1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | echo "modify generic"
4 | cd $ISSM_DIR/bin
5 | cat generic_static.m | sed -e "s/generic_static/generic/g" > generic.m
6 | echo "move mpiexec to bin"
7 | cp ../externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/mpiexec .
8 | cp ../externalpackages/mpich/install/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy .
9 | echo "move gmsh to bin"
10 | if [ -f ../externalpackages/gmsh/install/gmsh ]; then
11 | cp ../externalpackages/gmsh/install/gmsh .
12 | else
13 | echo "gmsh not found"
14 | fi
15 |
16 | #Check that test101 runs
17 | cd $ISSM_DIR/test/NightlyRun
18 | rm matlab.log
19 | /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a/bin/matlab -nojvm -nosplash -r "try, addpath $ISSM_DIR/bin $ISSM_DIR/lib; runme('id',101);exit; catch me,fprintf('%s',getReport(me)); exit; end" -logfile matlab.log
20 |
21 | if [[ $(cat matlab.log | grep -c SUCCESS) -lt 10 ]]; then
22 | echo "test101 FAILED"
23 | exit 1;
24 | else
25 | echo "test101 passed"
26 | fi
27 |
28 | tarball_name='issm-ubuntu-static_build.tar.gz'
29 |
30 | echo "Cleanup first"
31 | cd $ISSM_DIR
32 | rm $tarball_name
33 |
34 | echo "Creating tarball: ${tarball_name}"
35 | cd $ISSM_DIR
36 | rm -rf trunk
37 | mkdir trunk
38 | cp -rf bin lib test examples scripts trunk/
39 | tar -czf $tarball_name trunk
40 | ls -lah $tarball_name
41 |
42 | echo "Shipping binaries to website"
43 |
44 | # We're using public key authentication method to upload the tarball The
45 | # following lines check to see if the SSH Agent is running. If not, then it is
46 | # started and relevant information is forwarded to a script.
47 | pgrep "ssh-agent" > /dev/null
48 | if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
49 | echo "SSH Agent is not running. Starting it..."
50 | ssh-agent > ~/.ssh/agent.sh
51 | else
52 | echo "SSH Agent is running..."
53 | fi
54 |
55 | source ~/.ssh/agent.sh
56 | ssh-add ~/.ssh/ubuntu-bins_jenkins-to-ross
57 |
58 | scp $tarball_name ross.ics.uci.edu:/var/www/html/$tarball_name
59 |
60 | if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
61 | echo "The upload failed."
62 | echo "Perhaps the SSH Agent was started by some other means."
63 | echo "Try killing the agent and running again."
64 | fi