Last change on this file was 12679, checked in by , 13 years ago | |
File size: 106.8 KB |
35 35 } 36 36 else{ 37 37 if(!mxIsClass(dataref,"double") && !mxIsClass(dataref,"single")){ 38 printf("Warning: converting matlab data from '%s' to 'double'\n",mxGetClassName(dataref));38 _printLine_("Warning: converting matlab data from '" << mxGetClassName(dataref) << "' to 'double'"); 39 39 } 40 40 /*Convert matlab matrix to double* matrix: */ 41 41 MatlabMatrixToDoubleMatrix(&outmatrix,&outmatrix_rows,&outmatrix_cols,dataref); -
50 50 } 51 51 52 52 /*Ok, if we are running in parallel, get node 0 to print*/ 53 if(my_rank==0) printf(buffer);53 if(my_rank==0)_printString_(buffer); 54 54 55 55 /*Clean up and return*/ 56 56 xDelete<char>(buffer); -
43 43 extern int num_procs; 44 44 45 45 if (function_name=="" || file_line==0){ //WINDOWS 46 printf("%s%s","Error message: ",what());46 _printString_("" << "Error message: " << what()); 47 47 } 48 48 else{ 49 49 if(num_procs==1){ 50 printf("\n??? Error using ==> %s:%i\n",file_name.c_str(),file_line);51 printf("%s error message: %s\n\n",function_name.c_str(),what());50 _printLine_("\n??? Error using ==> " << file_name.c_str() << ":" << file_line); 51 _printLine_("" << function_name.c_str() << " error message: " << what() << "\n"); 52 52 } 53 53 else{ 54 printf("\n[%i] ??? Error using ==> %s:%i\n",my_rank,file_name.c_str(),file_line);55 printf("[%i] %s error message: %s\n\n",my_rank,function_name.c_str(),what());54 _printLine_("\n[" << my_rank << "] ??? Error using ==> " << file_name.c_str() << ":" << file_line); 55 _printLine_("[" << my_rank << "] " << function_name.c_str() << " error message: " << what() << "\n"); 56 56 } 57 57 } 58 58 return; -
48 48 } 49 49 50 50 /*Ok, if we are running in parallel, get node 0 to print*/ 51 if(my_rank==0) printf(buffer);51 if(my_rank==0)_printString_(buffer); 52 52 53 53 /*Clean up and return*/ 54 54 xDelete<char>(buffer); -
53 53 } 54 54 55 55 /*Initialize output*/ 56 if (verbose) printf("Initializing output vector\n");56 if (verbose) _printLine_("Initializing output vector"); 57 57 data_interp=xNew<double>(nods_interp*data_cols); 58 58 59 59 // read background mesh 60 if (verbose) printf("Reading mesh\n");60 if (verbose) _printLine_("Reading mesh"); 61 61 Mesh Th(index_data,x_data,y_data,nods_data,nels_data); 62 62 Th.CreateSingleVertexToTriangleConnectivity(); 63 63 64 64 //Loop over output nodes 65 if (verbose) printf("Loop over the nodes\n");65 if (verbose) _printLine_("Loop over the nodes"); 66 66 for(i=0;i<nods_interp;i++){ 67 67 68 68 /*reset skip_bamg: */ … … 137 137 } 138 138 139 139 /*Assign output pointers:*/ 140 if (verbose) printf("Assigning output\n");140 if (verbose) _printLine_("Assigning output"); 141 141 *pdata_interp=data_interp; 142 142 143 143 /*No error return*/ -
23 23 bamgopts=new BamgOpts(); 24 24 25 25 // read mesh 26 if(verbose) printf("Reading mesh\n");26 if(verbose) _printLine_("Reading mesh"); 27 27 Mesh Th(index,x,y,nods,nels); 28 28 29 29 //write mesh and geometry 30 if (verbose) printf("Write Geometry\n");30 if (verbose) _printLine_("Write Geometry"); 31 31 Th.Gh.WriteGeometry(bamggeom,bamgopts); 32 if (verbose) printf("Write Mesh\n");32 if (verbose) _printLine_("Write Mesh"); 33 33 Th.WriteMesh(bamgmesh,bamgopts); 34 34 35 35 //clean up -
56 56 itm = (int)(2*siglim/DT + 1.5); 57 57 58 58 if (itm >= NPDMAX){ 59 printf("increase NPDMAX in massBalance.cpp\n");59 _printLine_("increase NPDMAX in massBalance.cpp"); 60 60 exit (1); 61 61 } 62 62 for (it = 0; it < itm; it++){ … … 82 82 siglimc = 2.5*signormc ; 83 83 itm = (int)((PDCUT+2.*siglimc)/DT + 1.5); 84 84 if (itm >= NPDCMAX){ 85 printf("'increase NPDCMAX in p35com'\n");85 _printLine_("'increase NPDCMAX in p35com'"); 86 86 exit (1); 87 87 } 88 88 for (it = 0; it < itm; it++ ){ -
65 65 66 66 67 67 if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) { 68 printf("<Entering main>\n");68 _printLine_("<Entering main>"); 69 69 } 70 70 71 71 if (PRINT_HEADERS) { 72 printf("\n Chaco 2.0\n");73 printf(" Sandia National Laboratories\n\n");72 _printLine_("\n Chaco 2.0"); 73 _printLine_(" Sandia National Laboratories\n"); 74 74 } 75 75 76 76 Using_Main = TRUE; … … 176 176 for (i=0; i<start[nvtxs]; adjacency[i++]--); 177 177 178 178 if (DEBUG_MEMORY > 0) { 179 printf("\n");179 _printLine_(""); 180 180 smalloc_stats(); 181 181 } 182 182 … … 184 184 fclose(params_file); 185 185 186 186 if (DEBUG_TRACE > 1) { 187 printf("<Leaving main>\n");187 _printLine_("<Leaving main>"); 188 188 } 189 189 190 190 return(0); -
37 37 int eigensolver; /* which kind of eigensolver to use */ 38 38 39 39 if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) { 40 printf("<Entering input_parse>\n");40 _printLine_("<Entering input_parse>"); 41 41 } 42 42 43 43 if (PROMPT) { 44 printf("Parallel machine architecture:\n");45 printf(" (0) Hypercube\n");46 printf(" (1) One-dimensional mesh\n");47 printf(" (2) Two-dimensional mesh\n");48 printf(" (3) Three-dimensional mesh\n");44 _printLine_("Parallel machine architecture:"); 45 _printLine_(" (0) Hypercube"); 46 _printLine_(" (1) One-dimensional mesh"); 47 _printLine_(" (2) Two-dimensional mesh"); 48 _printLine_(" (3) Three-dimensional mesh"); 49 49 } 50 50 *architecture = (int)options[OPT_ARCH]; 51 51 if (*architecture < 0 || *architecture > 3) { … … 56 56 57 57 /* Name output assignment file. */ 58 58 if (PROMPT) 59 printf("Assignment output file: ");59 _printString_("Assignment output file: "); 60 60 outassignname = NULL; 61 61 62 62 /* Name output results file. */ 63 63 if (PROMPT) 64 printf("File name for saving run results: ");64 _printString_("File name for saving run results: "); 65 65 outfilename = NULL; 66 66 67 67 /* Initialize the method flags */ … … 74 74 } 75 75 else { 76 76 if (PROMPT) { 77 printf("Global partitioning method:\n");78 printf(" (1) Multilevel-KL\n");79 printf(" (2) Spectral\n");80 printf(" (3) Inertial\n");81 printf(" (4) Linear\n");82 printf(" (5) Random\n");83 printf(" (6) Scattered\n");84 printf(" (7) Read-from-file\n");77 _printLine_("Global partitioning method:"); 78 _printLine_(" (1) Multilevel-KL"); 79 _printLine_(" (2) Spectral"); 80 _printLine_(" (3) Inertial"); 81 _printLine_(" (4) Linear"); 82 _printLine_(" (5) Random"); 83 _printLine_(" (6) Scattered"); 84 _printLine_(" (7) Read-from-file"); 85 85 } 86 86 *global_method = (int)options[OPT_GLOBAL]; 87 87 if (*global_method < 1 || *global_method > 7) { … … 93 93 94 94 if (*global_method == 7) { /* Name and open input assignment file. */ 95 95 if (PROMPT) 96 printf("Assignment input file: ");96 _printString_("Assignment input file: "); 97 97 } 98 98 99 99 else if (*global_method == 3) { 100 100 if (PROMPT) 101 printf("Geometry input file name: ");101 _printString_("Geometry input file name: "); 102 102 } 103 103 104 104 else if (*global_method == 2) { 105 105 if (PROMPT) { 106 printf("Eigensolver:\n");107 printf(" (1) Multilevel RQI/Symmlq\n");108 printf(" (2) Lanczos\n");106 _printLine_("Eigensolver:"); 107 _printLine_(" (1) Multilevel RQI/Symmlq"); 108 _printLine_(" (2) Lanczos"); 109 109 } 110 110 eigensolver = (int)options[OPT_RQI]; 111 111 if (eigensolver < 0 || eigensolver > 2) { … … 116 116 if (eigensolver == 1) { 117 117 if (MATCH_TYPE == 5) { /* geometric matching */ 118 118 if (PROMPT) 119 printf("Geometry input file name: ");119 _printString_("Geometry input file name: "); 120 120 } 121 121 *rqi_flag = 1; 122 122 if (PROMPT) 123 printf("Number of vertices to coarsen down to: ");123 _printString_("Number of vertices to coarsen down to: "); 124 124 *vmax = (int)options[OPT_VMAX]; 125 125 if (*vmax <= 0) { 126 126 printf("%s -- Vmax %d must be greater then 0.\n", … … 136 136 else if (*global_method == 1) { 137 137 if (MATCH_TYPE == 5) { /* geometric matching */ 138 138 if (PROMPT) 139 printf("Geometry input file name: ");139 _printString_("Geometry input file name: "); 140 140 } 141 141 if (PROMPT) 142 printf("Number of vertices to coarsen down to: ");142 _printString_("Number of vertices to coarsen down to: "); 143 143 *vmax = (int)options[OPT_VMAX]; 144 144 if (*vmax <= 0) { 145 145 printf("%s -- Vmax %d must be greater then 0.\n", … … 167 167 *local_method = 1; 168 168 else { 169 169 if (PROMPT) { 170 printf("Local refinement method:\n");171 printf(" (1) Kernighan-Lin\n");172 printf(" (2) None\n");170 _printLine_("Local refinement method:"); 171 _printLine_(" (1) Kernighan-Lin"); 172 _printLine_(" (2) None"); 173 173 } 174 174 *local_method = (int)options[OPT_LOCAL]; 175 175 if (*local_method < 1 || *local_method > 2) { … … 184 184 /* Get total number of hypercube dimensions in which to partition. */ 185 185 *ndims_tot = 0; 186 186 if (PROMPT) 187 printf("Total number of target hypercube dimensions: ");187 _printString_("Total number of target hypercube dimensions: "); 188 188 *ndims_tot = nparts[0]; 189 189 if (*ndims_tot < 1) { 190 printf(" Number of divisions must be at least 1\n");190 _printLine_(" Number of divisions must be at least 1"); 191 191 printf("%s -- Number of divisions %d must be at least 1.\n", 192 192 __FUNCT__,nparts[0]); 193 193 return(-1); … … 199 199 mesh_dims[1] = mesh_dims[2] = 1; 200 200 if (*architecture == 2) { 201 201 if (PROMPT) 202 printf("X and Y extent of of 2-D mesh: ");202 _printString_("X and Y extent of of 2-D mesh: "); 203 203 mesh_dims[0] = nparts[0]; 204 204 mesh_dims[1] = nparts[1]; 205 205 } 206 206 else if (*architecture == 3) { 207 207 if (PROMPT) 208 printf("X, Y and Z extent of 3-D mesh: ");208 _printString_("X, Y and Z extent of 3-D mesh: "); 209 209 mesh_dims[0] = nparts[0]; 210 210 mesh_dims[1] = nparts[1]; 211 211 mesh_dims[2] = nparts[2]; 212 212 } 213 213 else { /* Anything else => 1-D mesh */ 214 214 if (PROMPT) 215 printf("Size of 1-D mesh: ");215 _printString_("Size of 1-D mesh: "); 216 216 mesh_dims[0] = nparts[0]; 217 217 *architecture = 1; 218 218 } … … 226 226 } 227 227 else if (*nprocs <= 7) { 228 228 if (PROMPT) { 229 printf("Partitioning dimension: \n");230 printf(" (1) Bisection\n");231 printf(" (2) Quadrisection\n");229 _printLine_("Partitioning dimension: "); 230 _printLine_(" (1) Bisection"); 231 _printLine_(" (2) Quadrisection"); 232 232 } 233 233 *ndims = (int)options[OPT_NDIMS]; 234 234 if (*ndims < 1 || *ndims > 2) { … … 239 239 } 240 240 else { 241 241 if (PROMPT) { 242 printf("Partitioning dimension: \n");243 printf(" (1) Bisection\n");244 printf(" (2) Quadrisection\n");245 printf(" (3) Octasection\n");242 _printLine_("Partitioning dimension: "); 243 _printLine_(" (1) Bisection"); 244 _printLine_(" (2) Quadrisection"); 245 _printLine_(" (3) Octasection"); 246 246 } 247 247 *ndims = (int)options[OPT_NDIMS]; 248 248 if (*ndims < 1 || *ndims > 3) { -
