Last change on this file was 20498, checked in by , 9 years ago | |
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51 51 int numoutputs; 52 52 char** requestedoutputs = NULL; 53 53 54 /*transition vectors: */ 55 IssmDouble **transitions = NULL; 56 int *transitions_M = NULL; 57 int *transitions_N = NULL; 58 int ntransitions; 59 54 60 /*some constant parameters: */ 55 61 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject(SealevelriseReltolEnum)); 56 62 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject(SealevelriseAbstolEnum)); … … 125 131 xDelete<IssmDouble>(G_elastic_local); 126 132 } 127 133 134 /*Transitions: */ 135 iomodel->FetchData(&transitions,&transitions_M,&transitions_N,&ntransitions,SealevelriseTransitionsEnum); 136 if(transitions){ 137 parameters->AddObject(new DoubleMatArrayParam(SealevelriseTransitionsEnum,transitions,ntransitions,transitions_M,transitions_N)); 138 139 for(int i=0;i<ntransitions;i++){ 140 IssmDouble* transition=transitions[i]; 141 xDelete<IssmDouble>(transition); 142 } 143 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(transitions); 144 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(transitions_M); 145 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(transitions_N); 146 } 147 128 148 /*Requested outputs*/ 129 149 iomodel->FetchData(&requestedoutputs,&numoutputs,SealevelriseRequestedOutputsEnum); 130 150 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(SealevelriseNumRequestedOutputsEnum,numoutputs)); -
20 20 21 21 /*parameters: */ 22 22 IssmDouble starttime,finaltime,dt,yts; 23 bool isstressbalance,ismasstransport,issmb,isFS,isthermal,isgroundingline,isgia,is levelset,isdamageevolution,ishydrology,iscalving;23 bool isstressbalance,ismasstransport,issmb,isFS,isthermal,isgroundingline,isgia,isslr,iscoupler,islevelset,isdamageevolution,ishydrology,iscalving; 24 24 bool save_results,dakota_analysis; 25 25 bool time_adapt; 26 26 int output_frequency; … … 50 50 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&issmb,TransientIssmbEnum); 51 51 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isthermal,TransientIsthermalEnum); 52 52 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isgia,TransientIsgiaEnum); 53 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isslr,TransientIsslrEnum); 54 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&iscoupler,TransientIscouplerEnum); 53 55 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isgroundingline,TransientIsgroundinglineEnum); 54 56 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&islevelset,TransientIslevelsetEnum); 55 57 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isdamageevolution,TransientIsdamageevolutionEnum); … … 140 142 #endif 141 143 } 142 144 145 /*Sea level rise: */ 146 if(isslr | iscoupler) sealevelrise_core(femmodel); 147 143 148 /*unload results*/ 144 149 if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" computing requested outputs\n"); 145 150 femmodel->RequestedOutputsx(&femmodel->results,requested_outputs,numoutputs,save_results); -
49 49 void smb_core(FemModel* femmodel); 50 50 void damage_core(FemModel* femmodel); 51 51 void sealevelrise_core(FemModel* femmodel); 52 Vector<IssmDouble> 53 Vector<IssmDouble> 52 Vector<IssmDouble>* sealevelrise_core_eustatic(FemModel* femmodel); 53 Vector<IssmDouble>* sealevelrise_core_noneustatic(FemModel* femmodel,Vector<IssmDouble>* Sg_eustatic); 54 54 IssmDouble objectivefunction(IssmDouble search_scalar,FemModel* femmodel); 55 55 56 56 //optimization … … 61 61 void WriteLockFile(char* filename); 62 62 void ResetBoundaryConditions(FemModel* femmodel, int analysis_type); 63 63 void PrintBanner(void); 64 void TransferForcing(FemModel* femmodel,int forcingenum); 65 void TransferSealevel(FemModel* femmodel,int forcingenum); 64 66 65 67 //solution configuration 66 68 void CorePointerFromSolutionEnum(void (**psolutioncore)(FemModel*),Parameters* parameters,int solutiontype); -
