source: issm/oecreview/Archive/11229-11250/ISSM-11233-11234.diff

Last change on this file was 11514, checked in by Eric.Larour, 13 years ago

11229 to 11268 oecreview

File size: 3.3 KB
  • proj/ice/larour/issm-uci-clean/trunk-jpl/src/m/model/plot/processmesh.m

    77%   See also: PLOTMODEL, PROCESSDATA
    99%some checks
     10if md.mesh.numberofvertices==0,
     11        error('plot error message: mesh is empty')
    1013if md.mesh.numberofvertices==md.mesh.numberofelements
    11         error('plot error message: the number of elements is the same as the number of nodes! cannot plot anything with model/plot, use matlab/plot instead')
     14        error(['plot error message: the number of elements is the same as the number of nodes...']);
    1417if (isempty(data) | ~isstruct(data)),
  • proj/ice/larour/issm-uci-clean/trunk-jpl/src/m/model/setmask.m

    11function md=setmask(md,floatingicename,groundedicename)
    2 %GEOGRAPHY - establish boundaries between grounded and floating ice.
     2%SETMASK - establish boundaries between grounded and floating ice.
    44%   By default, ice is considered grounded. The contour floatingicename defines nodes
    55%   for which ice is floating. The contour groundedicename defines nodes inside an floatingice,
  • proj/ice/larour/issm-uci-clean/trunk-jpl/src/m/model/parameterization/parameterize.m

    3535        me2=struct('message',me.message,'stack',me.stack);
    3737        %rename parameter file
     38        me2.message=regexprep(me2.message,[temporaryname '.m'],parametername);
    3839        for i=1:length(me2.stack)-1,
    39                 if (strncmp(fliplr(me2.stack(i).file),fliplr([temporaryname '.m']),length(temporaryname)+2))
    40                         me2.stack(i).file=parametername;
    41                 end
    42                 if strcmp(me2.stack(i).name,temporaryname),
    43                         me2.stack(i).name=parametername;
    44                 end
    45                 if strcmp(me2.stack(i).name,temporaryname),
    46                         %remove parameterize.m error "TemporaryParameterFile" misleading
     40                me2.stack(i).file=regexprep(me2.stack(i).file,[temporaryname '.m'],parametername);
     41                me2.stack(i).name=regexprep(me2.stack(i).name,[temporaryname '.m'],parametername);
     42                if strcmp(me2.stack(i).name,'parameterize'),
     43                        %remove error (eval(temporaryname);) misleading
    4744                        me2.stack(i)=[];
    4845                end
    4946        end
  • proj/ice/larour/issm-uci-clean/trunk-jpl/src/m/model/extrude.m

    6060if numlayers<2,
    61         disp('number of layers should be at least 2. returning initial model...');
    62         return
     61        error('number of layers should be at least 2');
     63if md.mesh.dimension==3,
     64        error('Cannot extrude a 3d mesh (extrude cannot be called more than once)');
    6567%Initialize with the 2d mesh
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