57 57 _error2_("Error reading exp file."); 58 58 _printf_(true,"Exp2Kmlx -- Reading %d exp profiles from file \"%s\".\n",nprof,filexp); 59 59 // for (i=0; i<nprof; i++) 60 // printf("i=%d; nvert=%d, closed=%d\n",i,pnvert[i],closed[i]);60 // _printLine_("i=" << i << "; nvert=" << pnvert[i] << ", closed=" << closed[i]); 61 61 62 62 /* construct kml file */ 63 63 -
75 75 } 76 76 } 77 77 } 78 printf( "\n" );79 printf("Number of zeroes remaining: %d",lines*samps-counter);78 _printLine_( "" ); 79 _printString_("Number of zeroes remaining: " << lines*samps-counter); 80 80 fflush( stdout ); 81 81 #endif 82 82 … … 94 94 } 95 95 } 96 96 // n u m b e r o f z e r o e s r e m a i n i n g : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 97 printf( "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" );98 printf("Number of zeroes remaining: %d",lines*samps-counter);97 _printString_( "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" ); 98 _printString_("Number of zeroes remaining: " << lines*samps-counter); 99 99 fflush( stdout ); 100 100 #endif 101 101 … … 103 103 104 104 /***************** FIRST RUN *********************/ 105 105 /* 106 fprintf ( stdout, "First Application: " ); time(&t2); printf( ctime(&t2) );106 fprintf ( stdout, "First Application: " ); time(&t2); _printString_( ctime(&t2) ); 107 107 */ 108 108 for ( i = 0; i < lines; i++ ){ 109 109 for ( j = 0; j < samps; j++ ){ … … 276 276 //if ( temp < 0 ) temp = 0; 277 277 278 278 #ifdef _DEBUG2_ 279 // printf("%g %g %g \n",temp,elev,range);279 //_printLine_("" << temp << " " << elev << " " << range << " "); 280 280 #endif 281 281 282 282 *(image3+samps*i+j) = temp ; … … 353 353 time(&t2); 354 354 355 355 #ifdef _DEBUG2_ 356 printf( "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" );357 printf("Number of zeroes remaining: 0\n\n");356 _printString_( "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" ); 357 _printLine_("Number of zeroes remaining: 0\n"); 358 358 printf ( "\n"); 359 359 #endif 360 360 -
65 65 66 66 observations->ObservationList(&x,&y,&data,&nobs); 67 67 68 printf("Generation Delaunay Triangulation\n");68 _printLine_("Generation Delaunay Triangulation"); 69 69 BamgTriangulatex(&index,&nel,x,y,nobs); 70 70 indexd =xNewZeroInit<double>(nel*3); 71 71 for(int i=0;i<nel*3;i++) indexd[i]=(double)index[i]; 72 72 xDelete<int>(index); 73 73 74 printf("Interpolating\n");74 _printLine_("Interpolating"); 75 75 xDelete<double>(predictions); 76 76 InterpFromMeshToMesh2dx(&predictions,indexd,x,y,nobs,nel,data,nobs,1,x_interp,y_interp,n_interp,NULL,0,new DataSet()); 77 77 xDelete<double>(x); -
174 174 data_value=nearestinterp(x1,x2,y1,y2, Q11,Q12,Q21,Q22,x_grid,y_grid); 175 175 break; 176 176 default: 177 printf("Interpolation %s not supported yet\n",EnumToStringx(interpenum));177 _printLine_("Interpolation " << EnumToStringx(interpenum) << " not supported yet"); 178 178 return NULL; /*WARNING: no error because it would blow up the multithreading!*/ 179 179 } 180 180 if(isnan(data_value)) data_value=default_value; -
109 109 110 110 /*Synthesize echo: {{{*/ 111 111 if(my_rank==0){ 112 printf(" responses: %i: ",d_numresponses);113 for(i=0;i<d_numresponses-1;i++) printf("%g|",d_responses[i]);114 printf("%g",d_responses[d_numresponses-1]);115 printf("\n");112 _printString_(" responses: " << d_numresponses << ": "); 113 for(i=0;i<d_numresponses-1;i++)_printString_("" << d_responses[i] << "|"); 114 _printString_("" << d_responses[d_numresponses-1]); 115 _printLine_(""); 116 116 } 117 117 /*}}}*/ 118 118 -
40 40 /*Mesh generation {{{*/ 41 41 42 42 //Step1: generate geometry Gh 43 if (verbosity>0) printf("Construction of a mesh from a given geometry\n");44 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Processing geometry...\n");43 if (verbosity>0) _printLine_("Construction of a mesh from a given geometry"); 44 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Processing geometry..."); 45 45 Geometry Gh(bamggeom_in,bamgopts); 46 46 47 47 //get hmin and hmax from geometry to generate the metric … … 49 49 bamgopts->hmax = Min(bamgopts->hmax,Gh.MaximalHmax()); 50 50 51 51 //build metric using geometry 52 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Generating Metric...\n");52 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Generating Metric..."); 53 53 for(i=0;i<Gh.nbv;i++){ 54 54 Metric M=Gh[i]; 55 55 EigenMetric Vp(M/coef); … … 59 59 } 60 60 61 61 //generate mesh 62 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Generating Mesh...\n");62 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Generating Mesh..."); 63 63 Mesh Th(maxnbv,Gh,bamgopts); 64 64 65 65 //Split corners if requested … … 72 72 if(bamgopts->Crack) Th.CrackMesh(bamgopts); 73 73 74 74 //Build output 75 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Write Mesh...\n");75 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Write Mesh..."); 76 76 Th.WriteMesh(bamgmesh_out,bamgopts); 77 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Write Geometry...\n");77 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Write Geometry..."); 78 78 Gh.WriteGeometry(bamggeom_out,bamgopts); 79 79 80 80 //clean up … … 86 86 /*Anisotropic mesh adaptation {{{*/ 87 87 88 88 // read background mesh 89 if (verbosity>0) printf("Anisotropic mesh adaptation\n");90 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Processing initial mesh and geometry...\n");89 if (verbosity>0) _printLine_("Anisotropic mesh adaptation"); 90 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Processing initial mesh and geometry..."); 91 91 Mesh BTh(bamggeom_in,bamgmesh_in,bamgopts); 92 92 93 93 //Make Quadtree from background mesh … … 99 99 100 100 //Generate initial metric 101 101 if (bamgopts->metric){ 102 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Processing Metric...\n");102 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Processing Metric..."); 103 103 BTh.ReadMetric(bamgopts); 104 104 } 105 105 else { 106 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Generating initial Metric...\n");106 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Generating initial Metric..."); 107 107 Metric Mhmax(bamgopts->hmax); 108 108 for (int iv=0;iv<BTh.nbv;iv++) BTh[iv].m = Mhmax; 109 109 } 110 110 111 111 //use present fields to generate metric if present 112 112 if (bamgopts->field){ 113 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Merge metric with field provided...\n");113 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Merge metric with field provided..."); 114 114 BTh.AddMetric(bamgopts); 115 115 } 116 116 117 117 // change using hVertices if provided 118 118 if(bamgopts->hVertices && bamgopts->hVerticesSize[0]==BTh.nbv){ 119 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Merging Metric with hVertices...\n");119 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Merging Metric with hVertices..."); 120 120 for (i=0;i<BTh.nbv;i++){ 121 121 if (!isnan(bamgopts->hVertices[i])){ 122 122 BTh[i].m=Metric((float)bamgopts->hVertices[i]); … … 126 126 127 127 // change using hminVertices if provided 128 128 if (bamgopts->hminVertices){ 129 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Merging Metric with hminVertices...\n");129 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Merging Metric with hminVertices..."); 130 130 for (i=0;i<BTh.nbv;i++){ 131 131 if (!isnan(bamgopts->hminVertices[i])){ 132 132 Metric M=BTh.vertices[i].m; … … 139 139 140 140 // change using hmaxVertices if provided 141 141 if (bamgopts->hmaxVertices){ 142 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Merging Metric with hmaxVertices...\n");142 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Merging Metric with hmaxVertices..."); 143 143 for (i=0;i<BTh.nbv;i++){ 144 144 if (!isnan(bamgopts->hmaxVertices[i])){ 145 145 Metric M=BTh.vertices[i].m; … … 163 163 BTh.BoundAnisotropy(bamgopts->anisomax,hminaniso); 164 164 165 165 //Build new mesh 166 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Generating Mesh...\n");166 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Generating Mesh..."); 167 167 Thr=&BTh,Thb=0; 168 168 Mesh & Th( *(0 ? new Mesh(*Thr,&Thr->Gh,Thb,maxnbv) : new Mesh(maxnbv,BTh,bamgopts,bamgopts->KeepVertices))); 169 169 if (Thr != &BTh) delete Thr; … … 184 184 //display info 185 185 if(verbosity>0) { 186 186 if (Th.nbt-Th.nbtout-Th.nbq*2){ 187 printf(" new number of triangles = %i\n",(Th.nbt-Th.nbtout-Th.nbq*2));187 _printLine_(" new number of triangles = " << (Th.nbt-Th.nbtout-Th.nbq*2)); 188 188 } 189 189 if (Th.nbq ){ 190 printf(" new number of quads = %i\n",Th.nbq);190 _printLine_(" new number of quads = " << Th.nbq); 191 191 } 192 192 } 193 193 194 194 //Build output 195 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Write Mesh...\n");195 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Write Mesh..."); 196 196 Th.WriteMesh(bamgmesh_out,bamgopts); 197 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Write Geometry...\n");197 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Write Geometry..."); 198 198 Th.Gh.WriteGeometry(bamggeom_out,bamgopts); 199 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Write Metric...\n");199 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Write Metric..."); 200 200 BTh.WriteMetric(bamgopts); 201 201 202 202 /*clean up*/ … … 206 206 } 207 207 208 208 /*No error return*/ 209 if (verbosity>1) printf(" Exiting Bamg.\n");209 if (verbosity>1) _printLine_(" Exiting Bamg."); 210 210 return noerr; 211 211 212 212 } -
58 58 void SeqVec::Echo(void){ 59 59 60 60 int i; 61 printf("SeqVec size %i\n",this->M);61 _printLine_("SeqVec size " << this->M); 62 62 for(i=0;i<M;i++){ 63 printf("%g\n ",vector[i]);63 _printString_("" << vector[i] << "\n "); 64 64 } 65 65 } 66 66 /*}}}*/ -
