[19102] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis.cpp
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis.cpp (revision 19090)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis.cpp (revision 19091)
| 5 | @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
| 6 | xDelete<IssmDouble>(dbasis);
| 7 | }/*}}}*/
| 8 |
| 9 | -void HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis::HydrologyEPLGetMask(Vector<IssmDouble>* vec_mask, int* eplzigzag_counter, Element* element){
| 10 | +void HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis::HydrologyEPLGetMask(Vector<IssmDouble>* vec_mask, Vector<IssmDouble>* recurence, int* eplzigzag_counter, Element* element){
| 11 |
| 12 | bool active_element;
| 13 | int i,j;
| 14 | @@ -671,6 +671,8 @@
| 15 |
| 16 | int eplflip_lock;
| 17 | int numnodes =basalelement->GetNumberOfNodes();
| 18 | + IssmDouble new_active;
| 19 | + IssmDouble recurent;
| 20 | IssmDouble* epl_thickness =xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes);
| 21 | IssmDouble* old_active =xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes);
| 22 | IssmDouble* sedhead =xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes);
| 23 | @@ -696,44 +698,55 @@
| 24 | for(i=1;i<numnodes;i++) if(sedhead[i]<=sedheadmin)sedheadmin=sedhead[i];
| 25 |
| 26 | for(i=0;i<numnodes;i++){
| 27 | - /*Activate EPL if residual is >0 */
| 28 | +
| 29 | + /*Dealing with the initial value to define zigzaging, preceding iteration the first time we see the node and current evolving vector after*/
| 30 | + recurence->GetValue(&recurent,basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid());
| 31 | + if (recurent>0)vec_mask->GetValue(&old_active[i],basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid());
| 32 | + new_active=old_active[i];
| 33 | + recurence->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid(),1.,ADD_VAL);
| 34 | +
| 35 | + /*Now starting to look at the activations*/
| 36 | if(residual[i]>0.){
| 37 | - if(old_active[i]==0) eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[i]->Lid()] ++;
| 38 | vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid(),1.,INS_VAL);
| 39 | + new_active=1.0;
| 40 | }
| 41 | -
| 42 | /*If mask was already one, keep one or colapse*/
| 43 | else if(old_active[i]>0.){
| 44 | -
| 45 | vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid(),1.,INS_VAL);
| 46 | + new_active=1.0;
| 47 | /*If epl thickness gets under colapse thickness, close the layer*/
| 48 | if(epl_thickness[i]<colapse_thick){
| 49 | - eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[i]->Lid()] ++;
| 50 | - /*Avoid flipfloping between open and closed states*/
| 51 | - if(eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[i]->Lid()]<eplflip_lock |eplflip_lock==0){
| 52 | - vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid(),0.,INS_VAL);
| 53 | - epl_thickness[i]=init_thick;
| 54 | - }
| 55 | + vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid(),0.,INS_VAL);
| 56 | + new_active=0.0;
| 57 | }
| 58 | }
| 59 | +
| 60 | + if(basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid()==42){
| 61 | + printf("old active is %e, and new active is %e, with counter= %i\n",old_active[i],new_active,eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[i]->Lid()]);
| 62 | + }
| 63 | /*Increase of the efficient system is needed if the epl head reach the maximum value (sediment max value for now)*/
| 64 | GetHydrologyDCInefficientHmax(&h_max,basalelement,basalelement->nodes[i]);
| 65 | if(eplhead[i]>=h_max && active_element){
| 66 | for(j=0;j<numnodes;j++){
| 67 | /*Increase of the domain is on the downstream node in term of sediment head*/
| 68 | if(sedhead[j] == sedheadmin){
| 69 | - if(old_active[j]==0) {
| 70 | - eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[j]->Lid()] ++;
| 71 | - if(eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[i]->Lid()]<eplflip_lock |eplflip_lock==0){
| 72 | - vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[j]->Sid(),1.,INS_VAL);
| 73 | - }
| 74 | - else{
| 75 | - vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[j]->Sid(),0.,INS_VAL);
| 76 | - }
| 77 | - }
| 78 | + vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[j]->Sid(),1.,INS_VAL);
| 79 | }
| 80 | }
| 81 | }
| 82 | + /*Now checking for nodes zigzaging between open and close*/
| 83 | + if (old_active[i] != new_active){
| 84 | + eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[i]->Lid()] ++;
| 85 | + /*If node changed too much of state, fix it to it's last known state*/
