source: issm/oecreview/Archive/15392-16133/ISSM-15930-15931.diff

Last change on this file was 16134, checked in by Mathieu Morlighem, 12 years ago

Added Archive/15392-16133

File size: 11.9 KB
[16134]1Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/snowpack.m
3--- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/snowpack.m (revision 15930)
4+++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/classes/snowpack.m (revision 15931)
5@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@
6 interpolations1d_vw_args = '';
7 %}}}
8 %filters {{{
9+ filters={'TA::filter1',{'soft',[-20 10]}};
10+ filters=NaN;
11+ filter_values=NaN;
13 filters_ta_filter1 = '';
14 filters_ta_arg1 = NaN;
15 filters_rh_filter1 = '';
16@@ -274,6 +278,8 @@
17 %}}}
18 %filters {{{
22 md=checkfield(md,'snowpack.filters_ta_filter1','values',{filter_values});
23 if strcmpi(md.snowpack.filters_ta_filter1,'MIN_MAX'), md=checkfield(md,'snowpack.filters_ta_filter1','size',[1 NaN]); end
24 md=checkfield(md,'snowpack.filters_ta_arg1','values',{filter_values});
25@@ -335,64 +341,83 @@
27 disp(sprintf(' Snowpack solution parameters:'));
28 disp(sprintf('\n %s','Snowpack parameters:')); % {{{
29- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_meas_tss',' ');
30- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_enforce_measured_snow_heights',' ');
31- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_sw_mode',' ');
32- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_incoming_longwave',' ');
33- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_height_of_wind_value',' ');
34- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_height_of_meteo_values',' ');
35- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_neutral',' ');
36- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_roughness_length',' ');
37- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_number_slopes',' ');
38- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_snow_redistribution',' ');
39- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_calculation_step_length',' ');
40- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_change_bc',' ');
41- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_thresh_change_bc',' ');
42- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_snp_soil',' ');
43- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_soil_flux',' ');
44- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_geo_heat',' ');
45- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_canopy',' ');
46+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_meas_tss',{'A measured surface temperature is available and can be reliably ','used for various consistency tests (it needs to be set to true if enabling CHANGE_BC) (0 or 1)'});
47+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_enforce_measured_snow_heights','Input mode by which a measurement of snow depth is used to drive the snow cover mass balance (0 or 1)');
48+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_sw_mode',{'Define the shortwave radiation input:',...
49+ '0 Incoming shortwave radiation is measured and albedo estimated by the model',...
50+ '1 Reflected shortwave radiation is available as input and albedo is estimated by the model (IMIS standard)',...
51+ '2 Incoming and reflected shortwave radiation are both measured and the albedo is estimated from both measurements subject to plausibility checks.'});
52+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_incoming_longwave','Use the provided incoming long wave on the virtual slopes? (0 or 1)');
53+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_height_of_wind_value',{'The instrument height (or model layer height) for wind input data; note that height ',...
54+ 'is above ground for a standard SNOWPACK application but above surface (snow or ground) for Alpine3D applications '});
55+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_height_of_meteo_values',{'The instrument height (or model layer height) for meteorological input data except for wind,',...
56+ 'which may be at a different height; note that height is above ground for a standard SNOWPACK ',...
57+ 'application but above surface (snow or ground) for Alpine3D applications. '});
58+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_neutral',{'Select the atmospheric stability correction model:',...
59+ '-1 use a simplified Richardson number stability correction',...
60+ '0 assume standard Monin-Obukhov bulk formulation for surface exchange iteration with Paulson, Stearns and Weidner (can be used with BC_CHANGE=0)',...
61+ '1 force Monin-Obukhov formulation to assume neutral conditions regardless of the actual stratification; it has been shown to work well in ',...
62+ 'complex terrain settings. It should be used with BC_CHANGE=1, i.e., Dirichlet /* but also is recommended with Neumann b.c., i.e., BC_CHANGE=0.'});
63+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_roughness_length',{'Aerodynamic roughness length as a parameter for the Monin-Obukhov bulk formulation;',...
