[17802] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/model.py
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/model.py (revision 17723)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/model.py (revision 17724)
| 5 | @@ -41,15 +41,16 @@
| 6 | from radaroverlay import radaroverlay
| 7 | from miscellaneous import miscellaneous
| 8 | from private import private
| 9 | -from EnumDefinitions import *
| 10 | from mumpsoptions import mumpsoptions
| 11 | from iluasmoptions import iluasmoptions
| 12 | from project3d import project3d
| 13 | +from project2d import project2d
| 14 | from FlagElements import FlagElements
| 15 | from NodeConnectivity import NodeConnectivity
| 16 | from ElementConnectivity import ElementConnectivity
| 17 | from contourenvelope import contourenvelope
| 18 | import MatlabFuncs as m
| 19 | +from DepthAverage import DepthAverage
| 20 | #}}}
| 21 |
| 22 | class model(object):
| 23 | @@ -174,7 +175,7 @@
| 24 | return string
| 25 | # }}}
| 26 | def checkmessage(self,string): # {{{
| 27 | - print ("model not consistent: %s" % string)
| 28 | + print "model not consistent: ", string
| 29 | self.private.isconsistent=False
| 30 | return self
| 31 | # }}}
| 32 | @@ -327,7 +328,7 @@
| 33 |
| 34 | #Edges
| 35 | if m.strcmp(md.mesh.domaintype(),'2Dhorizontal'):
| 36 | - if numpy.ndim(md2.mesh.edges)>1 and numpy.size(md2.mesh.edges,axis=1)>1: #do not use ~isnan because there are some NaNs...
| 37 | + if numpy.ndim(md2.mesh.edges)>1 and numpy.size(md2.mesh.edges,axis=1)>1: #do not use ~isnan because there are some npy.nans...
| 38 | #renumber first two columns
| 39 | pos=numpy.nonzero(md2.mesh.edges[:,3]!=-1)[0]
| 40 | md2.mesh.edges[: ,0]=Pnode[md2.mesh.edges[:,0]-1]
| 41 | @@ -393,8 +394,8 @@
| 42 | md2.stressbalance.spcvx[nodestoflag2]=md2.inversion.vx_obs[nodestoflag2]
| 43 | md2.stressbalance.spcvy[nodestoflag2]=md2.inversion.vy_obs[nodestoflag2]
| 44 | else:
| 45 | - md2.stressbalance.spcvx[nodestoflag2]=float('NaN')
| 46 | - md2.stressbalance.spcvy[nodestoflag2]=float('NaN')
| 47 | + md2.stressbalance.spcvx[nodestoflag2]=npy.nan
| 48 | + md2.stressbalance.spcvy[nodestoflag2]=npy.nan
| 49 | print "\n!! extract warning: spc values should be checked !!\n\n"
| 50 | #put 0 for vz
| 51 | md2.stressbalance.spcvz[nodestoflag2]=0
| 52 | @@ -639,9 +640,9 @@
| 53 | md.stressbalance.spcvx=project3d(md,'vector',md.stressbalance.spcvx,'type','node')
| 54 | md.stressbalance.spcvy=project3d(md,'vector',md.stressbalance.spcvy,'type','node')
| 55 | md.stressbalance.spcvz=project3d(md,'vector',md.stressbalance.spcvz,'type','node')
| 56 | - md.thermal.spctemperature=project3d(md,'vector',md.thermal.spctemperature,'type','node','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,'padding',float('NaN'))
| 57 | + md.thermal.spctemperature=project3d(md,'vector',md.thermal.spctemperature,'type','node','layer',md.mesh.numberoflayers,'padding',numpy.nan)
| 58 | if isinstance(md.initialization.temperature,numpy.ndarray) and numpy.size(md.initialization.temperature,axis=0)==md.mesh.numberofvertices:
| 59 | - md.thermal.spctemperature=float('nan')*numpy.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices,1))
| 60 | + md.thermal.spctemperature=numpy.nan*numpy.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices,1))
| 61 | if hasattr(md.mesh,'vertexonsurface'):
| 62 | pos=numpy.nonzero(md.mesh.vertexonsurface)[0]
| 63 | md.thermal.spctemperature[pos]=md.initialization.temperature[pos] #impose observed temperature on surface
| 64 | @@ -702,3 +703,125 @@
| 65 |
| 66 | return md
| 67 | # }}}
| 68 | + def collapse(md): #{{{
| 69 | + '''
| 70 | + collapses a 3d mesh into a 2d mesh
| 71 | +
| 72 | + This routine collapses a 3d model into a 2d model and collapses all
| 73 | + the fileds of the 3d model by taking their depth-averaged values
| 74 | +
| 75 | + Usage:
| 76 | + md=collapse(md)
| 77 | + '''
| 78 | +
| 79 | + #Check that the model is really a 3d model
| 80 | + if md.mesh.domaintype().lower() != '3d':
| 81 | + raise StandardError("only a 3D model can be collapsed")
| 82 | +
| 83 | + #drag is limited to nodes that are on the bedrock.