82 82 void SeqMat::Echo(void){ 83 83 84 84 int i,j; 85 printf("SeqMat size %i-%i\n",this->M,this->N);85 _printLine_("SeqMat size " << this->M << "-" << this->N); 86 86 for(i=0;i<M;i++){ 87 87 for(j=0;j<N;j++){ 88 printf("%g ",this->matrix[N*i+j]);88 _printString_("" << this->matrix[N*i+j] << " "); 89 89 } 90 printf("\n");90 _printLine_(""); 91 91 } 92 92 } 93 93 /*}}}*/ -
152 152 153 153 int i; 154 154 155 printf("DofIndexing:\n");156 printf(" gsize: %i\n",gsize);157 printf(" clone: %i\n",clone);155 _printLine_("DofIndexing:"); 156 _printLine_(" gsize: " << gsize); 157 _printLine_(" clone: " << clone); 158 158 } 159 159 /*}}}*/ 160 160 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::DeepEcho{{{*/ … … 162 162 163 163 int i; 164 164 165 printf("DofIndexing:\n");166 printf(" gsize: %i\n",gsize);167 printf(" fsize: %i\n",fsize);168 printf(" ssize: %i\n",ssize);169 printf(" clone: %i\n",clone);165 _printLine_("DofIndexing:"); 166 _printLine_(" gsize: " << gsize); 167 _printLine_(" fsize: " << fsize); 168 _printLine_(" ssize: " << ssize); 169 _printLine_(" clone: " << clone); 170 170 171 printf(" set membership: f,s sets \n");171 _printLine_(" set membership: f,s sets "); 172 172 for(i=0;i<gsize;i++){ 173 printf(" dof %i: %s %s\n",i,f_set[i]?"true":"false",s_set[i]?"true":"false");173 _printLine_(" dof " << i << ": " <<(f_set[i]?"true":"false")<< " " <<(s_set[i]?"true":"false")); 174 174 } 175 175 176 printf(" svalues (%i): |",this->ssize);176 _printString_(" svalues (" << this->ssize << "): |"); 177 177 for(i=0;i<this->gsize;i++){ 178 if(this->s_set[i]) printf(" %g |",svalues[i]);178 if(this->s_set[i])_printString_(" " << svalues[i] << " |"); 179 179 } 180 printf("\n");180 _printLine_(""); 181 181 182 182 if(doftype){ 183 printf(" doftype: |");183 _printString_(" doftype: |"); 184 184 for(i=0;i<gsize;i++){ 185 printf(" %i |",doftype[i]);185 _printString_(" " << doftype[i] << " |"); 186 186 } 187 printf("\n");187 _printLine_(""); 188 188 } 189 else printf(" doftype: NULL\n");189 else _printLine_(" doftype: NULL"); 190 190 191 printf(" g_doflist (%i): |",this->gsize);191 _printString_(" g_doflist (" << this->gsize << "): |"); 192 192 for(i=0;i<this->gsize;i++){ 193 printf(" %i |",gdoflist[i]);193 _printString_(" " << gdoflist[i] << " |"); 194 194 } 195 printf("\n");195 _printLine_(""); 196 196 197 printf(" f_doflist (%i): |",this->fsize);197 _printString_(" f_doflist (" << this->fsize << "): |"); 198 198 for(i=0;i<this->fsize;i++){ 199 printf(" %i |",fdoflist[i]);199 _printString_(" " << fdoflist[i] << " |"); 200 200 } 201 printf("\n");201 _printLine_(""); 202 202 203 printf(" s_doflist (%i): |",this->ssize);203 _printString_(" s_doflist (" << this->ssize << "): |"); 204 204 for(i=0;i<this->ssize;i++){ 205 printf(" %i |",sdoflist[i]);205 _printString_(" " << sdoflist[i] << " |"); 206 206 } 207 printf("\n");207 _printLine_(""); 208 208 } 209 209 /*}}}*/ 210 210 -
59 59 /*FUNCTION Matice::Echo {{{*/ 60 60 void Matice::Echo(void){ 61 61 62 printf("Matice:\n");63 printf(" mid: %i\n",mid);64 printf(" inputs:\n");62 _printLine_("Matice:"); 63 _printLine_(" mid: " << mid); 64 _printLine_(" inputs:"); 65 65 inputs->Echo(); 66 printf(" element:\n");66 _printLine_(" element:"); 67 67 helement->Echo(); 68 68 } 69 69 /*}}}*/ 70 70 /*FUNCTION Matice::DeepEcho {{{*/ 71 71 void Matice::DeepEcho(void){ 72 72 73 printf("Matice:\n");74 printf(" mid: %i\n",mid);75 printf(" inputs:\n");73 _printLine_("Matice:"); 74 _printLine_(" mid: " << mid); 75 _printLine_(" inputs:"); 76 76 inputs->DeepEcho(); 77 printf(" element:\n");77 _printLine_(" element:"); 78 78 helement->Echo(); 79 79 } 80 80 /*}}}*/ -
56 56 /*FUNCTION Matpar::Echo {{{*/ 57 57 void Matpar::Echo(void){ 58 58 59 printf("Matpar:\n");60 printf(" mid: %i\n",mid);61 printf(" rho_ice: %g\n",rho_ice);62 printf(" rho_water: %g\n",rho_water);63 printf(" rho_freshwater: %g\n",rho_freshwater);64 printf(" mu_water: %g\n",mu_water);65 printf(" heatcapacity: %g\n",heatcapacity);66 printf(" thermalconductivity: %g\n",thermalconductivity);67 printf(" latentheat: %g\n",latentheat);68 printf(" beta: %g\n",beta);69 printf(" meltingpoint: %g\n",meltingpoint);70 printf(" referencetemperature: %g\n",referencetemperature);71 printf(" mixed_layer_capacity: %g\n",mixed_layer_capacity);72 printf(" thermal_exchange_velocity: %g\n",thermal_exchange_velocity);73 printf(" g: %g\n",g);59 _printLine_("Matpar:"); 60 _printLine_(" mid: " << mid); 61 _printLine_(" rho_ice: " << rho_ice); 62 _printLine_(" rho_water: " << rho_water); 63 _printLine_(" rho_freshwater: " << rho_freshwater); 64 _printLine_(" mu_water: " << mu_water); 65 _printLine_(" heatcapacity: " << heatcapacity); 66 _printLine_(" thermalconductivity: " << thermalconductivity); 67 _printLine_(" latentheat: " << latentheat); 68 _printLine_(" beta: " << beta); 69 _printLine_(" meltingpoint: " << meltingpoint); 70 _printLine_(" referencetemperature: " << referencetemperature); 71 _printLine_(" mixed_layer_capacity: " << mixed_layer_capacity); 72 _printLine_(" thermal_exchange_velocity: " << thermal_exchange_velocity); 73 _printLine_(" g: " << g); 74 74 return; 75 75 } 76 76 /*}}}*/ -
107 107 /*FUNCTION GaussTria::Echo{{{*/ 108 108 void GaussTria::Echo(void){ 109 109 110 printf("GaussTria:\n");111 printf(" numgauss: %i\n",numgauss);110 _printLine_("GaussTria:"); 111 _printLine_(" numgauss: " << numgauss); 112 112 113 113 if (weights){ 114 printf(" weights = [");115 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",weights[i]);116 printf("]\n");114 _printString_(" weights = ["); 115 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << weights[i]); 116 _printLine_("]"); 117 117 } 118 else printf("weights = NULL\n");118 else _printLine_("weights = NULL"); 119 119 if (coords1){ 120 printf(" coords1 = [");121 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",coords1[i]);122 printf("]\n");120 _printString_(" coords1 = ["); 121 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << coords1[i]); 122 _printLine_("]"); 123 123 } 124 else printf("coords1 = NULL\n");124 else _printLine_("coords1 = NULL"); 125 125 if (coords2){ 126 printf(" coords2 = [");127 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",coords2[i]);128 printf("]\n");126 _printString_(" coords2 = ["); 127 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << coords2[i]); 128 _printLine_("]"); 129 129 } 130 else printf("coords2 = NULL\n");130 else _printLine_("coords2 = NULL"); 131 131 if (coords3){ 132 printf(" coords3 = [");133 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",coords3[i]);134 printf("]\n");132 _printString_(" coords3 = ["); 133 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << coords3[i]); 134 _printLine_("]"); 135 135 } 136 else printf("coords3 = NULL\n");136 else _printLine_("coords3 = NULL"); 137 137 138 printf(" weight = %g\n",weight);139 printf(" coord1 = %g\n",coord1);140 printf(" coord2 = %g\n",coord2);141 printf(" coord3 = %g\n",coord3);138 _printLine_(" weight = " << weight); 139 _printLine_(" coord1 = " << coord1); 140 _printLine_(" coord2 = " << coord2); 141 _printLine_(" coord3 = " << coord3); 142 142 143 143 } 144 144 /*}}}*/ -
246 246 /*FUNCTION GaussPenta::Echo{{{*/ 247 247 void GaussPenta::Echo(void){ 248 248 249 printf("GaussPenta:\n");250 printf(" numgauss: %i\n",numgauss);249 _printLine_("GaussPenta:"); 250 _printLine_(" numgauss: " << numgauss); 251 251 252 252 if (weights){ 253 printf(" weights = [");254 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",weights[i]);255 printf("]\n");253 _printString_(" weights = ["); 254 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << weights[i]); 255 _printLine_("]"); 256 256 } 257 else printf("weights = NULL\n");257 else _printLine_("weights = NULL"); 258 258 if (coords1){ 259 printf(" coords1 = [");260 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",coords1[i]);261 printf("]\n");259 _printString_(" coords1 = ["); 260 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << coords1[i]); 261 _printLine_("]"); 262 262 } 263 else printf("coords1 = NULL\n");263 else _printLine_("coords1 = NULL"); 264 264 if (coords2){ 265 printf(" coords2 = [");266 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",coords2[i]);267 printf("]\n");265 _printString_(" coords2 = ["); 266 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << coords2[i]); 267 _printLine_("]"); 268 268 } 269 else printf("coords2 = NULL\n");269 else _printLine_("coords2 = NULL"); 270 270 if (coords3){ 271 printf(" coords3 = [");272 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",coords3[i]);273 printf("]\n");271 _printString_(" coords3 = ["); 272 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << coords3[i]); 273 _printLine_("]"); 274 274 } 275 else printf("coords3 = NULL\n");275 else _printLine_("coords3 = NULL"); 276 276 if (coords4){ 277 printf(" coords4 = [");278 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) printf(" %g\n",coords4[i]);279 printf("]\n");277 _printString_(" coords4 = ["); 278 for(int i=0;i<numgauss;i++) _printLine_(" " << coords4[i]); 279 _printLine_("]"); 280 280 } 281 else printf("coords4 = NULL\n");281 else _printLine_("coords4 = NULL"); 282 282 283 printf(" weight = %g\n",weight);284 printf(" coord1 = %g\n",coord1);285 printf(" coord2 = %g\n",coord2);286 printf(" coord3 = %g\n",coord3);287 printf(" coord4 = %g\n",coord4);283 _printLine_(" weight = " << weight); 284 _printLine_(" coord1 = " << coord1); 285 _printLine_(" coord2 = " << coord2); 286 _printLine_(" coord3 = " << coord3); 287 _printLine_(" coord4 = " << coord4); 288 288 289 289 } 290 290 /*}}}*/ -
47 47 /*FUNCTION FileParam::DeepEcho{{{*/ 48 48 void FileParam::DeepEcho(void){ 49 49 50 printf("FileParam:\n");51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));52 printf(" value: %p\n",this->value);50 _printLine_("FileParam:"); 51 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 52 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 53 53 } 54 54 /*}}}*/ 55 55 /*FUNCTION FileParam::Id{{{*/ -
