source: issm/oecreview/Archive/16554-17801/ISSM-16615-16616.diff

Last change on this file was 17802, checked in by Mathieu Morlighem, 11 years ago

Added archives

File size: 19.5 KB
  • ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/linux64_murdo

     2########### Configuration file for Eric Larour's Jenkins run on Murdo ############
     5# 1: ISSM general configuration #
     8#Nightly run name
     9NAME="ISSM matlab tests on Linux64 (murdo)"
     11#ISSM Architecture
     16        --with-matlab-dir=$MATLAB_DIR \
     17        --with-triangle-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/triangle/install \
     18        --with-metis-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/metis/install \
     19        --with-mpi-include=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/include  \
     20        --with-mpi-libflags="-L$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/lib/ -lmpich" \
     21        --with-petsc-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \
     22        --with-petsc-arch=$ISSM_ARCH \
     23        --with-mumps-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/ \
     24        --with-blas-lapack-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \
     25        --with-chaco-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/chaco/install" \
     26        --with-numthreads=18 \
     27        --with-cxxoptflags="-mtune=barcelona -ffast-math -O3 -msse4.2 -Wno-write-strings "\
     28        --with-graphics-lib="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" \
     29        --with-tao-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/tao/install \
     30        --enable-debugging '
     32#MATLAB path
     35#PYTHON and MATLAB testing
     39#execution path used for parallel runs
     43# 3: External packages installation #
     46#ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values:
     47# - "install" install all external packages listed below
     48# - "copy"    copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR)
     49# - "none"    leave external packages as is
     50#             ->skip to section 4
     54#List of external pakages to be installed and their installation scripts
     56                                                matlab               
     57                                                mpich   
     58                                                cmake               
     59                                                petsc   
     60                                                triangle       
     61                                                boost               
     62                                                dakota 
     63                                                tao
     64                                                chaco
     65                                                shell2junit"
     68# 4: ISSM Compilation #
     71#ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values:
     72# - "yes" compile ISSM
     73# - "no"  do not compile ISSM
     77# 5: Mail notification #
     80#Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be
     81#sent to the adresses present in $ISSM_DIR/cron/mailinglist.
     84#Sender email address
     87#Mailing list
     91# 6: Nightly run options #
     94#number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually
     95#safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel compilation)
     98#number of cpus used in the nightly runs.
     101#Nightly run options. The matlab routine runme.m will be called
     102#as follows: runme($MATLAB_NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable
     103#by Matlab and runme.m
     104#ex: "'id',[101 102 103]"
  • ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/imac

    Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/linux64_murdo
    Name: svn:executable
       + *
     2########### Configuration file for Eric Larour's Jenkins run on MaxOSX ############
     5# 1: ISSM general configuration #
     8#Nightly run name
     9NAME="ISSM matlab tests on MacOSX"
     11#ISSM Architecture
     15ISSM_CONFIG='--prefix=$ISSM_DIR \
     16        --with-matlab-dir=$MATLAB_DIR \
     17        --with-triangle-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/triangle/install \
     18        --with-metis-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/metis/install \
     19        --with-mpi-include=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/include  \
     20        --with-mpi-libflags=" $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/lib/libpmpich.a $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/lib/libmpich.a $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/lib/libmpl.a " \
     21        --with-fortran-lib="/usr/local/gfortran/lib/libgfortran.a" \
     22        --with-math-lib="/usr/lib/libm.dylib" \
     23        --with-graphics-lib="/usr/X11/lib/libX11.dylib" \
     24        --with-cxxoptflags=" -fno-common -no-cpp-precomp -fexceptions -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5  -O3 -DNDEBUG -w "\
     25        --with-numthreads=8 \
     26        --with-petsc-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install  \
     27        --with-petsc-arch=$ISSM_ARCH \
     28        --with-blas-lapack-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \
     29        --with-scalapack-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/ \
     30        --with-mumps-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \
     31        --with-tao-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/tao/install'
     33#MATLAB path
     36#PYTHON and MATLAB testing
     40#execution path used for parallel runs
     44# 3: External packages installation #
     47#ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values:
     48# - "install" install all external packages listed below
     49# - "copy"    copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR)
     50# - "none"    leave external packages as is
     51#             ->skip to section 4
     55#List of external pakages to be installed and their installation scripts
     57                                                matlab               
     58                                                mpich   
     59                                                cmake               
     60                                                petsc   
     61                                                tao
     62                                                triangle
     63                                                shell2junit "
     67# 4: ISSM Compilation #
     70#ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values:
     71# - "yes" compile ISSM
     72# - "no"  do not compile ISSM
     76# 5: Mail notification #
     79#Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be
     80#sent to the adresses present in $ISSM_DIR/cron/mailinglist.
     83#Sender email address
     86#Mailing list
     90# 6: Nightly run options #
     93#number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually
     94#safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel compilation)
     97#number of cpus used in the nightly runs.
     100#Nightly run options. The matlab routine runme.m will be called
     101#as follows: runme($MATLAB_NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable
     102#by Matlab and runme.m
     103#ex: "'id',[101 102 103]"
  • ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/

    Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/imac
    Name: svn:executable
       + *
     2#This bash script calls the nightlyrun.m matlab file to run our nightly test decks.
     3#It then processes the results and sends an email to the Ice developpers.
     5#some functions
     6function timer() #{{{
     8        if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
     9                echo $(date '+%s')
     10        else
     11                local  stime=$1
     12                etime=$(date '+%s')
     14                if [[ -z "$stime" ]]; then stime=$etime; fi
     16                dt=$((etime - stime))
     17                ds=$((dt % 60))
     18                dm=$(((dt / 60) % 60))
     19                dh=$((dt / 3600))
     20                printf '%d:%02d:%02d' $dh $dm $ds
     21        fi
     22} #}}}
     23function todaydate() #{{{
     25        suffix=`date | awk '{printf("%s-%s-%s  %s",$2,$3,$6,$4);}'`                     
     26        echo $suffix;                   
     27} #}}}
     28function host_name() #{{{
     30        #return host name depending on the OS
     31        if [ "$1" = "win7" ]
     32        then
     33                HOST_NAME=`hostname | sed 's/-//g'`;
     34        else
     35                HOST_NAME=`hostname -s | sed 's/-//g'`;
     36        fi
     37        echo $HOST_NAME;
     38} #}}}
     39function pause() #{{{
     41pid=`ps aux -W | grep $1 | awk '{printf("%s\n",$1);}'`
     43while [ -n "$pid" ]
     45        pid=`ps aux -W | grep $1 | awk '{printf("%s\n",$1);}'`
     50#Get configuration
     51#Source config file{{{
     52if [ $# -ne 1 ];
     54        #no config file specified: exit
     55        echo "no config file specified. Exiting..." >&2 # Error message to stderr.
     56        exit 1
     58if [ ! -f "$1" ]
     60        echo "File $1 not found!" >&2   # Error message to stderr.
     61        exit 1
     63source $1;
     65#Initialize variables {{{
     67HOST_NAME=$(host_name $OS);
     68OS=$(uname -s)
     70ISSM_RELEASE=$(basename $(echo $REPOSITORY));
     75#Installation ISSM
     76#create matlab's installation sript {{{
     77cat << END > $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/matlab/
     79rm -rf install
     80ln -s $MATLAB_PATH install
     83#install/copy/none external packages    (ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES){{{
     84if [ "$ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES" == "install" ]
     87        cd $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages
     89        #number of packages:
     90        NUMPACKAGES=$(($(echo $EXTERNALPACKAGES | wc -w )/2))
     92        for ((i=1;i<=$NUMPACKAGES;i++))
     93        do
     94                NUM1=$((2*$i-1))
     95                NUM2=$((2*$i))
     96                PACKAGENAME=$(echo $EXTERNALPACKAGES | cut -d " " -f $NUM1-$NUM1)
     97                PACKAGEINST=$(echo $EXTERNALPACKAGES | cut -d " " -f $NUM2-$NUM2)
     99                cd $PACKAGENAME
     100                echo "======================================================";
     101                echo "       Installing $PACKAGENAME                        ";
     102                echo "======================================================";
     103                ./$PACKAGEINST |  tee compil.log
     104                if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
     105                        echo "======================================================";
     106                        echo "    ERROR: installation of $PACKAGENAME failed        ";
     107                        echo "======================================================";
     108                fi
     109                source $ISSM_DIR/etc/
     110                cd ..
     111        done
     113elif [ "$ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES" == "copy" ]
     115        cd $ISSM_DIR
     116        rm -rf externalpackages
     117        cp -Rf $EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR ./
     118elif [ "$ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES" == "link" ]
     120        cd $ISSM_DIR
     121        rm -rf externalpackages
     122        ln -s  $EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR  .
     123elif [ "$ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES" == "none" ]
     125        echo "Skipping external packages installation"
     127        echo "ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES supported values are: install, copy and none. Exiting..." >&2 # Error message to stderr.
     128        exit 1
     130source $ISSM_DIR/etc/
     132#ISSM compilation yes/no                (ISSM_COMPILATION) {{{
     133if [ "$ISSM_COMPILATION" == "yes" ]
     135        cd $ISSM_DIR
     136        make uninstall
     137        make clean
     138        make distclean
     139        ./scripts/
     140        cat > << EOF
     141./configure $ISSM_CONFIG
     143        chmod 700
     144        ./
     146        #4: compile and install ISSM
     147        if [ $NUMCPUS_INSTALL -gt 1 ]
     148        then
     149                echo "Making with " $NUMCPUS_INSTALL " cpus"
     150                make -j $NUMCPUS_INSTALL install
