Last change on this file since 15393 was 15393, checked in by , 12 years ago | |
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13 13 template <class doubletype> class Vector; 14 14 15 15 #include "../io/Comm/Comm.h" 16 #include "../ include/types.h"16 #include "../shared/Numerics/types.h" 17 17 18 18 /*cores: */ 19 19 void adjointdiagnostic_core(FemModel* femmodel); -
4 4 class Quadtree; 5 5 class Variogram; 6 6 class Options; 7 #include "../ include/types.h"7 #include "../shared/Numerics/types.h" 8 8 9 9 /*!\brief Declaration of Observations class. 10 10 * -
13 13 class Node; 14 14 class GaussTria; 15 15 class GaussPenta; 16 #include "../ include/types.h"16 #include "../shared/Numerics/types.h" 17 17 18 18 /*! \brief Declaration of Inputs class. 19 19 * -
1 /*!\file: types.h2 * \brief prototypes for types.h3 */4 5 #ifndef _TYPES_H_6 #define _TYPES_H_7 8 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H9 #include <config.h>10 #else11 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!"12 #endif13 14 #include <stdio.h>15 16 /*here are our abstracted types: inspired on petsc */17 #if ISSM_USE_64BIT_INDICES == 118 typedef long long IssmInt;19 //#define MPIU_INT MPI_LONG_LONG_INT already define in petsc20 #else21 typedef int IssmInt;22 //#define MPIU_INT MPI_INT already defined in petsc23 #endif24 25 #if defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) && !defined(_WRAPPERS_)26 #include "adolc/adolc.h"27 // for active variables28 typedef adouble IssmDouble;29 // for passive variables30 typedef double IssmPDouble;31 #else32 // see above33 typedef double IssmDouble;34 // see above35 typedef IssmDouble IssmPDouble;36 #endif37 38 #endif //ifndef _TYPES_H_ -
5 5 #ifndef _GLOBALS_H_ 6 6 #define _GLOBALS_H_ 7 7 8 #include "./types.h"9 8 #include "../io/Comm/Comm.h" 10 9 #include "../classes/ToolkitOptions.h" 11 10 -
6 6 #define _INCLUDEGLOBAL_H_ 7 7 8 8 #include "./typedefs.h" 9 #include "./types.h"10 9 11 10 #endif //ifndef _INCLUDE_H_ -
5 5 #ifndef _MATRIXUTILS_H_ 6 6 #define _MATRIXUTILS_H_ 7 7 8 #include "../../ include/include.h"8 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 9 9 10 10 int TripleMultiply( IssmDouble* a, int nrowa, int ncola, int itrna, IssmDouble* b, int nrowb, int ncolb, int itrnb, IssmDouble* c, int nrowc, int ncolc, int itrnc, IssmDouble* d, int iaddd); 11 11 int MatrixMultiply( IssmDouble* a, int nrowa, int ncola, int itrna, IssmDouble* b, int nrowb, int ncolb, int itrnb, IssmDouble* c, int iaddc ); -
8 8 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" 9 9 #endif 10 10 11 #include "../../ include/include.h"11 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 12 12 13 13 IssmDouble min(IssmDouble a,IssmDouble b){ 14 14 if (a<b)return a; -
1 /*!\file: types.h 2 * \brief prototypes for types.h 3 */ 4 5 #ifndef _TYPES_H_ 6 #define _TYPES_H_ 7 8 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H 9 #include <config.h> 10 #else 11 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" 12 #endif 13 14 #include <stdio.h> 15 16 /*here are our abstracted types: inspired on petsc */ 17 #if ISSM_USE_64BIT_INDICES == 1 18 typedef long long IssmInt; 19 //#define MPIU_INT MPI_LONG_LONG_INT already define in petsc 20 #else 21 typedef int IssmInt; 22 //#define MPIU_INT MPI_INT already defined in petsc 23 #endif 24 25 #if defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) && !defined(_WRAPPERS_) 26 #include "adolc/adolc.h" 27 // for active variables 28 typedef adouble IssmDouble; 29 // for passive variables 30 typedef double IssmPDouble; 31 #else 32 // see above 33 typedef double IssmDouble; 34 // see above 35 typedef IssmDouble IssmPDouble; 36 #endif 37 38 #endif //ifndef _TYPES_H_ -
2 2 * \brief 3 3 */ 4 4 5 #include "../../ include/types.h"5 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 6 6 #ifndef _GAUSSPOINTS_H 7 7 #define _GAUSSPOINTS_H 8 8 -
1 1 #include "../MemOps/MemOps.h" 2 2 #include "../../include/include.h" 3 3 #include "../Exceptions/exceptions.h" 4 #include "../Numerics/types.h" 4 5 #include "./isnan.h" 5 6 #include <math.h> 6 7 -
8 8 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" 9 9 #endif 10 10 11 #include "../../ include/include.h"11 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 12 12 13 13 void cross(IssmDouble* result,IssmDouble* vector1,IssmDouble* vector2){ 14 14 -
9 9 #include "./GaussPoints.h" 10 10 #include "./isnan.h" 11 11 #include "./recast.h" 12 #include "./types.h" 12 13 13 14 class Input; 14 15 class Parameters; -