62 62 /*FUNCTION IntVecParam::Echo {{{*/ 63 63 void IntVecParam::Echo(void){ 64 64 65 printf("IntVecParam:\n");66 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));67 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M);65 _printLine_("IntVecParam:"); 66 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 67 _printLine_(" vector size: " << this->M); 68 68 69 69 } 70 70 /*}}}*/ … … 73 73 74 74 int i; 75 75 76 printf("IntVecParam:\n");77 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));78 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M);76 _printLine_("IntVecParam:"); 77 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 78 _printLine_(" vector size: " << this->M); 79 79 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ 80 printf("%i %i\n",i,this->values[i]);80 _printLine_("" << i << " " << this->values[i]); 81 81 } 82 82 } 83 83 /*}}}*/ -
47 47 /*FUNCTION IntParam::DeepEcho{{{*/ 48 48 void IntParam::DeepEcho(void){ 49 49 50 printf("IntParam:\n");51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));52 printf(" value: %i\n",this->value);50 _printLine_("IntParam:"); 51 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 52 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 53 53 } 54 54 /*}}}*/ 55 55 /*FUNCTION IntParam::Id{{{*/ -
47 47 /*FUNCTION BoolParam::DeepEcho{{{*/ 48 48 void BoolParam::DeepEcho(void){ 49 49 50 printf("BoolParam:\n");51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));52 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value?"true":"false");50 _printLine_("BoolParam:"); 51 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 52 _printLine_(" value: " <<(this->value?"true":"false")); 53 53 } 54 54 /*}}}*/ 55 55 /*FUNCTION BoolParam::Id{{{*/ -
47 47 /*FUNCTION IntMatParam::Echo {{{*/ 48 48 void IntMatParam::Echo(void){ 49 49 50 printf("IntMatParam:\n");51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));52 printf(" matrix size: %ix%i\n",this->M,this->N);50 _printLine_("IntMatParam:"); 51 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 52 _printLine_(" matrix size: " << this->M << "x" << this->N); 53 53 54 54 } 55 55 /*}}}*/ … … 58 58 59 59 int i,j; 60 60 61 printf("IntMatParam:\n");62 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));63 printf(" matrix size: %ix%i\n",this->M,this->N);61 _printLine_("IntMatParam:"); 62 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 63 _printLine_(" matrix size: " << this->M << "x" << this->N); 64 64 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ 65 65 for(i=0;i<this->N;i++){ 66 printf("(%i,%i) %i\n",i,j,*(this->value+N*i+j));66 _printLine_("(" << i << "," << j << ") " << *(this->value+N*i+j)); 67 67 } 68 68 } 69 69 } -
48 48 /*FUNCTION VectorParam::Echo {{{*/ 49 49 void VectorParam::Echo(void){ 50 50 51 printf("VectorParam:\n");52 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));51 _printLine_("VectorParam:"); 52 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 53 53 54 54 } 55 55 /*}}}*/ … … 57 57 void VectorParam::DeepEcho(void){ 58 58 59 59 int i; 60 printf("VectorParam:\n");61 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));60 _printLine_("VectorParam:"); 61 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 62 62 value->Echo(); 63 63 } 64 64 /*}}}*/ -
46 46 /*FUNCTION MatrixParam::Echo {{{*/ 47 47 void MatrixParam::Echo(void){ 48 48 49 printf("MatrixParam:\n");50 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));49 _printLine_("MatrixParam:"); 50 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 51 51 52 52 } 53 53 /*}}}*/ … … 55 55 void MatrixParam::DeepEcho(void){ 56 56 57 57 int i; 58 printf("MatrixParam:\n");59 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));58 _printLine_("MatrixParam:"); 59 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 60 60 this->value->Echo(); 61 61 } 62 62 /*}}}*/ -
74 74 int i; 75 75 char* string=NULL; 76 76 77 printf("StringArrayParam:\n");78 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));77 _printLine_("StringArrayParam:"); 78 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 79 79 for(i=0;i<this->numstrings;i++){ 80 80 string=this->value[i]; 81 printf(" %i: %s\n",i,string);81 _printLine_(" " << i << ": " << string); 82 82 } 83 83 } 84 84 /*}}}*/ -
49 49 /*}}}*/ 50 50 /*FUNCTION StringParam::DeepEcho{{{*/ 51 51 void StringParam::DeepEcho(void){ 52 printf("StringParam:\n");53 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));54 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value);52 _printLine_("StringParam:"); 53 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 54 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 55 55 } 56 56 /*}}}*/ 57 57 /*FUNCTION StringParam::Id{{{*/ -
46 46 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::Echo {{{*/ 47 47 void DoubleVecParam::Echo(void){ 48 48 49 printf("DoubleVecParam:\n");50 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));51 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M);49 _printLine_("DoubleVecParam:"); 50 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 51 _printLine_(" vector size: " << this->M); 52 52 53 53 } 54 54 /*}}}*/ … … 57 57 58 58 int i; 59 59 60 printf("DoubleVecParam:\n");61 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));62 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M);60 _printLine_("DoubleVecParam:"); 61 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 62 _printLine_(" vector size: " << this->M); 63 63 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ 64 printf("%i %g\n",i,this->values[i]);64 _printLine_("" << i << " " << this->values[i]); 65 65 } 66 66 } 67 67 /*}}}*/ -
44 44 /*FUNCTION DoubleParam::DeepEcho{{{*/ 45 45 void DoubleParam::DeepEcho(void){ 46 46 47 printf("DoubleParam:\n");48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));49 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value);47 _printLine_("DoubleParam:"); 48 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 49 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 50 50 } 51 51 /*}}}*/ 52 52 /*FUNCTION DoubleParam::Id{{{*/ -
86 86 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatArrayParam::Echo {{{*/ 87 87 void DoubleMatArrayParam::Echo(void){ 88 88 89 printf("DoubleMatArrayParam:\n");90 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));91 printf(" array size: %i\n",this->M);92 printf(" array pointer: %p\n",this->array);89 _printLine_("DoubleMatArrayParam:"); 90 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 91 _printLine_(" array size: " << this->M); 92 _printLine_(" array pointer: " << this->array); 93 93 94 94 } 95 95 /*}}}*/ … … 100 100 int m,n; 101 101 IssmDouble* matrix=NULL; 102 102 103 printf("DoubleMatArrayParam:\n");104 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));105 printf(" array size: %i\n",this->M);103 _printLine_("DoubleMatArrayParam:"); 104 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 105 _printLine_(" array size: " << this->M); 106 106 for(i=0;i<M;i++){ 107 printf(" array %i (%ix%i):\n",i,mdim_array[i],ndim_array[i]);107 _printLine_(" array " << i << " (" << mdim_array[i] << "x" << ndim_array[i] << "):"); 108 108 matrix=array[i]; 109 109 m=mdim_array[i]; 110 110 n=ndim_array[i]; 111 111 112 112 for(j=0;j<m;j++){ 113 printf(" ");114 for(k=0;k<n;k++) printf("%g ",*(matrix+n*j+k));115 printf("\n");113 _printString_(" "); 114 for(k=0;k<n;k++)_printString_("" << *(matrix+n*j+k) << " "); 115 _printLine_(""); 116 116 } 117 117 } 118 118 } -
47 47 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::Echo {{{*/ 48 48 void DoubleMatParam::Echo(void){ 49 49 50 printf("DoubleMatParam:\n");51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));52 printf(" matrix size: %ix%i\n",this->M,this->N);50 _printLine_("DoubleMatParam:"); 51 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 52 _printLine_(" matrix size: " << this->M << "x" << this->N); 53 53 54 54 } 55 55 /*}}}*/ … … 58 58 59 59 int i,j; 60 60 61 printf("DoubleMatParam:\n");62 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));63 printf(" matrix size: %ix%i\n",this->M,this->N);61 _printLine_("DoubleMatParam:"); 62 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 63 _printLine_(" matrix size: " << this->M << "x" << this->N); 64 64 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ 65 65 for(i=0;i<this->N;i++){ 66 printf("%i %i %g\n",i,j,*(this->value+N*i+j));66 _printLine_("" << i << " " << j << " " << *(this->value+N*i+j)); 67 67 } 68 68 } 69 69 } -
48 48 /*FUNCTION Segment::Echo{{{*/ 49 49 void Segment::Echo(void){ 50 50 51 printf("Segment:\n");52 printf(" eid: %i\n",eid);53 printf(" node 1: %g|%g\n",this->x1,this->y1);54 printf(" node 2: %g|%g\n",this->x2,this->y2);51 _printLine_("Segment:"); 52 _printLine_(" eid: " << eid); 53 _printLine_(" node 1: " << this->x1 << "|" << this->y1); 54 _printLine_(" node 2: " << this->x2 << "|" << this->y2); 55 55 56 56 } 57 57 /*}}}*/ -
129 129 130 130 #ifdef _HAVE_ADOLC_ 131 131 /*Not sure about that one. Should we use the overloaded operator >>?*/ 132 printf("ADOLC Matrix equivalent:" );132 _printString_("ADOLC Matrix equivalent:" ); 133 133 for(i=0;i<M;i++){ 134 134 for(j=0;j<N;j++){ 135 printf("%g ",*(amatrix+N*i+j));135 _printString_("" << *(amatrix+N*i+j) << " "); 136 136 } 137 printf("\n");137 _printLine_(""); 138 138 } 139 139 #endif 140 140 } -
63 63 /*FUNCTION Vertex::Echo{{{*/ 64 64 void Vertex::Echo(void){ 65 65 66 printf("Vertex:\n");67 printf(" id: %i\n",id);68 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid);69 printf(" x: %g\n",x);70 printf(" y: %g\n",y);71 printf(" z: %g\n",z);72 printf(" sigma: %g\n",sigma);73 printf(" connectivity: %i\n",connectivity);74 printf(" dof: %i\n",dof);75 printf(" clone: %i\n",clone);66 _printLine_("Vertex:"); 67 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 68 _printLine_(" sid: " << sid); 69 _printLine_(" x: " << x); 70 _printLine_(" y: " << y); 71 _printLine_(" z: " << z); 72 _printLine_(" sigma: " << sigma); 73 _printLine_(" connectivity: " << connectivity); 74 _printLine_(" dof: " << dof); 75 _printLine_(" clone: " << clone); 76 76 77 77 return; 78 78 } -
