source: issm/oecreview/Archive/11648-11666/ISSM-11650-11651.diff@ 11991

Last change on this file since 11991 was 11991, checked in by Eric.Larour, 13 years ago

oecreview from 11518 to present

File size: 2.5 KB
  • proj/ice/larour/issm-uci-clean/trunk-jpl/src/m/model/mesh/bamg.m

    66%   - domain: followed by an ARGUS file that prescribes the domain outline
    77%   - hmin  : minimum edge length (default is 10^-100)
    8 %   - hmax  : maximum esge length (default is 10^100)
     8%   - hmax  : maximum edge length (default is 10^100)
    99%   - hVertices   : imposed edge length for each vertex (geometry or mesh)
    1010%   - hminVertices: minimum edge length for each vertex (mesh)
    1111%   - hmaxVertices: maximum edge length for each vertex (mesh)
    1414%   - coeff       : coefficient applied to the metric (2-> twice as many elements, default is 1)
    1515%   - cutoff      : scalar used to compute the metric when metric type 2 or 3 are applied
    1616%   - err         : error used to generate the metric from a field
    17 %   - errg        : geometrical error (default is 0.1)
     17%   - errg        : geometric error (default is 0.1)
    1818%   - field       : field of the model that will be used to compute the metric
    1919%                   to apply several fields, use one column per field
    2020%   - gradation   : maximum ratio between two adjacent edges
    2121%   - Hessiantype : 0 -> use double P2 projection (default)
    2222%                   1 -> use Green formula
    2323%   - KeepVertices: try to keep initial vertices when adaptation is done on an existing mesh (default 1)
    24 %   - MaxCornerAngle: maximal angle of corners in degree (default is 10)
     24%   - MaxCornerAngle: maximum angle of corners in degree (default is 10)
    2525%   - maxnbv      : maximum number of vertices used to allocate memory (default is 10^6)
    2626%   - maxsubdiv   : maximum subdivision of exisiting elements (default is 10)
    2727%   - metric      : matrix (numberofnodes x 3) used as a metric
    3333%   - omega       : relaxation parameter of the smoothing procedure (default is 1.8)
    3434%   - power       : power applied to the metric (default is 1)
    3535%   - splitcorners : split triangles whuch have 3 vertices on the outline (default is 1)
    36 %   - geometricalmetric : Take the geometry into account to generate the metric (default is 0)
     36%   - geometricalmetric : take the geometry into account to generate the metric (default is 0)
    3737%   - verbose     : level of verbosity (default is 1)
    3939%   - rifts : followed by an ARGUS file that prescribes the rifts
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