     151        else
     152                make install
     153        fi
     154elif [ "$ISSM_COMPILATION" == "no" ]
     156        echo "Skipping ISSM compilation"
     158        echo "ISSM_COMPILATION supported values are: yes and no. Exiting..." >&2 # Error message to stderr.
     159        exit 1
     163#shell2junit {{{
     164source $ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/shell2junit/install/
     167#Prepare info.log
     169rm -rf $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog
     170mkdir  $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog
     172ELAPSED=$(timer $START_TIME)
     173VERSION=$(svnversion $ISSM_DIR)
     174cat << END > $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/info.log
     175name:      $(echo $NAME)
     176today:     $(echo $TODAY)
     177user:      $(echo $USER)
     178host:      $(echo $HOST_NAME)
     179OS:        $(echo $OS)
     180release:   $(echo $ISSM_RELEASE)
     181init_path: $(echo $INIT_PATH)
     182is_matlab: $(echo $MATLAB_TEST)
     183is_python: $(echo $PYTHON_TEST)
     184elapsed_install: $(echo $ELAPSED)
     185version: $(echo $VERSION)
     189#matlab tests
     190if [ $MATLAB_TEST -eq 1 ]; then
     191#Launch all tests on different cpus {{{
     193for (( i=1;i<=$NUMCPUS_RUN;i++ ))
     195        #Launch matlab and the nightly run script
     196        cat > $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/matlab_run$i.m << EOF
     197        warning off %necessary to avoid a info.log of several Go for parallel runs
     198        try,
     199        $(if [ "$MATLAB_NROPTIONS" = ""  ]
     200        then
     201                echo "runme('output','nightly','rank',$i,'numprocs',$NUMCPUS_RUN);"
     202        else
     203                echo "runme($MATLAB_NROPTIONS,'output','nightly','rank',$i,'numprocs',$NUMCPUS_RUN);"
     204        fi
     205        )
     206        catch me,
     207                %An error occured, get report and exit
     208                message=getReport(me)
     209                directory=strsplit(pwd,'/');
     210                fid=fopen([issmdir '/nightlylog/matlaberror.log'], 'at');
     211                fprintf(fid,'\nMatlab error occured in: %s\n\n',directory{end});
     212                fprintf(fid,'%s',message);
     213                fclose(fid);
     214        end
     215        disp('MATLABEXITEDCORRECTLY');
     216        exit
     218        cd $ISSM_DIR/test/NightlyRun
     219        matlab -nojvm -nosplash -r "addpath $ISSM_DIR/src/m/dev; devpath; addpath $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/; matlab_run$i" -logfile $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/matlab_log$i.log &
     222#wait until matlab closes
     223if [ "$OS" = "win7" ]; then
     224        pause MATLAB
     226        wait
     229#concatenate reports
     230cd $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/
     231rm matlab_log.log
     232for (( i=1;i<=$NUMCPUS_RUN;i++ ))
     234        cat matlab_log$i.log >> matlab_log.log
     237#filter out windows characters:
     238cat matlab_log.log | tr -cd '\11\12\40-\176' > matlab_log.log2 && mv matlab_log.log2 matlab_log.log
     241#Complete info.log {{{
     242if [ $(cat matlab_log.log | grep "MATLABEXITEDCORRECTLY" | wc -l) -eq $NUMCPUS_RUN ]
     244        MATLABCRASH=0
     246        MATLABCRASH=1
     249cat << END >>  $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/info.log
     250elapsed_matlab: $(echo $ELAPSED)
     251matlab_crash:   $(echo $MATLABCRASH)
     256#python tests
     257if [ $PYTHON_TEST -eq 1 ]; then
     258#Launch all tests on different cpus {{{
     260export PYTHONSTARTUP=$ISSM_DIR/src/m/dev/
     261for (( i=1;i<=$NUMCPUS_RUN;i++ ))
     263        cd $ISSM_DIR/test/NightlyRun
     264        ./ --output=nightly --rank=$i --numprocs=$NUMCPUS_RUN $PYTHON_NROPTIONS 2>&1 > $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/python_log$i.log &
     267#wait until python closes
     268if [ "$OS" = "win7" ]; then
     269        pause MATLAB
     271        wait
     274#concatenate reports
     275cd $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/
     276rm python_log.log
     277for (( i=1;i<=$NUMCPUS_RUN;i++ ))
     279        cat python_log$i.log >> python_log.log
     282#Complete info.log {{{
     283if [ $(cat python_log.log | grep "PYTHONEXITEDCORRECTLY" | wc -l) -eq $NUMCPUS_RUN ]
     285        PYTHONCRASH=0
     287        PYTHONCRASH=1
     290cat << END >>  $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/info.log
     291elapsed_python: $(echo $ELAPSED)
     292python_crash:   $(echo $PYTHONCRASH)
     297#complete info.log
     299ELAPSED=$(timer $START_TIME)
     300cat << END >>  $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/info.log
     301elapsed_total:  $(echo $ELAPSED)
     305#process logs to be junit compatible
     307cd $ISSM_DIR/nightlylog/
     310rm -rf juLogFile && cat matlab_log.log | grep "test id" > juLogFile
     312while read i; do
     313        juLog  -name=Error -error=ERROR echo $i
     314        juLog  -name=Failure -error=FAILURE   echo $i
     315done < juLogFile
  • ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/linux64_larsen

