source: issm/oecreview/Archive/11700-11718/ISSM-11708-11709.diff@ 11991

Last change on this file since 11991 was 11991, checked in by Eric.Larour, 13 years ago

oecreview from 11518 to present

File size: 3.2 KB
  • proj/ice/larour/issm-uci-clean/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/vim/addons/vim/syntax/c.vim

    405405"ISSM containers:
    406406syn keyword     cType           Constraints DataSet Elements Inputs Loads Materials Nodes Parameters Results Vertices
    408 syn keyword     cType           Vec Mat 
     408syn keyword     cType           Vec Mat
    409409"other ISSM's syntax
    410410syn keyword     cType           mxArray ErrorException
    426426syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    427427syn keyword cType GaussTria
    428428syn keyword cType GaussPenta
     429syn keyword cType Load
    429430syn keyword cType Friction
    430431syn keyword cType Icefront
    431432syn keyword cType Numericalflux
    433434syn keyword cType Penpair
    434435syn keyword cType Pengrid
    435436syn keyword cType Element
    436 syn keyword cType Load
    437437syn keyword cType Penta
    438438syn keyword cType PentaHook
    439439syn keyword cType PentaRef
    501501syn keyword cType Matpar
    502502syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
    503503syn keyword cType ElementVector
     504syn keyword cType Vector
     505syn keyword cType Matrix
    504506syn keyword cType BoolParam
    505507syn keyword cType DoubleMatParam
    506508syn keyword cType DoubleTransientMatParam
    512514syn keyword cType IntMatParam
    513515syn keyword cType FileParam
    514516syn keyword cType Param
    515 syn keyword cType PetscMatParam
    516 syn keyword cType PetscVecParam
     517syn keyword cType MatrixParam
     518syn keyword cType VectorParam
    517519syn keyword cType StringArrayParam
    518520syn keyword cType StringParam
    519521syn keyword cType Contour
    608610syn keyword cConstant InversionGradientScalingEnum
    609611syn keyword cConstant InversionIscontrolEnum
    610612syn keyword cConstant InversionTaoEnum
     613syn keyword cConstant InversionIncompleteAdjointEnum
    611614syn keyword cConstant InversionMaxParametersEnum
    612615syn keyword cConstant InversionMaxiterPerStepEnum
    613616syn keyword cConstant InversionMinParametersEnum
    687690syn keyword cConstant SteadystateReltolEnum
    688691syn keyword cConstant SteadystateRequestedOutputsEnum
    689692syn keyword cConstant SurfaceEnum
    690 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsAblationRateEnum
    691 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsAccumulationRateEnum
     693syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsPrecipitationEnum
    692694syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsMassBalanceEnum
    693695syn keyword cConstant ThermalMaxiterEnum
    694696syn keyword cConstant ThermalPenaltyFactorEnum
    696698syn keyword cConstant ThermalPenaltyThresholdEnum
    697699syn keyword cConstant ThermalSpctemperatureEnum
    698700syn keyword cConstant ThermalStabilizationEnum
     701syn keyword cConstant ThermalIsenthalpyEnum
    699702syn keyword cConstant ThicknessEnum
    700703syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingCflCoefficientEnum
    701704syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingFinalTimeEnum
    790793syn keyword cConstant PenpairEnum
    791794syn keyword cConstant PentaEnum
    792795syn keyword cConstant PentaP1InputEnum
    793 syn keyword cConstant PetscMatParamEnum
    794 syn keyword cConstant PetscVecParamEnum
     796syn keyword cConstant MatrixParamEnum
     797syn keyword cConstant VectorParamEnum
    795798syn keyword cConstant RiftfrontEnum
    796799syn keyword cConstant SegmentEnum
    797800syn keyword cConstant SegmentRiftfrontEnum
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