1 | function plotmodel(md,varargin)
2 | %At command prompt, type plotdoc for help on documentation.
3 |
4 | %First process options
5 | options=plotoptions(varargin{:});
6 |
7 | %get number of subplots
8 | subplotwidth=ceil(sqrt(options.numberofplots));
9 |
10 | %Get figure number and number of plots
11 | figurenumber=options.figurenumber;
12 | numberofplots=options.numberofplots;
13 |
14 | %if nlines and ncols specified, then bypass.
15 | if exist(options.list{1},'nlines'),
16 | nlines=getfieldvalue(options.list{1},'nlines');
17 | else
18 | nlines=ceil(numberofplots/subplotwidth);
19 | end
20 |
21 | if exist(options.list{1},'ncols'),
22 | ncols=getfieldvalue(options.list{1},'ncols');
23 | else
24 | ncols=subplotwidth;
25 | end
26 |
27 | %check that nlines and ncols were given at the same time!
28 | if ((exist(options.list{1},'ncols') & ~exist(options.list{1},'ncols')) | (~exist(options.list{1},'ncols') & exist(options.list{1},'ncols')))
29 | error('plotmodel error message: nlines and ncols need to be specified together, or not at all');
30 | end
31 |
32 | %go through subplots
33 | if numberofplots,
34 |
35 | %Create figure
36 | f=figure(figurenumber);
37 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(options.list{1},'clf','on'),'on'),
38 | clf;
39 | end
40 | if strcmpi(getfieldvalue(options.list{1},'visible','on'),'off'),
41 | set(f,'Visible','Off');
42 | end
43 |
44 | if exist(options.list{1},'figposition'), % {{{
45 | figposition=getfieldvalue(options.list{1},'figposition');
46 | if ischar(figposition),
47 | if strcmpi(figposition,'larour'),
48 | set(gcf,'Position',[1604 4 1594 1177]);
49 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'larour2'),
50 | set(gcf,'Position',[756 62 827 504]);
51 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'mathieu'),
52 | set(gcf,'Position',[300 1 1580 1150]);
53 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'fullscreen'),
54 | set(gcf,'Position',get(0,'ScreenSize'));
55 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'halfright'),
56 | screen=get(0,'ScreenSize');
57 | left=screen(1); bott=screen(2); widt=screen(3); heig=screen(4)-25;
58 | set(gcf,'Position',fix([left+widt/2 bott widt/2 heig]));
59 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'halfleft'),
60 | screen=get(0,'ScreenSize');
61 | left=screen(1); bott=screen(2); widt=screen(3); heig=screen(4)-25;
62 | set(gcf,'Position',fix([left bott widt/2 heig]));
63 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'square'),
64 | screen=get(0,'ScreenSize');
65 | left=screen(1); bott=screen(2); widt=min(screen(3)-25,screen(4)-25);
66 | set(gcf,'Position',fix([left+(screen(3)-widt) bott widt widt]));
67 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'portrait'),
68 | %reformat with letter paper size (8.5" x 11")
69 | screen=get(0,'ScreenSize');
70 | left=screen(1); bott=screen(2); widt=screen(3); heig=screen(4)-25;
71 | portrait=fix([left+widt-(heig*8.5/11) bott heig*8.5/11 heig]);
72 | set(gcf,'Position',portrait)
73 | elseif strcmpi(figposition,'landscape'),
74 | %reformat with letter paper size (8.5" x 11")
75 | screen=get(0,'ScreenSize');
76 | left=screen(1); bott=screen(2); widt=screen(3); heig=screen(4)-25;
77 | landscape=fix([left+widt-(heig*11/8.5) bott heig*11/8.5 heig]);
78 | set(gcf,'Position',landscape)
79 | else
80 | disp('''figposition'' string not supported yet');
81 | end
82 | else
83 | set(gcf,'Position',figposition);
84 | end
85 | end % }}}
86 |
87 | %Use zbuffer renderer (snoother colors) and white background
88 | set(f,'Renderer','zbuffer','color',getfieldvalue(options.list{1},'figurebackgroundcolor','w'));
89 |
90 | %Go through all data plottable and close window if an error occurs
91 | try,
92 | for i=1:numberofplots,
93 | plot_manager(getfieldvalue(options.list{i},'model',md),options.list{i},subplotwidth,nlines,ncols,i);
94 | %List all unused options
95 | displayunused(options.list{i})
96 | end
97 | catch me,
98 | %figure(figurenumber),close;
99 | rethrow(me);
100 | end
101 | else
102 | error('plotmodel error message: no output data found. ');
103 | end