcat('METHODE:',num2str(method))); 157 158 end %for method 159 160 -
1 % dispSVDlag(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar,LAGS,dt) Display SVDs lagged 2 % 3 % => Display SVDs lagged 4 % typg is plot type you want (see plotm.m). 5 % CHP contains SVDs and is of the form: CHP(iSVD,X,Y) 6 % N is number of SVD to display 7 % expvar contained the explained variance of SVDs 8 % 9 % Rq: it''s using the plotm function 10 % 11 %================================================================ 12 13 % Guillaume MAZE - LPO/LMD - December 2004 14 % 15 16 function [] = dispSVD(typg,CHP1,CHP2,N,expvar,LAGS,dt) 17 18 load mapanom2 19 global ffile1 ffile2 20 % -------------------------------------------------- 21 % AFFICHAGE 22 % -------------------------------------------------- 23 if (typg~=1)&(typg~=7)&(typg~=3)&(typg~=6) 24 CBAROR='horiz'; 25 else 26 CBAROR='vert'; 27 end 28 29 CHP1=squeeze(CHP1(:,N,:,:)); 30 CHP2=squeeze(CHP2(:,N,:,:)); 31 32 Nlag=size(CHP1,1); 33 34 iw=round(Nlag/dt);jw=2; 35 36 37 f1=figur;clf; hold on 38 ilag=0; 39 for lag=1:dt:Nlag 40 ilag=ilag+1; 41 42 subplot(iw,jw,2*ilag-1) 43 C = squeeze(real(CHP1(lag,:,:))); 44 plotm(C,typg);caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 45 if(ilag==1);cx=caxis;end;caxis(cx); 46 colormap(mycolormap(mapanom,21)); 47 c=colorbar(CBAROR); 48 titre1=strcat('lag:',num2str(LAGS(lag)),'y: ',ffile1); 49 title(titre1); 50 51 subplot(iw,jw,2*ilag) 52 C = squeeze(real(CHP2(lag,:,:))); 53 plotm(C,typg);caxis([-abs(xtrm(C)) abs(xtrm(C))]); 54 if(ilag==1);cx=caxis;end;caxis(cx); 55 colormap(mycolormap(mapanom,21)); 56 c=colorbar(CBAROR); 57 titre1=strcat('lag:',num2str(LAGS(lag)),'y: ',ffile2); 58 title(titre1); 59 60 end %for iN 61 62 suptitle(strcat('Lagged SVD, mode:',num2str(N))); -
1 % D = MAP2MAT(F,C) Reshaping matrix 2 % 3 % => Conversion of a 'map' matrix C(TIME,LON,LAT) into a D(TIME,PT) matrix 4 % under the mask F(LON,LAT). 5 % F is a matrix contenaing 1 where you would like to keep the point and 6 % 0 elsewhere. 7 % 8 % Rq: No check is done about the input. 9 % 10 % See also: mat2map 11 %================================================================ 12 13 % March 2004 14 % 15 16 function [D] = map2mat(F,C); 17 18 % Get dimensions 19 [tps nolon nolat] = size(C); 20 21 % So output matrix will be: 22 D = zeros(tps,nolon*nolat); 23 24 % point indice 25 ipt = 0; 26 27 % 'Un-mapping' : 28 for iy=1:nolat 29 for ix=1:nolon 30 if F(ix,iy)>0 31 ipt = ipt + 1; 32 D(:,ipt)=squeeze(C(:,ix,iy)); 33 end % if 34 end % for 35 end %for 36 37 % OUTPUT: 38 D = squeeze(D(:,1:ipt)); 39 40 -
1 % C = MAP2MAT(F,D) Reshaping matrix 2 % 3 % => Creation of a 'map' matrix C(TIME,LON,LAT) from D(TIME,PT) 4 % following mask F(LON,LAT). 5 % F is a matrix contenaing 1 where you would like to keep the point and 6 % 0 elsewhere (see mat2map). 7 % 8 % Rq: No check is done about the input. 9 % 10 % See also: map2mat 11 %================================================================ 12 13 % March 2004 14 % 15 16 function [C] = mat2map(F,D); 17 18 % Get dimensions 19 [nolon nolat] = size(F); 20 [time npt] = size(D); 21 22 % So output 'map' matrix has the form: 23 C = zeros(time,nolon,nolat); 24 25 % Variables 26 nul = NaN.*ones(time,1); 27 ipt = 0 ; 28 29 30 % 'mapping' : 31 for iy=1:nolat 32 for ix=1:nolon 33 if F(ix,iy)>0 34 ipt = ipt + 1; 35 C(:,ix,iy) = D(:,ipt); 36 else 37 C(:,ix,iy) = nul; 38 end %if 39 end %for ix 40 end %for iy 41
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