[15393] | 1 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/pro/plot_cielo.pro
| 2 | ===================================================================
| 3 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/pro/plot_cielo.pro (revision 14381)
| 4 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/pro/plot_cielo.pro (revision 14382)
| 5 | @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
| 6 | -print,'Cielo ..'
| 7 | -openr,1,'Antarctica_CIELO_1km.bin'
| 8 | -vel=fltarr(5601,5601)
| 9 | -readu,1,vel & close,1
| 10 | -
| 11 | -print,'Read MOA ..'
| 12 | -read_jpeg,'moa1000_r1_hp1.bamber_white_edit.jpg',im0,order=1
| 13 | -
| 14 | -vel=abs(vel)<3000.
| 15 | -
| 16 | -val=float(im0)/max(im0)
| 17 | -indzero=where(vel EQ 0)
| 18 | -ind=where(vel EQ 0) & ind0=where(vel LT 1.5) & vel(ind0)=1.5
| 19 | -h=bytscl(alog(vel))/255.*360. & h(ind)=0. & vel(ind)=0.
| 20 | -s=(0.5+vel/125)/1.5 & s=s<1 & s(ind)=0.
| 21 | -
| 22 | -color_convert,h,s,val,r,g,b,/hsv_rgb
| 23 | -
| 24 | -a=bytarr(3,5601,5601)
| 25 | -a(0,*,*)=r
| 26 | -a(1,*,*)=g
| 27 | -a(2,*,*)=b
| 28 | -ss=size(a) & six=ss(2) & siy=ss(3)
| 29 | -
| 30 | -re0=bytarr(5601,5601) & re0(*,*)=a(0,*,*)
| 31 | -gr0=bytarr(5601,5601) & gr0(*,*)=a(1,*,*)
| 32 | -bl0=bytarr(5601,5601) & bl0(*,*)=a(2,*,*)
| 33 | -
| 34 | -write_jpeg,'Antarctic_CIELO_1km_no_label'+'.jpg',a,true=1,order=1
| 35 | -
| 36 | -titi=bytarr(5601,5601)
| 37 | -
| 38 | -name=['/u/adelie1/eric/FOUND10196/Foundation_basin_index.save',$
| 39 | -'/u/adelie1/eric/FOUND10196/Mollereisstrom_basin_index.save',$
| 40 | -'/u/adelie1/eric/FOUND10196/Institute_basin_index.save',$
| 41 | -'/u/adelie0/eric/Antarctic_GIS/Ian/IceStreamAW_basin_index.save',$
| 42 | -'/u/adelie0/eric/Antarctic_GIS/Ian/IceStreamC_basin_index.save',$
| 43 | -'/u/adelie0/eric/Antarctic_GIS/Ian/IceStreamD_basin_index.save',$
| 44 | -'/u/adelie0/eric/Antarctic_GIS/Ian/IceStreamE_basin_index.save',$
| 45 | -'/u/adelie0/eric/Antarctic_GIS/Ian/IceStreamF_basin_index.save',$
| 46 | -'/u/adelie2/eric/RSAT9822-10165SLE/Slessor_basin_index.save',$
| 47 | -'/u/adelie2/eric/RSAT9822-10165SLE/Bailey_basin_index.save',$
| 48 | -'/u/adelie7/eric/Jutulstraumen94/Jutul_basin_index.save',$
| 49 | -'/u/pib3b/eric/Getz/basin_getz_index.save',$
| 50 | -'/u/adelie7/eric/Land_237/Land_basin_index.save',$
| 51 | -'/u/adelie10/eric/Getz_437/basin_Hull_index.save',$
| 52 | -'/u/pib3b/eric/Georges_1994/Track_009/basin_George9_index.save',$ ;Rym
| 53 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/RSAT9852-10195REC/rec_basin_index_ext_new.save',$
| 54 | -'/u/pib1/eric/RSAT9806-10149Byrd/byrd_basin_index.save',$
| 55 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/Nimrod_1997/basin_nimrod_index.save',$
| 56 | -'/u/adelie7/eric/PIG22625/THW_basin_index.save',$
| 57 | -'/u/adelie7/eric/PIG22625/PIG_basin_index.save',$
| 58 | -'/u/adelie7/eric/PIG22625/KOH_SMI_POP_basin_index.save',$