6 6 7 7 #include <math.h> 8 8 9 #include "../../ include/include.h"9 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 10 10 11 11 IssmDouble Paterson(IssmDouble temperature){ 12 12 -
9 9 #endif 10 10 11 11 #include "./IssmComm.h" 12 #include "../../ include/types.h"12 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 13 13 #include "../../shared/Exceptions/exceptions.h" 14 14 15 15 void IssmComm::SetComm(COMM incomm){ /*{{{*/ -
9 9 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" 10 10 #endif 11 11 12 #include "../../ include/types.h"12 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 13 13 #include "../../shared/MemOps/MemOps.h" 14 14 #include "../../shared/Exceptions/exceptions.h" 15 15 #include "../../io/Comm/Comm.h" -
12 12 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" 13 13 #endif 14 14 15 #include "../../ include/types.h"15 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 16 16 /*}}}*/ 17 17 18 18 template <class doubletype> class IssmVec; -
5 5 #include <stdio.h> 6 6 #include <math.h> 7 7 #include "../../../shared/shared.h" 8 #include "../../../ include/types.h"8 #include "../../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 9 9 10 10 int DetermineLocalSize(int global_size,COMM comm){ 11 11 -
5 5 #ifndef MPI_PATCHES_H_ 6 6 #define MPI_PATCHES_H_ 7 7 8 #include "../../../ include/types.h"8 #include "../../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 9 9 10 10 int DetermineLocalSize(int global_size,COMM comm); 11 11 int* DetermineRowRankFromLocalSize(int global_size,int localsize,COMM comm); -
5 5 #include <stdio.h> 6 6 #include <math.h> 7 7 #include "../../../shared/shared.h" 8 #include "../../../ include/types.h"8 #include "../../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 9 9 10 10 int DetermineGlobalSize(int local_size,COMM comm){ 11 11 -
7 7 #include <stdio.h> 8 8 #include <math.h> 9 9 #include "../../../shared/shared.h" 10 #include "../../../ include/types.h"10 #include "../../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 11 11 12 12 int* DetermineRowRankFromLocalSize(int global_size,int localsize,COMM comm){ 13 13 -
13 13 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" 14 14 #endif 15 15 16 #include "../../ include/types.h"16 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 17 17 18 18 /*}}}*/ 19 19 -
16 16 #endif 17 17 18 18 #include "../petscincludes.h" 19 #include "../../../ include/include.h"19 #include "../../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 20 20 21 21 /*}}}*/ 22 22 class PetscVec; -
21 21 core_sources = ./issm.h\ 22 22 ./issm-binding.h\ 23 23 ./include/typedefs.h\ 24 ./include/types.h\25 24 ./include/include.h\ 26 25 ./classes/classes.h\ 27 26 ./classes/objects.h\ … … 183 182 ./shared/Matrix/matrix.h\ 184 183 ./shared/Matrix/MatrixUtils.cpp\ 185 184 ./shared/Numerics/numerics.h\ 185 ./shared/Numerics/types.h\ 186 186 ./shared/Numerics/Verbosity.h\ 187 187 ./shared/Numerics/Verbosity.cpp\ 188 188 ./shared/Numerics/IsInputConverged.cpp\ -
11 11 #include <string.h> 12 12 13 13 #include "./DofIndexing.h" 14 #include "../ include/types.h"14 #include "../shared/Numerics/types.h" 15 15 #include "../include/typedefs.h" 16 16 #include "../io/Print/Print.h" 17 17 #include "../shared/Exceptions/exceptions.h" -
6 6 #define _GAUSSPENTA_H_ 7 7 8 8 /*Headers:*/ 9 #include "../../ include/types.h"9 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 10 10 class GaussTria; 11 11 12 12 class GaussPenta{ -
6 6 #define _GAUSSTRIA_H_ 7 7 8 8 /*Headers:*/ 9 #include "../../ include/types.h"9 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 10 10 11 11 class GaussTria{ 12 12 -
10 10 11 11 #include <string.h> 12 12 #include "./ToolkitOptions.h" 13 #include "../ include/types.h"13 #include "../shared/Numerics/types.h" 14 14 #include "../shared/Exceptions/exceptions.h" 15 15 #include "../shared/MemOps/MemOps.h" 16 16 -
5 5 #ifndef _DOFINDEXING_H_ 6 6 #define _DOFINDEXING_H_ 7 7 8 #include "../ include/types.h"8 #include "../shared/Numerics/types.h" 9 9 10 10 class DofIndexing{ 11 11 -
24 24 #include <string> 25 25 26 26 /*ISSM includes: */ 27 #include "../../ include/types.h"27 #include "../../shared/Numerics/types.h" 28 28 #include "../../shared/MemOps/MemOps.h" 29 29 #include "../../solutions/DakotaSpawnCore.h" 30 30
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