| 84 | + md.friction.coefficient=project2d(md,md.friction.coefficient,1)
| 85 | +
| 86 | + #p and q (same deal, except for element that are on the bedrock: )
| 87 | + md.friction.p=project2d(md,md.friction.p,1)
| 88 | + md.friction.q=project2d(md,md.friction.q,1)
| 89 | +
| 90 | + #observations
| 91 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.inversion.vx_obs).all(): md.inversion.vx_obs=project2d(md,md.inversion.vx_obs,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 92 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.inversion.vy_obs).all(): md.inversion.vy_obs=project2d(md,md.inversion.vy_obs,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 93 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.inversion.vel_obs).all(): md.inversion.vel_obs=project2d(md,md.inversion.vel_obs,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 94 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients).all(): md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients=project2d(md,md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 95 | + if md.inversion.min_parameters.size>1: md.inversion.min_parameters=project2d(md,md.inversion.min_parameters,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 96 | + if md.inversion.max_parameters.size>1: md.inversion.max_parameters=project2d(md,md.inversion.max_parameters,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 97 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance).all():
| 98 | + md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance=project2d(md,md.surfaceforcings.mass_balance,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 99 | +
| 100 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.balancethickness.thickening_rate).all(): md.balancethickness.thickening_rate=project2d(md,md.balancethickness.thickening_rate,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 101 | +
| 102 | + #results
| 103 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.initialization.vx).all(): md.initialization.vx=DepthAverage(md,md.initialization.vx)
| 104 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.initialization.vy).all(): md.initialization.vy=DepthAverage(md,md.initialization.vy)
| 105 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.initialization.vz).all(): md.initialization.vz=DepthAverage(md,md.initialization.vz)
| 106 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.initialization.vel).all(): md.initialization.vel=DepthAverage(md,md.initialization.vel)
| 107 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.initialization.temperature).all(): md.initialization.temperature=DepthAverage(md,md.initialization.temperature)
| 108 | +
| 109 | + #gia
| 110 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.gia.mantle_viscosity).all(): md.gia.mantle_viscosity=project2d(md,md.gia.mantle_viscosity,1)
| 111 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.gia.lithosphere_thickness).all(): md.gia.lithosphere_thickness=project2d(md,md.gia.lithosphere_thickness,1)
| 112 | +
| 113 | + #elementstype
| 114 | + if not numpy.isnan(md.flowequation.element_equation).all():
| 115 | + md.flowequation.element_equation=project2d(md,md.flowequation.element_equation,1)
| 116 | + md.flowequation.vertex_equation=project2d(md,md.flowequation.vertex_equation,1)
| 117 | + md.flowequation.borderSSA=project2d(md,md.flowequation.borderSSA,1)
| 118 | + md.flowequation.borderHO=project2d(md,md.flowequation.borderHO,1)
| 119 | + md.flowequation.borderFS=project2d(md,md.flowequation.borderFS,1)
| 120 | +
| 121 | + #boundary conditions
| 122 | + md.stressbalance.spcvx=project2d(md,md.stressbalance.spcvx,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 123 | + md.stressbalance.spcvy=project2d(md,md.stressbalance.spcvy,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 124 | + md.stressbalance.spcvz=project2d(md,md.stressbalance.spcvz,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 125 | + md.stressbalance.referential=project2d(md,md.stressbalance.referential,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 126 | + md.stressbalance.loadingforce=project2d(md,md.stressbalance.loadingforce,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 127 | + md.masstransport.spcthickness=project2d(md,md.masstransport.spcthickness,md.mesh.numberoflayers)
