Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/m/plot/googlemaps.m =================================================================== --- ../trunk-jpl/src/m/plot/googlemaps.m (revision 15177) +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/m/plot/googlemaps.m (revision 15178) @@ -144,13 +144,12 @@ %reproject from mercator (EPSG:3785) to UPS Ant (EPSG:3031) [status,result] = system(['gdalwarp -s_srs ' EPSGgoogle ' -t_srs ' EPSGlocal ' temp.tiff temp2.tiff']); -result(1:5); %required otherwise strncmp does not work... delete('temp.tiff','temp.tfw'); %If previous command failed, exit -if strncmp(result,'ERROR',5), +if ~isempty(strfind(result,'ERROR')), + disp(' ');disp('googlemaps info: gdal not working properly (missing proj.4 library?), Google image will not be transformed'); disp(result); - disp('googlemaps info: gdal not working properly (missing proj.4 library?), the Google image will not be transformed'); [gX gY]=meshgrid(ulx:ulx+size(final,2)-1,uly:-1:uly-size(final,1)+1); [LAT LON]=pixelstolatlon(gX,gY, zoom); if strcmpi(md.mesh.hemisphere,'n'),