Last change on this file was 15393, checked in by , 12 years ago | |
File size: 7.4 KB |
1 md=triangle(model(),'../Exp/Square.exp', 100000.);1 md=triangle(model(),'../Exp/Square.exp',40000.); 2 2 md=setmask(md,'all',''); 3 3 md=parameterize(md,'../Par/SquareShelfConstrained.par'); 4 4 md=setflowequation(md,'macayeal','all'); -
1 #include "../../../c/issm.h"2 #include <cstddef>3 #include <stdio.h>4 5 //Android specific header includes:6 #include <jni.h>7 #include <android/log.h>8 #include <android/log.h>9 10 //iOS specific header includes:11 12 namespace gov_nasa_jpl_issm13 {14 /*Global variables{{{*/15 FemModel *fm;16 double* xyz; /*keep vertices information here*/17 /*}}}*/18 jint Initialize(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jstring jsolution_type, jstring jabsfile, jstring jrelfile) /*{{{*/19 {20 21 /*arguments to constructor: */22 int argc; //arguments to constructor.23 char** argv = NULL;24 COMM communicator = 1; //fake communicator for constructor25 const char* issmname = "issm.exe";26 char *solution_type = NULL;27 char *absfile = NULL;28 char *relfile = NULL;29 30 /*log:*/31 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","Initializing FemModel");32 33 /*retrieve from java machine: */34 solution_type = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(jsolution_type,0);35 absfile = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(jabsfile,0);36 relfile = (char*)env->GetStringUTFChars(jrelfile,0);37 38 /*creat arguments to call constructor for FemModel: */39 argc=4;40 argv=(char**)malloc(argc*sizeof(char*));41 argv[0]=(char*)issmname;42 argv[1]=solution_type;43 argv[2]=absfile;44 argv[3]=relfile;45 46 /*call Model constructor passing in infile as File Descriptor parameter.*/47 fm = new FemModel(argc,argv,communicator);48 49 /*release strings: */50 env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jsolution_type, solution_type); //must realease the char*51 env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jabsfile, absfile); //must realease the char*52 env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jrelfile, relfile); //must realease the char*53 54 /*figure out size of solution: */55 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","Number of elements");56 jint size = (jint) fm->elements->NumberOfElements();57 58 /*retrieve vertices x,y and z coordinates: */59 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","Retrieving vertices");60 xyz=fm->vertices->ToXYZ();61 62 /*log: */63 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","Done Initializing FemModel");64 65 return size;66 67 }68 /*}}}*/69 void Solve(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz , jdouble alpha, jobject buf){ /*{{{*/70 71 int i,count;72 double x1,y1,z1,vel1;73 double x2,y2,z2,vel2;74 double x3,y3,z3,vel3;75 int v1,v2,v3,eid;76 Patch* patch=NULL;77 78 /*log:*/79 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","Solving ");80 81 /*retrieve buffer: */82 jdouble *dBuf = (jdouble *)env->GetDirectBufferAddress(buf);83 84 /*reset basal friction to what it was before: */85 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","alpha %g ",alpha);86 InputDuplicatex(fm->elements,fm->nodes,fm->vertices,fm->loads,fm->materials,fm->parameters,AndroidFrictionCoefficientEnum,FrictionCoefficientEnum);87 88 /*now scale friction by alpha: */89 InputScalex(fm->elements,fm->nodes,fm->vertices,fm->loads,fm->materials,fm->parameters,FrictionCoefficientEnum,alpha/100);90 91 /*solve: */92 fm -> Solve();93 94 /*retrieve results: */95 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","Retrieving results ");96 patch=fm->elements->ResultsToPatch();97 98 /*sort out the velocities: */99 for(i=0;i<patch->numrows;i++){100 if ((patch->values[i*patch->numcols+0])==VelEnum){101 102 /*Each row of the Patch object is made of the following information:103 - the result enum_type,104 - the step and time,105 - the id of the element,106 - the interpolation type,107 - the vertices ids,108 - and the values at the nodes (could be different from the vertices)109 */110 eid=(int)patch->values[i*patch->numcols+3]-1;111 v1=(int)patch->values[i*patch->numcols+5];112 x1=xyz[3*(v1-1)+0]; y1=xyz[3*(v1-1)+1]; z1=xyz[3*(v1-1)+2];113 114 v2=(int)patch->values[i*patch->numcols+6];115 x2=xyz[3*(v2-1)+0]; y2=xyz[3*(v2-1)+1]; z2=xyz[3*(v2-1)+2];116 117 v3=(int)patch->values[i*patch->numcols+7];118 x3=xyz[3*(v3-1)+0]; y3=xyz[3*(v3-1)+1]; z3=xyz[3*(v3-1)+2];119 120 vel1=patch->values[i*patch->numcols+8];121 vel2=patch->values[i*patch->numcols+9];122 vel3=patch->values[i*patch->numcols+10];123 124 /*plug into dBuf: */125 /*vertex 1: */126 dBuf[12*eid+0]=x1;127 dBuf[12*eid+1]=y1;128 dBuf[12*eid+2]=z1;129 130 /*vertex 2: */131 dBuf[12*eid+3]=x2;132 dBuf[12*eid+4]=y2;133 dBuf[12*eid+5]=z2;134 135 /*vertex 3: */136 dBuf[12*eid+6]=x3;137 dBuf[12*eid+7]=y3;138 dBuf[12*eid+8]=z3;139 140 /*values at 3 vertices: */141 dBuf[12*eid+9]=vel1;142 dBuf[12*eid+10]=vel2;143 dBuf[12*eid+11]=vel3;144 145 }146 }147 148 /*for(i=0;i<148;i++){149 __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Native","%g %g %g | %g %g %g | %g %g %g | %g %g %g\n",150 dBuf[12*i+0],dBuf[12*i+1],dBuf[12*i+2],151 dBuf[12*i+3],dBuf[12*i+4],dBuf[12*i+5],152 dBuf[12*i+6],dBuf[12*i+7],dBuf[12*i+8],153 dBuf[12*i+9],dBuf[12*i+10],dBuf[12*i+11]);154 }*/155 156 /*delete temporary data:*/157 delete patch;158 159 }/*}}}*/160 static JNINativeMethod method_table[] = /*{{{*/161 {162 {"createISSMModel" ,"(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I" , (void *) Initialize},163 {"solveISSMModel", "(DLjava/nio/DoubleBuffer;)V", (void *) Solve}164 };165 /*}}}*/166 }167 168 using namespace gov_nasa_jpl_issm;169 extern "C" jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) /*{{{*/170 {171 JNIEnv* env;172 if (vm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&env), JNI_VERSION_1_6) != JNI_OK) {173 return -1;174 }175 else176 {177 jclass clazz = env->FindClass("gov/nasa/jpl/issm/IssmJni");178 if(clazz)179 {180 env->RegisterNatives(clazz, method_table, 3);181 env->DeleteLocalRef(clazz);182 return JNI_VERSION_1_6;183 }184 else return -1;185 }186 }187 /*}}}*/ -
1 1 EXTRA_DIST = AndroidManifest.xml assets gen jni obj src bin ic_launcher-web.png libs proguard-project.txt res 2 3 #Generate JNI library4 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libISSMJNI.la5 6 libISSMJNI_la_SOURCES = ./jni/Main.cpp7 libISSMJNI_la_LIBADD = $(ISSM_DIR)/src/c/libISSMCore.a $(ISSM_DIR)/externalpackages/gsl/install/lib/libgsl.a -
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