1 | function md=preqmu(md,options)
2 | %QMU - apply Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties techniques
3 | % to a solution sequence (like stressbalance.m, progonstic.m, etc ...),
4 | % using the Dakota software from Sandia.
5 | %
6 | % options come from the solve.m routine. They can include Dakota options:
7 | %
8 | % qmufile: input file for Dakota
9 | % ivar: selection number for variables input (if several are specified in variables)
10 | % iresp: same thing for response functions
11 | % imethod: same thing for methods
12 | % iparams: same thing for params
13 |
14 | disp('preprocessing dakota inputs');
15 | qmufile = getfieldvalue(options,'qmufile','qmu');
16 | ivar = getfieldvalue(options,'ivar',1);
17 | iresp = getfieldvalue(options,'iresp',1);
18 | imethod = getfieldvalue(options,'imethod',1);
19 | iparams = getfieldvalue(options,'iparams',1);
20 |
21 | %when running in library mode, the in file needs to be called md.miscellaneous.name.qmu.in
22 | qmufile=[md.miscellaneous.name];
23 |
24 | %retrieve variables and resposnes for this particular analysis.
25 | variables=md.qmu.variables(ivar)
26 | responses=md.qmu.responses(iresp);
27 |
28 | %expand variables and responses
29 | variables=expandvariables(md,variables);
30 | responses=expandresponses(md,responses);
31 |
32 | %go through variables and responses, and check they don't have more than the number of partitions. Also determine numvariables and numresponses
33 | numvariables=0;
34 | variable_fieldnames=fieldnames(variables);
35 | for i=1:length(variable_fieldnames),
36 | field_name=variable_fieldnames{i};
37 | fieldvariables=variables.(field_name);
38 | for j=1:numel(fieldvariables)
39 | if strncmpi(fieldvariables(j).descriptor,'scaled_',7),
40 | npart=qmupart2npart(fieldvariables(j).partition);
41 | nt=fieldvariables(j).nsteps;
42 | if nt==1,
43 | if str2int(fieldvariables(j).descriptor,'last')>npart,
44 | error('preqmu error message: one of the expanded variables has more values than the number of partitions ');
45 | end
46 | end
47 | end
48 | end
49 | numvariables=numvariables+numel(variables.(field_name));
50 | end
51 |
52 | numresponses=0;
53 | response_fieldnames=fieldnames(responses);
54 | for i=1:length(response_fieldnames),
55 | field_name=response_fieldnames{i};
56 | fieldresponses=responses.(field_name);
57 | for j=1:numel(fieldresponses)
58 | if strncmpi(fieldresponses(j).descriptor,'scaled_',7),
59 | npart=partition_npart(fieldresponses(j).partition);
60 | if str2int(fieldresponses(j).descriptor,'last')>npart,
61 | error('preqmu error message: one of the expanded responses has more values than the number of partitions');
62 | end
63 | end
64 | end
65 | numresponses=numresponses+numel(responses.(field_name));
66 | end
67 |
68 | %create in file for dakota
69 | dakota_in_data(md.qmu.method(imethod),variables,responses,md.qmu.params(iparams),qmufile,md.qmu.correlation_matrix);
70 |
71 | %build a list of variables and responses descriptors. the list is not expanded.
72 | variabledescriptors={};
73 | variable_fieldnames=fieldnames(md.qmu.variables(ivar));
74 | for i=1:length(variable_fieldnames),
75 | field_name=variable_fieldnames{i};
76 | fieldvariables=md.qmu.variables(ivar).(field_name);
77 | for j=1:numel(fieldvariables)
78 | variabledescriptors{end+1}=fieldvariables(j).descriptor;
79 | end
80 | end
81 |
82 | responsedescriptors={};
83 | response_fieldnames=fieldnames(md.qmu.responses(iresp));
84 | for i=1:length(response_fieldnames),
85 | field_name=response_fieldnames{i};
86 | fieldresponses=md.qmu.responses(iresp).(field_name);
87 | for j=1:numel(fieldresponses)
88 | responsedescriptors{end+1}=fieldresponses(j).descriptor;
89 | end
90 | end
91 |
92 | %build a MatArray of variable partitions:
93 | variablepartitions={};
94 | variablepartitions_npart=[];
95 | variablepartitions_nt=[];
96 | variable_fieldnames=fieldnames(md.qmu.variables(ivar));
97 | for i=1:length(variable_fieldnames),
98 | field_name=variable_fieldnames{i};
99 | fieldvariable=md.qmu.variables(ivar).(field_name);
100 | if fieldvariable.isscaled() | fieldvariable.isdistributed();
101 | variablepartitions{end+1}=fieldvariable.partition;
102 | variablepartitions_npart(end+1)=qmupart2npart(fieldvariable.partition);
103 | if isprop(fieldvariable,'nsteps'),
104 | variablepartitions_nt(end+1)=fieldvariable.nsteps;
105 | else
106 | variablepartitions_nt(end+1)=1;
107 | end
108 | else
109 | variablepartitions{end+1}=[];
110 | variablepartitions_npart(end+1)=0;
111 | variablepartitions_nt(end+1)=1;
112 | end
113 | end
114 |
115 | %build a MatArray of response partitions:
116 | responsepartitions={};
117 | responsepartitions_npart=[];
118 | response_fieldnames=fieldnames(md.qmu.responses(iresp));
119 | for i=1:length(response_fieldnames),
120 | field_name=response_fieldnames{i};
121 | fieldresponse=md.qmu.responses(iresp).(field_name);
122 | if fieldresponse.isscaled();
123 | responsepartitions{end+1}=fieldresponse.partition;
124 | responsepartitions_npart(end+1)=qmupart2npart(fieldresponse.partition);
125 | else
126 | responsepartitions{end+1}=[];
127 | responsepartitions_npart(end+1)=0;
128 | end
129 | end
130 |
131 |
132 | %register the fields that will be needed by the Qmu model.
133 | md.qmu.numberofresponses=numresponses;
134 | md.qmu.variabledescriptors=variabledescriptors;
135 | md.qmu.variablepartitions=variablepartitions;
136 | md.qmu.variablepartitions_npart=variablepartitions_npart;
137 | md.qmu.variablepartitions_nt=variablepartitions_nt;
138 | md.qmu.responsedescriptors=responsedescriptors;
139 | md.qmu.responsepartitions=responsepartitions;
140 | md.qmu.responsepartitions_npart=responsepartitions_npart;
141 |
142 |
143 | %now, we have to provide all the info necessary for the solutions to compute the responses. For ex, if mass_flux
144 | %is a response, we need a profile of points. For a misfit, we need the observed velocity, etc ...
145 | md=process_qmu_response_data(md);
146 |