| 59 | -'/u/adelie7/eric/PIG22625/ISR_basin_index.save',$
| 60 | -'/u/adelie7/eric/PIG22625/HAY_basin_index.save',$
| 61 | -'/u/adelie45/adelie4/eric/Evans96_94/Evans_basin_index.save',$
| 62 | -'/u/adelie45/adelie4/eric/Rutford96_t65/RUT_basin_index.save',$
| 63 | -'/u/adelie45/adelie4/eric/Rutford96_t65/CAR_basin_index.save',$
| 64 | -'/u/adelie45/adelie4/eric/Lambert_318/lambert_basin_index.save',$
| 65 | -'/u/adelie13c/eric/ScottDenman/basin_DenmanScott_index.save',$
| 66 | -'/u/adelie13b/eric/Totten24868/Totten_basin_index.save',$
| 67 | -'/u/adelie45/eric/David23763-24765/david_basin_indexbis.save',$
| 68 | -'/u/enderby2/eric/Mertz/Mertz_basin_index.save',$
| 69 | -'/u/enderby2/eric/Mertz/Ninnis_basin_index.save',$
| 70 | -;'/u/pib1/eric/Stancomb_450/stancomb_basin_index.save',$
| 71 | -'/u/pib1/eric/Shirase_229/shirase_basin_index.save',$
| 72 | -'/u/adelie10/eric/Cook/basin_Cook_index.save.new',$
| 73 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/RSAT25731_Rayner2000/Rayner_basin_index.save',$
| 74 | -'/u/adelie1/eric/RSAT9806-10149MUL/Mulock_basin_index.save',$
| 75 | -'/u/adelie13b/eric/Sabrina_431/Moscow_basin_index.save',$
| 76 | -;'/u/pib3a/eric/RL_450/Vest_basin_index.save',$
| 77 | -'/u/adelie1/eric/RSAT9805_10148BEARD/Beardmore_basin_index.save',$
| 78 | -'/u/adelie2/eric/Frost_402/frost_basin_index_new.save',$
| 79 | -'/u/adelie13b/eric/Dibble/Dibble_basin_index.save',$
| 80 | -'/u/enderby2/eric/Phil/basin_Phil_new_index.save',$
| 81 | -'/u/adelie1/eric/VenableIS/Venable_basin_index.save',$
| 82 | -'/u/enderby0/eric/Track_482/basin_Abbot92_10_index.save',$
| 83 | -'/u/enderby0/eric/Track_482/basin_Abbot92_24_index.save',$
| 84 | -'/u/enderby0/eric/Track_482/basin_Eights_index.save',$
| 85 | -'/u/adelie2/eric/Eltanin92/Eltanin_basin_index.save',$
| 86 | -'/u/adelie1/eric/FOUND10196/SUF_basin_index.save',$
| 87 | -'/u/pib3b/eric/Ragnhild/basin_Ragnhild_index.save',$
| 88 | -'/u/pib3b/eric/Ragnhild/basin_Astrid_index.save',$
| 89 | -'/u/enderby2/eric/Scylla25569/basin_american_index.save',$
| 90 | -'/u/enderby2/eric/Scylla25569/basin_scylla_index.save',$
| 91 | -'/u/pib3b/eric/Budd_231/basin_Buddetal_index.save',$
| 92 | -'/u/enderby2/eric/Scylla25269/Part0/basin_robert_index.save',$
| 93 | -'/u/amundsen1/eric/GeorgeVI_1996_66/basin_lidke_index.save',$
| 94 | -'/u/amundsen1/eric/GeorgeVI_1996_66/basin_berg_index.save',$
| 95 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RL/basin_Ekstrom_index.save',$
| 96 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RL/basin_Jelbart_index.save',$
| 97 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RL/basin_Riiser_index.save',$
| 98 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RL/basin_Stancomb_index.save',$
| 99 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RL/basin_Veststraumen_index.save',$
| 100 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RL/basin_Coats_index.save',$