64+ 'A typical value for complex terrain is 0.01 m and for snow covered flat sites 0.001 m. '});
65+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_number_slopes',{'Based on meteorological input from a (flat field) automatic station or numerical weather model,',...
66+ 'up to 8 expositions can be calculated in addition to the flat field if the corresponding *.sno files are provided. For example,',...
67+ 'if you provide a flat field *.snow file (mandatory), which is named KLO3.sno and you want 4 slopes to be calculated the corresponding',...
68+ 'slope files should be named KLO21.sno, ...,KLO24.sno '});
69+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_snow_redistribution',{'Specifies if redistribution of snow is allowed from (upwind) expositions to lee slopes.',...
70+ 'In case just the flat field is calculated, snow erosion is enabled but only for "ENFORCE_MEASURED_SNOW_HEIGHTS".'});
71+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_calculation_step_length',{'Internal time step (in minutes) used for model simulation. Please note that this MUST ',...
72+ 'be the same as HNW::accumulate (the latter being in seconds) if re-acumulating precipitation, otherwise it would lead to wrong results.'});
73+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_change_bc',{'Use measured surface temperature as Dirichlet temperature BC for sub-freezing snowpacks and switch to ',...
74+ 'Neumann only for melting snowpacks. If set to false, assumes Neumann boundary conditions.'});
75+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_thresh_change_bc','Threshold value (small number below freezing), which switches from Dirichlet to Neumann BCs if CHANGE_BC is selected');
76+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_snp_soil','Soil layers as defined by the *.sno files are included in the simulation');
77+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_soil_flux','Assume that the lower temperature boundary condition is given by GEO_HEAT (Neumann) and not by a measured temperature');
78+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_geo_heat','Constant geothermal heat flux at great) depth W m-2): Lower flux boundary condition for temperature equation if BC is Neumann');
79+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpack_canopy','Switch to tell the model that canopy is present (note that Canopy parameters should then be provided in the *.sno file)');
80 % }}}
81 disp(sprintf('\n %s','Snowpackadvanced parameters:')); % {{{
82- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpackadvanced_variant',''); % use 320 kg m-3 for fixed density
83- fielddisplay(obj,'snowpackadvanced_hn_density','');
84+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpackadvanced_variant','variant selection (includes a choice of specific models, DEFAULT, ANTARCTICA and JAPAN )'); % use 320 kg m-3 for fixed density
85+ fielddisplay(obj,'snowpackadvanced_hn_density',{'Fixed value to be used as new snow density if a constant density model is chosen, otherwise the choices are "PARAMETERIZED" "EVENT" "MEASURED"'});
86 % }}}
87 disp(sprintf('\n %s','General parameters:')); % {{{
88 fielddisplay(obj,'general_pluginpath','');
89- fielddisplay(obj,'general_buff_chunk_size',' ');
90- fielddisplay(obj,'general_buff_before',' ');
91+ fielddisplay(obj,'general_buff_chunk_size','Size in days of a chunk of data to read at once.');
92+ fielddisplay(obj,'general_buff_before','Alternate way of buffer centering: When rebuffering, the new date will be located BUFF_BEFORE days from the beginning of the buffer (therefore, it takes a value in days). ');
93 % }}}
94 disp(sprintf('\n %s','Input parameter:')); % {{{
95- fielddisplay(obj,'input_coordsys','');
96+ fielddisplay(obj,'input_coordsys','coordinates in the Swiss Grid ( One of CH1903,UTM,UPS,PROJ4 or LOCAL');
97 fielddisplay(obj,'input_coordparam',' ');
98 fielddisplay(obj,'input_time_zone',' ');
99- fielddisplay(obj,'input_meteo',' ');
100- fielddisplay(obj,'input_meteopath',' ');
101- fielddisplay(obj,'input_station1',' ');
102- fielddisplay(obj,'input_snowfile1',' ');
103+ fielddisplay(obj,'input_meteo','plugin for METEO data (one of BORMA,COSMO,GEOTOP,GRIB,GS,IMIS,SMET,SNOWPACK');
104+ fielddisplay(obj,'input_meteopath','string containing the path to the xml files.');
105+ fielddisplay(obj,'input_station1','Meteorology file for station number #');