150 150 /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/ 151 151 /*FUNCTION Numericalflux::Echo {{{*/ 152 152 void Numericalflux::Echo(void){ 153 printf("Numericalflux:\n");154 printf(" id: %i\n",id);155 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));153 _printLine_("Numericalflux:"); 154 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 155 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 156 156 hnodes->Echo(); 157 157 helement->Echo(); 158 printf(" parameters: %p\n",parameters);159 printf(" inputs: %p\n",inputs);158 _printLine_(" parameters: " << parameters); 159 _printLine_(" inputs: " << inputs); 160 160 } 161 161 /*}}}*/ 162 162 /*FUNCTION Numericalflux::DeepEcho {{{*/ 163 163 void Numericalflux::DeepEcho(void){ 164 164 165 printf("Numericalflux:\n");166 printf(" id: %i\n",id);167 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));165 _printLine_("Numericalflux:"); 166 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 167 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 168 168 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 169 169 helement->DeepEcho(); 170 printf(" parameters\n");170 _printLine_(" parameters"); 171 171 if(parameters) 172 172 parameters->DeepEcho(); 173 173 else 174 printf(" NULL\n");175 printf(" inputs\n");174 _printLine_(" NULL"); 175 _printLine_(" inputs"); 176 176 inputs->DeepEcho(); 177 177 178 178 } -
56 56 57 57 int i; 58 58 59 printf("Penpair:\n");60 printf(" id: %i\n",id);61 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));59 _printLine_("Penpair:"); 60 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 61 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 62 62 hnodes->Echo(); 63 63 64 64 return; … … 67 67 /*FUNCTION Penpair::DeepEcho {{{*/ 68 68 void Penpair::DeepEcho(void){ 69 69 70 printf("Penpair:\n");71 printf(" id: %i\n",id);72 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));70 _printLine_("Penpair:"); 71 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 72 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 73 73 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 74 74 75 75 return; -
108 108 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::DeepEcho{{{*/ 109 109 void Pengrid::DeepEcho(void){ 110 110 111 printf("Pengrid:\n");112 printf(" id: %i\n",id);113 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));111 _printLine_("Pengrid:"); 112 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 113 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 114 114 hnode->DeepEcho(); 115 115 helement->DeepEcho(); 116 116 hmatpar->DeepEcho(); 117 printf(" active %i\n",this->active);118 printf(" zigzag_counter %i\n",this->zigzag_counter);119 printf(" parameters\n");117 _printLine_(" active " << this->active); 118 _printLine_(" zigzag_counter " << this->zigzag_counter); 119 _printLine_(" parameters"); 120 120 parameters->DeepEcho(); 121 printf(" inputs\n");121 _printLine_(" inputs"); 122 122 inputs->DeepEcho(); 123 123 } 124 124 /*}}}*/ -
126 126 /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/ 127 127 /*FUNCTION Icefront::Echo {{{*/ 128 128 void Icefront::Echo(void){ 129 printf("Icefront:\n");130 printf(" id: %i\n",id);131 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));129 _printLine_("Icefront:"); 130 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 131 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 132 132 hnodes->Echo(); 133 133 helement->Echo(); 134 134 hmatpar->Echo(); 135 printf(" parameters: %p\n",parameters);135 _printLine_(" parameters: " << parameters); 136 136 if(parameters)parameters->Echo(); 137 printf(" inputs: %p\n",inputs);137 _printLine_(" inputs: " << inputs); 138 138 if(inputs)inputs->Echo(); 139 139 } 140 140 /*}}}*/ 141 141 /*FUNCTION Icefront::DeepEcho{{{*/ 142 142 void Icefront::DeepEcho(void){ 143 143 144 printf("Icefront:\n");145 printf(" id: %i\n",id);146 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));144 _printLine_("Icefront:"); 145 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 146 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 147 147 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 148 148 helement->DeepEcho(); 149 149 hmatpar->DeepEcho(); 150 printf(" parameters: %p\n",parameters);150 _printLine_(" parameters: " << parameters); 151 151 if(parameters)parameters->DeepEcho(); 152 printf(" inputs: %p\n",inputs);152 _printLine_(" inputs: " << inputs); 153 153 if(inputs)inputs->DeepEcho(); 154 154 } 155 155 /*}}}*/ -
47 47 /*methods: */ 48 48 /*FUNCTION Friction::Echo {{{*/ 49 49 void Friction::Echo(void){ 50 printf("Friction:\n");51 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));52 printf(" element_type: %s\n",this->element_type);50 _printLine_("Friction:"); 51 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 52 _printLine_(" element_type: " << this->element_type); 53 53 inputs->Echo(); 54 54 matpar->Echo(); 55 55 } -
142 142 input=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(FrictionEnum); input->GetInputValue(&friction); 143 143 input=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(FractionIncrementEnum); input->GetInputValue(&fractionincrement); 144 144 145 printf("Riftfront:\n");146 printf(" id: %i\n",id);147 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));148 printf(" hnodes: %p\n",hnodes);149 printf(" helements: %p\n",helements);150 printf(" hmatpar: %p\n",hmatpar);151 printf(" parameters: %p\n",parameters);152 printf(" inputs: %p\n",inputs);153 printf(" internal parameters: \n");154 printf(" normal: %g|%g\n",normal[0],normal[1]);155 printf(" length: %g\n",length);156 printf(" penalty_lock: %i\n",penalty_lock);157 printf(" active: %s\n",active ? "true":"false");158 printf(" counter: %i\n",counter);159 printf(" prestable: %s\n",prestable ? "true":"false");160 printf(" material_converged: %s\n",material_converged ? "true":"false");161 printf(" fill: %i\n",fill);162 printf(" friction: %g\n",friction);163 printf(" fraction: %g\n",fraction);164 printf(" fractionincrement: %g\n",fractionincrement);165 printf(" state: %i\n",state);166 printf(" frozen: %s\n",frozen ? "true":"false");145 _printLine_("Riftfront:"); 146 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 147 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 148 _printLine_(" hnodes: " << hnodes); 149 _printLine_(" helements: " << helements); 150 _printLine_(" hmatpar: " << hmatpar); 151 _printLine_(" parameters: " << parameters); 152 _printLine_(" inputs: " << inputs); 153 _printLine_(" internal parameters: "); 154 _printLine_(" normal: " << normal[0] << "|" << normal[1]); 155 _printLine_(" length: " << length); 156 _printLine_(" penalty_lock: " << penalty_lock); 157 _printLine_(" active: " <<(active ? "true":"false")); 158 _printLine_(" counter: " << counter); 159 _printLine_(" prestable: " << (prestable ? "true":"false")); 160 _printLine_(" material_converged: " << (material_converged ? "true":"false")); 161 _printLine_(" fill: " << fill); 162 _printLine_(" friction: " << friction); 163 _printLine_(" fraction: " << fraction); 164 _printLine_(" fractionincrement: " << fractionincrement); 165 _printLine_(" state: " << state); 166 _printLine_(" frozen: " << (frozen ? "true":"false")); 167 167 168 168 } 169 169 /*}}}*/ 170 170 /*FUNCTION Riftfront::DeepEcho{{{*/ 171 171 void Riftfront::DeepEcho(void){ 172 172 173 printf("Riftfront:\n");174 printf(" id: %i\n",id);175 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));173 _printLine_("Riftfront:"); 174 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 175 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 176 176 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 177 177 helements->DeepEcho(); 178 178 hmatpar->DeepEcho(); 179 printf(" parameters\n");179 _printLine_(" parameters"); 180 180 if(parameters)parameters->DeepEcho(); 181 printf(" inputs\n");181 _printLine_(" inputs"); 182 182 if(inputs)inputs->DeepEcho(); 183 183 } 184 184 /*}}}*/ … … 632 632 /*increase melange fraction: */ 633 633 this->fraction+=fractionincrement; 634 634 if (this->fraction>1)this->fraction=(IssmDouble)1.0; 635 // printf("riftfront %i fraction: %g\n",this->Id(),this->fraction);635 //_printLine_("riftfront " << this->Id() << " fraction: " << this->fraction); 636 636 } 637 637 638 638 //Figure out stability of this penalty … … 647 647 //Set penalty flag 648 648 this->active=activate; 649 649 650 //if ((penetration>0) && (this->active==1)) printf("Riftfront %i wants to be released\n",Id());650 //if ((penetration>0) && (this->active==1))_printLine_("Riftfront " << Id() << " wants to be released"); 651 651 652 652 /*assign output pointer: */ 653 653 *punstable=unstable; -
56 56 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::Echo {{{*/ 57 57 void DoubleMatExternalResult::Echo(void){ 58 58 59 printf("DoubleMatExternalResult:\n");60 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));61 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);62 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);63 printf(" matrix size: %i-%i\n",this->M,this->N);59 _printLine_("DoubleMatExternalResult:"); 60 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 61 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 62 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 63 _printLine_(" matrix size: " << this->M << "-" << this->N); 64 64 65 65 } 66 66 /*}}}*/ … … 69 69 70 70 int i,j; 71 71 72 printf("DoubleMatExternalResult:\n");73 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);74 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));75 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);76 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);77 printf(" matrix size: %i-%i\n",this->M,this->N);72 _printLine_("DoubleMatExternalResult:"); 73 _printLine_(" id: " << this->id); 74 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 75 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 76 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 77 _printLine_(" matrix size: " << this->M << "-" << this->N); 78 78 for (i=0;i<this->M;i++){ 79 79 _printString_(" [ "); 80 80 for (j=0;j<this->N;j++){ -