| 101 | -;'/u/adelie12c/eric/Scylla/basin_track166_index.save',$
| 102 | -'/u/enderby2/eric/Track166/basin_Eng_index.save',$ ;Eng
| 103 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RSAT25469-25812-26155Rennick_2000/basin_index_Rennick.save',$
| 104 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/RSAT25362-25705-26048Ronne_2000/basin_index_Lassiter.save',$
| 105 | -'/u/pib3b/eric/Georges_1994/Track_019/basin_SmithEwing_index.save',$
| 106 | -'/u/enderby3/eric/Sulzberger_424/basin_Sulzberger_index.save']
| 107 | -
| 108 | -xmin_bamber=-560*5e03
| 109 | -ymax_bamber=+560*5e03
| 110 | -for i=0,n_elements(name)-1 do begin
| 111 | -restore,name(i)
| 112 | -xmin=xmin0 & ymax=ymax0
| 113 | -pix=(xfill*1e3+xmin-xmin_bamber)/1000. & lin=(ymax_bamber-(ymax-yfill*1e3))/1000.
| 114 | -for k=-1,1 do begin
| 115 | -for l=-1,1 do begin
| 116 | -titi(pix+k,lin+l)=255
| 117 | -endfor
| 118 | -endfor
| 119 | -endfor
| 120 | -
| 121 | -xmin0=-560.*5e3 & ymax0=+560*5e3
| 122 | -
| 123 | -namebis=['/u/adelie7/eric/Wordie_381/basin_index_fleming.save',$
| 124 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/AP_018/basin_index_Crane.save',$
| 125 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/AP_018/basin_index_Jorum.save',$
| 126 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/AP_061/basin_index_flask.save',$
| 127 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/AP_061/basin_index_leppard.save',$
| 128 | -;'/u/adelie9b/eric/AP_233/basin_index_mobil.new.save',$
| 129 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/AP_476/basin_index_drygalski.save',$
| 130 | -'/u/adelie9b/eric/AP_476/basin_index_evans.save']
| 131 | -for i=0,n_elements(namebis)-1 do begin
| 132 | -restore,namebis(i)
| 133 | -pix=(xfill*1e2+xmin-xmin0)/1000. & lin=(ymax0-(ymax-yfill*1e2))/1000.
| 134 | -for k=-1,1 do begin
| 135 | -for l=-1,1 do begin
| 136 | -titi(pix+k,lin+l)=255
| 137 | -endfor
| 138 | -endfor
| 139 | -endfor
| 140 | -
| 141 | -ind=where(titi ne 0)
| 142 | -
| 143 | -help,re0,gr0,bl0,a
| 144 | -
| 145 | -re0(ind)=0 & gr0(ind)=0 & bl0(ind)=0
| 146 | -
| 147 | -a(0,*,*)=re0 & a(1,*,*)=gr0 & a(2,*,*)=bl0
| 148 | -
| 149 | -write_jpeg,'Antarctic_CIELO_1km'+'.jpg',a,true=1,order=1
| 150 | -
| 151 | -end
| 152 | Index: ../trunk-jpl/src/pro/bytscl.m
| 153 | ===================================================================
| 154 | --- ../trunk-jpl/src/pro/bytscl.m (revision 14381)
| 155 | +++ ../trunk-jpl/src/pro/bytscl.m (revision 14382)
| 156 | @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
| 157 | -function value=bytscl(value)
| 158 | -%INPUT function value=bytscl(value)
| 159 | -%Equivalent of the bytscl idl routine.
| 160 | -
| 161 | -Min=min(value(:));
| 162 | -Max=max(value(:));
| 163 | -Top=255;
| 164 | -
| 165 | -pow=1;
| 166 | -value=(Top + 0.9999)*(value - Min).^(pow)/(Max - Min)^(pow);