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15 15 error('buildgridded error message: gridded not supported for 3d meshes, project on a layer'); 16 16 end 17 17 18 %Get xlim and ylim (used to extract radar image) 19 xlim=getfieldvalue(options,'xlim',[min(x) max(x)]); 20 ylim=getfieldvalue(options,'ylim',[min(y) max(y)]); 21 [latlist lonlist]= xy2ll(... 22 [linspace(xlim(1),xlim(2),100) linspace(xlim(2),xlim(2),100) linspace(xlim(2),xlim(1),100) linspace(xlim(1),xlim(1),100)],... 23 [linspace(ylim(1),ylim(1),100) linspace(ylim(1),ylim(2),100) linspace(ylim(2),ylim(2),100) linspace(ylim(2),ylim(1),100)],... 24 +1,45,70); 25 26 %limits in lat/long 27 ullat = max(latlist); ullon = min(lonlist); 28 lrlat = min(latlist); lrlon = max(lonlist); 29 30 %Find optimal zoom 31 if exist(options,'zoom'), 32 zoom = getfieldvalue(options,'zoom'); 18 if ~any(isnan(md.radaroverlay.x)) & ~any(isnan(md.radaroverlay.y)) & ~any(isnan(md.radaroverlay.pwr)) &... 19 size(md.radaroverlay.pwr,3)==3 & all(size(md.radaroverlay.x)==size(md.radaroverlay.pwr)), 20 disp('plot_googlemaps info: the RGB image held by the model is being used'); 33 21 else 34 zoom = optimalzoom(ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon); 35 display(['Info: default zoom level ' num2str(zoom)]); 36 end 37 scale = 1; 38 maxsize = 640; 39 transparency = getfieldvalue(options,'transparency',.3); 22 disp('Extracting image from Google maps...'); 40 23 41 %convert all these coordinates to pixels 42 [ulx, uly]= latlontopixels(ullat, ullon, zoom); 43 [lrx, lry]= latlontopixels(lrlat, lrlon, zoom); 24 %Get xlim and ylim (used to extract radar image) 25 xlim=getfieldvalue(options,'xlim',[min(x) max(x)]); 26 ylim=getfieldvalue(options,'ylim',[min(y) max(y)]); 27 [latlist lonlist]= xy2ll(... 28 [linspace(xlim(1),xlim(2),100) linspace(xlim(2),xlim(2),100) linspace(xlim(2),xlim(1),100) linspace(xlim(1),xlim(1),100)],... 29 [linspace(ylim(1),ylim(1),100) linspace(ylim(1),ylim(2),100) linspace(ylim(2),ylim(2),100) linspace(ylim(2),ylim(1),100)],... 30 +1,45,70); 44 31 45 %calculate total pixel dimensions of final image 46 dx = lrx - ulx;47 dy = uly - lry;32 %Image corners in lat/long 33 ullat = max(latlist); ullon = min(lonlist); 34 lrlat = min(latlist); lrlon = max(lonlist); 48 35 49 %calculate rows and columns 50 cols = ceil(dx/maxsize); 51 rows = ceil(dy/maxsize); 36 md=googlemaps(md,ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon,options); 37 end 52 38 53 %calculate pixel dimensions of each small image 54 bottom = 120; 55 largura = ceil(dx/cols); 56 altura = ceil(dy/rows); 57 alturaplus = altura + bottom; 39 %Retrieve image from md 40 X = md.radaroverlay.x; 41 Y = md.radaroverlay.y; 42 final = md.radaroverlay.pwr; 58 43 59 %Initialize final image 60 final = zeros(floor(dy),floor(dx),3);%RGB image 61 for x=0:cols-1, 62 for y=0:rows-1, 63 dxn = largura * (0.5 + x); 64 dyn = altura * (0.5 + y); 65 [latn, lonn] = pixelstolatlon(ulx + dxn, uly - dyn - bottom/2, zoom); 66 position = [num2str(latn) ',' num2str(lonn)]; 67 disp(['Google Earth tile: ' num2str(x) '/' num2str(cols-1) ' ' num2str(y) '/' num2str(rows-1) ' (center: ' position ')']); 68 params = [... 69 'center=' position ... 70 '&zoom=' num2str(zoom)... 71 '&size=' num2str(largura) 'x' num2str(alturaplus)... 72 '&maptype=satellite'... 73 '&sensor=false'... 