Index: /u/astrid-r1b/morlighe/issmuci/trunk-jpl/../trunk-jpl/src/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp =================================================================== --- /u/astrid-r1b/morlighe/issmuci/trunk-jpl/../trunk-jpl/src/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp (revision 12992) +++ /u/astrid-r1b/morlighe/issmuci/trunk-jpl/../trunk-jpl/src/modules/TriMeshProcessRifts/TriMeshProcessRifts.cpp (revision 12993) @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ if (!( (nlhs==6) || (nrhs==5))){ mexPrintf(" %s format error.\n", __FUNCT__); TriMeshProcessRiftsUsage(); - _error_("bad usage"); + _error2_("bad usage"); } /*Fetch index_in: */ @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ } } else{ - _error_("first argument should be the element list"); + _error2_("first argument should be the element list"); } /*Fetch x_in: */ @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ } } else{ - _error_("second argument should be the x corrdinate list"); + _error2_("second argument should be the x corrdinate list"); } /*Fetch y_in: */ @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ } } else{ - _error_("third argument should be the y corrdinate list"); + _error2_("third argument should be the y corrdinate list"); } /*Fetch segments_in: */ @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ } } else{ - _error_("fourth argument should be the segments list"); + _error2_("fourth argument should be the segments list"); } /*Fetch segment markers: */ @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ } } else{ - _error_("fourth argument should be the segmentmarkers list"); + _error2_("fourth argument should be the segmentmarkers list"); } /*First, do some fixing on the existing mesh: we do not want any element belonging entirely to the segment list (ie: