1 | #module imports {{{
2 | import fielddisplay
3 | import ismumps
4 | from mumpsoptions import *
5 | from iluasmoptions import *
6 | #}}}
7 | class solver:
8 | #properties
9 | def __init__(self):
10 | # {{{ Properties
11 | if ismumps:
12 | self.options=[["NoneAnalysis",mumpsoptions()]]
13 | else:
14 | self.options=[["NoneAnalysis",iluasmoptions()]]
15 | #}}}
16 | def __repr__(obj):
17 | # {{{ Display
18 |
19 | string2=" solver parameters:"
20 | for i in range(len(obj.options)):
21 | option=obj.options[i]
22 | analysis=option[0]
23 | ioptions=option[1]
24 |
25 | string=""
26 | for i in range(len(ioptions)):
27 | option=ioptions[i]
28 | if not option:
29 | #do nothing
30 | pass
31 | elif len(option)==1:
32 | #this option has only one argument
33 | string="%s%s%s"%(string," -",option[0])
34 | elif len(option)==2:
35 | #option with value. value can be string or scalar
36 | if isinstance(option[1],float):
37 | string="%s%s%s%s%s"%(string," -",option[0]," ","%g"%(option[1]))
38 | elif isinstance(option[1],str):
39 | string="%s%s%s%s%s"%(string," -",option[0]," ",option[1])
40 | elif isinstance(option[1],int):
41 | string="%s%s%s%s%s"%(string," -",option[0]," ","%i"%(option[1]))
42 | else:
43 | raise RuntimeError("%s%s%s"%("PetscString error: option #","%i"%(i)," is not well formatted"))
44 | else:
45 | raise RuntimeError("%s%s%s"%("PetscString error: option #","%i"%(i)," is not well formatted"))
46 |
47 | string2="%s\n%s"%(string2," %s -> '%s'"%(analysis,string))
48 | return string2
49 | #}}}