Last change on this file was 11991, checked in by , 13 years ago | |
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1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 #wget 3.2.2/Python-3.2.2.tgz2 #wget 3 3 4 #version=3.2.2 5 version=2.7.2 6 4 7 #Some cleanup 5 8 rm -rf install src 6 rm -rf Python- 3.2.29 rm -rf Python-$version 7 10 mkdir install src 8 11 9 12 #exports 10 13 export CC 11 14 12 15 #Untar and move python into install directory 13 tar -zxvf Python- 3.2.2.tgz14 mv Python- 3.2.2/* src15 rm -rf Python- 3.2.216 tar -zxvf Python-$version.tgz 17 mv Python-$version/* src 18 rm -rf Python-$version 16 19 17 20 #Configure doxygen 18 21 cd src -
3 3 #1: install numpy 4 4 #2 install scipy 5 5 #3 erase 6 install= 16 install=2 7 7 8 8 9 9 export CC=gcc -
4 4 rm -rf install 5 5 6 6 #Select or create a new simlink 7 ln -s /usr/local/pkgs/matlab-7.6/ install7 #ln -s /usr/local/pkgs/matlab-7.6/ install 8 8 #ln -s /usr/local/matlab704/ install 9 9 #ln -s /usr/local/matlab711/ install 10 10 #ln -s /usr/local/matlab712/ install … … 14 14 #ln -s /Applications/MATLAB_R2008a/ install 15 15 #ln -s /Applications/ install 16 16 #ln -s /Applications/ install 17 #ln -s /Applications/ install17 ln -s /Applications/ install 18 18 #ln -s /Applications/MATLAB*.app/ install -
1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 2 3 #Note of caution: stop after boostrap phase, and run 4 #bjam --debug-configuration, to figure out which paths boost is using to include 5 #python. make sure everyone of these paths is covered by python. If not, just make 6 #symlinks in externalpackages/python to what boost is expecting. Ther is NO WAY 7 #to get the boost library to include python support without doing that. 8 9 10 3 11 #Some cleanup 4 12 rm -rf install boost_1_49_0 src 5 13 mkdir install src -
1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 2 3 #use matlab? 4 matlab=0 5 6 3 7 #Some cleanup 4 8 rm -rf install triangle 5 9 mkdir install … … 14 18 cp ../makefile ./ 15 19 16 20 #Patch triangle.c 17 patch triangle.c ../triangle.c.patch 21 if [[ $matlab == "1" ]];then 22 patch triangle.c ../triangle.c.patch.matlab 23 else 24 patch triangle.c ../triangle.c.patch.python 25 fi 18 26 19 27 #Compile triangle 20 28 make -
42 42 for (i=istart; i<nrhs; i=i+2){ 43 43 if (!mxIsClass(prhs[i],"char")) _error_("Argument %d must be name of option.",i+1); 44 44 45 Fetch MatlabData(&name,prhs[i]);45 FetchData(&name,prhs[i]); 46 46 if (i+1 == nrhs) _error_("Argument %d must exist and be value of option \"%s\".",i+2,name); 47 47 48 48 //_printf_(true," Processing option \"%s\" of class \"%s\".\n",name,mxGetClassName(prhs[i+1])); -
115 115 #endif 116 116 #include "./ThicknessAbsMisfitx/ThicknessAbsMisfitx.h" 117 117 #include "./ThicknessAbsGradientx/ThicknessAbsGradientx.h" 118 #include "./TriMeshx/TriMeshx.h" 118 119 #include "./UpdateVertexPositionsx/UpdateVertexPositionsx.h" 119 120 #include "./UpdateConstraintsx/UpdateConstraintsx.h" 120 121 #include "./UpdateDynamicConstraintsx/UpdateDynamicConstraintsx.h" -
19 19 20 20 /*output: */ 21 21 double* index=NULL; 22 Matrix* index_matrix=NULL; 22 23 double* x=NULL; 23 24 double* y=NULL; 24 25 double* segments=NULL; 26 Matrix* segments_matrix=NULL; 25 27 double* segmentmarkerlist=NULL; 26 28 27 29 /*intermediary: */ … … 89 91 counter++; 90 92 backcounter=counter; 91 93 } 94 92 95 93 96 /*Build regions: */ 94 97 in.numberofregions = 0; … … 123 126 /* neighbor list (n). */ 124 127 125 128 sprintf(options,"%s%lf","pQzDq30ia",area); /*replace V by Q to quiet down the logging*/ 129 126 130 127 131 triangulate(options, &in, &out, NULL); 132 128 133 /*report(&out, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);*/ 129 134 135 130 136 /*Allocate index, x and y: */ 131 137 index=(double*)xmalloc(3*out.numberoftriangles*sizeof(double)); 132 138 x=(double*)xmalloc(out.numberofpoints*sizeof(double)); … … 150 156 segmentmarkerlist[i]=(double)out.segmentmarkerlist[i]; 