[21337] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp (revision 20964)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp (revision 20965)
| 5 | @@ -62,12 +62,6 @@
| 6 | /*Allocate arrays*/
| 7 | int numvertices = this->GetNumberOfVertices();
| 8 | IssmDouble* lambdas = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 9 | - IssmDouble* vorticityx = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 10 | - IssmDouble* vorticityy = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 11 | - IssmDouble* vorticityz = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 12 | - IssmDouble* omega_corrx = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 13 | - IssmDouble* omega_corry = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 14 | - IssmDouble* omega_corrz = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices);
| 15 |
| 16 | /* Start looping on the number of vertices: */
| 17 | Gauss* gauss=this->NewGauss();
| 18 | @@ -106,22 +100,10 @@
| 19 | }
| 20 | EstarStrainrateQuantities(&epso,&epsprime,vx,vy,vz,vmag,&dvx[0],&dvy[0],&dvz[0],&dvmag[0]);
| 21 | lambdas[iv]=EstarLambdaS(epso,epsprime);
| 22 | - vorticityx[iv]=dvz[1]-dvy[2];
| 23 | - vorticityy[iv]=dvx[2]-dvz[0];
| 24 | - vorticityz[iv]=dvy[0]-dvx[1];
| 25 | - omega_corrx[iv] = -vorticityx[iv] + 2*(dvmag[1]*vz - dvmag[2]*vy)/vmag;
| 26 | - omega_corry[iv] = -vorticityy[iv] + 2*(dvmag[2]*vx - dvmag[0]*vz)/vmag;
| 27 | - omega_corrz[iv] = -vorticityz[iv] + 2*(dvmag[0]*vy - dvmag[1]*vx)/vmag;
| 28 | }
| 29 |
| 30 | /*Add Stress tensor components into inputs*/
| 31 | this->AddInput(LambdaSEnum,lambdas,P1Enum);
| 32 | - this->AddInput(Outputdefinition21Enum,vorticityx,P1Enum);
| 33 | - this->AddInput(Outputdefinition22Enum,vorticityy,P1Enum);
| 34 | - this->AddInput(Outputdefinition23Enum,vorticityz,P1Enum);
| 35 | - this->AddInput(Outputdefinition31Enum,omega_corrx,P1Enum);
| 36 | - this->AddInput(Outputdefinition32Enum,omega_corry,P1Enum);
| 37 | - this->AddInput(Outputdefinition33Enum,omega_corrz,P1Enum);
| 38 |
| 39 | /*Clean up and return*/
| 40 | delete gauss;