74 '&scale=' num2str(scale)]; 75 url = ['' params]; 76 [X, map]=imread(url,'png'); 77 X=ind2rgb(X,map); 78 indx1 = floor(x*largura)+1; 79 indx2 = min(floor(dx),floor(x*largura)+size(X,2)); 80 indy1 = floor(y*altura)+1; 81 indy2 = min(floor(dy),floor(y*altura)+size(X,1)); 82 final(indy1:indy2,indx1:indx2,:)=X(1:indy2-indy1+1,1:indx2-indx1+1,:); 83 end 84 end 44 %Get some options 45 transparency = getfieldvalue(options,'transparency',.3); 85 46 86 %Create model image 87 [gX gY]=meshgrid(ulx:ulx+size(final,2)-1,uly:-1:uly-size(final,1)+1); 88 [LAT LON]=pixelstolatlon(gX,gY, zoom); 89 [X Y]=ll2xy(LAT,LON,+1,45,70); 47 %Prepare grid 90 48 data_grid=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(md.mesh.elements,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,data,X(:),Y(:),'default',NaN); data_grid=reshape(data_grid,size(X)); 91 92 %Process data_grid: add white in NaN and correct caxis accordingly93 49 data_nan=isnan(data_grid); 94 50 if exist(options,'caxis'), 95 51 caxis_opt=getfieldvalue(options,'caxis'); … … 101 57 data_min=min(data_grid(:)); 102 58 data_max=max(data_grid(:)); 103 59 end 104 105 60 colorm = getcolormap(options); 106 61 image_rgb = ind2rgb(uint16((data_grid - data_min)*(length(colorm)/(data_max-data_min))),colorm); 107 62 … … 131 86 options=addfielddefault(options,'axis','xy equal off'); % default axis 132 87 applyoptions(md,data,options); 133 88 end 134 135 function [px py]=latlontopixels(lat, lon, zoom),136 137 EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;138 EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE = 2 * pi * EARTH_RADIUS;139 INITIAL_RESOLUTION = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 256.0;140 ORIGIN_SHIFT = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 2.0;141 142 mx = (lon * ORIGIN_SHIFT) / 180.0;143 my = log(tan((90 + lat) * pi/360.0))/(pi/180.0);144 my = (my * ORIGIN_SHIFT) /180.0;145 res = INITIAL_RESOLUTION / (2^zoom);146 px = (mx + ORIGIN_SHIFT) / res;147 py = (my + ORIGIN_SHIFT) / res;148 end149 150 function [lat lon]=pixelstolatlon(px, py, zoom),151 152 EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;153 EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE = 2 * pi * EARTH_RADIUS;154 INITIAL_RESOLUTION = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 256.0;155 ORIGIN_SHIFT = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 2.0;156 157 res = INITIAL_RESOLUTION / (2^zoom);158 mx = px * res - ORIGIN_SHIFT;159 my = py * res - ORIGIN_SHIFT;160 lat = (my / ORIGIN_SHIFT) * 180.0;161 lat = 180 / pi * (2*atan(exp(lat*pi/180.0)) - pi/2.0);162 lon = (mx / ORIGIN_SHIFT) * 180.0;163 end164 function zoom = optimalzoom(ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon)165 166 EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;167 EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE = 2 * pi * EARTH_RADIUS;168 INITIAL_RESOLUTION = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 256.0;169 170 optimalsize = 1000; %Number of pixels in final image171 172 [ulmx ulmy]=ll2mercator(ullat,ullon);173 [lrmx lrmy]=ll2mercator(lrlat,lrlon);174 distance = sqrt((lrmx-ulmx)^2 + (lrmy-ulmy)^2);175 176 zoom1 = floor(log(INITIAL_RESOLUTION*optimalsize/(lrmx-ulmx))/log(2));177 zoom2 = floor(log(INITIAL_RESOLUTION*optimalsize/(ulmy-lrmy))/log(2));178 179 zoom=max(zoom1,zoom2);180 181 zoom = min(max(1,zoom),21);182 end -
1 function md = googlemaps(md,ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon,varargin) 2 %GOOGLEMAPS - Extract image from Google maps for given region 3 % 4 % Usage: 5 % md = googlemaps(md,ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon) 6 % md = googlemaps(md,ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon,options) 7 % 8 % - ullat,ullon: Upper Left corner latitude and longitude 9 % - lrlat,lrlon: Lower Right corner latitude and longitude 10 % 11 % Available options: 12 % - zoom: zoom level, between 1 and 21 (default dynamically calculated) 13 14 %Parse inputs 15 if nargin<5, 16 help googlemaps 17 error('Wrong usage'); 18 elseif nargin==5, 19 options=pairoptions; 20 else 21 options=varargin{:}; 22 if ~isa(options,'pairoptions'), 23 options=pairoptions(varargin{:}); 24 end 25 end 26 27 %Find optimal zoom 28 if