9 9 #include "../modules/modules.h" 10 10 #include "../solutionsequences/solutionsequences.h" 11 11 12 void sealevelrise_core(FemModel* femmodel){ 12 void sealevelrise_core(FemModel* femmodel){ /*{{{*/ 13 13 14 14 Vector<IssmDouble> *Sg = NULL; 15 15 Vector<IssmDouble> *Sg_eustatic = NULL; 16 bool save_results ;16 bool save_results,isslr,iscoupler; 17 17 int configuration_type; 18 int solution_type; 18 19 int numoutputs = 0; 19 20 char **requested_outputs = NULL; 20 21 if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" computing sea level rise\n"); 22 21 23 22 /*Recover some parameters: */ 24 23 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&configuration_type,ConfigurationTypeEnum); 24 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&solution_type,SolutionTypeEnum); 25 25 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&save_results,SaveResultsEnum); 26 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(& numoutputs,SealevelriseNumRequestedOutputsEnum);27 if(numoutputs) femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&requested_outputs,&numoutputs,SealevelriseRequestedOutputsEnum);26 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isslr,TransientIsslrEnum); 27 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&iscoupler,TransientIscouplerEnum); 28 28 29 /*several cases here, depending on value of iscoupler and isslr: 30 ( !iscoupler & !isslr) we are not interested in being here :) 31 ( !iscoupler & isslr) we are running in uncoupled mode 32 ( iscoupler & isslr) we are running in coupled mode, and better be earth 33 ( iscoupler & !isslr) we are running in coupled mode, and better be an ice cap 34 */ 35 36 /*early return: */ 37 if( !iscoupler & !isslr) return; //we are not interested in being here :) 38 39 /*In what follows we assume we are all running slr, either in coupled, or uncoupled mode:*/ 40 if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" computing sea level rise\n"); 41 29 42 /*set configuration: */ 30 femmodel->SetCurrentConfiguration(SealevelriseAnalysisEnum);43 if(isslr)femmodel->SetCurrentConfiguration(SealevelriseAnalysisEnum); 31 44 32 /* call two sub cores:*/33 Sg_eustatic=sealevelrise_core_eustatic(femmodel); //generalized eustatic (Farrel and Clark, Eq 4, 1st, 3rd and 4rd terms on the RHS.45 /*transfer deltathickness forcing from ice caps to earth model: */ 46 if(iscoupler) TransferForcing(femmodel,SealevelriseDeltathicknessEnum); 34 47 35 Sg=sealevelrise_core_noneustatic(femmodel,Sg_eustatic); //sea-level rise dependent terms (2nd and 5th terms on the RHS) 48 /*call sea-level rise sub cores:*/ 49 if(isslr){ 50 Sg_eustatic=sealevelrise_core_eustatic(femmodel); //generalized eustatic (Farrel and Clark, Eq 4, 1st, 3rd and 4rd terms on the RHS. 36 51 37 /*get results out:*/ 38 InputUpdateFromVectorx(femmodel,Sg,SealevelriseSEnum,VertexSIdEnum); 52 Sg=sealevelrise_core_noneustatic(femmodel,Sg_eustatic); //sea-level rise dependent terms (2nd and 5th terms on the RHS) 39 53 40 if(save_results){ 41 if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" saving results\n"); 42 femmodel->RequestedOutputsx(&femmodel->results,requested_outputs,numoutputs); 54 /*get results into elements:*/ 55 InputUpdateFromVectorx(femmodel,Sg,SealevelriseSEnum,VertexSIdEnum); 56 57 if(save_results){ 58 if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" saving results\n"); 59 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&requested_outputs,&numoutputs,SealevelriseRequestedOutputsEnum); 60 femmodel->RequestedOutputsx(&femmodel->results,requested_outputs,numoutputs); 61 } 62 63 if(solution_type==SealevelriseSolutionEnum)femmodel->RequestedDependentsx(); 64 65 /*Free ressources:*/ 66 delete Sg; 67 delete Sg_eustatic; 68 if(numoutputs){for(int i=0;i<numoutputs;i++){xDelete<char>(requested_outputs[i]);} xDelete<char*>(requested_outputs);} 43 69 } 70 71 /*transfer sea-level back to ice caps: */ 72 if(iscoupler)TransferSealevel(femmodel,SealevelriseSEnum); 73 } 74 /*}}}*/ 75 void TransferForcing(FemModel* femmodel,int forcingenum){ /*{{{*/ 76 77 /*forcing being transferred from models to earth: */ 78 IssmDouble** forcings=NULL; 79 IssmDouble* forcing=NULL; 80 Vector<IssmDouble>* forcingglobal=NULL; 