53 53 /*FUNCTION PetscVecExternalResult::Echo {{{*/ 54 54 void PetscVecExternalResult::Echo(void){ 55 55 56 printf("PetscVecExternalResult:\n");57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));56 _printLine_("PetscVecExternalResult:"); 57 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 58 58 59 59 } 60 60 /*}}}*/ … … 62 62 void PetscVecExternalResult::DeepEcho(void){ 63 63 64 64 int i; 65 printf("PetscVecExternalResult:\n");66 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);67 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));68 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);69 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);65 _printLine_("PetscVecExternalResult:"); 66 _printLine_(" id: " << this->id); 67 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 68 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 69 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 70 70 VecView(value,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); 71 71 } 72 72 /*}}}*/ -
52 52 /*FUNCTION StringExternalResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 53 53 void StringExternalResult::DeepEcho(void){ 54 54 55 printf("StringExternalResult:\n");56 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));58 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value);59 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);60 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);55 _printLine_("StringExternalResult:"); 56 _printLine_(" id: " << this->id); 57 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 58 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 59 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 60 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 61 61 } 62 62 /*}}}*/ 63 63 /*FUNCTION StringExternalResult::Id{{{*/ -
53 53 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecExternalResult::Echo {{{*/ 54 54 void DoubleVecExternalResult::Echo(void){ 55 55 56 printf("DoubleVecExternalResult:\n");57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));58 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M);59 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);60 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);56 _printLine_("DoubleVecExternalResult:"); 57 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 58 _printLine_(" vector size: " << this->M); 59 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 60 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 61 61 62 62 } 63 63 /*}}}*/ … … 66 66 67 67 int i; 68 68 69 printf("DoubleVecExternalResult:\n");70 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);71 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));72 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M);69 _printLine_("DoubleVecExternalResult:"); 70 _printLine_(" id: " << this->id); 71 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 72 _printLine_(" vector size: " << this->M); 73 73 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ 74 printf("%i %g\n",i,this->values[i]);74 _printLine_("" << i << " " << this->values[i]); 75 75 } 76 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);77 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);76 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 77 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 78 78 } 79 79 /*}}}*/ 80 80 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecExternalResult::Id{{{*/ -
50 50 /*FUNCTION DoubleExternalResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 51 51 void DoubleExternalResult::DeepEcho(void){ 52 52 53 printf("DoubleExternalResult:\n");54 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));56 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value);57 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);58 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);53 _printLine_("DoubleExternalResult:"); 54 _printLine_(" id: " << this->id); 55 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 56 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 57 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 58 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 59 59 } 60 60 /*}}}*/ 61 61 /*FUNCTION DoubleExternalResult::Id{{{*/ -
50 50 /*FUNCTION IntExternalResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 51 51 void IntExternalResult::DeepEcho(void){ 52 52 53 printf("IntExternalResult:\n");54 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));56 printf(" value: %i\n",this->value);57 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);58 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);53 _printLine_("IntExternalResult:"); 54 _printLine_(" id: " << this->id); 55 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 56 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 57 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 58 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 59 59 } 60 60 /*}}}*/ 61 61 /*FUNCTION IntExternalResult::Id{{{*/ -
50 50 /*FUNCTION BoolExternalResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 51 51 void BoolExternalResult::DeepEcho(void){ 52 52 53 printf("BoolExternalResult:\n");54 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id);55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));56 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value?"true":"false");57 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);58 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);53 _printLine_("BoolExternalResult:"); 54 _printLine_(" id: " << this->id); 55 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 56 _printLine_(" value: " <<(this->value?"true":"false")); 57 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 58 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 59 59 } 60 60 /*}}}*/ 61 61 /*FUNCTION BoolExternalResult::Id{{{*/ -
101 101 /*FUNCTION FemModel::Echo {{{*/ 102 102 void FemModel::Echo(void){ 103 103 104 printf("FemModel echo: \n");105 printf(" number of fem models: %i\n",nummodels);106 printf(" analysis_type_list: \n");107 for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++) printf(" %i: %s\n",i,EnumToStringx(analysis_type_list[i]));108 printf(" current analysis_type: \n");109 printf(" %i: %s\n",analysis_counter,EnumToStringx(analysis_type_list[analysis_counter]));104 _printLine_("FemModel echo: "); 105 _printLine_(" number of fem models: " << nummodels); 106 _printLine_(" analysis_type_list: "); 107 for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++)_printLine_(" " << i << ": " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type_list[i])); 108 _printLine_(" current analysis_type: "); 109 _printLine_(" " << analysis_counter << ": " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type_list[analysis_counter])); 110 110 111 111 } 112 112 /*}}}*/ -
49 49 /*FUNCTION PentaP1ElementResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 50 50 void PentaP1ElementResult::DeepEcho(void){ 51 51 52 printf("PentaP1ElementResult:\n");53 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));54 printf(" values: [%g %g %g %g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2],this->values[3],this->values[4],this->values[5]);55 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);56 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);52 _printLine_("PentaP1ElementResult:"); 53 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 54 _printLine_(" values: [" << this->values[0] << " " << this->values[1] << " " << this->values[2] << " " << this->values[3] << " " << this->values[4] << " " << this->values[5] << "]"); 55 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 56 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 57 57 58 58 } 59 59 /*}}}*/ -
47 47 /*FUNCTION DoubleElementResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 48 48 void DoubleElementResult::DeepEcho(void){ 49 49 50 printf("DoubleElementResult:\n");51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));52 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value);53 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);54 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);50 _printLine_("DoubleElementResult:"); 51 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 52 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 53 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 54 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 55 55 } 56 56 /*}}}*/ 57 57 /*FUNCTION DoubleElementResult::Id{{{*/ -
47 47 /*FUNCTION BoolElementResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 48 48 void BoolElementResult::DeepEcho(void){ 49 49 50 printf("BoolElementResult:\n");51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));52 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value?"true":"false");53 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);54 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);50 _printLine_("BoolElementResult:"); 51 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 52 _printLine_(" value: "<<(this->value?"true":"false")); 53 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 54 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 55 55 } 56 56 /*}}}*/ 57 57 /*FUNCTION BoolElementResult::Id{{{*/ -
49 49 /*FUNCTION TriaP1ElementResult::DeepEcho{{{*/ 50 50 void TriaP1ElementResult::DeepEcho(void){ 51 51 52 printf("TriaP1ElementResult:\n");53 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));54 printf(" values: [%g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2]);55 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step);56 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time);52 _printLine_("TriaP1ElementResult:"); 53 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 54 _printLine_(" values: [" << this->values[0] << " " << this->values[1] << " " << this->values[2] << "]"); 55 _printLine_(" step: " << this->step); 56 _printLine_(" time: " << this->time); 57 57 } 58 58 /*}}}*/ 59 59 /*FUNCTION TriaP1ElementResult::Id{{{*/ -