exist(options,'zoom'), 29 zoom = getfieldvalue(options,'zoom'); 30 else 31 zoom = optimalzoom(ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon); 32 display(['googlemaps info: default zoom level ' num2str(zoom)]); 33 end 34 scale = 1; 35 maxsize = 640; 36 37 %convert all these coordinates to pixels 38 [ulx, uly]= latlontopixels(ullat, ullon, zoom); 39 [lrx, lry]= latlontopixels(lrlat, lrlon, zoom); 40 41 %calculate total pixel dimensions of final image 42 dx = lrx - ulx; 43 dy = uly - lry; 44 45 %calculate rows and columns 46 cols = ceil(dx/maxsize); 47 rows = ceil(dy/maxsize); 48 49 %calculate pixel dimensions of each small image 50 bottom = 120; 51 largura = ceil(dx/cols); 52 altura = ceil(dy/rows); 53 alturaplus = altura + bottom; 54 55 %Initialize final image 56 final = zeros(floor(dy),floor(dx),3);%RGB image 57 for x=0:cols-1, 58 for y=0:rows-1, 59 dxn = largura * (0.5 + x); 60 dyn = altura * (0.5 + y); 61 [latn, lonn] = pixelstolatlon(ulx + dxn, uly - dyn - bottom/2, zoom); 62 position = [num2str(latn) ',' num2str(lonn)]; 63 disp(['Google Earth tile: ' num2str(x) '/' num2str(cols-1) ' ' num2str(y) '/' num2str(rows-1) ' (center: ' position ')']); 64 params = [... 65 'center=' position ... 66 '&zoom=' num2str(zoom)... 67 '&size=' num2str(largura) 'x' num2str(alturaplus)... 68 '&maptype=satellite'... 69 '&sensor=false'... 70 '&scale=' num2str(scale)]; 71 url = ['' params]; 72 [X, map]=imread(url,'png'); 73 X=ind2rgb(X,map); 74 indx1 = floor(x*largura)+1; 75 indx2 = min(floor(dx),floor(x*largura)+size(X,2)); 76 indy1 = floor(y*altura)+1; 77 indy2 = min(floor(dy),floor(y*altura)+size(X,1)); 78 final(indy1:indy2,indx1:indx2,:)=X(1:indy2-indy1+1,1:indx2-indx1+1,:); 79 end 80 end 81 82 %Create coordinates grids 83 [gX gY]=meshgrid(ulx:ulx+size(final,2)-1,uly:-1:uly-size(final,1)+1); 84 [LAT LON]=pixelstolatlon(gX,gY, zoom); 85 [X Y]=ll2xy(LAT,LON,+1,45,70); 86 87 md.radaroverlay.pwr=final; 88 md.radaroverlay.x=X; 89 md.radaroverlay.y=Y; 90 91 end 92 function [px py]=latlontopixels(lat, lon, zoom), 93 EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137; 94 EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE = 2 * pi * EARTH_RADIUS; 95 INITIAL_RESOLUTION = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 256.0; 96 ORIGIN_SHIFT = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 2.0; 97 98 [mx,my]=ll2mercator(lat,lon); 99 res = INITIAL_RESOLUTION / (2^zoom); 100 px = (mx + ORIGIN_SHIFT) / res; 101 py = (my + ORIGIN_SHIFT) / res; 102 end 103 104 function [lat lon]=pixelstolatlon(px, py, zoom), 105 EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137; 106 EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE = 2 * pi * EARTH_RADIUS; 107 INITIAL_RESOLUTION = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 256.0; 108 ORIGIN_SHIFT = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 2.0; 109 110 res = INITIAL_RESOLUTION / (2^zoom); 111 mx = px * res - ORIGIN_SHIFT; 112 my = py * res - ORIGIN_SHIFT; 113 [lat lon] = mercator2ll(mx,my); 114 end 115 function zoom = optimalzoom(ullat,ullon,lrlat,lrlon) 116 117 EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137; 118 EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE = 2 * pi * EARTH_RADIUS; 119 INITIAL_RESOLUTION = EQUATOR_CIRCUMFERENCE / 256.0; 120 121 optimalsize = 1000; %Number of pixels in final image 122 123 [ulmx ulmy]=ll2mercator(ullat,ullon); 124 [lrmx lrmy]=ll2mercator(lrlat,lrlon); 125 distance = sqrt((lrmx-ulmx)^2 + (lrmy-ulmy)^2); 126 127 zoom1 = floor(log(INITIAL_RESOLUTION*optimalsize/(lrmx-ulmx))/log(2)); 128 zoom2 = floor(log(INITIAL_RESOLUTION*optimalsize/(ulmy-lrmy))/log(2)); 129 130 zoom=max(zoom1,zoom2); 131 132 zoom = min(max(1,zoom),21); 133 end
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