151 157 } 152 158 159 160 153 161 /*Associate elements with segments: */ 154 162 AssociateSegmentToElement(&segments,out.numberofsegments,index,out.numberoftriangles); 155 163 … … 158 166 OrderSegments(&segments,out.numberofsegments, index,out.numberoftriangles); 159 167 } 160 168 161 printf("%i %i %i\n",out.numberoftriangles,out.numberofpoints,out.numberofsegments);162 169 163 170 /*Output : */ 164 *pindex=new Matrix(index,out.numberoftriangles,3,1); 171 index_matrix=new Matrix(index,out.numberoftriangles,3,1); 172 index_matrix->Convert(DENSE_SEQUENTIAL); 173 *pindex=index_matrix; 174 175 segments_matrix=new Matrix(segments,out.numberofsegments,3,1); segments_matrix->Convert(DENSE_SEQUENTIAL); 176 *psegments=segments_matrix; 177 165 178 *px=new Vector(x,out.numberofpoints); 166 179 *py=new Vector(y,out.numberofpoints); 167 *psegments=new Matrix(segments,out.numberofsegments,3,1);168 180 *psegmentmarkerlist=new Vector(segmentmarkerlist,out.numberofsegments); 181 169 182 } -
207 207 ./shared/Elements/GetGlobalDofList.cpp\ 208 208 ./shared/Elements/GetNumberOfDofs.cpp\ 209 209 ./shared/String/sharedstring.h\ 210 ./shared/Wrapper/wrappershared.h\ 211 ./shared/Wrapper/ModuleBoot.cpp\ 212 ./shared/Wrapper/ModuleEnd.cpp\ 210 213 ./toolkits/mpi/mpiincludes.h\ 211 214 ./toolkits/mpi/patches/mpipatches.h\ 212 215 ./toolkits/mpi/patches/DetermineLocalSize.cpp\ … … 252 255 ./modules/VerticesDofx/VerticesDofx.cpp\ 253 256 ./modules/OutputResultsx/OutputResultsx.h\ 254 257 ./modules/OutputResultsx/OutputResultsx.cpp\ 258 ./modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.h\ 259 ./modules/TriMeshx/TriMeshx.cpp\ 255 260 ./modules/InputDuplicatex/InputDuplicatex.h\ 256 261 ./modules/InputDuplicatex/InputDuplicatex.cpp\ 257 262 ./modules/InputScalex/InputScalex.h\ … … 692 697 #}}} 693 698 #Matlab sources {{{1 694 699 matlab_sources= ./shared/Matlab/matlabshared.h\ 695 ./shared/Matlab/ModuleBoot.cpp\696 ./shared/Matlab/ModuleEnd.cpp\697 700 ./shared/Matlab/mxGetAssignedField.cpp\ 698 ./shared/Matlab/mxGetField.cpp\699 701 ./shared/Matlab/CheckNumMatlabArguments.cpp\ 700 702 ./toolkits/matlab/matlabincludes.h\ 701 703 ./toolkits/matlab/MatlabNArrayToNArray.cpp\ … … 707 709 ./io/Matlab/FetchMatlabData.cpp\ 708 710 ./io/Matlab/OptionParse.cpp 709 711 #}}} 712 #Python sources {{{1 713 python_sources= ./io/Python/pythonio.h\ 714 ./io/Python/WritePythonData.cpp\ 715 ./io/Python/FetchPythonData.cpp 716 #}}} 710 717 #Petsc sources {{{1 711 718 petsc_sources= ./toolkits/petsc\ 712 719 ./toolkits/petsc/patches\ … … 735 742 ./toolkits/petsc/patches/MatPartition.cpp\ 736 743 ./toolkits/petsc/patches/MatInvert.cpp\ 737 744 ./toolkits/petsc/patches/MatMultPatch.cpp\ 745 ./toolkits/petsc/patches/ISSMToPetscMatrixType.cpp\ 738 746 ./toolkits/petsc/patches/ISSMToPetscInsertMode.cpp\ 739 747 ./toolkits/petsc/patches/ISSMToPetscNormMode.cpp\ 740 748 ./toolkits/petsc/petscincludes.h\ … … 927 935 libISSM_a_SOURCES += $(serial_sources) 928 936 libISSM_a_SOURCES += $(bamg_sources) 929 937 libISSM_a_SOURCES += $(kml_sources) 938 libISSM_a_CXXFLAGS = -fPIC -D_SERIAL_ -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread -D_CPP_ $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXOPTFLAGS) 939 940 if PYTHON 941 libISSM_a_CXXFLAGS+= -DNPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API 942 libISSM_a_SOURCES += $(python_sources) 943 endif 944 945 if MATLAB 930 946 libISSM_a_SOURCES += $(matlab_sources) 947 endif 931 948 932 libISSM_a_CXXFLAGS = -fPIC -DMATLAB -D_SERIAL_ -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread -D_CPP_ $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXOPTFLAGS)933 949 endif 934 950 #}}} 935 951 #ISSM parallel library {{{1 -
29 29 break 30 30 31 31 if tline[0:21]=="#define _PETSC_MAJOR_": 32 PETSC_VERSION=int(tline[2 3])32 PETSC_VERSION=int(tline[22]) 33 33 break 34 34 35 35 tline=fid.readline()
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