106+ fielddisplay(obj,'input_snowfile1','File name for the initial snow profile for station number #');
107 % }}}
108 disp(sprintf('\n %s','Output parameters:')); % {{{
109- fielddisplay(obj,'output_coordsys',' ');
110- fielddisplay(obj,'output_coordparam',' ');
111- fielddisplay(obj,'output_time_zone',' ');
112- fielddisplay(obj,'output_meteopath',' ');
113- fielddisplay(obj,'output_experiment',' ');
114- fielddisplay(obj,'output_ts_write',' ');
115- fielddisplay(obj,'output_ts_start',' ');
116- fielddisplay(obj,'output_ts_days_between',' ');
117- fielddisplay(obj,'output_profile',' ');
118- fielddisplay(obj,'output_prof_write',' ');
119- fielddisplay(obj,'output_prof_start',' ');
120- fielddisplay(obj,'output_prof_days_between',' ');
121+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_coordsys','Coordinates in the Swiss Grid One of CH1903,UTM,UPS,PROJ4 or LOCAL ');
122+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_coordparam','');
123+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_time_zone','');
124+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_meteopath','Path to the outputs (this path MUST exist, it won''t be created)');
125+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_experiment','Option to give an additional simulation specific output name to the run in addition to "STATION_NAME"');
126+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_ts_write','Write meteo data out? (0 or 1)');
127+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_ts_start','When to start writing meteo data out (offset, in days)');
128+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_ts_days_between','How often to write meteo data out (in days: 3 hours=.125, 1 hour=4.1666e-2)');
129+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_profile','How to write the profiles (default: ASCII, choice is ASCII,IMIS or ASCII IMIS)');
131+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_prof_write','Write profile data out? (0 or 1) ');
132+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_prof_start','When to start writing profile data out (offset, in days)');
133+ fielddisplay(obj,'output_prof_days_between','How often to write profile data out (in days: 3 hours=.125, 1 hour=4.1666e-2)');
134 % }}}
135 disp(sprintf('\n %s','Interpolations1d parameters:')); % {{{
136- fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_window_size',' '); %that is 5 d and 2 h; 1 d = 86400
137- fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_hnw_resample',' ');
138- fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_hs_resample',' ');
139- fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_tsg_resample',' ');
140- fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_rho_hn_resample',' ');
141- fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_vw_resample',' ');
142- fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_vw_args',' ');
143+ fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_window_size','Affects resampling: expresses (in seconds) how far a valid point can be searched for when re-interpolating a missing value');
144+ fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_hnw_resample','NONE, NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR, ACCUMULATE or LINEAR');
145+ ');
146+ fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_hs_resample','Mean average processing. The mean average filter returns the mean value of all values within a user given time window. (NONE, NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR, ACCUMULATE or LINEAR)');
147+ fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_tsg_resample','Mean average processing. The mean average filter returns the mean value of all values within a user given time window.(NONE, NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR, ACCUMULATE or LINEAR)');
148+ fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_rho_hn_resample','(NONE, NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR, ACCUMULATE or LINEAR)');
149+ fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_vw_resample','(NONE, NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR, ACCUMULATE or LINEAR)');
150+ fielddisplay(obj,'interpolations1d_vw_args','default nothing, otherwise, ''extrapolcate''');
151 % }}}
152 disp(sprintf('\n %s','Filters parameters:')); % {{{
153 fielddisplay(obj,'filters_ta_filter1',' ');
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