    Property changes on: ../trunk-jpl/jenkins/
    Name: svn:executable
       + *
     2########### Configuration file for Eric Larour's Jenkins run on Murdo ############
     5# 1: ISSM general configuration #
     8#Nightly run name
     9NAME="ISSM matlab tests on Linux64 (murdo)"
     11#ISSM Architecture
     16        --with-matlab-dir=$MATLAB_DIR \
     17        --with-triangle-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/triangle/install \
     18        --with-metis-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/metis/install \
     19        --with-mpi-include=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/include  \
     20        --with-mpi-libflags="-L$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install/lib/ -lmpich" \
     21        --with-petsc-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \
     22        --with-petsc-arch=$ISSM_ARCH \
     23        --with-mumps-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install/ \
     24        --with-blas-lapack-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install \
     25        --with-chaco-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/chaco/install" \
     26        --with-numthreads=18 \
     27        --with-cxxoptflags="-mtune=barcelona -ffast-math -O3 -msse4.2 -Wno-write-strings "\
     28        --with-graphics-lib="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" \
     29        --with-tao-dir=$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/tao/install \
     30        --enable-debugging '
     32#MATLAB path
     35#PYTHON and MATLAB testing
     39#execution path used for parallel runs
     43# 3: External packages installation #
     46#ISSM_EXTERNALPACKAGES can have 3 values:
     47# - "install" install all external packages listed below
     48# - "copy"    copy existing directories (EXTERNALPACKAGESDIR)
     49# - "none"    leave external packages as is
     50#             ->skip to section 4
     54#List of external pakages to be installed and their installation scripts
     56                                                matlab               
     57                                                mpich   
     58                                                cmake               
     59                                                petsc   
     60                                                triangle       
     61                                                boost               
     62                                                dakota 
     63                                                tao
     64                                                chaco
     65                                                shell2junit"
     68# 4: ISSM Compilation #
     71#ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values:
     72# - "yes" compile ISSM
     73# - "no"  do not compile ISSM
     77# 5: Mail notification #
     80#Mail delivery. If SKIPMAIL="no", the html nightly run report will be
     81#sent to the adresses present in $ISSM_DIR/cron/mailinglist.
     84#Sender email address
     87#Mailing list
     91# 6: Nightly run options #
     94#number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually
     95#safer as some packages are very sensitive to parallel compilation)
     98#number of cpus used in the nightly runs.
     101#Nightly run options. The matlab routine runme.m will be called
     102#as follows: runme($MATLAB_NROPTIONS). The options must be understandable
     103#by Matlab and runme.m
     104#ex: "'id',[101 102 103]"
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