1 | /*\file TriaSearch.c
2 | *\brief: TriaSearch module. See TriaSearchx for more details.
3 | */
4 | #include "./TriaSearch.h"
5 |
6 | void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){
7 |
8 | int i;
9 |
10 | /*input: */
11 | double* index=NULL;
12 | int nel;
13 | int dummy;
14 |
15 | double* x=NULL;
16 | double* y=NULL;
17 | int nods;
18 |
19 | double* x0=NULL;
20 | double* y0=NULL;
21 | int numberofnodes;
22 |
23 | /* output: */
24 | double* tria=NULL;
25 |
26 | /*Boot module: */
28 |
29 | /*checks on arguments on the matlab side: */
30 | CheckNumMatlabArguments(nlhs,NLHS,nrhs,NRHS,__FUNCT__,&TriaSearchUsage);
31 |
32 | /*Input datasets: */
33 | FetchData(&index,&nel,&dummy,INDEXHANDLE);
34 | FetchData(&x,&nods,XHANDLE);
35 | FetchData(&y,&nods,YHANDLE);
36 | FetchData(&x0,&numberofnodes,X0HANDLE);
37 | FetchData(&y0,&numberofnodes,Y0HANDLE);
38 |
39 | /* Echo: {{{1*/
40 | //printf("(x0,y0)=(%g,%g)\n",x0,y0);
41 | /*}}}*/
42 |
43 | /* Run core computations: */
44 | TriaSearchx(&tria,index,nel,x,y,nods,x0,y0,numberofnodes);
45 |
46 | /* c to matlab: */
47 | for(i=0;i<numberofnodes;i++)tria[i]++;
48 |
49 | /*Write data: */
50 | WriteData(TRIA,tria,numberofnodes);
51 |
52 | /*end module: */
54 | }
55 |
56 | void TriaSearchUsage(void)
57 | {
58 | _printf_(true,"TriaSearch- find triangle holding a point (x0,y0) in a mesh\n");
59 | _printf_(true,"\n");
60 | _printf_(true," Usage:\n");
61 | _printf_(true," tria=TriaSearch(index,x,y,x0,y0);\n");
62 | _printf_(true," index,x,y: mesh triangulatrion\n");
63 | _printf_(true," x0,y0: coordinates of the point for which we are trying to find a triangle\n");
64 | _printf_(true," x0,y0 can be an array of points\n");
65 | _printf_(true,"\n");
66 | }