866 866 /*FUNCTION Tria::DeepEcho{{{*/ 867 867 void Tria::DeepEcho(void){ 868 868 869 printf("Tria:\n");870 printf(" id: %i\n",id);869 _printLine_("Tria:"); 870 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 871 871 if(nodes){ 872 872 nodes[0]->DeepEcho(); 873 873 nodes[1]->DeepEcho(); 874 874 nodes[2]->DeepEcho(); 875 875 } 876 else printf("nodes = NULL\n");876 else _printLine_("nodes = NULL"); 877 877 878 878 if (matice) matice->DeepEcho(); 879 else printf("matice = NULL\n");879 else _printLine_("matice = NULL"); 880 880 881 881 if (matpar) matpar->DeepEcho(); 882 else printf("matpar = NULL\n");882 else _printLine_("matpar = NULL"); 883 883 884 printf(" parameters\n");884 _printLine_(" parameters"); 885 885 if (parameters) parameters->DeepEcho(); 886 else printf("parameters = NULL\n");886 else _printLine_("parameters = NULL"); 887 887 888 printf(" inputs\n");888 _printLine_(" inputs"); 889 889 if (inputs) inputs->DeepEcho(); 890 else printf("inputs=NULL\n");890 else _printLine_("inputs=NULL"); 891 891 892 892 if (results) results->DeepEcho(); 893 else printf("results=NULL\n");893 else _printLine_("results=NULL"); 894 894 895 printf("neighboor sids: \n");896 printf(" %i %i %i\n",horizontalneighborsids[0],horizontalneighborsids[1],horizontalneighborsids[2]);895 _printLine_("neighboor sids: "); 896 _printLine_(" " << horizontalneighborsids[0] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[1] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[2]); 897 897 898 898 return; 899 899 } … … 909 909 /*}}}*/ 910 910 /*FUNCTION Tria::Echo{{{*/ 911 911 void Tria::Echo(void){ 912 printf("Tria:\n");913 printf(" id: %i\n",id);912 _printLine_("Tria:"); 913 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 914 914 if(nodes){ 915 915 nodes[0]->Echo(); 916 916 nodes[1]->Echo(); 917 917 nodes[2]->Echo(); 918 918 } 919 else printf("nodes = NULL\n");919 else _printLine_("nodes = NULL"); 920 920 921 921 if (matice) matice->Echo(); 922 else printf("matice = NULL\n");922 else _printLine_("matice = NULL"); 923 923 924 924 if (matpar) matpar->Echo(); 925 else printf("matpar = NULL\n");925 else _printLine_("matpar = NULL"); 926 926 927 printf(" parameters\n");927 _printLine_(" parameters"); 928 928 if (parameters) parameters->Echo(); 929 else printf("parameters = NULL\n");929 else _printLine_("parameters = NULL"); 930 930 931 printf(" inputs\n");931 _printLine_(" inputs"); 932 932 if (inputs) inputs->Echo(); 933 else printf("inputs=NULL\n");933 else _printLine_("inputs=NULL"); 934 934 935 935 if (results) results->Echo(); 936 else printf("results=NULL\n");936 else _printLine_("results=NULL"); 937 937 938 printf("neighboor sids: \n");939 printf(" %i %i %i\n",horizontalneighborsids[0],horizontalneighborsids[1],horizontalneighborsids[2]);938 _printLine_("neighboor sids: "); 939 _printLine_(" " << horizontalneighborsids[0] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[1] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[2]); 940 940 } 941 941 /*}}}*/ 942 942 /*FUNCTION Tria::ObjectEnum{{{*/ … … 1206 1206 elementresult->GetElementVectorFromResults(vector,sid); 1207 1207 } 1208 1208 else{ 1209 printf("Interpolation %s not supported\n",EnumToStringx(interp));1209 _printLine_("Interpolation " << EnumToStringx(interp) << " not supported"); 1210 1210 } 1211 1211 } 1212 1212 /*}}}*/ -
652 652 653 653 int i; 654 654 655 printf("Penta:\n");656 printf(" id: %i\n",id);655 _printLine_("Penta:"); 656 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 657 657 nodes[0]->DeepEcho(); 658 658 nodes[1]->DeepEcho(); 659 659 nodes[2]->DeepEcho(); … … 662 662 nodes[5]->DeepEcho(); 663 663 matice->DeepEcho(); 664 664 matpar->DeepEcho(); 665 printf(" neighbor ids: %i-%i\n",verticalneighbors[0]->Id(),verticalneighbors[1]->Id());666 printf(" parameters\n");665 _printLine_(" neighbor ids: " << verticalneighbors[0]->Id() << "-" << verticalneighbors[1]->Id()); 666 _printLine_(" parameters"); 667 667 parameters->DeepEcho(); 668 printf(" inputs\n");668 _printLine_(" inputs"); 669 669 inputs->DeepEcho(); 670 printf(" results\n");670 _printLine_(" results"); 671 671 results->DeepEcho(); 672 printf("neighboor sids: \n");673 printf(" %i %i %i\n",horizontalneighborsids[0],horizontalneighborsids[1],horizontalneighborsids[2]);672 _printLine_("neighboor sids: "); 673 _printLine_(" " << horizontalneighborsids[0] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[1] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[2]); 674 674 675 675 return; 676 676 } … … 1094 1094 elementresult->GetElementVectorFromResults(vector,sid); 1095 1095 } 1096 1096 else{ 1097 printf("Interpolation %s not supported\n",EnumToStringx(interp));1097 _printLine_("Interpolation " << EnumToStringx(interp) << " not supported"); 1098 1098 } 1099 1099 } 1100 1100 /*}}}*/ … … 4328 4328 4329 4329 /*Check solution*/ 4330 4330 if(isnan(values[i])) _error2_("NaN found in solution vector"); 4331 //if(values[i]<0) printf("temperature < 0°K found in solution vector\n");4332 //if(values[i]>275) printf("temperature > 275°K found in solution vector (Paterson's rheology associated is negative)\n");4331 //if(values[i]<0) _printLine_("temperature < 0°K found in solution vector"); 4332 //if(values[i]>275) _printLine_("temperature > 275°K found in solution vector (Paterson's rheology associated is negative)"); 4333 4333 } 4334 4334 4335 4335 /*Get all inputs and parameters*/ -
71 71 /*FUNCTION ControlInput::DeepEcho{{{*/ 72 72 void ControlInput::DeepEcho(void){ 73 73 74 printf("ControlInput:\n");75 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));76 printf("---values: \n"); if (values) values->Echo();77 printf("---savedvalues: \n");if (savedvalues) savedvalues->Echo();78 printf("---minvalues: \n"); if (minvalues) minvalues->Echo();79 printf("---maxvalues: \n"); if (maxvalues) maxvalues->Echo();80 printf("---gradient: \n"); if (gradient) gradient->Echo();74 _printLine_("ControlInput:"); 75 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 76 _printLine_("---values: "); if (values) values->Echo(); 77 _printLine_("---savedvalues: ");if (savedvalues) savedvalues->Echo(); 78 _printLine_("---minvalues: "); if (minvalues) minvalues->Echo(); 79 _printLine_("---maxvalues: "); if (maxvalues) maxvalues->Echo(); 80 _printLine_("---gradient: "); if (gradient) gradient->Echo(); 81 81 } 82 82 /*}}}*/ 83 83 /*FUNCTION ControlInput::Id{{{*/ -
46 46 /*FUNCTION DatasetInput::DeepEcho{{{*/ 47 47 void DatasetInput::DeepEcho(void){ 48 48 49 printf("DatasetInput:\n");50 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));51 printf("---inputs: \n"); inputs->Echo();49 _printLine_("DatasetInput:"); 50 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 51 _printLine_("---inputs: "); inputs->Echo(); 52 52 } 53 53 /*}}}*/ 54 54 /*FUNCTION DatasetInput::Id{{{*/ -
39 39 /*FUNCTION IntInput::DeepEcho{{{*/ 40 40 void IntInput::DeepEcho(void){ 41 41 42 printf("IntInput:\n");43 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));44 printf(" value: %i\n",(int)this->value);42 _printLine_("IntInput:"); 43 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 44 _printLine_(" value: " << (int)this->value); 45 45 } 46 46 /*}}}*/ 47 47 /*FUNCTION IntInput::Id{{{*/ -
44 44 /*FUNCTION BoolInput::DeepEcho{{{*/ 45 45 void BoolInput::DeepEcho(void){ 46 46 47 printf("BoolInput:\n");48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));49 printf(" value: %s\n",value?"true":"false");47 _printLine_("BoolInput:"); 48 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 49 _printLine_(" value: " <<(value?"true":"false")); 50 50 } 51 51 /*}}}*/ 52 52 /*FUNCTION BoolInput::Id{{{*/ -
55 55 /*FUNCTION TriaP1Input::DeepEcho{{{*/ 56 56 void TriaP1Input::DeepEcho(void){ 57 57 58 printf("TriaP1Input:\n");59 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));60 printf(" values: [%g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2]);58 _printLine_("TriaP1Input:"); 59 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 60 _printLine_(" values: [" << this->values[0] << " " << this->values[1] << " " << this->values[2] << "]"); 61 61 } 62 62 /*}}}*/ 63 63 /*FUNCTION TriaP1Input::Id{{{*/ -
65 65 66 66 int i; 67 67 68 printf("TransientInput:\n");69 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));70 printf(" numtimesteps: %i\n",this->numtimesteps);71 printf("---inputs: \n");68 _printLine_("TransientInput:"); 69 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 70 _printLine_(" numtimesteps: " << this->numtimesteps); 71 _printLine_("---inputs: "); 72 72 for(i=0;i<this->numtimesteps;i++){ 73 printf(" time: %g \n",this->timesteps[i]);73 _printLine_(" time: " << this->timesteps[i] << " "); 74 74 ((Input*)this->inputs->GetObjectByOffset(i))->Echo(); 75 75 } 76 76 } -
55 55 /*FUNCTION PentaP1Input::DeepEcho{{{*/ 56 56 void PentaP1Input::DeepEcho(void){ 57 57 58 printf("PentaP1Input:\n");59 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));60 printf(" values: [%g %g %g %g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2],this->values[3],this->values[4],this->values[5]);58 _printLine_("PentaP1Input:"); 59 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 60 _printLine_(" values: [" << this->values[0] << " " << this->values[1] << " " << this->values[2] << " " << this->values[3] << " " << this->values[4] << " " << this->values[5] << "]"); 61 61 } 62 62 /*}}}*/ 63 63 /*FUNCTION PentaP1Input::Id{{{*/ -
44 44 /*FUNCTION DoubleInput::DeepEcho{{{*/ 45 45 void DoubleInput::DeepEcho(void){ 46 46 47 printf("DoubleInput:\n");48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToStringx(this->enum_type));49 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value);47 _printLine_("DoubleInput:"); 48 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 49 _printLine_(" value: " << this->value); 50 50 } 51 51 /*}}}*/ 52 52 /*FUNCTION DoubleInput::Id{{{*/ -
50 50 /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/ 51 51 /*FUNCTION ExponentialVariogram::Echo {{{*/ 52 52 void ExponentialVariogram::Echo(void){ 53 printf("ExponentialVariogram\n");54 printf(" nugget: %g\n",this->nugget);55 printf(" sill : %g\n",this->sill);56 printf(" range : %g\n",this->range);53 _printLine_("ExponentialVariogram"); 54 _printLine_(" nugget: " << this->nugget); 55 _printLine_(" sill : " << this->sill); 56 _printLine_(" range : " << this->range); 57 57 } 58 58 /*}}}*/ 59 59 -