| 128 | + md.damage.spcdamage=project2d(md,md.damage.spcdamage,md.mesh.numberoflayers-1)
| 129 | + md.thermal.spctemperature=project2d(md,md.thermal.spctemperature,md.mesh.numberoflayers-1)
| 130 | +
| 131 | + #materials
| 132 | + md.materials.rheology_B=DepthAverage(md,md.materials.rheology_B)
| 133 | + md.materials.rheology_n=project2d(md,md.materials.rheology_n,1)
| 134 | +
| 135 | + #damage:
| 136 | + md.damage.D=DepthAverage(md,md.damage.D)
| 137 | +
| 138 | + #special for thermal modeling:
| 139 | + md.basalforcings.melting_rate=project2d(md,md.basalforcings.melting_rate,1)
| 140 | + md.basalforcings.geothermalflux=project2d(md,md.basalforcings.geothermalflux,1) #bedrock only gets geothermal flux
| 141 | +
| 142 | + #update of connectivity matrix
| 143 | + md.mesh.average_vertex_connectivity=25
| 144 | +
| 145 | + #Collapse the mesh
| 146 | + nodes2d=md.mesh.numberofvertices2d
| 147 | + elements2d=md.mesh.numberofelements2d
| 148 | +
| 149 | + #parameters
| 150 | + md.geometry.surface=project2d(md,md.geometry.surface,1)
| 151 | + md.geometry.thickness=project2d(md,md.geometry.thickness,1)
| 152 | + md.geometry.base=project2d(md,md.geometry.base,1)
| 153 | + md.geometry.bed=project2d(md,md.geometry.bed,1)
| 154 | + md.mesh.vertexonboundary=project2d(md,md.mesh.vertexonboundary,1)
| 155 | + md.mesh.elementconnectivity=project2d(md,md.mesh.elementconnectivity,1)
| 156 | + md.mask.groundedice_levelset=project2d(md,md.mask.groundedice_levelset,1)
| 157 | + md.mask.ice_levelset=project2d(md,md.mask.ice_levelset,1)
| 158 | +
| 159 | + #lat long
| 160 | + if md.mesh.lat.size==md.mesh.numberofvertices: md.mesh.lat=project2d(md,md.mesh.lat,1)
| 161 | + if md.mesh.long.size==md.mesh.numberofvertices: md.mesh.long=project2d(md,md.mesh.long,1)
| 162 | +
| 163 | + #Initialize with the 2d mesh
| 164 | + mesh=mesh2d()
| 165 | + mesh.x=md.mesh.x2d
| 166 | + mesh.y=md.mesh.y2d
| 167 | + mesh.z=numpy.zeros_like(md.mesh.x2d)
| 168 | + mesh.numberofvertices=md.mesh.numberofvertices2d
| 169 | + mesh.numberofelements=md.mesh.numberofelements2d
| 170 | + mesh.elements=md.mesh.elements2d
| 171 | + md.mesh=mesh
| 172 | +
| 173 | + #Keep a trace of lower and upper nodes
| 174 | + md.mesh.lowervertex=numpy.nan
| 175 | + md.mesh.uppervertex=numpy.nan
| 176 | + md.mesh.lowerelements=numpy.nan
| 177 | + md.mesh.upperelements=numpy.nan
| 178 | +
| 179 | + #Remove old mesh
| 180 | + md.mesh.x2d=numpy.nan
| 181 | + md.mesh.y2d=numpy.nan
| 182 | + md.mesh.elements2d=numpy.nan
| 183 | + md.mesh.numberofelements2d=md.mesh.numberofelements
| 184 | + md.mesh.numberofvertices2d=md.mesh.numberofvertices
| 185 | + md.mesh.numberoflayers=0
| 186 | +
| 187 | + return md
| 188 | +
| 189 | +#}}}
| 190 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/model.m
| 191 | ===================================================================
| 192 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/model.m (revision 17723)
| 193 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/model.m (revision 17724)
| 194 | @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
| 195 | error('collapse error message: only 3d mesh can be collapsed')
| 196 | end
| 197 |
| 198 | - %Start with changing alle the fields from the 3d mesh
| 199 | + %Start with changing all the fields from the 3d mesh
| 200 |
| 201 | %drag is limited to nodes that are on the bedrock.
| 202 | md.friction.coefficient=project2d(md,md.friction.coefficient,1);
| 203 | @@ -243,13 +243,14 @@
| 204 | if numel(md.mesh.long)==md.mesh.numberofvertices, md.mesh.long=project2d(md,md.mesh.long,1); end
| 205 |
| 206 | %Initialize with the 2d mesh
| 207 | - md.mesh=mesh2d();
| 208 | - md.mesh.x=md.mesh.x2d;
| 209 | - md.mesh.y=md.mesh.y2d;
| 210 | - md.mesh.z=zeros(size(md.mesh.x2d));
| 211 | - md.mesh.numberofvertices=md.mesh.numberofvertices2d;
| 212 | - md.mesh.numberofelements=md.mesh.numberofelements2d;
| 213 | - md.mesh.elements=md.mesh.elements2d;
| 214 | + mesh=mesh2d();
| 215 | + mesh.x=md.mesh.x2d;
| 216 | + mesh.y=md.mesh.y2d;
| 217 | + mesh.z=zeros(size(md.mesh.x2d));
| 218 | + mesh.numberofvertices=md.mesh.numberofvertices2d;
| 219 | + mesh.numberofelements=md.mesh.numberofelements2d;
| 220 | + mesh.elements=md.mesh.elements2d;
| 221 | + md.mesh=mesh;
| 222 |
| 223 | %Keep a trace of lower and upper nodes
| 224 | md.mesh.lowervertex=NaN;