81 int* nvs=NULL; 44 82 45 /*Free ressources:*/ 46 if(numoutputs){for(int i=0;i<numoutputs;i++){xDelete<char>(requested_outputs[i]);} xDelete<char*>(requested_outputs);} 47 delete Sg; 48 delete Sg_eustatic; 83 /*transition vectors:*/ 84 IssmDouble** transitions=NULL; 85 int ntransitions; 86 int* transitions_m=NULL; 87 int* transitions_n=NULL; 88 int nv; 89 90 /*communicators:*/ 91 ISSM_MPI_Comm tocomm; 92 ISSM_MPI_Comm* fromcomms=NULL; 93 ISSM_MPI_Status status; 94 int my_rank; 95 int modelid,earthid; 96 int nummodels; 49 97 98 /*Recover some parameters: */ 99 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&modelid,ModelIdEnum); 100 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&earthid,EarthIdEnum); 101 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&nummodels,NumModelsEnum); 102 my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 103 104 /*retrieve the inter communicators that will be used to send data from each ice cap to the earth: */ 105 if(modelid==earthid)femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&fromcomms,&nv,IcecapToEarthCommEnum); 106 else femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&tocomm, IcecapToEarthCommEnum); 50 107 51 } 108 /*For each icecap, retrieve the forcing vector that will be sent to the earth model: */ 109 if(modelid!=earthid){ 110 nv=femmodel->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 111 GetVectorFromInputsx(&forcing,femmodel,forcingenum,VertexSIdEnum); 112 } 113 114 /*Send the forcing to the earth model:{{{*/ 115 if(my_rank==0){ 116 if(modelid==earthid){ 117 forcings=xNew<IssmDouble*>(nummodels-1); 118 nvs=xNew<int>(nummodels-1); 119 for(int i=0;i<earthid;i++){ 120 MPI_Recv(nvs+i, 1, ISSM_MPI_INT, 0,i, fromcomms[i], &status); 121 forcings[i]=xNew<IssmDouble>(nvs[i]); 122 MPI_Recv(forcings[i], nvs[i], ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, 0,i, fromcomms[i], &status); 123 } 124 125 } 126 else{ 127 ISSM_MPI_Send(&nv, 1, ISSM_MPI_INT, 0, modelid, tocomm); 128 ISSM_MPI_Send(forcing, nv, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, modelid, tocomm); 129 } 130 } 131 /*}}}*/ 132 133 /*On the earth model, consolidate all the forcings into one, and update the elements dataset accordingly: {{{*/ 134 if(modelid==earthid){ 135 136 /*Out of all the delta thicknesses, build one delta thickness vector made of all the ice cap contributions. 137 *First, build the global delta thickness vector in the earth model: */ 138 nv=femmodel->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 139 forcingglobal= new Vector<IssmDouble>(nv); 140 141 /*Retrieve transition vectors, used to plug from each ice cap into the global forcing:*/ 142 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&transitions,&ntransitions,&transitions_m,&transitions_n,SealevelriseTransitionsEnum); 143 144 if(ntransitions!=earthid)_error_("TransferForcing error message: number of transition vectors is not equal to the number of icecaps!"); 145 146 /*Go through all the delta thicknesses coming from each ice cap: */ 147 if(my_rank==0){ 148 for(int i=0;i<earthid;i++){ 149 150 IssmDouble* forcingfromcap= forcings[i]; //careful, this only exists on rank 0 of the earth model! 151 IssmDouble* transition=transitions[i]; 152 int M=transitions_m[i]; 153 154 /*build index to plug values: */ 155 int* index=xNew<int>(M); for(int i=0;i<M;i++)index[i]=reCast<int>(transition[i])-1; //matlab indexing! 156 157 158 /*We are going to plug this vector into the earth model, at the right vertices corresponding to this particular 159 * ice cap: */ 160 forcingglobal->SetValues(M,index,forcingfromcap,INS_VAL); 161 xDelete<int>(index); 162 } 163 } 164 165 /*Assemble vector:*/ 166 forcingglobal->Assemble(); 167 168 /*Plug into elements:*/ 169 InputUpdateFromVectorx(femmodel,forcingglobal,forcingenum,VertexSIdEnum); 170 } 171 /*}}}*/ 172 173 /*Free ressources:{{{*/ 174 if(forcings){ 175 for(int i=0;i<nummodels-1;i++){ 176 IssmDouble* temp=forcings[i]; xDelete<IssmDouble>(temp); 177 } 178 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(forcings); 179 } 180 if(forcing)xDelete<IssmDouble>(forcing); 181 if(forcingglobal)delete forcingglobal; 182 if(transitions){ 183 for(int i=0;i<earthid;i++){ 184 IssmDouble* temp=transitions[i]; 185 xDelete<IssmDouble>(temp); 186 } 187 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(transitions); 188 xDelete<int>(transitions_m); 189 xDelete<int>(transitions_n); 190 } 191 if(nvs)xDelete<int>(nvs); 192 /*}}}*/ 193 194 } /*}}}*/ 195 void TransferSealevel(FemModel* femmodel,int forcingenum){ /*{{{*/ 196 197 /*forcing being transferred from earth to ice caps: */ 198 IssmDouble* forcing=NULL; 199 IssmDouble* forcingglobal=NULL; 200 201 /*transition vectors:*/ 202 IssmDouble** transitions=NULL; 203 int ntransitions; 204 int* transitions_m=NULL; 205 int* transitions_n=NULL; 206 int nv; 207 208 /*communicators:*/ 209 ISSM_MPI_Comm fromcomm; 210 ISSM_MPI_Comm* tocomms=NULL; 211 ISSM_MPI_Status status; 212 int my_rank; 213 int modelid,earthid; 214 int nummodels; 215 int numcoms; 216 217 /*Recover some parameters: */ 218 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&modelid,ModelIdEnum); 219 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&earthid,EarthIdEnum); 220 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&nummodels,NumModelsEnum); 221 my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 222 223 /*retrieve the inter communicators that will be used to send data from earth to ice caps:*/ 224 if(modelid==earthid)femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&tocomms,&numcoms,IcecapToEarthCommEnum); 225 else femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&fromcomm, IcecapToEarthCommEnum); 226 227 228 /*Retrieve sea-level on earth model: */ 229 if(modelid==earthid){ 230 nv=femmodel->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 231 GetVectorFromInputsx(&forcingglobal,femmodel,forcingenum,VertexSIdEnum); 232 } 233 234 /*Send the forcing to the ice caps:{{{*/ 235 if(my_rank==0){ 236 237 if(modelid==earthid){ 238 239 /*Retrieve transition vectors, used to figure out global forcing contribution to each ice cap's own elements: */ 240 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&transitions,&ntransitions,&transitions_m,&transitions_n,SealevelriseTransitionsEnum); 241 242 if(ntransitions!=earthid)_error_("TransferSeaLevel error message: number of transition vectors is not equal to the number of icecaps!"); 243 244 for(int i=0;i<earthid;i++){ 245 nv=transitions_m[i]; 246 forcing=xNew<IssmDouble>(nv); 247 IssmDouble* transition=transitions[i]; 248 for(int j=0;j<nv;j++){ 249 forcing[j]=forcingglobal[reCast<int>(transition[j])-1]; 250 } 251 ISSM_MPI_Send(&nv, 1, ISSM_MPI_INT, 0, i, tocomms[i]); 252 ISSM_MPI_Send(forcing, nv, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, i, tocomms[i]); 253 } 254 } 255 else{ 256 ISSM_MPI_Recv(&nv, 1, ISSM_MPI_INT, 0, modelid, fromcomm, &status); 257 forcing=xNew<IssmDouble>(nv); 258 ISSM_MPI_Recv(forcing, nv, ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, modelid, fromcomm, &status); 259 } 260 } 261 /*}}}*/ 262 263 /*On each ice cap, spread the forcing across cpus, and update the elements dataset accordingly: {{{*/ 264 if(modelid!=earthid){ 265 266 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(&nv,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 267 if(my_rank!=0)forcing=xNew<IssmDouble>(nv); 268 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(forcing,nv,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 269 270 /*Plug into elements:*/ 271 InputUpdateFromVectorx(femmodel,forcing,forcingenum,VertexSIdEnum); 272 } 273 /*}}}*/ 274 275 /*Free ressources:{{{*/ 276 if(forcingglobal)xDelete<IssmDouble>(forcingglobal); 277 if(forcing)xDelete<IssmDouble>(forcing); 278 if(transitions){ 279 for(int i=0;i<ntransitions;i++){ 280 IssmDouble* temp=transitions[i]; 281 xDelete<IssmDouble>(temp); 282 } 283 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(transitions); 284 xDelete<int>(transitions_m); 285 xDelete<int>(transitions_n); 286 } 287 /*}}}*/ 288 289 } /*}}}*/
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