1 | \documentclass[]{report} % list options between brackets
2 | \usepackage{graphicx} % list packages between braces
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6 | \begin{document}
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8 | \title{JPL EXPORT ADMINISTRATION \\ DOCUMENT REVIEW RECORD} % type title between braces
9 | \author{Tom Scavo} % type author(s) between braces
10 | \date{October 27, 1995} % type date between braces
11 | %\maketitle
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14 | \begin{center}
15 | \begin{tabular}{ |c|c| }
16 | \hline
18 | \textit{ DOCUMENT REVIEW RECORD} \\
19 | \hline
20 | \end{tabular}
21 | \end{center}
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23 | \hfill Log \#: \underline{\input{LogNumber}}
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25 | \vspace{1cm}
26 | \noindent (Note: This form and process do not replace the procedures described in JPL Policy relating to review and approval of proposals and contractual
27 | documents. This process is intended to document the review and coordination of requests to ascertain the export control ramifications relating to specific
28 | documents. Export Administration signature does not convey authority to export or release the "Exporter of Record" from any export laws or regulations.)\\
29 |
30 | \noindent \textbf{Program:} \underline{ISSM: Ice Sheet System Model} \\ \\
31 | \noindent \textbf{Person Requesting or Initiating Export}: \underline{Dr. Eric Larour}\\ \\
32 | \noindent \textbf{Date Received}: \underline{\input{Date}}\\ \\
33 | \noindent \textbf{Document Title/Description}: ISSM changes from revision \input{r1} to revision \input{r2} \\ \\
34 | \noindent \textbf{Release to:} \underline{http://issm.ess.uci.edu/svn/issm/issm/trunk on ISSM svn repository}\\ \\
35 | \noindent \textbf{JPL Intranet:} \underline{murdo.jpl.nasa.gov/proj/ice/larour/issm-uci/trunk-jpl}\\ \\
36 |
37 | \noindent \textbf{Disposition: 6 }
38 | Does not contain export-controlled information. May be released/disclosed as requested subject to
39 | Company guidelines on protection of proprietary information (if applicable). \\
40 |
41 | \noindent \textbf{Comments:} see table of changes below. \\ \\
42 | \noindent \textbf{Reviewed by ISSM Export Transfer Liaison:} Dr. Eric Larour \hfill \textbf{Date:} \input{Date} \\
43 | \includegraphics[scale=1]{signature.eps}
44 |
45 | \noindent JPL Export Administration Form TBS – June 29, 2011
46 |
47 | \begin{center}
48 | \line(1,0){250}
49 | \end{center}
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51 | \noindent \textbf{Disposition:} \\
52 | 1: Public Domain Information (Ref ITAR Section 120.11) \\
53 | 2: Qualifies for ITAR Exemption \\
54 | 3: Covered by Department of State License/Agreement Number \\
55 | 4: Covered by Department of Commerce validated license or exception \\
56 | 5: New License Required \\
57 | 6: Does not contain export-controlled information. May be released/disclosed as requested subject
58 | to Company guidelines on protection of proprietary information (if applicable). \\
59 | 7: Other (specify)
60 | \begin{center}
61 | \line(1,0){250}
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65 | \input{log}
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67 | \end{document}