50 50 /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/ 51 51 /*FUNCTION GaussianVariogram::Echo {{{*/ 52 52 void GaussianVariogram::Echo(void){ 53 printf("GaussianVariogram\n");54 printf(" nugget: %g\n",this->nugget);55 printf(" sill : %g\n",this->sill);56 printf(" range : %g\n",this->range);53 _printLine_("GaussianVariogram"); 54 _printLine_(" nugget: " << this->nugget); 55 _printLine_(" sill : " << this->sill); 56 _printLine_(" range : " << this->range); 57 57 } 58 58 /*}}}*/ 59 59 … … 92 92 a = 1./3.; 93 93 gamma = (sill-nugget)*(1.-exp(-h2/(a*range*range))) + nugget; 94 94 95 //if(h2>1000*1000) printf("gamma = %g h= %g\n",gamma,sqrt(h2));96 printf("h = %g gamma = %g\n",sqrt(h2),gamma);95 //if(h2>1000*1000) _printLine_("gamma = " << gamma << " h= " << sqrt(h2)); 96 _printLine_("h = " << sqrt(h2) << " gamma = " << gamma); 97 97 return gamma; 98 98 } 99 99 /*}}}*/ -
50 50 /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/ 51 51 /*FUNCTION SphericalVariogram::Echo {{{*/ 52 52 void SphericalVariogram::Echo(void){ 53 printf("SphericalVariogram\n");54 printf(" nugget: %g\n",this->nugget);55 printf(" sill : %g\n",this->sill);56 printf(" range : %g\n",this->range);53 _printLine_("SphericalVariogram"); 54 _printLine_(" nugget: " << this->nugget); 55 _printLine_(" sill : " << this->sill); 56 _printLine_(" range : " << this->range); 57 57 } 58 58 /*}}}*/ 59 59 -
51 51 /*Object virtual functions definitions:*/ 52 52 /*FUNCTION PowerVariogram::Echo {{{*/ 53 53 void PowerVariogram::Echo(void){ 54 printf("PowerVariogram\n");55 printf(" nugget: %g\n",this->nugget);56 printf(" slope : %g\n",this->slope);57 printf(" power : %g\n",this->power);54 _printLine_("PowerVariogram"); 55 _printLine_(" nugget: " << this->nugget); 56 _printLine_(" slope : " << this->slope); 57 _printLine_(" power : " << this->power); 58 58 } 59 59 /*}}}*/ 60 60 … … 88 88 /*return semi-variogram*/ 89 89 gamma = this->nugget + this->slope*pow(h,this->power); 90 90 91 //if(h>1000) printf("gamma = %g h=%g\n",gamma,h);91 //if(h>1000) _printLine_("gamma = " << gamma << " h=" << h); 92 92 return gamma; 93 93 } 94 94 /*}}}*/ -
296 296 /*FUNCTION Quadtree::Echo{{{*/ 297 297 void Quadtree::Echo(void){ 298 298 299 printf("Quadtree:\n");300 printf(" MaxDepth = %i\n",this->MaxDepth);301 printf(" NbQuadtreeBox = %i\n",this->NbQuadtreeBox);302 printf(" NbObs = %i\n",this->NbObs);303 printf(" root = %p\n",this->root);299 _printLine_("Quadtree:"); 300 _printLine_(" MaxDepth = " << this->MaxDepth); 301 _printLine_(" NbQuadtreeBox = " << this->NbQuadtreeBox); 302 _printLine_(" NbObs = " << this->NbObs); 303 _printLine_(" root = " << this->root); 304 304 305 305 }/*}}}*/ 306 306 /*FUNCTION Quadtree::DeepEcho{{{*/ 307 307 void Quadtree::DeepEcho(void){ 308 308 309 printf("Quadtree:\n");310 printf(" MaxDepth = %i\n",this->MaxDepth);311 printf(" NbQuadtreeBox = %i\n",this->NbQuadtreeBox);312 printf(" NbObs = %i\n",this->NbObs);313 printf(" root = %p\n",this->root);309 _printLine_("Quadtree:"); 310 _printLine_(" MaxDepth = " << this->MaxDepth); 311 _printLine_(" NbQuadtreeBox = " << this->NbQuadtreeBox); 312 _printLine_(" NbObs = " << this->NbObs); 313 _printLine_(" root = " << this->root); 314 314 boxcontainer->Echo(); 315 315 316 316 }/*}}}*/ … … 511 511 /*FUNCTION QuadtreeBox::Echo{{{*/ 512 512 void Quadtree::QuadtreeBox::Echo(void){ 513 513 514 printf("QuadtreeBox:\n");515 printf(" nbitems = %i\n",this->nbitems);516 printf(" xcenter = %g\n",this->xcenter);517 printf(" ycenter = %g\n",this->ycenter);518 printf(" length = %g\n",this->length);514 _printLine_("QuadtreeBox:"); 515 _printLine_(" nbitems = " << this->nbitems); 516 _printLine_(" xcenter = " << this->xcenter); 517 _printLine_(" ycenter = " << this->ycenter); 518 _printLine_(" length = " << this->length); 519 519 520 520 }/*}}}*/ 521 521 /*FUNCTION QuadtreeBox::IsWithinRange{{{*/ -
36 36 37 37 int bit; 38 38 39 printf("Observation\n");40 printf(" index : %i\n",this->index);41 printf(" x : %g\n",this->x);42 printf(" y : %g\n",this->y);43 printf(" xi : "); printbinary(this->xi); printf("\n");44 printf(" yi : "); printbinary(this->yi); printf("\n");45 printf(" weight: %g\n",this->weight);46 printf(" value : %g\n",this->value);39 _printLine_("Observation"); 40 _printLine_(" index : " << this->index); 41 _printLine_(" x : " << this->x); 42 _printLine_(" y : " << this->y); 43 _printLine_(" xi : "); printbinary(this->xi); _printLine_(""); 44 _printLine_(" yi : "); printbinary(this->yi); _printLine_(""); 45 _printLine_(" weight: " << this->weight); 46 _printLine_(" value : " << this->value); 47 47 } 48 48 /*}}}*/ 49 49 -
156 156 /*FUNCTION Node::Echo{{{*/ 157 157 void Node::Echo(void){ 158 158 159 printf("Node:\n");160 printf(" id: %i\n",id);161 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid);162 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));159 _printLine_("Node:"); 160 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 161 _printLine_(" sid: " << sid); 162 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 163 163 indexing.Echo(); 164 printf(" hvertex: not displayed\n");165 printf(" inputs: %p\n",inputs);164 _printLine_(" hvertex: not displayed"); 165 _printLine_(" inputs: " << inputs); 166 166 167 167 168 168 } … … 170 170 /*FUNCTION Node::DeepEcho{{{*/ 171 171 void Node::DeepEcho(void){ 172 172 173 printf("Node:\n");174 printf(" id: %i\n",id);175 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid);176 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));173 _printLine_("Node:"); 174 _printLine_(" id: " << id); 175 _printLine_(" sid: " << sid); 176 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 177 177 indexing.DeepEcho(); 178 printf("Vertex:\n");178 _printLine_("Vertex:"); 179 179 hvertex->DeepEcho(); 180 printf(" inputs\n");180 _printLine_(" inputs"); 181 181 182 182 183 183 } -
45 45 /*FUNCTION SpcDynamic::Echo {{{*/ 46 46 void SpcDynamic::Echo(void){ 47 47 48 printf("SpcDynamic:\n");49 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid);50 printf(" nodeid: %i\n",nodeid);51 printf(" dof: %i\n",dof);52 printf(" value: %g\n",value);53 printf(" isset: %s\n",isset?"true":"false");54 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));48 _printLine_("SpcDynamic:"); 49 _printLine_(" sid: " << sid); 50 _printLine_(" nodeid: " << nodeid); 51 _printLine_(" dof: " << dof); 52 _printLine_(" value: " << value); 53 _printLine_(" isset: " <<(isset?"true":"false")); 54 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 55 55 return; 56 56 } 57 57 /*}}}*/ -
44 44 /*FUNCTION SpcStatic::Echo {{{*/ 45 45 void SpcStatic::Echo(void){ 46 46 47 printf("SpcStatic:\n");48 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid);49 printf(" nodeid: %i\n",nodeid);50 printf(" dof: %i\n",dof);51 printf(" value: %g\n",value);52 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));47 _printLine_("SpcStatic:"); 48 _printLine_(" sid: " << sid); 49 _printLine_(" nodeid: " << nodeid); 50 _printLine_(" dof: " << dof); 51 _printLine_(" value: " << value); 52 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 53 53 return; 54 54 } 55 55 /*}}}*/ 56 56 /*FUNCTION SpcStatic::DeepEcho {{{*/ 57 57 void SpcStatic::DeepEcho(void){ 58 58 59 printf("SpcStatic:\n");60 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid);61 printf(" nodeid: %i\n",nodeid);62 printf(" dof: %i\n",dof);63 printf(" value: %g\n",value);64 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));59 _printLine_("SpcStatic:"); 60 _printLine_(" sid: " << sid); 61 _printLine_(" nodeid: " << nodeid); 62 _printLine_(" dof: " << dof); 63 _printLine_(" value: " << value); 64 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 65 65 return; 66 66 } 67 67 /*}}}*/ -
59 59 void SpcTransient::Echo(void){ 60 60 61 61 int i; 62 printf("SpcTransient:\n");63 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid);64 printf(" nodeid: %i\n",nodeid);65 printf(" dof: %i\n",dof);66 printf(" nsteps: %i\n",nsteps);67 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToStringx(analysis_type));68 printf(" steps|times|values\n");62 _printLine_("SpcTransient:"); 63 _printLine_(" sid: " << sid); 64 _printLine_(" nodeid: " << nodeid); 65 _printLine_(" dof: " << dof); 66 _printLine_(" nsteps: " << nsteps); 67 _printLine_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 68 _printLine_(" steps|times|values"); 69 69 for(i=0;i<nsteps;i++){ 70 printf("%i-%g:%g\n",i,times[i],values[i]);70 _printLine_("" << i << "-" << times[i] << ":" << values[i]); 71 71 } 72 72 return; 73 73 } -
113 113 } 114 114 else{ 115 115 if(record_enum!=MaximumNumberOfEnums){ 116 printf("\n");117 printf("=========================================================================\n");118 printf(" Enums in marshalled file are not compatible with compiled code \n");119 printf(" \n");120 printf(" * If you are running ISSM on a remote cluster: \n");121 printf(" make sure that you are using the same version of ISSM on your local \n");122 printf(" machine and remote cluster (you might need to run svn update) \n");123 printf(" * If you are running ISSM on your local machine: \n");124 printf(" make sure that all the code is compiled (modules and executables) \n");125 printf(" * If you are a developer and just added a new Enum: \n");126 printf(" you might need to run ./ in src/c/EnumDefinitions \n");127 printf(" and recompile \n");128 printf("=========================================================================\n");129 printf("\n");116 _printLine_(""); 117 _printLine_("========================================================================="); 118 _printLine_(" Enums in marshalled file are not compatible with compiled code "); 119 _printLine_(" "); 120 _printLine_(" * If you are running ISSM on a remote cluster: "); 121 _printLine_(" make sure that you are using the same version of ISSM on your local "); 122 _printLine_(" machine and remote cluster (you might need to run svn update) "); 123 _printLine_(" * If you are running ISSM on your local machine: "); 124 _printLine_(" make sure that all the code is compiled (modules and executables) "); 125 _printLine_(" * If you are a developer and just added a new Enum: "); 126 _printLine_(" you might need to run ./ in src/c/EnumDefinitions "); 127 _printLine_(" and recompile "); 128 _printLine_("========================================================================="); 129 _printLine_(""); 130 130 _error2_("Enums not consistent (See error message above)"); 131 131 } 132 132 }
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