| 86 | + if(eplzigzag_counter[basalelement->nodes[i]->Lid()]>eplflip_lock & eplflip_lock!=0){
| 87 | + vec_mask->SetValue(basalelement->nodes[i]->Sid(),old_active[i],INS_VAL);
| 88 | + new_active=old_active[i];
| 89 | + }
| 90 | + }
| 91 | + /*If node is now closed bring its thickness back to initial*/
| 92 | + if (new_active==0.){
| 93 | + epl_thickness[i]=init_thick;
| 94 | + }
| 95 | }
| 96 | basalelement->AddInput(HydrologydcEplThicknessEnum,epl_thickness,basalelement->GetElementType());
| 97 |
| 98 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis.h
| 99 | ===================================================================
| 100 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis.h (revision 19090)
| 101 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis.h (revision 19091)
| 102 | @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
| 103 | IssmDouble SedimentStoring(Element* element);
| 104 | IssmDouble GetHydrologyKMatrixTransfer(Element* element, Gauss* gauss, Input* sed_head_input, Input* epl_head_input, Input* thick_input, Input* base_input);
| 105 | IssmDouble GetHydrologyPVectorTransfer(Element* element, Gauss* gauss, Input* sed_head_input, Input* epl_head_input, Input* thick_input, Input* base_input);
| 106 | - void HydrologyEPLGetMask(Vector<IssmDouble>* vec_mask, int* eplzigzag_counter, Element* element);
| 107 | + void HydrologyEPLGetMask(Vector<IssmDouble>* vec_mask, Vector<IssmDouble>* recurence, int* eplzigzag_counter, Element* element);
| 108 | void HydrologyEPLGetActive(Vector<IssmDouble>* active_vec, Element* element);
| 109 | void GetHydrologyDCInefficientHmax(IssmDouble* ph_max,Element* element, Node* innode);
| 110 | void ComputeEPLThickness(FemModel* femmodel);
| 111 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/solutionsequences/solutionsequence_hydro_nonlinear.cpp
| 112 | ===================================================================
| 113 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/solutionsequences/solutionsequence_hydro_nonlinear.cpp (revision 19090)
| 114 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/solutionsequences/solutionsequence_hydro_nonlinear.cpp (revision 19091)
| 115 | @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
| 116 | femmodel->UpdateConstraintsx();
| 117 | femmodel->parameters->SetParam(HydrologySedimentEnum,HydrologyLayerEnum);
| 118 |
| 119 | - /*Reset constraint on the ZigZag Lock, this thing doesn't work, it have to disapear*/
| 120 | + /*Reset constraint on the ZigZag Lock*/
| 121 | ResetConstraintsx(femmodel);
| 122 |
| 123 | /*{{{*//*Treating the sediment*/
| 124 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/FemModel.cpp
| 125 | ===================================================================
| 126 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/FemModel.cpp (revision 19090)
| 127 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/FemModel.cpp (revision 19091)
| 128 | @@ -1912,6 +1912,7 @@
| 129 | void FemModel::HydrologyEPLupdateDomainx(IssmDouble* pEplcount){ /*{{{*/
| 130 |
| 131 | Vector<IssmDouble>* mask = NULL;
| 132 | + Vector<IssmDouble>* recurence = NULL;
| 133 | IssmDouble* serial_mask = NULL;
| 134 | Vector<IssmDouble>* active = NULL;
| 135 | IssmDouble* serial_active = NULL;
| 136 | @@ -1921,11 +1922,11 @@
| 137 | HydrologyDCInefficientAnalysis* inefanalysis = new HydrologyDCInefficientAnalysis();
| 138 | /*Step 1: update mask, the mask might be extended by residual and/or using downstream sediment head*/
| 139 | mask=new Vector<IssmDouble>(this->nodes->NumberOfNodes(HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysisEnum));
| 140 | + recurence=new Vector<IssmDouble>(this->nodes->NumberOfNodes(HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysisEnum));
| 141 | this->parameters->FindParam(&eplzigzag_counter,NULL,EplZigZagCounterEnum);
| 142 | -
| 143 | for (int i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){
| 144 | Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(elements->GetObjectByOffset(i));
| 145 | - effanalysis->HydrologyEPLGetMask(mask,eplzigzag_counter,element);
| 146 | + effanalysis->HydrologyEPLGetMask(mask,recurence,eplzigzag_counter,element);
| 147 | }
| 148 | this->parameters->SetParam(eplzigzag_counter,this->nodes->Size(),EplZigZagCounterEnum);
| 149 | /*Assemble and serialize*/
| 150 | @@ -1933,6 +1934,7 @@
| 151 | serial_mask=mask->ToMPISerial();
| 152 | xDelete<int>(eplzigzag_counter);
| 153 | delete mask;
| 154 | + delete recurence;
| 155 |
| 156 | /*Update Mask*/
| 157 | InputUpdateFromVectorx(this,serial_mask,HydrologydcMaskEplactiveNodeEnum,NodeSIdEnum);